A Viking's Lost Soul

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A Viking's Lost Soul Page 16

by T. M. Grinsley

  “Steph is not like the others. She would never use you like they did. Finn, you have been dealt the shitty end of the stick, but right now, Freya is handing you the best thing that is ever going to happen to you. Don’t live in the past; you’ve already won those battles. Use your scars as weapons and strength to overcome what lies ahead. Don’t use them as shackles that will eventually tear you apart because then, you will be nothing but a shadow.”

  Sam’s words hit me like a ton of bricks. “Thanks, Sam.”

  “Anytime, bróðir. Just know, I love Steph more than my Hrothgier brothers. She’s worth it.” Sam winks before running past me towards the starting line.

  Leave it to her to pull my head out of my ass. Several years ago, she joined our ranks at Hrothgier, and she changed us for the better. We were mindless killers, but her laughter and thirst for human life allowed some of our humanity to come back. Steph is just my final piece of the puzzle.

  “It’s times like this that I forget our spitfire is a trained killer in the guard. You would think someone like her would be more stoic and bitchy.” Iyrik says as we all make our way to the Thrandsson battleground.

  Sam is already there, making plans with part of our team, as we approach the main tent. The leader of our group, Käre Ingemarsson, is inside the tent, bent over a large map of the area with some of our best warriors. Yes, this is precisely what it looks like.

  Käre is in his mid-fifties but doesn’t look a day over thirty. He has dedicated his entire life to learning the ancient ways of forging weapons and brewing the best mead on the island. He is a skilled master of his trade and one of the best strategists I have ever known. He also happens to be the head of the Elites in Hrothgier.

  Käre shakes my hand as the rest of us join the table and start to strategize our attack. “Glad to have you back, son. I heard about your girl. I don’t have to worry about you freezing and killing our streak, do I?”

  “No. She won’t last five minutes.” I retort, knowing a part of me has a feeling she is going to surprise me.

  Etienne snorts and tries to cover it up with a cough, causing all the men in the room to look at him.

  Iyrik raises a questioning brow in his direction and seems to share a secret message with Karl before all three of them exit the tent. What are you guys hiding?

  “Good. I have a lot riding on this. They added paintball arrows this year to make things interesting, so we are going to need to change a few things before the battle starts.”

  For over a decade, I have fought on the same team, and we have annihilated our opponent every year. But there is one thing I forgot to mention to Steph about this place. Every man, woman, and child here, with the exception of the spectators, are members of the Hrothgier. Hence why every year, our battles get more and more intense. Each year, we add an element that will make things more interesting. Last year, we added paint bombs and fire pits. This year, we have paintball arrows and horses.

  Sam joins us in the tent shortly after we finalize our final attack, and we debrief her on what her team is supposed to do. A wicked grin starts to spread on her face, making me regret making her the lead on the attack. “You sure about this?”

  “You have your orders, Sam.”

  Readjusting her weapons and paintball arrows on her back, she barks orders to her team, before mounting on her horse. “Always surprising me, Finn.”

  “Hiya!” Sam snaps the reins, and the horse gallops to her starting position. Either this is going to be a battle no one is ever going to forget, or Käre is going to kill me.

  Several bodies litter the ground. People from both sides are covered in paint or pretending to have mortal wounds. When someone on a horse is struck down, they are to jump off the horse, and someone in an orange vest comes to retrieve the animal. We may be killers at heart, but we would never put animals in harm’s way.

  The battle has been going on for over an hour, and the last of our forces are attacking Asvar’s camp. Sam’s team is in position and awaiting the signal. Etienne and Käre are in the middle of a massive attack, while my men are fighting to keep our flanks alive. Looks like Fridgerd Svartk finally learned a thing or two.

  Fridgerd Svartk is Käre Ingemarsson’s soon to be wife and is a perfect match for him in every way. She was never a warrior at heart, but over time, after playing online and going to larping events, she picked up a few things and proved to be a worthy opponent.

  “Your reign is over, Finn. We won.” Dimitri howls as he cuts down his enemy and makes his way towards me. “Never piss off a Nils. They always have a plan.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” An Asvar enemy advances, but is quickly taken down. The old man laughs as he fakes his death and lays on the ground with a triumphant look on his face.

  Arrows continue to rain down on my team, killing off the last of our main assault. The only hope we have of winning is joining Sam’s team and killing Asvar’s leader. Dimitri’s laughter follows me as we retreat, and I join Sam.

  “Ready?” Sam asks as she maneuvers her weapons for our assault.

  I take one last look at the small group of soldiers we have left and give them the signal. Bursting out of the trees, we attack the frontline surrounding the leader’s camp. Left and right, people are falling to the ground. A painted arrow hits my shoulder, making it, so I have to pretend to fight with a wounded arm. Who the fuck shot me?

  As my eyes scan our surroundings, I see a small brunette with arrows strapped to her back and a quiver in her hand. Her eyes sparkle as she pulls back the string and releases her arrow.

  The arrows zips past me and hits one of my men. Steph dodges weapons left and right as she takes down her attackers. A small gleam of sweat coats her brow, and it’s sexy as fuck. My cock springs to life seeing her in action. Retrieving arrows off the ground, Steph sprints around the tent, with warriors in tow. Our forces are almost depleted, and the culprit behind it just ran off.

  Taking down the last of our enemies, Sam and I bolt around the tent to kill off their leader. Fridgerd was not in charge this time. I had noticed a small ribbon tied around Steph’s arm, marking her as our target. Well played, Fridgerd, well played.

  As the cries and laughter from the battle go on behind us, the small smile that only seems to happen around Steph starts to grow on my face. In all the years of playing at Gudvangen, I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun. The air around this battle is far different than the ones in the past.

  A small ruffle in the trees makes me pause my attack as Dimitri and Christian charge at me. Tightening my grip on my axe, I brace for impact. I wait for their weapons to strike, but they pause their advance when I feel an arrow hit my ribs, then my leg. I fall to the ground as another arrow hits me in the back and I am marked as dead.

  A high pitch warrior battle cry sounds behind me, and I know exactly who just killed me. My cock strains against the cotton pants as she cheers her victory and runs to hug my brothers. Shifting slightly, I move so no one can see my massive erection, which doesn’t seem to want to go away. Traitor.

  “WE WON!” Steph cheers as she bolts to Fridgerd and barrels into her. Fridgerd and Steph laugh and start to sing ‘We Are the Champions,’ as their team lifts Steph onto their shoulders.

  “Was it worth it?” Sam asks as she hoists me onto my feet, and I pause to make sure no one sees me adjust myself.

  Seeing Steph smiling and shining like a goddess, it was all worth it. The lecture I am about to get from Käre doesn’t matter anymore. I feel like I won, no matter what the outcome turned out to be. Now tonight, it is time to make this shit right. Time to tell her about Hrothgier.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  Chapter 22

  ~ Stephanie ~

  The club is hopping tonight. Two weeks on the road, and it is high time we are in a major city. I love to get down and dirty with my bad self, but sometimes getting around civilized people is a good thing.

  I am still high off Asvar’s win over Thrandsson a
nd can’t wait to celebrate with some of my teammates. Little does Finn know, Etienne sneaks me off to practice with my bow and arrow back home whenever we have time. I have never been a fan of guns, so when he introduced me to a bow a couple of years ago, I was in heaven. Since then, it has been my go-to weapon. I am just glad this year Gudvangen brought archers into play.

  Dimitri, Christian, Karl, and Darren came with Sam and me to Hvall, freshly dressed and not a speck of paint in sight. The image of Karl covered in paint earlier makes me chuckle. He was my first hit, and a little part of me basked in the fact I took down one of the guys so fast. Thank you, Etienne!

  “We are going to find a table. You guys good?” Darren yells over the loud music being played by a local band on stage.

  I give Darren a thumbs up as the guys start to make their way through the massive crowd.

  “Hey, Steph.” I turn around to see Christian with his hands in his pockets, looking uncomfortable.

  Huh, what do you know? The grumpy bastard does have a soul. When he heard that Fridgerd stepped down from command and gave me her spot, he didn’t argue. I presented a plan of attack resembling several of my video games, and they knew it was a perfect plan.


  “I was wrong about you.” He says before walking off and leaving me with my mouth agape. His massive form gets lost in the crowd, leaving Sam and me alone. Did he just? I need a drink.

  First Finn, and now this. Lately, I’ve been on edge, since the other night with Finn, and trying to figure out what’s going on between us. He is still playing hot and cold, but today, I saw a flash of the Finn I was starting to fall for. The look on his face when I took him down nearly made me blow. His eyes darkened, and I noticed a massive bulge, telling me he was thoroughly aroused.

  He never congratulated me after our win, but seeing the look in his eyes and the effect I had on him, was a hell of a lot better than winning. Gah, tonight I need to make a move. My vagina is in a constant state of disarray, and it is time to put us out of our misery.

  Etienne and Finn told the guys they would meet us in the club later, and I should enjoy myself with Sam.

  “Want to go get a drink while the guys find us a table?” Sam asks as the band finishes their song and makes their way off the stage.

  Nodding my head, I scan the room, checking out the club, looking for any familiar faces. A few tables are swarming with single women, as they not so discreetly flirt with guys around the club. Other tables have couples making out, and there are a few couples almost having sex on the wall.

  Sam leans on the edge of the bar to order our drinks, and I see the guys procure us a table. Christian waves us over, while the guys talk to a few of our teammates from today’s mock battle. Tapping Sam on the shoulder, she pays the bartender for our drinks, and we make our way to the table.

  “What do you guys think?” Ian asks Sam and I when we join them at the table.

  “I was here last night. I love it.” I reply as I start to shed out of my thick heavy snow jacket.

  I figured tonight, I would put on something a little extra to make my point clear to a certain ape-man. Sam has been driving me insane trying to see what I’m wearing, but I have refused to budge. Before coming to Norway, I was a shell of myself, and now I feel like the real me is starting to shine. Taking a deep breath, it’s now or never.

  It is time to claim my prize or move on to the next. The thought of not having Finn, or having another woman all over him, hurts. But I am used to men like that passing me over for the next best thing. Right now though, I am sick of the games.

  The music is bouncing off the walls, and people are dancing all around. A local band is killing it on stage, as people are screaming in excitement. It is a massive club, with neon lights flashing all around us, and people doing things they will probably regret when they sober up.

  “This place is insane. Want to dance, Steph?” Sam says as she watches the band finish their number and start on their next song. When he starts to bang his sticks on the drums, the club roars to life, and the rest of the band walks on stage.

  Christian sits in the seat next to me and nearly drops his glass on the floor when he sees what I’m wearing. “Fuck.”

  Ian and Darren stop talking to one of the guys from Gudvangen, and both curse when they see my outfit.

  “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” I snap, feeling my insecurities bloom and wanting to kick these guys in the balls for killing my mojo.

  “Please tell me you dressed like that for me?” Darren asks as his eyes take me in, from head to toe.

  My cheeks start to burn, but there is only one guy I want looking at me like Darren is now. Took me forever to get the courage to wear something like this out in public, but being here in Norway seems to have awoken something inside me.

  Sam is too busy drooling over the band to notice what is happening because when she takes a sip of her drink, she nearly spits it out when her eyes land on me. “Hot damn, girl!”

  She makes a motion with her finger for me to stand up and turn around, so she can get a good look. Rocking a black, low cut blouse that hangs from my shoulders and meets right below my breast line. It’s adorned with a gold necklace that belonged to my mother; the edge of the pendant rests between my breasts.

  Tight black pants hug my curves, leaving nothing to the imagination, and the killer black boots add a little umph to my already big ass. Even with being a size eight, I look hot as hell. My hair is pulled up in a high ponytail, and my makeup is simple, yet striking.

  I wink at Sam as she gives me a thumbs up and drags me to the dance floor.

  The guys don’t follow as we make our way to the floor, and thank God for that. Right now, I just want to let loose and get lost in the music.

  “You sure you want to do this? I have a feeling if any guy touches you, he may kill them.” She yells in my ear as the band starts to play their next song.

  Swinging my hips to the beat, I lean close to her so she can hear me. “He has made it perfectly clear he is not interested. I figured it was time to allow that insecure girl to let loose and have some fun.”

  Sam shakes her head, knowing full well why I am dressed like this.

  As the music begins to hit its climax, the rhythm takes control of my body, and I am lost in the music. Sam and I are dancing together, with our hands connected and are having the time of our lives. We laugh all throughout the night and stop anyone from cutting in.

  The guys join us for a few numbers, making me laugh at the horrible dance moves they possess. Darren and Christian stayed with us most of the night since the crowd is starting to get heavy.

  As the night goes on, all the butterflies I had in my stomach, at the thought of seeing Finn, and all the frustrated, pent-up energy, finally dissipates.

  Sam twirls me in a circle and pulls me close to her side. “They’re here.”

  Following where her finger is pointing, my heart nearly bursts out of my chest. Finn is dressed in a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark faded jeans that hug just right to his legs.

  Etienne, on the other hand, is wearing the complete opposite; A white button-down shirt with a few buttons open along his collar, to show off his tats.

  A few women throw themselves at the guys, doing everything they can to get their attention, but they don’t seem to even notice them. A surge of jealousy takes over as I watch a blonde-haired bimbo rub her hands up and down Finn's chest. No, no, no. Stop it, Steph. You have no right to feel this way; he is not yours.

  The blonde says something to Finn, but he doesn’t seem to notice her existence. Removing her hands from him, he pushes her away as his eyes continue to search the room.

  “You sure that man doesn’t want you?” Sam whispers in my ear. “Sure as hell looks like he has his eyes set on someone in particular.”

  Shooting daggers at my soon to be ex-best friend, we continue our dancing and ignore the guys. I don’t have the heart to watch other
women throw themselves at him.

  “I’m sure,” I reply as I roll my eyes and let the music take its hold once again. Pumping our arms in the air, the floor vibrates with people jumping up and down to the music. We scream and sing off key along with the band. We don’t know a single lyric, but we don’t care.

  Large hands wrap around my waist, as the familiar scent of the man my heart is starting to fall for, envelops me. Ignoring the surge of hope swelling inside my chest, I push back against him as our hips move as one.

  Leaning my head back against his chest, I push my ass up against him, feeling his erection. Damn, this man is huge. A small grin spreads across my face, as I realize what I just did.

  His hands tighten on me while we dance as if no one is here. For several songs, no one bothers us, or they may have, but I didn’t notice. Somehow, during one of the songs, Finn turns me around to face him. Never moving my eyes from his, I watch as pools of desire flood his eyes, causing my insides to feel pressure, begging for a release. Everything below my navel is on fire and wants only one thing.

  “You are breathtaking,” Finn whispers against my ear as the song ends and the band exits for the night. Everyone around us moves away from the dance floor, but us.

  Shaking my head from his trance, I slip out of his arms and make my way to the table where everyone is watching us. My heartbeat is pounding in my chest, and my breathing has quickened. Why the hell does he have this effect on me?

  “Damn, girl. You two were hot. I thought he was going to fuck you right on the dance floor, with the way he was looking at you.” Sam says as she hands me a glass of water. I told her I wasn’t going to drink much tonight so I could keep a clear head around him.

  I take a swig of my water and flip her off, but she only chuckles at my reaction and blows me a kiss.

  “Is that an offer?” Ian asks as he wiggles his eyebrows and takes a swig of his beer.


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