Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 6

by Drew Sera

  Colin came in a few minutes later and said that Chris had an open spot this afternoon at 3:45. I sighed and glanced at my watch. I agreed to see Chris today. We needed to do it.

  I didn't get anything done because I was preoccupied with my appointments this afternoon. I wasn't afraid of the x-rays, but I didn't want Matt to start up on me again. Chris made me more nervous. I pushed myself forward on auto pilot for a while and made it through some emails and stopped when it was time for me to head out to meet Matt at the hospital. I was walking toward the elevator when I heard Colin's voice. I looked up, and he was leaning against a wall talking with Mitch and a few employees. I wasn't going to interrupt him, so I kept walking. I heard him excuse himself and then he was next to me waiting for the elevator.

  “Hey,” he said and glanced over my shoulder at the group of employees he left behind. The elevator opened, and he got in with me. “I'll ride down with you.” The door closed and he leaned against the back wall looking at me. “Anth, don't worry. It's just x-rays to confirm the chest infection. Matt's not going to do anything else.” I nodded. “Anth.”

  “It's okay, Col. I'm fine.” I turned to look him in the eye so he could see my sincerity. I didn't want him worried about me. “I'll try to be back in time for the 2:30 meeting.”

  “It’s not a big deal if you don’t. Your health is more important, Anth.”

  I made it to the hospital and met Matt in the emergency room lobby. I appreciated that he realized and respected that our friendship was strained and still on the mend. I had forgiven him, but the memory of what he instigated is still in daily thoughts.

  We were both quiet as he led me down a hall to the radiology area and into a small curtained off section of the room to change into one of those paper towel type gowns. The radiology tech was pleasant and knew nothing about me, which is what made it so pleasant. Matt hung around and went to talk to the tech after they had taken all the film they wanted while I went to change. I didn't bother with my tie. I wasn't sure if I could go or if Matt needed me for anything else, so I sat down and pulled my phone out. I had a text from Sydney.

  SB: I love you, Sir

  What a sweet girl. Who'd ever have thought I'd end up with such a girl?

  “Anth, come here,” Matt said and waved me over to a light box.

  AG: I love you too, sunshine

  I stood next to Matt and looked at the screen at my chest cavity. Matt's eyes were roaming over the film, and he pointed to a few locations on each x-ray.

  “The respiratory infection is here. But other than that, everything else looks good. The shot will help. How are you feeling now that it's been in your system for a while?”

  “Okay, I guess.”

  I didn’t feel any different right now.

  “Good, but I'm going to prescribe another antibiotic to help.”

  He looked over at me expecting that I'd contest it, but I wasn't going to. If he thought it'd help my chest infection, then I'd take it. I couldn't risk Sydney getting sick. Fuck, the worry was setting in for me regarding Sydney. My mouth is constantly on her, and we're often exchanging fluids.

  “Matt, should I stay away from Sydney? Maybe not kiss her and stuff. You know, until the infection goes away.”

  He shook his head and frowned.

  “Anth, there's too much going on for you to be separated from her. Both of you need to be near one another. She's getting healthy again. Her immune system is still getting stronger, but you guys need to be with one another.”

  “I don't want her sick.”

  “If she gets an infection, I'll prescribe an antibiotic for her. She will be okay, Anthony. After all of the separation that you guys have had, the last thing you both need is to be away from each other again.”

  I understood and nodded. I didn't want to be away from her either. It wasn’t quite 2:15 by the time I was done with Matt and I headed back to work. I probably would have just gone home, but Colin was going to have a meeting at 2:30 regarding the Cheng project and I really wanted and needed to be there for it. Colin told me not to worry about it, but I was going to be there for him.


  Thursday, March 6th


  Sydney and I had talked some this morning about birthday plans for Anthony. Friday, she and I were going to lunch and then shopping with Matt and Gina. Matt and I both need to do a bang-up job of making sure our girls feel safe at all times while we're out.

  Through much discussion, Sydney and I decided that we'd have a small gathering of some of our friends Saturday night for Anthony's birthday. We had tossed the idea around to go out to dinner with a bunch of friends, but the more we thought about it, the more we realized just how exhausted the three of us were. We really thought Anthony would just like being around the house with some food and friends. The house was where Sydney felt the most comfortable.

  I notified the housekeepers of the list of stuff for the party and Matt said he'd take care of the invites for our friends. We were just having our kinky friends, which really was all we had anyhow. I wanted Anthony to be relaxed and not have to worry about showing affection or receiving affection. And a dinner out would have put stress on that.

  I was able to get out of the meeting early this morning so that I could be with Anthony for his visit with Matt. I wasn’t afraid for him to be with Matt, but I knew that their bond has taken a beating lately and I didn’t want more damage done. He has a chest cold, as I suspected but Matt gave him a shot and a prescription for another antibiotic.

  Anthony started to unravel towards the end of the visit though, and I knew that he figured I’d hang back and talk about him with Matt, but I proved him wrong and left with him too. He was a mess though, and I talked him into going to lunch with me.

  While we waited for our food, I decided to broach the subject of our talk with Chris. We needed it sooner rather than later. I worry about it because I know that Anthony and I have been very vague with Sydney regarding details of Anthony’s visit with the sadist. Chances are this will come up during our talk with Chris, and I honestly don't think Sydney will handle the details of Anthony being beaten and sexually assaulted very well.

  “Anth, you and I should just see Chris,” I took my sunglasses off and set them on the table and looked at him before continuing. “Details of Victor are going to come up and…"

  “I know. I've been thinking about that too. We can't put any additional stress on her. She's having the nightmares about the closet and woods just about every night.”

  “But at the same time, I don't want you to feel like you have to hide or keep things from her.”

  “Fuck, like it’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her this. Telling her that won't make anyone feel any better. So, I'm with you. Let's talk to Chris on our own for a bit.”

  I was satisfied with that. Anthony would still be able to get that crap out, and I'd be there to support him. When we got to work he and I went to my office and I called Chris to find out when we could meet. As luck would have it, he had free time this afternoon and Anthony nodded that he was okay in meeting with Chris today.

  Anthony had to be at the hospital to meet with Matt again at 1:30 and Chris was able to get us in today at 3:45. This would work out well because then Anthony and I could just go home after that. It turned out to be a very busy but productive day for us.

  We had a meeting with Mitch and James to go over our Cheng entertainment plan. Thankfully, James and Mitch took the reins on this. James had lots of show tickets, dinner reservations made and had tables reserved at some of the hottest clubs in town. Cheng's team would be staying at the Wynn and James also booked a weeks’ worth of connecting suites for evening gatherings and cocktail parties. We were going to be very busy every fucking night. But this is what the city was built on, and my business was to obtain and maintain clients. And this was a very special client who had lots of potential business for me to earn.

  Anthony and I left the office around 3:30 so we could be at Chris's
office for the 3:45 appointment. Anthony was quiet in the waiting room as I knew he would be. I tried to reassure him that everything would be alright and at the end of the day, he still had Sydney and I. I didn't really know what to expect out of this meeting. I wasn't sure what angle Chris was going to attack from, and I wasn't sure how Anthony would react. Anthony and I sat down across from Chris, and I knew I was about to find out.

  “I'm glad you guys came to see me. Does Sydney know about our meeting?”

  “Anthony and I decided that he and I needed to meet with you for a while. Sydney is, fragile at best right now. We're afraid that if any details came out of these conversations, that it would upset her and cause some additional stress on her right now,” I offered up my honest opinion.

  Chris nodded his head and leaned back in his chair looking down at his notepad. He agreed with us that while we didn't need to coddle Sydney and that she needed to be gently pushed, that the sadist talk might be better left unheard by her.

  “Sydney is a strong, brave young woman. She's suffered terrible things at the hands of a man she knew from Irons as a sadist. She spent some weeks in captivity by a sadist, and she struggles to understand why Anthony sought pain from a sadist.” Chris set his notebook down before continuing. “Sydney looks at both of you for strength, courage, and security. She's trusted both of you from the very beginning, and she loves you with her whole heart. But, Sydney is at max capacity for painful events.”

  Anthony and I both agreed. Chris smiled and then looked over at Anthony.

  “Sydney said that the three of you are having sex, which is good. But she thought that you weren't comfortable. Do you guys know what gave her that indication?”

  “Yes, it's been my reactions to things.” Anthony paused as if he was struggling with words. “It was stupid, actually.”

  “Anthony, your reaction to something wasn't stupid. You'd never tell Sydney that her reaction to a trigger was stupid.”

  Anthony nodded and said he understood. He explained to Chris what caused him to panic when Sydney was sitting on him and I was fucking Sydney's ass. Sydney and I were putting the weight and pressure of our bodies down on Anthony.

  “I tried taking a deep breath and couldn’t and then I panicked.”

  “Do you think you reacted more to not being able to fill your lungs or the weight on top of you?” Chris asked as he made notes.

  “I don't know. Maybe both. It just reminded me of when Victor came to my high-rise to feed my pain needs.”

  I had to interrupt. I don't want Anthony thinking that he asked for that or needed what he got that night. He didn’t. He consented to be beat on. Victor twisted his consent.

  “You're twisting it, Anth. You negotiated a physical impact session. Beatings. Not the sexual assault.” Anthony looked away at that phrase, and I could see he had balled his hands up on his knees. “Please stop thinking it was part of some all-inclusive Pro Sadist package,” I said to him as he looked downward.

  “I consented while drunk. That's on me, and I have to live with the repercussions. Besides, it keeps me from feeling like a victim knowing that my own mouth consented.”

  My heart ached. As I sat there and listened to my best friend and V partner talk about his feelings, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. In a heartbeat, I'd take back that Saturday night where I tried keeping him from seeing the pictures Paul had sent of Sydney. He wouldn't have left. And if he hadn't left, he wouldn't have seen a Pro Sadist. I try not to think of regrets like that, but it was something that I've thought a lot about.

  “Let's talk a bit about sex with Sydney and Colin. Do you guys usually have the same positions? For example, are you usually on the bottom under Sydney and Colin?”

  “No, we switch things up. I think I panicked when I couldn't get air and then thought of Victor.”

  “So, you were okay until you couldn't get air. From what you remember of your visit with Victor, was there ever a time when you couldn't breathe?”

  Fuck, I hardly thought of that as a possibility. But I didn't stop to think that Victor might have restricted his breathing. He did have a lot of hand marks on his neck.

  “I was face down some, and I was knocked out for a short time. But not getting oxygen isn't something that sticks out in my memory.”

  “Your neck.” I looked over at him and then at Chris. “He is super sensitive now with his neck.”

  I explained to Chris that since Sydney was abducted and after his visit with Victor that Anthony doesn't welcome physical closeness from anyone but Sydney and I. He reacts badly to it from anyone else; Blake, Matt, Matt's folks, Gina. Anyone that he was used to getting affection from is now off limits. I explained how I put my hand on the back of his neck when we were in California and how Anthony reacted to it.

  “I felt terrible about it. I knew he was reacting unfavorably to being touched by anyone other than Sydney and I and when he retreated from me, I felt horrible. I contributed to him feeling sick inside, and how he was retreating from me.”

  “It's just the neck, Col. I'm sorry.”

  “Don't be. But just tell me. I'm not going to do anything to fuck up on purpose. But you have to tell me.”

  Anthony nodded and said he'd work on communication. Chris suggested that there may be something during sex that causes him to shut off and disconnect. He told me to work on finding something to keep Anthony connected or something to reconnect him. I certainly would work on that.

  I sent Sydney a text letting her know we were on our way home and as I drove, I tried to think about how I can keep Anthony and Sydney, for that matter, both connected and from slipping off somewhere. I know Sydney has triggers, especially from her abduction. And sadly, Anthony seems to have some things going on trigger wise too.

  We walked in and saw our girl kneeling in the entry way naked. Beautiful. Any stress and worries that I had thirty seconds ago were now gone. She was smiling up at us, and her eyes were sparkling.

  “Sunshine,” Anthony pulled his suit jacket off and walked to where she knelt and stroked her cheek.

  I watched her body come to life once Anthony made contact with her. She leaned against his hand, trying to get more of him and his attention. I crouched down in front of her and enjoyed the view of her naked body. I reached forward and lightly brushed the back of my hand over one of her breasts. Her eyes were locked with mine while her cheek was tenderly resting in the palm of Anthony's hand. Her lips were parted, and her pink tongue appeared, resting on her bottom lip. I was quickly growing hard. I placed my hand on the back of her head and held it as I kissed her. Our tongues danced, and I became aware that she was aching for physical closeness. It had been a long day for her.

  I pulled back from her sweet lips and looked up at Anthony. He was slowly rubbing his groin over his pants as he looked at Sydney.

  “Baby, you're teasing your Doms.”

  A beautiful smile spread across her face, and her cheeks grew a warm shade of pink.

  “She's so fucking cute, isn't she Col?”

  “She is.”

  “What should we do with her?”

  “I'm sure we can think of something,” I said as I stood. The entire time I conversed with Anthony, my eyes were locked on Sydney's.

  I bent to pick Sydney up and cradled her in my arms as I walked over to the couch with Anthony behind me. Anthony spread a throw out on the chaise and then I set her down in the middle with Anthony and I taking up either side of her. I glanced at Anthony and could see that spark in his eyes as he gazed at Sydney.

  Anthony took hold of Sydney's chin and held it while he made out with her. While he enjoyed her sweet lips, I occupied my hands with massaging her breasts and tweaking a nipple here and there. With each tweak, she giggled and squirmed a little. She was so much fun to play with, and she ate up the affection like it was food, and she was starving.

  Sydney reached for my leg and worked her hand up my thigh until her fingers brushed over my bulge. I edged closer as Anthony tilted he
r chin towards me, and I wasted no time and took those lips.

  Eventually, Anthony pushed her to lean back into my arms so he could go down on her. I knew the second his tongue touched her pussy. I could feel the excitement spread through her body and felt it in her kiss. Sydney had kept her hands still for the most part, but once Anthony's mouth started working on her, she reached back and grabbed hold of my tie.

  “Ah! Sir!” She gasped into my mouth. I couldn't help but smile. I loved watching her react to Anthony.

  “What's wrong, baby?” I asked her teasingly.

  “N-noth-ing! Ah! His tongue!”

  I could hear Anthony chuckling which made Sydney squirm some more. I wrapped my arms around her upper arms and let my hands rest on her breasts. I told her to wrap her arms and hands around my neck, and she complied quickly. Our naughty little kitten took hold of my hair, and the collar of my shirt as Anthony continued his tongue lashing.

  Anthony brought her to the edge several times and just when it seemed that she'd be disappointed again, he set his big hand over her stomach and tipped her over the edge. She bucked her hips and moved her head from side to side. I pressed my cheek against her face to still her head, and I whispered for her to let go.

  Sydney moaned softly as she neared the end of her orgasm. Sydney has a difficult time with really letting loose during an orgasm. I think Howard really did a number on her regarding pleasure release. Anthony and I will continue to work on her vocal release.

  “That's it, sunshine. Let us hear you, sweetheart. We love the sound of your pleasure.”

  “Yeah, don't be afraid to let go, baby,” I encouraged as she sagged in my arms.

  Sydney looked down adoringly at Anthony as he lay resting his head on the inside of her thigh. I reached back behind my head and neck and pulled her hands back down and kissed them. When Anthony pulled himself upright to sit close to Sydney, he pulled his tie off and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt. He leaned over and began making out with her.


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