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A Viking's Lost Soul

Page 10

by T. M. Grinsley

  Jamming my legs into my snow pants, I throw on three different layers of tops to keep me warm and head out to the living room. My hair is thrown up in a ponytail, and not a trace of makeup is in sight. It looks like I will be all natural today.

  The smell of bacon and waffles fills my nostrils the moment I reach the kitchen. Fresh waffles are piled high on a plate in the middle of the dining room table with several assortments of toppings. Strawberries, jam, peanut butter, whipped cream, and a few others I do not recognize.

  I approach the table and notice Liam is cooking at the stove, and Finn is perched near the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand. My eyes wander at his physique, and I nearly stumble. Dressed in a dark fitted t-shirt and snow pants, the tattoo markings that poked out of his jacket last night are now out for the world to see.

  Intricate knots wrap around the bicep on his right arm, and the left has several pictures depicting the Norse language. His arms flex as he moves his coffee to his lips but pauses when his eyes land on me. Biting my lower lip, I keep my mouth shut as I continue to check him out. Black snow pants hug him in all the right places, just begging for me to take them off.

  “Like what you see?” Finn says over the brim of his coffee cup.

  Rolling my eyes, I flip him off and make a plate at the table. The men join me when Liam is done cooking this massive feast, and we all jump in. Scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles that give you orgasms in your mouth, and coffee to feed the soul.

  I sit in silence as the men talk about what we have planned for the week and go over a few last minute details. Today, we are going to tour the town and meet the locals. For a few days, we are going to take it easy before we head to the ice caves next week. Per Etienne, there are still a few buildings that, to this day, are still standing from the Viking era.

  That right there, has me shoveling my food so we can get this week over with. My life’s work is finding items that have been lost in time and just waiting for their story to be told. I recently found a lost amulet that belonged to Queen Medb. Queen Medb may not seem like anyone of importance to most people, but to me, she is a gold mine. Irish texts say she is known as the warrior queen of Connacht. The ancient texts say her father was king of Connacht before becoming High King of Ireland and she became ruler of Connacht after him. I spent nine months trying to find who the amulet belongs to. After countless nights of no sleep, I found who it belonged to. A Queen I would give anything to travel back in time and meet her.

  Thoughts of my recent discovery before leaving for Alta flee from my mind as we exit the door. I make my way around the house to look for Luna, to make sure she is settled in before we go. During breakfast, I expected her to be at my feet begging for scraps, but today she is nowhere in sight.

  I round the corner of the hall and see her perched on her new home, watching the animals out the window. A few birds fly over the snow, playing chase, while a deer slowly walks through the trees. Luna clicks her tongue, telling me if she was outside, she would pounce and have her next meal. Or she would deliver it to me as a present. The thought of her delivering dead animals to me as a gift causes my body to shiver. But also seeing a three-pound kitten get puffed up over a deer is the cutest thing in the world.

  “Looks like she likes her new toy.” Finn’s voice startles me out of the trance this place has on me.

  “Yeah. Whoever made this is extremely talented with their hands. I have never seen something like this before.”

  I feel Finn standing next to me, as he watches Luna attack the window. The birds seem to be taunting her because they fly close to the window and screech when they get close.

  “Thanks. I figured if I made something special for Luna, she would feel more at home.”

  Luna attacks the window, going ballistic as the bird hovers before her, and my eyes drift to Finn. Did he make this for Luna? I was just told a few days ago that we were coming here. How was he able to get this done so fast, and why? Maybe it’s just a welcoming gift or something.

  “You did this?” I ask in awe as I point to Luna’s home. Well, kitty condo to be exact, but it looks nothing like anything in the stores.

  “Yeah.” He chuckles nervously. “I used to carve wood all the time when I was a kid. Helps de-stress and let the creative juices flow. Everything in this place,” he points all around him. “I built.”

  Finn shrugs casually before walking off down the hall.

  My mouth hangs open as I watch him disappear out of sight. Well, I’ll be damned. There is a softy inside that cold masked brute. More like an ape-man. Gah, why am I talking to myself?

  Taking one last look at Luna, I run to catch up with Finn, Liam, and Etienne, who are already in the car waiting for me to get in. Sliding into the back seat, I have to ignore the fact that Finn will be sitting next to me the entire time we will be in town.

  The town of Alta is beautiful. We drive around town for a few hours, taking our time as we look at everything there is to see. The town is incredibly small but spaced out. We drive by the fishery, shopping markets, farms, and the small airport.

  When we first arrive in Alta, we barely see anything. The buildings and homes are small, but each has something special. As we continue our tour, my eyes keep wandering to the food and tiny sculptures. Screw the buildings and people; this girl loves food and art. Liam laughs several times as I moan when I see food displayed in windows, and each time, he pulls over to get me a treat. I have never had food taste so good in my life, and I figure I’ve gained at least five pounds already. Etienne, I am sure, isn’t far off.

  As our trip progresses, Etienne and Finn are quiet the entire time, never letting their eyes stray from the window. I try to make conversation with them both, and each time I get a grunt in response. I flip them off a few times, which causes Finn to chuckle and my heart to stop. Just when I start to think Finn is an ape-man, he flashes me his sexy grin, and I become a puddle of goo all over again.

  Our hands brush a few times in the SUV, causing both of our breaths to hitch, but nothing ever happens. Something flashes in his eyes, and he goes back to being the ape-man.

  We spend three days touring the city and meeting the locals. I take hundreds of photos, and a permanent smile is on my face. This feels just like home. If only dad could be here to see it.

  It is a small, simple town, but it’s a place I could call home. If I wanted to stay here, that is. There is nothing in the US keeping me from staying, so why not try something new? My mother lived here for years, and there are already people here who loved her so I would be able to start my own life and family.

  As day four comes and goes, I start to pack my bags and get ready for the next stop. Luna is nestled in my suitcase, begging me not to move her.

  Picking up the small furball, I put her between my breasts inside my blouse, to keep her warm, and zip up my jacket. Keeping her claws hidden, she maneuvers herself until her head pops out of my coat and her eyes start to drift closed.

  Etienne told me when we reach a higher populated area, we will need to get a small cat carrier for Luna. The problem is, the furball laying on my chest is helping keep me warm.

  Picking up my suitcase, I carry it to the car, where I hand it off to Liam to put in the trunk. I notice Etienne and Finn seem to be in a heated discussion over something, which has my curiosity peeking.

  Finn and Etienne have their arms crossed over their chests, and their faces are only inches apart. Pulling my phone out, I take a picture of Tarzan and his ape. These two are ridiculous at times. It’s a vacation, and all these two seem to do is argue, or get snippy with each other.

  Ever since the night Finn kissed me, he has seemed distant. I try to spark conversations with him, only to get grunts or short answers in response. A few times, I managed to get his sexy trademark smirk, the one only I seem to see, but I am starting to think I’m imagining it.

  “What are those two idiots arguing about now?” I ask, as my phone takes the picture.

  “Who knows. Finn
is still trying to figure out who Ragnar is, and Etienne wants to get out of here. He is bored out of his mind and needs to do something before he goes stir crazy. But you should put the poor guy out of his misery, Steph. Finn thinks you have someone back home and doesn’t want to touch a taken woman.” Liam says as he carries our groceries to the car.

  Smacking my hand to my forehead, everything all starts to make sense. Etienne yelled to the world about Ragnar, who happens to be my trusty vibrator. I never thought to tell Finn what he meant, until now.

  “Seriously?” I ask, exasperated. “Men!”

  “Don’t shoot the messenger. You did warn him that night, didn't you?”

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhale loudly, trying to figure out how to get Mister ape-man to loosen the hell up. It seems a stick is so far up his ass that he can't reach it. Listen to me! I come here, and my filter is gone. What the hell are these men doing to me?

  “Those two are the best things that ever happened to you, Steph. Back in Colorado, you were a shell of yourself. Now, you’ve realized what you have been missing, and are finally living life as it’s intended.” Liam says as if reading my mind.

  “What are you, a vampire or something?”

  “Just go and stop stalling.” Liam puts the last of the luggage and the cat condo into the SUV and pushes me towards the guys. Today, Mother Nature decided to be nice and let the weather be a nice warm eleven degrees, with sunshine. So instead of looking like an Eskimo, I have two layers on instead of four.

  Hey, that is a huge deal. The girls like to have room. Plus, there’s the little furball, who has her head out and is looking at our surroundings.

  Skipping towards the guys, I keep a watchful eye out for patches of ice. Those suckers like to strike when I least expect them. Ice and I are not friends. I almost choked on ice as a kid, and ever since then, I have refused to have ice in my beverages. Finn and Etienne plowed the driveway the other night, to make sure I wouldn't have another incident. Their words, not mine.

  “Hey guys, can I talk to Finn for a sec?”

  Etienne and Finn exchange a strange look before Etienne walks off. Rolling my eyes at their ridiculous behavior, I plant my hands on my hips and stare at Finn.

  An amused expression forms on Finn’s face, as he crosses his arms and waits for me to speak.

  “So, look. The other night. When Etienne ran away from me and shouted to the world about Ragnar? Well, Ragnar is my trusty purple vibrator that looks like Optimus Prime, and when people aren’t around, he is called Clitoris Prime. He has this way of transforming inside you when you least expect it. Gives a killer O when you need it. He has kept me company for years. So, whatever you were thinking, it's not that.” Cue word vomit. I slap my hand over my mouth at the realization of what I just said. Oh, bloody hell. I did not just say tell him all that.

  Finn rubs his hand on his jaw, as his eyes scan up and down my body. His blue eyes turn dark, as he takes a predatory step towards me. Refusing to move from my spot and let him intimidate me, I stand my ground.

  “Anything else you wish to share?” He asks, as his hands grab my hips and pulls me towards him.

  I shake my head, not trusting my words at the moment. Word vomit is killer.

  Finn leans forward, his lips barely touching mine. I feel his hot breath on my skin, causing butterflies to surface once again.

  “Good. Now the real fun begins.” He says before pushing away and hopping inside the SUV.

  This man is going to be the death of me.

  Chapter 15

  ~ Finn ~

  The past two nights have been hell. Bjarne’s men have swarmed the town, making it look like a bloodbath. My brothers and I have killed several dozen men to keep them off our trail, but more keep coming.

  This trip was supposed to keep her safe and out of our world, but the fucking gods have a different plan for us. She is an innocent soul being thrown into a snake’s pit, with no way out.

  Since seeing Stephanie that night at The Wandering Bear, my world has been turned upside down. Seeing her from afar was one thing. But when she walked outside, with jeans hugging her legs, begging to be kissed, an ass that would make anyone drool, and a jacket that was protecting the Holy Grail, I was a goner.

  Stephanie has attempted to talk to me several times in the past few days, but my mind keeps going back to what we have done. I’ve responded in a way that didn’t make me look like an ass but also held her at arm’s length. When she would look at me with her sapphire eyes, I could see the hurt and confusion.

  I kissed her the other night, and now I am keeping her at arm’s length. But how can I bring her into a world that is plagued with bloodshed? The town knows about us, they know what we do for a living and swore to keep Stephanie in the dark. Alta is home to many of the Brotherhood, and we vow to protect our own.

  I lean against the window, looking at my bloodstained hands as I try to figure out what to do next. Bjarne hired convicts, who committed murder or sold drugs, to do his dirty work. These men are untrained and have no idea what they just walked into.

  I normally don’t give a shit about killing someone, but these men are just a waste of our time. I refuse to kill just for sport. So instead of murdering these men, we are capturing them and throwing them in our prison cells.

  When this is all said and done, they will go on trial for their treasons and the government will handle their punishment. I am not a fucking executioner.

  “Might want to stop your boy.” Etienne points over his shoulder at Christian and Liam going at it. “Liam will kill the boy without a second glance.”

  “Let him. I have bigger things to concern myself with.” I snap, rolling my eyes at the two idiots as I turn back to look out the window. The night is eerily silent.

  Etienne shrugs his shoulders and follows my line of sight. “Something is stirring in the trees, I can feel it.”

  Hrothgier has gone silent as they await news of Bjarne or Asbjørn’s location. Hearing our elders run for cover doesn’t sit well with my brothers or me. Every night, we are under constant attack and during the day, it isn’t much better. “I don’t like this, Etienne.”

  On the way here, Etienne and I had a long conversation on whether to tell her about him or not. He told me to no longer use his code name, Blackhawk, and start using the name he was born with. When this mission is over, he plans to retire and get away from this life. Death and destruction can change a man after time. For fifteen years, he has been in the business, and it is time to put up his guns and settle down.

  “Me either.”

  With each passing day, the danger for Stephanie grows. Last night alone, I killed six men and didn't feel a thing. The high used to be euphoric, but now it’s a dead wasteland of the past. My cock no longer strains when I see the life drain from my enemy’s eyes.

  Now my mind keeps wandering back to her. She is the only one I desire. She is the reason I didn’t kill those men tonight. If the Order were to find out what I did, I would be an outcast. But she is the reason Etienne, and I are breaking the rules and not massacring these men.

  “We need to fucking tell her. The longer she is in the dark, the worse this is going to get.” Ian protests. I hear him pace back and forth in the cabin behind me. “She has a right to know.”

  Eight hours ago, we arrived at an old abandoned bunker, just south of the ice caves. Liam made sure to take several back roads to cover our trail so no one would see us. I protested several times, saying we should blend in with the crowd, but was quickly overruled.

  Etienne and I exchanged a few looks as Liam drove, but never said a word. Since we left Alta, his demeanor was off. Stephanie laid passed out on my shoulder in the back seat, while Luna jumped around the vehicle, looking at everything around her. Steph tried to talk to me a few times, but all I could think about was blood staining the ground. As my mind would wander off, Luna’s soft paws kneaded my legs, and she curled into a ball on my lap from time to time.

She is a sitting duck out here.” Iyrik spits as he grips the back of the sofa. “Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t ship her ass back to Skorraey and let her family take care of this mess.”

  “And tell her what? Hey Steph. Not trying to freak you out or anything but your best friend is a trained killer, and your sex god over here has been following you since before you hit puberty. Oh, and you have a serial killer on the loose who eats children for breakfast and wants to Blood Eagle your body to put out for display. Oh yeah, that will go over real well.” Etienne fires back. A dark look crosses his face as he watches our brothers.

  “Don’t forget us. If it weren’t for us stepping in when we needed to, her corpse would be rotting in a ditch.” A loud yelp comes from Darren as Karl smacks him on the back of the head.

  “Got a better idea, asshole?” Darren snaps as he stops pacing and rubs the back of his head.

  Christian pushes off the wall, looking dead at Etienne and me. “Maybe if they weren’t blinded by what’s in front of them, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Protect her at all cost, don’t show her our world, and wait until it’s time. Well, look what that fucking got us. Our brothers are being hunted down, and we have a trail of bodies leading straight to us.” Christian lowers his gaze to Etienne, challenging him to tell him he is wrong.

  Bad idea, Christian.

  Liam is perched in the chair, not saying a word as Christian goes off. Liam’s eyes are vacant as he watches us bitch back and forth, like a bunch of sorority girls. This is complete bullshit. We should not be here, bitching about when we should or shouldn’t tell her, when those men are out there, doing God knows what to innocent people.

  Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. Grinding my teeth together, I do everything in my power to stay calm. My brothers are my life, but even the Order is starting to make decisions that go against everything we believe.


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