Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 11

by Drew Sera

  “How is she doing, Colin?” Blake asked me while we both watched Anthony and Sydney interact.

  “She still gets jumpy around lots of people. Even though she knows she's completely safe here, she knows there are a lot of people, and it makes her nervous. Too many people to keep track of.”

  “You and Anthony have a good grip on her and know how to calm her. There will always be good days and rough days, but it's going to be you and Anthony that get her through the rough days.”

  Sydney had been getting better with that, but since Paul, she's been more on her toes around groups of people. I noticed that yesterday while we shopped and while we were in California around crowds. She's scared, and I understand that.

  Once Sydney looked calmed again, Blake went over to greet Anthony. Blake hugged Anthony, and I could tell Anthony would have preferred to keep it at a handshake. He got out from under Blake's embrace as quickly as he could and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. Fuck, I should have warned Blake about getting close to Anthony's neck. The two of them spoke for a few minutes. I know Blake wanted to say something about his weight loss, but he'd keep it under wraps for now at least. Guests were milling about the house, and some had spilled over into the great room while others stayed in the kitchen to eat.

  Seth couldn't stay and made Anthony open his gift before he left, which was an autographed 49ERs football helmet that Anthony went absolutely nuts over. While Anthony walked Seth out, I sat at the table with Sydney and Matt. As we ate I caught up on some things going on at Irons from Will and Cathy. I glanced up to see Evan and Anthony looking down at the cake.

  “That's one cool ass birthday cake, Graves.”

  “Damn right it is. Sydney picked it out for me.”

  From that point, no one dare joked or teased Anthony about the cake because they knew damn well that he was her superhero. I took part in a lot of conversations and made my way around to the various groups and pockets of people talking and eating. Blake and I talked quietly about the reason for the big birthday bash. He too was disgusted by Anthony's folks.

  “Colin, I still think about that police and medical file he showed me while Sydney was gone. It’s absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking. I’ve been replaying things from when he first joined the club. I heavily suspected he had been around some violence, but again, I had no idea it was like that.”

  “When Matt and I saw, we were so angry. I don’t understand how people can be so cruel. He was just a kid when it all started. He never knew anything different.”

  Blake and I were corralled by Sydney for the cake as everyone else gathered around the kitchen. Our kitchen is large but there were a lot of people in there, and I thought it was best to stand to the side with Sydney. There'd be less of a chance for her to get nervous again and upset or bumped into. Anthony began passing out plates of the blue iced Superman cake. Evan picked up the Superman action figure that fell off the cake and Anthony pointed a fork at him.

  “Superman is mine. My sunshine picked it out for me. Leave him on the counter.”

  Though there were many laughs, Anthony was dead serious. He'd hunt Evan down for the Superman toy. Everyone quieted down when Anthony spoke again.

  “Seriously though, thank you, everyone, for coming tonight and for all the support you've shown Colin, Sydney and me. It's been a rough few months, and I thank you for everything. And for those presents in the other room that I can't wait to open.”

  I couldn't wait for him to open those He-Man toys. Everyone took their cake into the great room, and Anthony began opening his loot. He was very much like a little kid enjoying his presents and eager to open them.

  Will handed Anthony a gift bag and Anthony flung all of the tissue paper out of it and pulled out an envelope and was reading over it.

  “It's a weekend in Palm Springs at one of those relaxation and spa sorts of places. Massages and spa stuff. You tore past the tag, it's actually for you and Sydney and Colin,” Will said and handed Anthony the tag that had blended in with the tissue paper.

  “Thanks, guys.” Anthony held the envelope out towards me to take a look at.

  “It's from a bunch of the Doms at Irons. We had the guys sign their names,” Evan said and nodded towards the card that Anthony was pulling from the gift bag. “Dude, you're terrible at opening gifts. You're opening the cards last,” Evan teased.

  Gina, Sydney, and Kelsie were in a fit of giggles and drew the attention of the Doms. What is it about a sub's giggles that nearly cripples their Doms?

  Will and Evan ended up leaving after Anthony opened their gifts. Anthony and I walked them to the door and thanked them for coming and for the gifts. I thanked them for thinking of Sydney and told them that we'd take advantage of it after stuff from work settled down.

  Anthony and I rejoined the rest of our guests in the great room for the rest of the gifts. Matt stood up and pulled a tall box to stand up on end. He held out a card towards Anthony.

  “Here, happy birthday.” Matt’s hand leaned on the box waiting for Anthony to open the card first.

  I knew what his card said and closely watched Anthony's reaction to it. It was a very personal card, and I knew that it meant something to Matt and I'm sure it would be equally meaningful to Anthony. Anthony pulled the card out and smirked at the two cartoon kids on the front and held it up so I could see it. He flipped it open, and the smirk he had on his face faded and I could see his mouth thin into a line, and his jaw became firm. This was his trademark way of trying to keep his emotions in check. I have learned this little way of his since Sydney came into our lives. Tight mouth and jaw to conceal everything. Instead of setting the card on the coffee table with the others, he carefully put it back in the envelope and set it on the couch next to him.

  “Thank you, Matt. I'm the smaller one, aren't I?” Anthony asked as he stood and maneuvered his way around the coffee table and over to Matt.

  Matt nodded and let Anthony take the box. Anthony shook the box before he tore the paper off and opened the box. He pulled out a really nice driver golf club. I was actually really interested in it.

  “Yeah, nice! Thanks, Matt!”

  Anthony moved out of the way from everyone and messed around with the club testing the weight of it and the feel of it in his hands.

  “Don't get your hopes up and think you'll beat me on the course. But it might help you get a little closer.” Matt held his hand out towards Gina. “Pet,” Matt said as Gina moved towards him holding another package.

  Anthony smiled and set the club against the wall when Gina walked towards him with a box. He took the box, and Gina returned to her spot sitting on the floor next to Sydney and Kelsie.

  Again, the paper was flying in all directions, and he opened the box to the shirt and gift card Matt and Gina got for him.

  “We know you are picky with clothes, so we thought the gift card was the safest. We thought you could use some stuff that fits you better,” Matt cautiously said and bent to kiss Gina's head.

  Anthony pulled the shirt out and nodded. His face had dropped a bit when Matt made a comment about needing better fitting clothes, and he stared at the gift card in the shirt box. He opened up the identical box from Sydney and I and stared expressionlessly at the clothes. He seemed to go off somewhere in his head, and my heart started to pound, worrying that he was disconnecting or maybe something triggered a bad thought.

  “Here, Anth.” I handed him the gift bag that had the picture frame in it.


  Saturday, March 8th


  I suddenly thought of Victor and Paul. The abduction of Sydney caused me to run, which put me in Victor's hands. That started the daily stomach pains and body aches which led me to lose some weight. Most of it was stress, and the rest was me not being able to keep much down. Everyone can see it.

  Guilt made its ugly appearance in my mind while I stared at the new clothes and gift cards. It was kind of them, but now I feel like they think I'm not even taking care o
f myself. If I'm not taking care of myself, how can I take care of Sydney? If people start to talk, it'll get back to Colin eventually and then he might take her away from me.

  Wait, what am I even thinking? Colin won't take her away from me. He knows that I love her and will always put her first.

  “Here, Anth,” Colin said quietly and handed me a bag stuffed with more tissue paper.

  I was biting the inside of my lower lip and then pulled the small box from the bag. Inside the box was a silver and glossy blue picture frame with a picture that did me in. It was of Colin, Sydney and me in Laguna Beach sitting close together on a wall with the Pacific Ocean behind us. Sydney is leaning against the wall, and Colin's hand is holding onto the top of hers, and his arm is around both of us and hanging off my shoulder. He took great care of us and took us away from here when we needed it the most. Fuck! Colin's hand clasped down on my shoulder, and he shook me some.

  “That is for your desk. At work.”


  “No. It's going on your desk. There's nothing there that will give anyone at work a reason to suspect anything.” He paused, and I looked down at the picture. My world was in that picture. Everything I'd ever have and that I would fight to protect and love was in the photo. “Sydney and I picked it out yesterday. We knew how much you liked the ocean, too, and thought it was perfect.”

  “It is perfect. Thank you. I will take it to work with me.”

  “Baby, why don't you give him your gift?” Colin motioned towards Sydney.

  I pulled Sydney into my arms when she brought me a gift bag. She sat on my leg while I pulled out a book. I flipped it open and realized it was a journal and swallowed hard. I nuzzled my face into her neck and tugged her closer.

  “I know you don't like talking much and I thought this might help.” She reached down and turned to the first page behind the opening journal page to show me what she had written.

  Sir, I know there are some things you aren't able to say and don't like to talk about. You encouraged me when I didn't think that I could talk, or write about things. The things you can't say, are safe on these pages. XOXO Your Sunshine.

  I don't deserve a woman like this. I wanted to be alone with her and sit and hold her and be held by her. Everyone seemed to give me a few minutes to sit quietly and then Colin slid a box over that smacked into my feet, and I looked up and frowned at him.

  “Open it and stop frowning. You'll love it,” Colin said with a huge smile on his face. Sydney jumped off my lap and sat on Colin's, eagerly waiting for me to open the box. They were both really excited. I tore off the paper and flipped the box open and stared in wonder and total surprise.

  “What the fuck? Where did you…”

  Was I really staring at a He-Man? I was speechless as I pulled him out of the box and set him on my knee. I glanced back in the box and saw a handful of the other characters that I remembered from my childhood. I was in awe. Jaw-dropping fucking awe. A smile was unavoidable.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I looked up at Colin trying to figure out how the hell he got these. “Where on earth…” I couldn't even formulate a sentence.

  I began pulling the boxes open to Matt's horror.

  “Whoa! Anthony, those are precious untouched toys in their original packaging.”

  “Yeah, but...but I always wanted them.”

  Ignoring Matt, I continued to pull the toys from the boxes and set them on the coffee table. As I set them up, I realized that conversations were going on around me and Noah came over and sat by the coffee table looking at the toys. He and I carried on about the toys and cartoon episodes we remembered from when we were much younger. Noah caught them on re-runs, but I had their first run.

  I profusely thanked Colin for the toys, and he pulled out a birthday card and held it out for me to take. He had a look on his face that told me this wasn't going to be a bathroom humored card. I sat down with the Skeletor action figure in my hand and pulled out the card, steeling myself to be strong. Matt's was rough enough on me. The outside had a cake on it and the inside was handwritten by Colin.

  Happy Birthday to my best friend, my brother, my business partner and most importantly my V partner. You've had an exciting year. Mainly the last five months have been full of good things, bad things and everything in between. I know a lot has been pushing down on you, but it's time to stop running so hard. Slow down and let Sydney and I walk with you. I promise you that we can keep up. In the recent past, you've lost grip on something that has defined who you've been ever since I first met you; control. Either by choice or by force. You need to be in control, and you've had to push a lot of urges down and away out of fear of hurting our girl. But she’s getting better now and healing, and she wants very badly to help you completely let go. Sydney and I are giving you the green light to let loose. We love you and want you to have the happiest birthday ever - Love Colin & Sydney

  Fuck me. I looked over at Colin and then at Sydney. I was trying to understand exactly what they were telling me without assuming what it meant. Before Sydney was taken, she was just starting to feel comfortable with the rougher, more kinky sex. As Colin and I were getting better at showing Sydney how powerful it could be, she was gone. Colin and I haven't been to Irons since her disappearance, and we haven't indulged in much D/s sex with Sydney since she returned.

  A box tapped me on the arm, and when I looked at it, Blake was holding the other end of it.

  “Anthony, this might help you with your ideas,” Blake said as I took the box.

  Inside the box was some of the softest rope I have ever felt. Blake suggested I tug on it. When I did, I smiled because I knew this was the same kind of rope we found at the Basement. I glanced at Sydney and was met with a soft, delicate smile and eyes that told me she trusted me.

  “The three of us are going to Irons Sunday night.”

  “Irons,” I said, sounding like I hadn't ever intended on going back there.

  “Yes, Irons.”

  Blake and his family left shortly after that and Matt and Gina were also getting ready to leave. I felt like my chest was tightening up on me. I needed to say something to Matt. He and I are still nursing a fucked up situation and I know he's regretted it. He wrote in my birthday card how sorry he is for pushing the situation with Victor at me and for bringing Victor to our home. His card hit me just right, and I knew that I needed to talk with him. He's been upset over it ever since it happened and we hadn't patched it up. I got dizzy though as they started towards the door. Fuck, it was now or wait and then let all the nerves build up.

  “Matt,” my mouth went dry as four sets of eyes all were on me now. It was as if Colin knew what was on the tip of my tongue and rescued me. He took Sydney by the hand and said the kitchen needed tending to and asked Gina if she wanted to help. Off they went leaving me face to face with Matt. I'm not good with words or starting conversations like this.

  “Matt, your card. It meant a lot to me. Thank you.”

  He walked closer to me and I prayed that he just wouldn't touch me. I thought I’d be able to get through this conversation if he just doesn’t touch me.

  “Anth, I am so sorry for that day. I know forgiveness isn't even on your radar right now, or yet. I understand and respect that. But I want you to know, there isn't a night that I go to bed without thinking about what I did and wishing that I could reverse it.”

  “Stop...I mean, don't worry about it anymore. I've forgiven you, Matt. I'm okay.”

  “What I did was selfish and while I thought the best thing for you was to face it at the time, the way I went about it was the worst possible thing that I could have done. I was so angry, Anthony.”

  “I consented, Matt. We've been down this road.”

  “You and Victor negotiated something, but not what happened. He gave you a concussion and he turned your consent. And I was so furious. That card was dead on; a big brother's job is to protect his little brother.”

  “Matt, I'm a grown man.”

bsp; Fuck, his hands landed on my upper arms.

  “Anthony, just for once in your life you deserve to be looked after and protected. Your folks didn't do their job. I thought I was helping, but I only hurt you. Colin protected you from the stress of what happened in the woods, from Victor and from me. He truly protected you by getting you away from all of it. And I am so sorry I put you through that.”

  “I forgive you, Matt.”

  He pulled me into a hug and I brought my arms up around him even though I felt somewhat tense. When we pulled apart, he was smiling and the worry seemed to leave his face.

  “Thank you, Anth. And I'm always here for you. Always.”

  I nodded and then noticed we had an audience. They all looked happy. I hadn't realized the strife between Matt and me had affected Gina so much. She looked absolutely elated.

  Once Matt and Gina left I thanked Sydney and Colin for the party. It was something I never had before and got to enjoy the fun of an old-fashioned birthday party. Sydney had gone upstairs to prepare our bath while Colin and I tidied up the great room. I stared at my He-Man figures and laughed out loud again.

  “You like them, huh?”

  “Fuck yeah. I've wanted these things since I was little. Matt about shit his pants when I took them out of the box.”

  “Yeah, I told him those toys were of more value to you in your hands than they'd ever be in a box.”


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