Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 9

by Drew Sera

  I led us to a section where the journals were at and we started to look at them. I made a brief mistake of letting go of her hand to reach for a book. She made a quiet murmur and quickly reached for my hand, sandwiching it between her two delicate hands. I faced her and brought my free hand up to her cheek and looked into her eyes.

  “Baby, it's alright. Take a few deep breaths and try to relax.”

  She smiled slowly and then nodded. She turned and faced the wall of notebooks and skimmed over them. I glanced around the store and saw Matt and Gina were looking at cards.

  “Ah ha!” I returned my attention to Sydney. She reached towards the shelf and picked up a gray journal that had the appearance of wood grain on the cover. She flipped the book open and the pages all had gray lines and there was a blue ribbon page marker. She was smiling as she looked the book over and then faced me. “This one. I would like to get this for him, Sir.”

  “Colin,” I reminded her. She blushed and looked downward.

  She brought her eyes up to look into mine and smiled sweetly.


  While I do get off on her calling me Sir, hearing her say my name makes me feel good. We joined Matt and Gina at the card section and Sydney showed Gina the journal she picked out.

  “Think he'll use it for its intended use?” Gina asked Sydney.

  “I hope so. I think if he had it that he might.”

  I know he was writing in that tiny notebook while we were in Newport Beach and I think he had even started that while Sydney was gone. I actually couldn’t think of something more heartfelt from Sydney for him. He needs to have an outlet too and I’ll support his writing.

  “He'll probably draw dirty pictures of you in it,” Gina joked with her.

  Sydney took the joke in good stride but like a true submissive, she came to his defense and showed her loyalty.

  “He might, but Anthony can be very deep,” Sydney trailed off but came back to what she wanted to say and I was damn proud of her. “Anthony understands things about me that I'm afraid to voice. He doesn't like to talk about certain things, especially things that happened while I was gone. I think this book would give him his voice to express himself, even if he can’t say them he can write them.”

  Gina's expression had softened and she smiled while patting Sydney on her arm.

  “Anthony will love it. After all, you picked it out for him.”

  The girls continued to look at cards and Matt stepped back beside me. We had a silent conversation that things were going well since we came into the store.

  “She just needed something to keep her mind busy,” Matt said and tapped a card in his hand.

  I took the card from his hands and read it. The card had two cartoon kids on it and the smaller kid was sitting down with a scraped knee and a bike that he had fallen off of. Standing behind him was the older, or taller, kid and he was reaching around the little one and was pulling the smaller one's cheeks into a smile. The inside said "A big brother has two jobs. One is to protect you from everything, even if you don't think it's necessary and the other is to make you smile, even when you thought you'd never smile again.” I really liked that card and thought that it summed up the relationship Matt and Anthony had. I closed it and handed it back to him.

  “That's perfect, Matt. It's exactly what you two have.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too. So, what are you and Sydney doing on his actual birthday?”

  “Sydney and I have been talking about it. There's something about him and Sydney in hotels with city lights as a backdrop.” Matt laughed and shook his head.

  “Really? Has there been another incident aside from your holiday party evening? Maybe a sweet, romantic incident with flower petals?” Matt joked.

  “No. He takes intensity to a whole new level with our girl. Primal Anthony. The few times we've been in hotel rooms, I've sat by and watched them. She completely lets go and puts everything in his hands. He gets pretty intense. It's become so intense that both times he's reached a top space and he is somewhat of a mess afterward. I thought it would be good for us. He’s…" I stopped. I didn't want to air any issues. Matt prompted me quietly though. “He's having trouble staying connected lately.” I looked over at Matt hoping he'd kind of catch on though I'd be surprised if he caught onto that. I was too vague. Matt frowned and I could tell that he was thinking.

  “Like sex trouble? Erection issues?” Matt whispered and I quickly shook my head and proceeded but in a very quiet voice.

  “No. He's fine in that department. He sometimes slips off somewhere. For a while, he wasn't allowing himself to come. Chris said I need to help keep him connected and grounded. His head runs off to unpleasant things from the visit with Victor.”

  “Fuck. I didn't know he was having that rough of a time with it.”

  “He is and he's trying to work through it. He knows he can talk to me about anything and to Sydney. But he's trying to shelter her as best as he can regarding the details of that visit. Sydney knows he's troubled over his visit with Victor but doesn't know the more sinister details. She thinks the journal will help him.”

  “She's so good for him and loves him so much.”

  “That she does. So, back to the hotel. I thought about getting us a suite on the Strip and tell him to completely let go. I want him to feel safe to do what he needs to do and do so knowing that I'll be there to catch the two of them when they fall. I either thought the hotel or reserve a private room at Irons. Both could get very intense and while I very much want him to let go…”

  “You're also worried about how the receiving end of that will handle it. Right?”

  I nodded. Sydney is a strong young woman and has endured unfathomable events in her young life. But at the same time, Anthony completely letting loose in a D/s sort of way will overwhelm her. Anthony could level Sydney with mind and sensation control and could potentially mess her up.

  “Irons is safer, Col. If things got loud, you'd have security at your door and then potentially police. It'd kill Anthony if he were accused of hurting her. Plus if you needed help, there would be plenty of friendly faces there to assist and not judge.”

  I hadn't even thought of that but Matt was right. If I expected Anthony to trust me to completely and entirely let go with Sydney, then I'd need to create a safe environment for them to do so. Fuck the hotel idea. I would talk to Blake.

  Sydney and I each found cards, and then we headed to the register and I stopped her when she began to open her purse.

  “Please, Colin. I can buy him a present.”

  “It's not the point. Just because you can, doesn't mean that you will.”

  “Please. It's important to me.”

  I let her pull her wallet from her purse and when she did, she couldn't contain a smile. She pulled out a small bag of M&M's that had a note with it. It was one of the famous pictures of a sun. This one had eyelashes, a smile and was being hugged by a man; Anthony. They were funny little pictures and always were worth it to see what they did to this girl.

  As soon as we stepped outside Sydney gripped my hand a little tighter. I understood her fear but I wasn't going to try to continually talk to her about having nothing to worry about. She just needed to try walking around here without having a breakdown.

  We went to the party supply store and got some stuff for the party. Since he never had a birthday party when he was little, we went all out and got a lot of goofy little kid type of things like horns and streamers. Sydney and Gina we're very into it, though.

  The girls were laughing and giggling at something a few feet ahead of Matt and I. They had found a bachelorette party section and they were in hysterics laughing over penis shaped party favors. Matt and I rolled our eyes when Sydney held up a cake pan mold that was shaped like a dick.

  “Look, it can either be a happy dick or a sad dick.” Sydney tilted the pan to look erect and then tilted it downward to look flaccid.

  “Too late, baby. You’ve already got a Superman cake
picked out for him. A flaccid dick cake wouldn’t be good.”

  We found a section that just had superhero stuff. While the girls went crazy, Matt and I just watched.

  “Holy shit, everything imaginable is Superman. We're really feeding his ego,” Matt said quietly so the girls didn't hear.

  “He is Sydney's Superman. And it’s better than the dick party supplies.”

  We picked up some birthday paper for our gifts and began roaming around outside while trying to pick our next destination.

  “What do you guys think we should get him?” Gina asked.

  I told them not to get him anything. He really didn't want anything aside from Sydney.

  “How about a shirt? He loves clothes. Besides, he's lost a lot of weight and I bet a lot of what he has is too big for him,” Matt said as the four of us came to a stop before we headed anywhere.

  This was very true. Anthony had lost quite a bit of weight and his clothes were looking a little un-Anthony. We headed into one of his favorite stores. When we walked inside and looked around the men's section, I realized how easy it'd be to get him some new clothes.

  “It's like Anthony's closet in here,” Matt joked.

  Matt and Gina found a nice pull over henley shirt for him and got him a gift card. Sydney and I found a dress shirt for work and matched up a tie with it. We also got a gift card for him so he could come pick out some stuff. It would get him out and possibly bring Sydney with him; which would be very good for her. He certainly wasn’t in a position where he needed money to shop. He had plenty, but the gift card would force him to get out and get himself some things.

  With that, our birthday shopping was done and Sydney had done a great job walking around the place that held such a terrible memory. As we walked back towards the car, Sydney's pace began to slow until she stopped. The rest of us stopped and I glanced in the direction Sydney was looking. I instantly felt sick. I gazed at a seemingly safe sunny area near the bathrooms and benches and trees. I remembered it from the pictures the detectives had of Sydney a few months ago. She had been standing near that bench while she waited for Gina. She was knocked down and dragged before Paul took her.

  I stared at the spot in hate, anger and utter disgust. I began to sweat. Sydney stared at the spot and completely zoned out. She and I were both stuck and it took Matt to pull us both away. He stood in front of us and put his hands on our shoulders.

  “Enough. Standing here won't answer any of those questions swimming in your head, Col. And it won't calm or settle you, sweetheart. Coming here today wasn't to stare at this spot but was to move forward.” Matt kept looking back and forth between Sydney and I. “And it was to get Anth a birthday gift. But mostly, to help move forward.”

  I nodded and tugged Sydney closer and we began walking back towards the car. Sydney walked stiffly and trudged along beside me. I glanced down at her and saw that her head was hung. Her free hand was clutching her sweater around her stomach. I recognized how badly she needed to be comforted and held.

  I sat in the back seat with her on the way home and held her close. She was quiet but answered me when I spoke to her. I decided to just sit quietly with her. It was a long afternoon and an emotional one and I think we were both looking forward to getting home and relaxing with Anthony. It was going on 4:30 and Anthony should be leaving the office soon.

  Matt walked up to the door with us and we finalized some plans for tomorrow as Sydney was slumped against me.

  “Here,” Matt took the shopping bags from my hand so I didn't have to let go of Sydney to unlock the door. “Let me help you guys in.”

  I had Sydney tucked by my side and suddenly felt emotionally exhausted. Matt took the presents down the hall to my den so they wouldn't be out when Anthony got home.

  “Do you guys need anything before I go?”

  I shook my head and told him that Anthony would be home soon and we'd get dinner and then relax.

  “Alright, then I'll see you guys tomorrow. Gina and I will pick the cake up before we come over for golf.”

  I walked him to the door and locked it once he left and then went back to my baby. We lay down on the chaise and I told her how proud of her that I was. We talked a little more about what we were going to do on Anthony's actual birthday. I really wanted us to try going to Irons but it was a fine line that needed to be walked. Sydney was capable of handling Anthony and I'd be there to catch both of them when they crumbled.

  “Baby, what do you think about going to Irons and getting a private room for Anthony?”

  “I would like to.” She looked away as if considering something but I took hold of her chin so she'd look at me. “Anthony would really like it?”

  “Yes, baby. And he needs it. But, make no mistake, you have needs as well and while he needs to be able to push you and let loose, I will be there to make sure you aren't being pushed past what you can handle.”

  “Anthony has pushed me before.”

  I looked in her eyes for a moment but she figured it out on her own.

  “He needs to push more though, right?” I nodded. “How much more?”

  “Anthony can be intense, as you know. He needs to be able to feel free to unwind and push you very close to the edge. He won't harm you.”

  “I know that. I'm not afraid of you or him. You'll be there.”

  “Absolutely. I won't play but will be watching out for both of you. You can both just let go without worry as I will be watching over both of you.”

  She smiled and nodded. It was settled. I picked my phone up and sent Blake a text.

  CE: Blake, I need a favor. I need a private room for Sunday night. Sydney and I would like to take Anthony to Irons for his birthday to unwind.

  I lay back down and pulled Sydney into my arms. We talked about our long day some more and she explained that she almost told me a few times that she wanted to go home.

  “I was trying to give it a chance and not chicken out.”

  “Sydney, I'm very proud of you. Even if you had told me you wanted to come home, it still would have been a success. You were very brave and we're all proud of you.”


  Friday, March 7th


  I just finished up a meeting with Cheng's team and was headed towards my office with Mitch when my cell rang. Fearing the worst had occurred with Sydney and the shopping trip, I quickly pulled my phone out and came to a stop in the middle of the hall. It was Matt. I excused myself from Mitch and answered my phone with my heart in my throat. Instinctively I covered my stomach with my free hand.

  “Hey, did I catch you at an okay time?”

  “It's always okay when Sydney and Col are involved. What's up? Is she okay? Is he okay?” I rapidly spoke into the phone as I headed towards my office and shut the door.

  I began to pace around my office as I listened to Matt tell me about their afternoon. Things were touch and go for most of the afternoon, but things went south quickly as they walked by the spot where she had been abducted.

  “Colin kind of got swept up in it. I think he struggled to keep his angry feelings away. It was written all over his face, and neither of them was talking. They both just stood there and stared. They’re wiped out. Gina and I just dropped them off at home. I thought maybe I could catch you before you left and suggest picking dinner up on your way home. Unless you're cooking.”

  “Ha,” I blurted into the phone. “Trust me, I can't make anything I'd half ways consider feeding to them. I'll stop and pick something up.”

  I quickly shut my laptop down, grabbed my suit jacket and bolted from my office. Over my shoulder, I told Mitch on my way by that I'd see him Monday. On my way through the lobby, I sent a text to Colin.

  AG: On my way home. I will get dinner, don't worry. Take care of our girl and I will be there shortly.

  I was nearly to the McDonald's close to Colin's and still hadn't received a text back from Colin. I knew he'd have the phone next to him unless something were wrong. I know McDonald's wa
sn't the most nutritious or healthiest, but it was close and I knew Sydney would smile with the McFlurry. I zipped through the drive-thru and I'll admit, I drove like an asshole to get home.


  Yes, it was my home now, wasn't it? I was surprised at how comforted I felt at that thought as I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed the food, unlocked the door and from the porch, I could see the great room light was on. That appeared to be all that was on. I stepped into the entrance and dropped my keys and phone on the table while calling their names. My heart continued to pound wildly until I heard Colin's voice.

  “We're in here.”

  I went into the great room and my eyes came to rest upon the two of them. Safe. Colin was propped up on his elbow while his other hand was splayed out over Sydney’s stomach. I held up the McDonald's bag and headed over to them. I bent and kissed Sydney's forehead and thumped Colin in his arm.

  “You guy's okay? I sent a text,” I started but quickly stopped myself. Breathe, I told myself. I smiled at them. “I got us McFlurries for afterward. I'll go stick them in the freezer for a bit.”

  I returned with sodas and plates and the three of us ate together in the great room. I heard all about the shopping trip and about how the two of them began to get emotional when they walked by the spot where Sydney was taken.

  What the ever-loving fuck was he doing walking by that location? I wanted to ask him what he was thinking but I kept that question bottled up. After we ate the McFlurries, we ended up going upstairs for some relaxation before bed. I gave Sydney a full-body massage. I thought it would help her settle down so she could sleep. She was knocked out before Colin and I got the lights adjusted.

  “She's had a long, emotional day. Thanks for getting dinner, Anth.”

  “No problem. I wish I could have been there for her. Well, both of you.”

  “Tomorrow will be a good day. We're golfing, remember?”


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