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Forever Careless

Page 3

by Brittany Butler

  "Hey Liv, join me!" I call out to her.

  "I'm already ahead of you." I turn to see her in a bikini and edging into the pool. I hop off my float.

  "You had that look on your face," she begins. "You were thinking of your mother."

  I let out a heavy sigh.

  "Yeah, she just called. I didn’t answer," I say careful not to give any emotion away.

  "Audrey, please talk to her. She will understand." Her tone is sincere, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Her face is twisted into worry because we both know my mother won’t let me out of this.

  "Maybe I'll be brave enough to talk to her one day." She nods and offers me a reassuring smile. "How’s it going with, Adrian?"

  She gives me wide smile. "We've started officially dating!"

  "It’s about damn time, Olivia." She splashes me and hops into the hot tub.

  I flip onto my stomach. After two hours of being outside the sun is starting to burn. Olivia is starting on her second bottle of wine and has been teasing me about studying. I’ve managed to block her out most of the time. I pull my sunglasses from my eyes when I see that the sun is starting to go down.

  "Adrian is coming over by the way." Olivia tells me. I climb out of the pool and quickly towel off. I don't want to witness this.

  "I'm going to turn in early. Have fun Olivia." I go upstairs to get into my relaxing shower. I spend extra time scrubbing my hair and body until my fingers begin to prune. I change into my comfy old sweats and get into my king size bed. I have one new message from Kellen.

  Can’t wait for tomorrow. Goodnight sweetheart.

  I try to mask my smile but my face fails me. I have to keep it cool with him tomorrow and let him know upfront he’s not getting what he wants out of me. I’m different than any other girl he has ever taken out before. Kellen Reeves doesn’t realize he’s met his match.

  I lay my head on my pillow and toss my phone on my side table. Olivia gave me a warning today but I haven't seen this side from him directed at me. I should give him a fair chance.


  "God, what do you want this early?" I answer my phone with a raspy voice.

  "Actually I prefer to go by Kellen." I hear the wind against his phone and realize he's standing outside. "I had a break from practice. I'm getting you and Olivia tickets for Friday night. Don't make any plans."

  “Are you asking me or telling me?”

  "Monday I have to leave for out of town games for four days. I’ll see you tonight. I'm taking you to Underground. Bye Audrey." He hangs up.

  I look at my phone it’s twelve-thirty. Shit I've missed two of my classes today. I've never missed a class! I’ve already missed two so it wouldn’t kill me to miss my other one. I quickly dress and decide to go to the mall for a day of pampering and shopping. I send Olivia a text for her to meet me and help me choose an outfit.

  Meet me at the mall in 20.

  You’re not in class??

  I overslept. Let's have a girl’s day. Kellen is taking me out tonight.

  I can almost see her eyes rolling at me but if I know my best friend, she can't turn a girl’s day.


  "Audrey you have to get that dress for tonight!" Olivia insists. I look at my reflection again. This dress was made for me. The light purple strapless dress makes my green eyes pop.

  "I love it but it will be too short when I put on my heels."

  "Audrey we are going to a freaking bar. No dress is too short for a bar." She shoots me her famous you-are-so-stupid look. I pull the pony tail from my hair and let my blonde hair fall around my shoulders before I make my decision.

  "You talked me into it. And the nude pumps. And that gorgeous matching purse.” I quickly dress into my clothes and carry my new outfit to the cashier.

  Olivia picks out a pale pink revealing dress with matching accessories and we are off to the spa. I collapse into the comfortable pedicure seat with Olivia by my side.

  "Kellen got us seats to his game Friday." I glance at Olivia to see her expression.

  "I may have been wrong about him Audrey." She smiles wide while she chooses her nail color. "He seems to like you." I blush at her honesty.

  "We are just friends Liv."

  I pick out traditional French tips for my finger and toe nails. Olivia chooses wild prints, of course. By the time we leave the mall I've been waxed, had hair done in loose curls, nails done, and a new outfit. Olivia and I go to our favorite sushi place for carry out order.

  "Olivia what are you doing after graduation?" I say as I shove my specialty sushi roll in my mouth.

  "I have absolutely no idea, Audrey," she pouts. She walks over and joins me in the kitchen and grabs a sushi roll.

  "I'm going to talk to my mom,” I shrug. “The next time she calls me,” or texts. Breaking news over texts is easier. That’s how I survived the great war of Audrey moving across the country for college. But I had my dad on my side through that.

  "This is a good thing Audrey! I'm so proud of you." She gets out the vodka along with two shot glasses and skips back over to where I stand. "Two shots before we go." She pours our first one and hands me the glass.

  I carefully walk down the stairs after I change into my new outfit. I'm feeling the effects of the several shots Olivia made me do. I admit I'm a lightweight, but Olivia insists on celebrating any occasion. At one point she told me to take a shot for my new outfit, the girl is out of control.

  "Come in." I hear Olivia yell.

  "Ready to go?" I ask everyone as I walk into the foyer. Kellen stops talking to Adrian to look at me. My eyes linger from his light ripped jeans to his navy blue button down shirt. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. I glance up at his face when I realize I’ve been starring at him too long.

  "You look great Audrey," he says with a knowing smile. "Let's go," he adds as he grabs my hand. We agree to go in separate vehicles. Kellen leads me to a white range rover and opens my door. He turns the radio down as soon as we get in.

  "I can smell the vodka on you." He throws me a dimpled grin. I giggle loudly.

  "It was Olivia's idea. It's always her idea."

  When we arrive he looks over at me and laughs, “Should I carry your drunk ass to the door?" I playfully smack him on the shoulder. He grabs my hand and leads me inside. Kellen turns heads as expected and I try to ignore the growing jealousy.

  "What can I get you to drink?" He whispers in a husky tone in my ear completely oblivious to the looks he's getting from the girls in the bar.

  "Surprise me." He leads me to the bar and calls the bartender over. He orders three shots and a cosmopolitan for me. He turns back each shot before I can take my first drink. My jaw drops when he slams the last shot glass on the bar.

  "Pick your jaw off the floor," he laughs. "I'm trying to catch up with you." The tempo of the song picks up. "Dance with me." He tugs on my hand and pleads with me.

  I scrunched up my nose to tease him but allow him to pull me on the dance floor. I turn around letting him face my backside I can feel his breath on my neck while I dance against him. The songs bleed into new ones and when I turn to face him I immediately catch his serious expression as he grab my hips and leads me closer to him.

  Our bodies blending and working together to the music is the most arousing thing I have ever experienced. Kellen shoots me a dimpled grin and leans in to kiss my neck. I almost freeze in complete shock. His kisses travel up the base of my neck and onto my lips. His full lips crush against mine while his tongue begs for entrance. My hands grab a fist full of his hair as his tongue massages mine. I've never been kissed like this in my life.

  The song changes and I'm reminded that I'm in a crowded room full of people. His kiss transforms me into a different room where I forget about everything else but him. I push him back and grab his hand and lead him back to the bar to buy more drinks. Mostly to remind myself I'm in a room full of people before I lose all dignity. Kellen orders two beers and hands one to me.

  "Where did you learn
to move like that?" He whispers in a low menacing tone in my ear. His voice is full of lust. Before I have the chance to reply we are interrupted by a girl tapping on his arm.

  "Kellen Reeves," She says in a high pitch tone. "Will you autograph my bra?" She giggles.

  "Err. Sure." She hands him a pen and pulls down her shirt. He signs quickly and she giggles and bounces off. What the hell?

  "I'm going to find Olivia." I say in disgust. I run off before he can protest. When I pass the tables lining the dance floor I run into a gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed familiar face.

  "Hey. Audrey? I'm Noah from class." Oh I remember you. I smile to myself.

  "Want to dance Noah?" I say softly with a smile. He nods and immediately pulls me on the dance floor. Noah has good rhythm but his hands are roaming too much. The second time his hands cup my breast I've had enough.

  "I'm going to find my friend Olivia," I offer with a smile. I turn to walk but I'm suddenly grabbed by the wrist and pulled backwards.

  "Where do you think you're going?" Noah says in a dark voice. Before I can respond Noah's face connects with a fist that sends him out cold on the floor. Kellen is looking at me with a dark glare. People are starting to notice our small scene as I pull him quickly toward the exit.

  "What the fuck, Audrey? I've been looking for you this entire time." Kellen shouts at me. He runs his hand through his hair and stalks toward his range rover.

  "I'm sorry. Forgive me for not wanting to witness anymore bra signings," I spit out while walking ahead of him.

  "That's what this is about?" I turn to meet his eyes, are you serious? He looks at me confused. Of course that made me mad! Is he that clueless? "You could have told me. You didn't have to retaliate, Audrey. That was real mature!" He's back to his harsh tone.

  "Why should I have to tell you not to sign a girl’s bra? Especially right in front of me," I realize we are making a scene with our yelling but I'm too mad to care. He walks over close to me and cups my face

  "I'm new at this. Audrey, I like you. I want to get to know you. I get asked stuff like that every day. I didn't think it would upset you. I will start saying no." He opens the door for me.

  He gets asked that every day? Do women throw themselves at baseball players; I would have to get used to this? I've never felt jealously before but I did many times tonight with Kellen Reeves.

  "It’s not a big deal. We aren’t even dating." I cross my arms across my chest, keeping my eyes on the road and my heart protected. He nods his head and begins to drive me home. We pull into my driveway and he looks over at me apologetically.

  "Kellen, are you okay to drive home?" He's amused by my question.

  "You ask me that after I get to your house?" I open my door to climb out of the car but he pulls me in for another kiss. I had no idea that a kiss could make time stand still. He pulls back and grins at me with his dimpled smile. I notice his knuckles on his right hand and gasp.

  “Come inside,” he follows me to our downstairs bathroom where I dig through the cabinet for anything to pour on his cut knuckles. “All I have is alcohol,” I tell him after I give up the search for anything more humane.

  “Fuck that,” he shakes his head no.

  “You need to put something on that. You hit a guy in a bar and now your knuckles are busted open and bleeding all over my house,” I remind him. “It could get infected.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He simply holds his right arm over the sink while I grab the alcohol and a bandage to go over his cuts. I unscrew the lid and pour the alcohol quickly over his knuckles before he pulls his hand back. “Son of a bitch, that burns,” he cringes.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t punch people,” I tell him and toss him the bandage. I watch as he wraps his knuckles and walks out of the bathroom. When we reach the front door, he plants a kiss on my mouth.

  "Goodnight." He says.

  "Goodnight Kellen." I close the door and head into my house. That man's moods are all over the place and I'm not sure I can keep up. He's turning me into a crazy, jealous girl. I'm scared to think that if I’m not careful I could easily fall for him.

  William and I never had this. We never fought, our arguments were as dull as he was and always ended with him apologizing after I got upset. Kellen challenged me tonight, although I was pissed off at the time his passion has me wishing that I would’ve invited him to stay longer.

  My mind bounces between cutting off all ties with Kellen and calling him right now and begging him to come back. This isn’t how normal first nights out go, right? If all first dates involved a guy signing a bra in front of you and moments later hypocritically punching a guy because you danced with him, no one would date right? As crazy as the night was I find myself grinning when I look back on certain things, my body is humming with life and I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep.

  Chapter four

  Friday morning I wake up two hours early to study for my first round of tests next week. Kellen got Adrian, Olivia, and me seats behind home base for tonight's game. I haven't been to a baseball game since I attended one with my dad four years ago. I can’t remember a home game that my dad didn’t attend, and half of the time I tagged along.

  I start my shower and begin my morning routine. Luckily I only have one eleven thirty class today and I'm free until Monday. Kellen leaves for four days in on Monday. I've only known him for a few weeks but I know I will miss him.

  I think back to the bar and Kellen's comment about being new at all of this. I'm not exactly being honest, I've only had one boyfriend and I have zero experience. I acted immature when I tried to get back at him with Noah. When I’m around him I transform into someone I don’t recognize. I have found myself in a lot of drama my last year of college.

  "Good morning my little drama mama," I hear Olivia yell.

  "Olivia, where do you get these ridiculous names? And I hate you. And thanks for making bacon." I laugh and run over for a hug. A knock on the door pulls us from our moment. I open the door to find a delivery guy with a bundle of gorgeous pink lilies.

  "A delivery for Audrey Henson," he says.

  "That's me. Thank you."

  Wait for me after the game -Kellen

  "What the hell! Adrian and I have been dating for years and I've never got flowers." She adds air quotes around dating.

  "Is that what they are calling it these days, Liv?"

  "Audrey, we are official now and you know that." She gives a playful shove and makes a plate full of bacon and eggs. This girl can put away some food. You would never know with her skinny frame.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go out with Kellen again.” I push my eggs around keeping my eyes fixated on my plate.

  “What? Why?” She looks at me as if I’m crazy.

  “You didn’t see the girls that were throwing themselves at him last night! I can’t date someone that gets that kind of attention. I know he can’t be faithful.”

  “Is this about what I told you?” She takes a seat beside me.

  “Yes and no.” I admit.

  “He seems to be different with you. Hang out with him again but keep your guard up.” My head is telling me to run screaming in the other direction. But for once my heart and my best friend agree.

  My single class drags by, along with the afternoon. It is finally time to throw on my jersey and head to the ball field. If I’m being honest I’m more than ready to see Kellen playing ball tonight and in his element.

  "Audrey. Let's go!" Olivia yells. "I spend my life waiting on you," she teases. I fuss with my hair one last time in the mirror in our foyer. Olivia drags me out of the house by my wrist.

  "Let's take my new r8." She calls to me.

  Surprisingly there are not many cars out tonight allowing Olivia to fly on the freeway. Once she finally pulls into the parking garage I let go of the handle and let out a breath.

  "Adrian is meeting us here." Olivia announces. We grab our passes and head down to our awesome seats that Kellen sco
red for us. I gaze out in the field while the players warm up.

  "There he is!" Olivia says while pointing Kellen out. I spot him as he walks up to the pitcher’s mound in his white ball suit. He turns and makes brief eye contact with me. His mouth turns up slightly at the corner so I’m the only one that can see this. He was checking to see that I showed up.

  "Those pants shouldn't be legal." We start laughing while pointing out players and their pants.

  "Shh there's Adrian." Olivia winks at me while she tries to compose herself. She gets up and gives him a quick peck on the mouth.

  "Hey baby. Hey Audrey," he grins at us and takes his seat next to Olivia.

  I sit on the edge of my seat the entire game. It is absolutely intoxicating to see Kellen calling the shots on the field. He is completely serious while he is on the mound. He kicks the dirt around and grips the ball with his right hand before he looks at the catcher for the next play. Confidence exudes from him as he makes his pitch, striking out another batter.

  "Hello? Audrey?" Adrian is starting at me curiously. I've been caught but Kellen is sexy in control and in those pants. I can't help myself.

  "Yeah," I say in a nonchalant voice. I'm not apologizing.

  "What are you doing after the game?" He leans around Olivia to see me.

  "Kellen asked me to wait for him. I'm not sure what he has planned." I shrug and turn my attention back to the field one last time.

  "He's got it bad." He whispers and shakes his head in disbelief.

  Kellen ends the game in the ninth inning with his last strike out. The score is four-one and I hope this means he will be in a happy mood for tonight. We stand up and walk toward the exit as the teams make their way to the dugout. Kellen glances at me one last time before stepping off the field. He has a small, cocky grin plastered on his face. It’s so discreet I know it’s meant for my eyes only.


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