A Viking's Lost Soul

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A Viking's Lost Soul Page 15

by T. M. Grinsley

  Groaning loudly, I wipe off every last bit of drool, while trying to forget this ever happened.

  While I was drooling and fantasizing over Finn, worst day of my life I might add, I noticed the tent has five separate compartments and one large meeting room. I read about these kinds of things online and have always wanted to participate in something like this.

  It’s not cosplay or comic con; it’s so much better. Instead of dressing up as a character for prize money, I get to be one in person and role play. Yes, video game geek just had a moment.

  The guy’s laughter starts to trail off as I hear the rest of them enter the tent. They ask what happened, but Etienne and Finn tell them it was nothing.

  Nothing, my ass. I won't be able to look at those two this entire weekend, or the rest of the trip, for that matter.

  Thank God for the bar not too far away, and Sam. She needs to come for a visit here because I am going to need to get away from them for a bit and have a girl’s night so she can help me figure out what the hell I am going to do about Finn.

  “Who do I need to kill?” Sam enters my room, carrying an axe over her shoulder with a murderous look.



  Throwing our arms around each other, we scream in excitement.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You are supposed to be in New Zealand shooting pages for the magazine. God, it is so good to see you.”

  Sam pulls back from my embrace, tossing her axe on the ground and throws her duffle bag on the bed. “I got a letter from your father a few weeks ago, with a one-way ticket to meet you here in Gudvangen. I had no idea what I was coming into, so when Etienne and Finn called me, they filled me in on what we were doing and told me to stop and get you an outfit. Next thing I know, I am on a plane to see you and nearly explode when I see the sex god. By the way, he is fucking hot. If you don’t want him, can I?”

  Sam wiggles her eyebrows and thrusts her hips in the air. “You are incorrigible.”

  “Nah, you love me. But seriously. You were keeping the goods from me.” She pouts, as she grabs some clothes and makeup out of her bag.

  “Please, I am sure you had plenty of hot men in New Zealand to keep you busy.”

  Tossing a pair of gorgeous black leather boots on top of the bag, she lays out what I assume is my outfit, and I have to do a double take. The symbol from the caves is engraved on the boots.


  “I don’t want to talk about that. One drunken night, I ended up in bed with a thirty-second jackrabbit who failed at life. Thirty freaking seconds of speedy thrusts that killed my vibe. Then I had an asshole who thought ‘let’s wax and shave my balls,’ but looked like a hairless cat with black hair patches. No, I have sworn off men right now. Fucking jackrabbit. Damn hairless cat. They killed my O!”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” The image of a dude moving like an energizer bunny and thrusting so fast you wonder if he is human, flashes in my brain. “Who did you fuck, Thumper?”

  Groaning loudly, she throws a boot towards me, but I laugh while dodging her attempt. “I so don’t want to talk about this. What I want to do is kick ass at this mock battle and get drunk. Maybe find me a man like Finn and get my freak on. Oh, and make sure you spill your guts on every little detail you seem to have left out. Like the way that man looks when he talks about you.”

  “Just help me get this stuff on. I want to forget today and get the hell away from the guys.” I make my way over to the small bed and look at the outfit Sam brought and laid out for me.

  The room has a small twin bed, with fur rugs on the ground, and a small wooden table next to the bed.

  “Hey, what’s going on, Steph?” Concern is etched all over Sam’s face, but right now I need to think of anything but him. I need to kill something or get drunk, so I don’t have to think or feel right now. Having a guy who gives you whiplash every chance he gets, is worse than being rejected flat out for the stupidest reasons.

  I lost my dad, and I am about to meet the family that wanted nothing to do with me my entire life. Which, by the way, I am totally freaking out about, since my dad kept them a secret, and now all the sudden they want to meet me. Yeah, my gut isn’t liking this idea very much, but since Etienne and now Sam, are here, I know I can do this. If they are the devil's spawn and I hate them, I will leave and never look back. No hard feelings. If they are the nicest people in the world, I may curse my father and be even more confused.

  “It’s nothing.” Please stop asking me, Sam; you know why this sucks.

  “Fine, but this conversation is not over.” Sam pushes herself off the bed and starts to hand me my outfit. “I had to get us something to shut the guys up and make a move or move on. From everything you have told me, and I have seen, Finn is giving me a headache, and I don't even have the hots for the dude. It's like one minute, he is undressing you with his eyes and any guy who comes near you will be dead if they touch you. And the next, he acts like you are poison and toxic. It’s weird.”

  I quickly strip out of my clothes and Sam starts helping me get ready. I had started to worry that the guys had picked out my costume since Etienne has a freakish way of knowing my size, but Sam tells me she is behind this getup.

  Threading the last of the straps on my top, Sam pushes me down on the small chair and starts to work on my hair.

  It takes over two hours to get this costume on and get my hair just right. Sam and I are wearing matching outfits, but she sports all black, and her hair is impeccable. Tight braids on the side of her head, while the rest flows down to her back.

  As I stand in front of the mirror, I am still shocked at the woman who is looking back at me. I am wearing brown cotton pants that hang loosely to my thick thighs, paired with black leather boots with a little wear and tear, to give them that worn look. A faded blue long sleeve tunic clings to my upper body. A leather vest with small divots and light chainmail is strapped to the bottom and the edges of my shoulders. A black belt straps the sword to my hip, and small chainmail cuffs tightly fit around my wrists and go halfway up my forearms.

  My hair has several tight braids tightly woven to my head and bunch at the top, so the wavy curls hang down and barely touch the top of my breasts.

  “Damn,” Sam whispers in my ear as we stare at the woman before us. Our eyes pop with the thick eyeliner and blue stripes marking our cheeks. We look like we are ready for battle.

  Taking one last look in the mirror and being shocked as hell again that the woman looking at me is me, I follow Sam outside the tent.

  The men are nowhere to be found, so we walk around, looking at tents and mingling with the locals. Several blacksmiths are working on custom axes, swords, or horseshoes, and to say I am mesmerized is an understatement. Watching these men at work is magic.

  “This is amazing, Sam. I can’t believe you were able to get here on such short notice. And why haven’t we come here before? This is so up our alley.” Screw the guys right now. My best friend and shenanigan accomplice are here, and we are going to let loose. I am having way too much fun looking around and seeing what this place has to offer.

  “Since you have a father and brother who like to lock you up in the tower and not let you out to play…?”

  “Hardy, har, har.” Flipping her off, she blows me a kiss as we continue our walk around the compound.

  Several men try to approach us, but Sam shoulders past them, not giving them a second glance. “Sheesh, throw on leather, chainmail, and fake weapons, the men come flocking to you. But anyway, all kidding aside. This place just started becoming popular when the Viking show released in 2013. But before that, several people would travel to learn trade and try to reenact battles that were fought long ago. These people live and breathe this stuff. To make all of this by hand and be cut off from the world to live in peace, takes a lot of work, and people are just now finding out about all this. In my opinion, this all sounds like heaven to me.”

  I give Sam a quiz
zical look, but she shrugs her shoulders and says, “Internet.”

  Ignoring the fact that my best friend seems to know a hell of a lot about this place, I loop my arm with hers and continue to sight see.

  We pass a few more tents, eyeing the masters at work, before finding the tent that screams our names. The Brew and Bucket. If I plan to survive the guys, I am going to need a lot of alcohol in my system.

  The guy at the tent calls out several types of mead to try, and we make a mental note to try every single flavor. For those that don’t know, mead is another word for honey wine. Etienne made sure to drill that into my head when I started drinking at the good ol’ age of twelve.

  “Velkomin. What would you ladies like to try?” The gentleman asks in a thick accent. He motions to each barrel, telling us a little bit about each flavor. Fourteen barrels are stacked on three large tables, each with a small sign telling you what each flavor is.

  I mentally take note on which ones scream out to me and mentally prepare myself, so I don't get hammered.

  Not waiting another second, Sam and I share a knowing look. “All of them.” We say at the same time.

  The gentleman raises a questioning brow and grins like it’s Christmas morning. No idea exactly why he grins like that, but c’est la vie. Time to live it up and let loose. He bends down to pick something up, causing Sam to stand up on her tippy toes and ogle over his backside.

  Smacking her on the arm, she shrugs like she did nothing wrong, and I roll my eyes and wait to taste a rarity. Norwegian mead is the best in the world, some say. I have tried a lot of different drinks over the years, but few have impressed me. Growing up with a brother who owns a bar and only wants the best in the business, kind of ruins things for you and makes you an alcohol snob.

  Yeah, it’s a thing. Look it up.

  “Well hot damn. Looks like your bar is stocked enough to give Basken Robbins a run for their money.” And yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is my best friend.

  The gentleman gives Sam a weird look like he has no idea what she is talking about and hands us our first small glass. Clinking the glasses together, we say ‘skál’ before downing our first drink.

  My senses go into overdrive, trying to figure out what the flavor is. It’s sweet but has a nice kick to it. “What flavor is this?” Sam asks, as she puts down her glass and reaches for the next one.

  “That was Black Currant Mead.” He says and then points to the next small glass. “This is Chestnut Mead.”

  After we try each flavor, I can tell Sam is a little buzzed, while I am as sober as the moment we got here. I know how to hold my liquor, but poor Sam never learned. As she starts to sing a song that I have never heard of, I feel strong arms free Sam from my grasp and throw her over their shoulder.

  “What the hell, Etienne? Put me down this instant!”

  I hear a loud smack, as Etienne smacks her on the ass and starts to walk back the way we came. “Not going to happen. See you guys at the battle.”

  Christian and Darren both whistle, as Etienne carries Sam away. “Wonder what all that was about,” I ask to myself.

  “Etienne has had the hots for Sam for years. She used to visit here all the time before they had a falling out. Not sure what happened.” Darren replies.

  “I know that, Sherlock. These two have barely spoken in two years.” A few years ago, I know Sam visited Etienne for a photo shoot when her company did a feature on Norwegian tradition, but she never told me what happened between the two of them. I knew they both had a thing for each other, but after that trip, she turned to drinking and became a free spirit.

  “Come on; we need to show Steph some moves before the battle starts. I don’t want to lose to Finn and his harem again.” Christian’s tone tells me he wishes he was doing anything else besides teaching me how to fight.

  “Harem?” I ask as I follow Christian and Darren away from the tents and over the massive hill where Ian and Dimitri are practicing a few intense moves on each other.

  “Finn didn’t tell you, did he?” Darren asks with a questioning brow.

  Christian goes to join Ian and Dimitri while Darren stands back with me. “Tell me what?”

  The guys had given me a little tidbit of information about what would be happening today, but no one ever mentioned a thing about a harem.

  Muttering something under his breath, Darren tosses me two small blades before answering my question. “And here I thought our little brother was a lost cause.”

  Chapter 21

  ~ Finn ~

  “PUT ME DOWN. You lost that right a long time ago.” Sam pounds her fists on Etienne’s back, but it doesn’t faze him. He looks stoic, as he throws her on the ground in front of us.

  “Hljóð.” Etienne snarls, and then walks over to the weapons and starts to spar with Iyrik.

  Looks like I am not the only one with woman issues this trip.

  Sam pushes herself off the ground and glares daggers at Etienne's back, before grabbing her weapon and practicing her moves.

  “So, when are you going to stop being a dick and just go after her already? We all see what you clearly want to avoid.” Iyrik asks. “Eira is going to be pissed her prized stallion is strung up on her granddaughter.”


  “Enough with the excuses already. If you don’t get your head out of your ass, Darren is going to make a move and take your woman. Screw Hrothgier. After everything those pricks have put you through, you deserve this.” Iyrik tosses a sword to me, and I catch it with ease.

  These men have no idea what the hell I have been through to get her to this point. I would give anything to finally have her, but my world isn’t what most want. Tossing the sword on the ground, I decide I need to spar with my brother to let off some steam. No weapons, just hand to hand combat.

  The past few days have been hell. All my thoughts have been on Steph. Aand the night I held her in my arms. I would give anything to have that again, but my past is making it impossible.

  “Enough, Iyrik.” I snap, trying to get my temper under control and not kill one of my own.

  “Bjarne has already taken everything from you. You spent your life protecting the one person who means something to you, yet she didn’t know who you are. Now, you have a fucking chance to be happy. Man up and fucking do it already.” I know what he said is true, but he doesn’t know what is at stake. Anyone who gets close to me becomes a target.

  My enemies hunt them down and kill them without reason. The last woman who was close to me was thrown into the ocean and fed to the sharks. To this day, I can still hear her screams as the men held me back. I never loved her, but she didn’t deserve that fate.

  I can’t let that happen to Steph. “You know why.”

  “That was a long time ago. That is not going to happen again, and you know it. Steph is a smart woman, and you give her far less credit than she deserves.” Karl chimes in as he joins the last of our crew.

  The mock battle is about to begin, and my brothers are split into two opposing teams. Steph, Darren, Christian, Ian, and Dimitri are on the Asvar team, while myself, Etienne, Sam, Karl, and Iyrik are on the Thrandsson team. Each team has a logo they will wear on their chest, to signal which team they are on. When they are tapped or struck, they are to lay on the ground and pretend to be dead. Their leader wears a ribbon on their arm, and when they are dead, the opposing team rips it off, and the game is over.

  Karl lands a blow to my right shoulder, trying to reason with me. “Don’t let Eira fuck you over again.”

  Why the hell I had agreed to do this, I have no idea. Every year, we come to this event and let off some steam. Also, we come to live the life of our ancestors and practice our old ways. But each year, our audience grows, and the girls get bolder. I don’t come to get pussy or have women throw themselves at me. I come to get the hell away from everything and just be me.

  Speak of the fucking devils. Several women start to flock our team as we prepare for battle. “Hey, Finn!” One of th
e bystander’s yells as she tries to wave me over.

  “Fuck.” I groan. Can’t I have one fucking day? One mother fucking day where groupies aren’t on my ass or Bjarne isn’t trying to kill me.

  “Finn, for once in your miserable, lonely life, break the damn rules. I am sick of seeing you mess with my best friend’s head. She has the hots for you, and you are stringing her along, playing your little mind games, and then pretending like she means nothing. She has had enough assholes in her life; she doesn’t need another.” Sam snarls before spitting at my feet. “I thought you were better than them. But I was wrong. Leave her alone and find someone else to warm your sheets at night. She deserves someone far better than the likes of you.”

  “Don’t you think I know that? Bjarne’s men have been on my ass since he found out about Steph." Every step we take, they are one step ahead of us. I just had to murder over a dozen men in cold blood, with Steph less than a mile away.

  Someone in our ranks is feeding information to Bjarne, and when I get my hands on them, they will wish Hel took them. Crimson clouds my vision, and I snap. Bulldozing past my brothers and Sam, I fight the beast from breaking through. He is rattling the cages, blood spewing from his mouth.

  All our life, we have believed the Brotherhood was above all. But right now, I am on the verge of saying, ‘fuck my brothers and all the bullshit that is going on. Fuck Eira and her petty bullshit that I have ignored over the years,’ and just do what I want for once.

  I kill when commanded; I run when they call, I fuck when it’s in the interest of the others, to gain Intel. This dog is ready to break its chain and fuck shit up. Fuck with my world and the only family I have, you better run.

  “Finn, wait up.” Sam runs towards me with her weapons in hand. “I’m sorry.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I wait for her to explain, not trusting myself right now. I spent three days away from the woman who, that night at the caves, broke every barrier I ever had. Seeing her that vulnerable and fragile in my arms, was my undoing. Her passion for life, love of her family, and word vomit are only a few of the things I love about her.


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