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A Viking's Lost Soul

Page 7

by T. M. Grinsley

  “Fat chance.”

  We continue to eat our breakfast as Luna’s eyes pierce into our soul, begging for scraps. Greedy little bugger. I tear off a few pieces of my waffle and lay them down at her feet.

  “It’s bizarre that you know my size, but thanks.” I was thankful, a little weirded out, but thankful he was always one step ahead of me.

  “No biggie. You have never been to Norway, so I figured I would grab a few things for you. Speaking of things, we need to get ready. The car leaves in an hour, and you need a shower. You have a smell permeating off you, and it’s not the cat.” Etienne winks as he shoves his face with food.

  I give Etienne the one finger salute and devour my breakfast. Warm, crispy waffles, with syrup and peanut butter, drizzled on top. Crispy, moist, fried chicken that makes my nipples tingle and to top it off, bacon. Yes, I may have moaned a few times when eating, but who wouldn’t? I am a girl who loves her breakfast, and when it tastes as good as this, it’s mandatory to moan in delight. It’s a compliment to the chef.

  After Etienne and I have our fill, we both rinse off our dishes in the sink and go our separate ways to get ready. T-minus three hours and we will be on our way to Norway.

  “Wake up, Steph; we are here,” Etienne whispers in my ear, as I stir from my slumber. After three connecting flights, twenty-three hours of flying, a killer ache in my back and ass, we are finally here. Fighting the exhaustion that is overtaking my body, my eyes flutter open, and I see Luna curled up on Etienne’s lap and an open book on mine.

  “What time is it?” I ask, as I stretch my arms over my head and try to pop my back.

  “The pilot said it's 1:30 in the afternoon. We will be landing in fifteen minutes, and I figured you would want an aerial view of Alta before we land.” He says as he reaches across from me to open the shutter.

  As the shutter slides open, the sun blinds us for only a moment as the scenery below comes into view. My breath hitches at the beauty below us. Massive snow-covered mountains surround this small town, engulfing this area in a little cocoon. I press my nose against the window to get a closer look and notice nothing but trees, snow, and small buildings covering the bottom of the mountain.

  “There are about fourteen thousand people that live here. It’s a quiet town, but the sites are something you can only dream of. This place is meant for those who love nature, beer, and adventure.” Etienne’s head is right next to mine as he tells me all about Alta.

  In the winter time, the best things to do are cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, dogsledding, visiting the ice hotel, ice fishing, camping under the stars to see the northern lights, and seeing the Sami culture.

  As Etienne dives into more about the Sami culture, Luna hops onto my lap and stares out the window.

  “Welcome to our new home for the next few weeks.”

  A loud beep is heard over the intercom before the captain’s voice fills the cabin. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Alta, Norway. It's 1:58 P.M., and it’s a chilly day outside. High of two degrees with a wind chill of negative five. Thank you for flying with SAS, we hope to have you fly with us soon.”

  “What? My tits are going to fall off in this weather, and my vagina will freeze itself shut. Negative five. Oh, hell to the no. I love the cold, but that is too cold.” I mutter as I throw my jacket on and tuck Luna inside my shirt, so she is resting in my bra. A small three-month-old kitten sleeping on a woman’s chest? That is sure to attract attention. But right now, I need to keep her warm.

  Thirty minutes later, we are exiting the plane, and Etienne is still howling with laughter at my comments. I recognize a few people from our flight from Oslo and nod my goodbyes. The old lady was a pleasure to talk to, and her husband is a former military Vet. He told me stories about the good old days and how he met this vivacious woman who tamed his wild heart.

  “Ha det.” The old woman, who I never got the name of, gives me a warm smile and offers me her hand.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you both.” I shake both their hands and follow Etienne into the frigid air. My face is pelted with small flakes of snow, and the wind chill racks my body. Luna has her head popping out of my jacket, but once the snow touches her face, she curls up into a ball on my breasts and stays put.

  Lucky furball.

  It takes thirty minutes for Etienne and me to find our bags and head towards our cabin. Etienne tells me we will start our journey in a small cabin so I can explore Norway before the real fun begins. We are to stay in the cabin for two days, while I look around town, shopping till my heart’s content, and meet the locals. Usually, you would do most of your shopping at the end of the trip, seeing as you have to carry everything everywhere you go, but try explaining that to him.

  As we make our way to the cabin, the excitement gets to be too much. I start bouncing up and down in my seat, with anticipation for everything that is about to happen. Luna is on the dash, sprawled out near the heater and knocked out. Etienne just laughs as he follows the GPS instructions to our cabin.

  The town isn’t very large, but the shops are incredible. You can see symbols from their culture along every crevice. Viking statues, Nordic legends, and myths, Wildlife of Alta valley and Arctic life, to name a few.

  Etienne turns left, onto a small road with trees surrounding each side. Snow continues to fall, but the snowflakes are fewer and farther between. As we coast down the long road, a large cabin comes into view. But that isn’t what makes my jaw drop and nearly hit the floor. Several acres are covered in snow, with horses and a few dogs running in the open fields, and there is a view of the ocean that anyone would dream to see.

  The ocean seems to roar with life, as waves crash into one another and the birds fly overhead. The cabin is several hundred feet away from the water, but the smell of the sea makes it feel like home. I may live in the mountains, but whenever I am near the ocean or any kind of water, a weird sense of home washes over me.

  “Hey, Steph. Might want to close your mouth. Liam may get the wrong idea.” Etienne snickers as he opens the door and makes his way up the steps.

  I look to see what he is talking about and my heart stops when I see Liam holding a small sign that says Stephanie Nils Welcome home on it. And, cue the tears.

  Unbuckling my seatbelt, I scoop Luna into my arms and put her inside my jacket before I go outside. Liam is halfway down the steps when I open my door.

  “Niese! Welcome to Alta. How was your flight?” Liam asks as he helps me walk through two feet of snow. Mind you, I am five foot four, and a short girl with legs, walking through a foot of snow is a disaster waiting to happen.

  “It was long. I am ready to plop on a bed and snuggle with Luna while I read a book. I am exhausted.”

  “Well, I hate to say, that is going to have to wait. We have a reservation at The Wandering Bear tonight. Figured you could use a good meal since you have been eating nothing but airport food for the past twenty-four hours.” Liam says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in for a side hug.

  I lean into his chest and feel Luna pop her head out of my jacket.

  “Meow.” Luna stares at Liam for a few moments, before sticking her head back down and soaking in the warmth.

  “So that is the furball everyone was so worried about?”

  “The one and only. Is the house warm? Cause I am freezing.” Shoving my hands in my pockets, I use my mouth to pull the edge of my jacket over my face to stop my teeth from chattering.

  “She is worried about her vagina freezing shut and her nipples falling off. For a girl who loves the snow, she is pretty overdramatic right now.” Etienne shouts from somewhere in the house.

  “Excuse me, when your dick shrivels into nothing once it drops to thirty below tonight, don’t come crying to me when I say I told you so!” I shout back. I warned him not to do it. Luna shifts a little in my jacket, and I can feel her tail slip between my breasts.

  Liam gives me a weird look and seems to bite his tongue, not wanti
ng to add to what Etienne and I just shouted at each other. I hear him laugh as he unloads the luggage from the car and my curiosity peaks. “Care to share?”

  “You are too much, Stephanie. Your vagina is not going to freeze shut. Fucking priceless.” Liam’s shoulders shake violently as he laughs. “You are just like your mother. Now, go inside and get cleaned up. The house is warm, and there is a small area for Luna to hang out in. Go see what my friend built for her.”

  Raising my eyebrow at Liam’s last comment, I try to help him with the luggage, but he smacks my hand away and motions for me to go inside.

  “What the hell?” Hey, a girl is just trying to help. I feel weird when men want to do all the heavy lifting, and I am stuck standing there like an idiot with nothing to do.

  “Get inside. I got these. Don’t want you to trip up the stairs and hurt yourself on your first day.”

  “That was one time. One time!” I groan. Etienne: three, me: zero. This man is determined to drive me insane by the end of this trip. Or get even for making fun of his beloved superhero.

  “ETIENNE! You ass.”

  “Love ya too, Sis!” He yells back from somewhere in the house.

  Shaking my head, I walk up the steps to the large cabin. There is a wraparound porch that holds several pieces of furniture and a few potted plants, which are covered in snow. I’d imagine this place is breathtaking in the springtime. But since it’s the middle of January, there is not a flower in sight.

  My eyes travel along the walls of the cabin, following the Nordic symbols, which are etched in random places throughout, and I see a beautiful, intricate design surrounding the windows. The front door looks to be hand carved and shows the story of Thor. Mesmerized by its beauty, I don’t realize Liam is standing next to me with all the luggage.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it? One of the locals built it for your family. Your mother did a lot for this town, so they wanted to show their appreciation.” Liam seems to have gone back in time as he remembers a time long ago.

  “What did mom do?” I ask, not taking my eyes off the woodwork.

  “The town was near extinction, with all the pirating, drug dealing, and the fact that we had no money coming into town. She got a few of us to band together to save the town. She helped get rid of the thugs and brutes. The town has risen from the ashes once again. The local people still sing her name, to this day. I told them you were arriving, and those who worked with your mother want to meet you.” Liam says with pride, as he opens the door and carries all the luggage inside.

  The front room is spacious and homey, with two sofas and a love seat, a large fireplace roaring to life, and pictures of my family are scattered throughout the home. I walk every inch of the place and see pictures of my life growing up. First softball game, fencing lessons, first time I shot a gun, prom, graduation and more.

  There are four bedrooms, each with a unique design, and two bathrooms that I would kill to have back home. The counters are a green marble design with an opal glass bowl. The pictures on the wall are hand drawn animals from all walks of life.


  I continue my journey to the kitchen, but a small nook catches my eye. There is a beautiful cat tree made of driftwood and covered with rope in certain areas. There are several cat toys in a small box and a set of new dishes with water and fresh food on the ground.

  “What do you think?” Liam asks with a smile that could light up the sky. “I called one of my buddies, and we were able to get this made, just in time. We had some wood in the back that was already dried out. We are a bit behind on chopping wood this season, so it looks like this was meant to be Luna’s.”

  As if hearing her name, she pops her head out of my jacket and nearly jumps out of her warm cocoon to check out her new digs. Unzipping my coat, I put Luna on the top level of her new house, and she goes ballistic.

  Her short stubby legs seem to go faster than her body wants, and she tumbles down to the next level. She meows and purrs as she marks everything around her.

  “This is amazing, Uncle Liam. Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me. That is what family is for. Come on, your room is upstairs and to the right. I made a small bed for Luna, which is right next to the window, so she can look out. Also, while you are both having fun, Luna can stay with me.”

  “No, that isn’t necessary. I did my research and purchased a-”

  Liam waves his hand in front of him, cutting me off. “There is no need. You are family, and it’s time you lived a little. It’s been too long since I have seen my niece. Let me do this for you. It’s only for a few weeks. Then we head to Skorraey to meet the family.”

  Throwing myself at Liam, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him like my life depends on it. “Thank you.” In those two words, I convey how much all of this means to me. For years, I didn’t know he existed, and yet I feel like I have known him my entire life.

  There was another note from my father, one Etienne handed me on the plane, and it explained everything. For years, my father sent Liam pictures and emails, updating him on everything I had been up to, but he always felt guilty for what happened to my mother. The letter goes on to express his love for me, but what killed me was what the letter said next.

  My father was the reason my family never contacted me. He blocked all communication because he didn’t want to relive that night. I get why he did it, but that should have been my decision to make. I have wanted nothing more than to meet my family and feel like I was a part of something. Granted, I had Father and Etienne, but they are a snooze fest to take shopping.

  So, my father left Etienne instructions to take this lavish trip and show off my hometown.

  “You’re welcome. Now, go get ready.” Liam places both hands on my shoulders and turns me around, so my back is to him. He pushes me towards my room. “Enough stalling. Get cleaned up; you smell of airport and exhaust.”

  “Alright, alright. Sheesh.”

  With one final push, Liam slams the door behind him and leaves me in silence.

  Chapter 11

  ~ Stephanie ~

  “Knock, knock. You ready, Steph?” I hear Etienne’s voice on the other side of the door but refuse to move. Seeing as I am stuck and look like a complete idiot, I don’t want Etienne or Liam to see this disaster.

  “One second,” I call out, a little frazzled as I have one hand holding my hair back and the other detangling my mother’s earing from my shirt. The one night I figured, why not wear a cute black blouse with a little lace, to show off the girls and have some fun? Let loose, get jiggy with my bad self. Nope. My earrings decided they wanted to make love to the lace, and my favorite jeans said, ‘hey, let’s make this interesting,’ and ripped in the crotch.

  I hear the door to my room swing open and turn to see Liam and Etienne storm in, weapons in hand.

  “Uh, hello!” I squeal as I cross my legs and bolt behind my closet door. It is a miracle I didn’t trip or bang my elbow trying to run for cover. I peek my head from behind the closet’s door and see Etienne scanning the room, checking every crevice, before setting his bat on the bed and making his way to me. “Can never be too careful in the wild.”

  Making sure to keep my tangled mess behind the door, I use my foot to keep the door from opening. “Are you high? What the hell do you think you are doing? I could have been naked or whatever when you barged in. Get the fuck out!” I say while doing my best to stay hidden and get untangled. “Fuck. Goddamn piece of shit. Ugh.”

  “Easy, tiger. Put your claws away.” Liam walks around Etienne and puts his hands out in front of him in a friendly gesture as he slowly approaches me. When he is a few feet from me, I lunge forward in a playful manner to try and bite him, which causes my shirt to pull my earring back and me to yelp in pain.

  “You okay, Steph?” There is concern in Etienne’s voice, but the laughter in his eyes betray him.

  “Do I look okay? I am about to meet people who loved and adored my mother, and well… look at me.
” I gesture up and down my body with my hands, proving my point. Yet, I totally and completely forgot about the massive rip in my pants. Realizing my mistake, I bolt into my closet, slam the door shut, and quickly put on a new pair of pants.

  As I throw my ripped jeans deep into the closet, I hear Etienne and Liam howling with laughter, followed by a loud thud.

  “Never a dull moment with you, Sis.” I hear Etienne say on the other side of the door.

  Taking a deep breath, I double check to make sure I have no other rips, jewelry stuck, or look like a complete idiot. I open the door and see Liam leaning against the wall with his hand over his mouth, trying to cover his laughter, but failing miserably. And then there is Etienne, flat on his ass, clutching his stomach as he laughs.

  Rolling my eyes at these two, I kick Etienne in the leg as I sit down on the edge of the bed. “Y’all done yet?”

  “That image will forever be engraved in my head. And to think, I thought this trip was going to be dull as hell.”

  Liam pushes himself off the wall and walks over to kneel in front of me. “What’s going on, Steph?” His eyes scan my face as he holds my hands. There is concern in his eyes that reminds me so much of my mother. I barely remember her, but Liam has this warm presence about him that makes me feel at peace and at home.

  “My mother was gorgeous, fun, smart, and I am, well, me. A complete wreck, always getting myself into ridiculous situations, I am a bull in a china shop. There is absolutely nothing graceful about me.”

  “You can say that again,” Etienne mutters under his breath.

  “Zip it, smartass. So, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I am not my mother. All my life, my father threatened to put me in bubble wrap to make sure nothing happened to me. I am obsessed with Xena and video games. I read until the wee hours of the night, and sometimes I don’t sleep at all, just to finish a book. I can cook and bake like a pro. Everything else? You are on your own. I’m… I don’t-”


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