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Game Maker (Game #2)

Page 19

by BJ Harvey

  "Abi," I say, taking my hand back and offering it out to him.

  "Cade," he rumbles, his voice deep and rough, a sound that could drive you higher or bring you back down. It’s one of those tones you could fall asleep to, climax from, and listen to forever.

  What he does next rocks me to the core. He doesn’t shake my hand; instead, he gently wraps his fingers around mine, lifts them up to his mouth, and places a whisper-soft kiss on each of my knuckles, elevating my orgasm detonation level skyward with each new touch. A shiver courses through me from the tips of my toes, up my legs, through my chest, then down to my fingertips. That sexy, slow-growing smile of his widens when my hand trembles in reply.

  Remembering the adage of safety first, I turn to the bar and whistle to grab Amy’s attention. She finishes pouring a line of shots then comes my way, leaning in close, her eyes doing a sneaky scan of the man holding my hand and standing at my side before returning to me.

  "Are you leaving?" she asks. Captain Obvious.


  “Everything good?” she presses, her eyes flicking toward Cade.

  “They will be in about twenty minutes’ time if the promise of him is—in fact—a sign of very good things to come my way."

  "You going to his?" she says quietly.


  Her eyes bug out and she gasps. "Babe . . . you sure?"

  "Yep. Look at him. My creep radar has not pinged once. He's hot, he's forward—but no more than me—and his confidence is intriguing as fuck. I'll text you tomorrow." She moves her head back and studies me.

  “Are you drunk?” she continues.

  I grin. “Nope.”

  "Is Dani home?"

  "Yep." Cade says nothing through all of this, he just stands beside me, the heat radiating off his body warming me like a slow-burning fire that could roar to life at any moment.

  "You better text me," she warns, just as Cade squeezes my hand. "Got to go." She turns her head for me to kiss her cheek like I always do, although I don’t miss her sneaky head-to-toe scan of Cade at the same time. When I stand up straight again, I look at the fine male morsel before me and grin wickedly. This is gonna be fun. "Shall we go?"

  "You lead, I'll follow."

  "From what I’ve seen so far, I'm guessing that's the only time that's gonna happen tonight?"

  "You're a quick learner, Spitfire. Let's go so I can see you ignite with a bang.”

  "Promises, promises," I whisper as I lead Cade away from the bar, his hand resting on my back, his fingers just dipping inside my low-cut dress.

  Thankfully we score a cab right outside the door. Even better is Cade's mouth hitting mine for the very first time the second the car pulls away from the curb.

  For the record, I was right. There was no leading required. Cade takes control and plays my body the way he wants. Four times. In one night. Then again in the morning.


  That was the only time we hooked up . . . until last night.

  Last night, everything changed. Whether it was a good change or not is yet to be seen.

  All I know is I’ve reviewed the forecast, and I’m predicting orgasms.

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  (Game #1) – Available Now

  From the USA Today bestselling author of the Bliss series comes a new spin off series featuring your favorite Bliss series characters who are yet to meet their match.

  Matt Taylor’s motto:

  “I’m the king of the cut ‘n’ run. I wine them, dine them, then slide inside them, making sure I get up, get dressed and get out before they can even utter the words second date.”

  Mia Roberts’ motto:

  “I’m queen of the chase. I meet them, greet them, date them and leave them. A social butterfly, I’m happily single and happy to stay that way.”

  The players have been found.

  The challenge has been set.

  Whatever happens, they’ll soon find out that playing the game can get you played in the best possible way.

  Want to see where the Bliss series began?

  Continue reading for a preview of Temporary Bliss–

  Book 1 of the USA Today Bestselling Bliss Series.

  I’m on my way home after finishing a shift at the hospital. I’m just getting comfortable and texting Kate, when I drop my phone. Of course, it had to slide down the train away from me. Thankfully, being 8 p.m., the cab isn’t too full. Just as I’m about to get up and search the floor in a desperate last attempt to regain my life, hey, my phone is my life, don’t judge, I see him.

  As luck would have it, my phone hit a strange man’s black loafer clad foot, and when I look up, I see said man making his way towards me. This man is sex on legs delicious. I totally clocked him when he got on the train at the stop after me. I’m amazed that I’m even coherent enough to notice anyone, given that I’m at the end of an eight hour day shift where I was rushed off my feet. I’m dog tired, but my mind is restless, wired, and you guessed it, horny.

  Noah has been on a training course for the week, so there has been no chance of any on-call room hook ups, Sean has been out of town for business for the past few days, and Zander has had back to back bookings all week. It’s just been me, my trusty rabbit who, as luck would have it, has run out of juice, or option number three, this delectable man who is now walking towards me.

  Ding, Ding, Ding! I pick door number three.

  He just doesn’t know it yet.

  He’s wearing a granite colored suit, the jacket hanging over his arm which is carrying a black leather briefcase. His white dress shirt has the sleeves rolled up, and he’s obviously finished work for the day because his top two buttons are undone, giving a slight glimpse of a tanned and toned chest that you just want to lick. I’m in businessman fantasy heaven, and he is being delivered to me on a plate, or in this case, a rattly, somewhat dirty, Chicago train.

  But beggars can’t be choosers.

  He’s totally caught me staring at him, his pearly white smile growing on his gorgeous face as he gets closer. I give him a slightly embarrassed, yet cute smile back, knowing that I’ve been caught checking him out. He holds his hand out to me when he reaches my seat, and being the socially awkward idiot that I am, I put my hand out to shake his, feeling absolutely mortified when I realize that he was only trying to hand my phone back.

  “Sorry, is this your phone? It slid down the floor from this direction, and you’re one of the only people on the train without a phone or an e-reader in your hand, so I’m taking a lucky guess,” he says with a sly grin, thankfully not laughing at my social ineptitude.

  “Yeah, that’ll be mine. Sorry to make you come all the way down here,” I reply, an uncontrollable blush creeping up my cheeks.

  “Hey, it’s no problem. I don’t mind being given an excuse to talk to a beautiful stranger, on the L, at night, alone . . .”

  His words are calculated. He somehow has managed to compliment me at the same time as chastising me for traveling alone on the L at night. Now that is talent! I feel a chill run up my spine at the sheer presence of this man.

  “Makenna Lewis, but everyone calls me Mac,” I say, this time actually holding my hand out to shake his.

  He looks down at my outstretched hand and drags piercing caramel colored eyes down my scrub clad body, his jaw twitching as he returns his gaze back to my face.

  “Daniel Winters,” he replies, taking my hand in his and shaking it once while very deliberately dragging his hand slowly from mine, running the length of my fingers as he pulls away. I bite my lip as warm tingles travel from my fingers and up my arms, then shoot right down to my girly bits.

  Holy hell, he’s got game, and it’s a game I want to play!

  This man leaves Zander in his wake, and Zander is a professional stripper who gets paid to flirt.

  “Where are you headed tonight? Have you just finished work, or just starting?” he asks, reachi
ng up to hold on to the cabin’s overhead rail while he looks down at me with a raised eyebrow. That move brings my attention to his tailored shirt tightening over his toned biceps, and then I see it. It’s like my eyes are homing beacons looking for the slightest hint of skin. A small part of his shirt has come loose at his waist and has ridden up, giving me a glimpse of a tight set of abs and the smallest smattering of hair leading a trail south below his waistband. Lord knows I’m a sucker for tight abs and a happy trail.

  C’mon, Mac, get it together, you’re drooling, and he’s waiting for an answer.

  “Ah work, yeah, I just finished my shift at Northwestern,” I mutter, shaking my head to get rid of thoughts of him shirtless, and in my bed.

  “Ah, a doctor then?” he asks with a smile.

  “I’m a nurse in the ICU,” I answer back, the now stupid grin on my face getting wider as we sit there, smiling at each other.

  “And how about you? Let me guess . . . a lawyer? No, wait, maybe an accountant? Nope, not that either. My last answer is undertaker.” I tilt my head and give him a returning ‘What’cha got for me now’ look.

  He laughs and I literally stop breathing.

  All of Daniel’s physical attributes are already measuring mighty high on the Makenna scale of hotness, but that laugh . . . the low baritone timbre that can stop wars, solve world hunger, and cure women of their need for underwear all at the same time . . . it is the work of the devil. I swear to God, all he’d have to do is lie there and laugh all day, and I swear I could sit on his chest and get off.

  “I’m a stockbroker,” he finally tells me, leaning in and putting his spare arm on the back of my seat. “And I guess none of my sexy nurse jokes will win me any favors with you either, right?” I notice a slight upwards curl of his lips, and realize that he’s not only sexy and has a laugh that could make a nun horny, but he’s funny too.


  “Probably not, but you never know your luck in the big city,” I muse.

  He nods in agreement. “Duly noted.”

  “So, you like to play with money then.” I can’t believe I’m being so blatant with this man. He smirks, and wouldn’t you know it, out come the dimples. Freaking adorable, cute as all hell divots on either side of his cheeks, dimples!

  They’re going to be my downfall.

  “I like playing with other people’s money,” he murmurs. His eyes have gone dark now.

  “Sounds like fun. What else do you like to do?” Holy shit, Mac! Why don’t you just hump his leg already? Damn, I must need some sleep, or some rabbit relief, or something. I look down and blush again. I may talk a good game, but my blush always gives my self-conscious side away.

  “Lots of things.” He pauses for a moment, long enough for me to look back up into those gorgeous eyes of his. My breath hitches when I see him looking back at me like I’m water and he’s dying of thirst. “Candlelit dinners, long walks . . . sex on the beach . . .”

  He smiles as he says that last thing, especially when my eyes go wide.

  Confidence simply exudes from him; he’s sure of himself, but not in an overly cocky way. But lord knows that I really want to know what he could do to me and vice versa.

  “How about we start with my bed?” I say with a sexy smile and a wink.

  And that is how I met Daniel Winters.

  BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Bliss Series. She also regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer and a funny romance thinker upper. An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly but loving every minute of it. She’s a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and hails from what she considers as the best country in the world—New Zealand.


  Twitter: @bjharveyauthor

  Instagram: bjharvs



  Sign up for her mailing list here:

  Romantic Comedy

  Bliss Series (Interconnected Standalones)

  Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)

  True Bliss (Bliss #2)

  Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)

  Permanent Bliss (Bliss #4)

  Finding Bliss (Bliss #5)

  The Game Series (Bliss Series Spin Off)

  Game Player (Game #1)

  Game Maker (Game #2)

  Holiday Romance

  Stranded (Christmas novella with a Bliss Series connection)

  Romance Suspense

  Lost in Distraction (Lost #1)

  Lost For You (Lost #2)

  Lost Without You (Lost #3)

  Erotic Suspense—Standalone


  Contemporary Romance

  Touch (Sovereign Part One)

  Taste (Sovereign Part Two)

  Feel (Sovereign Part Three)

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Sneak Peek ~ Game Saver (Game #3)

  Preview ~ Temporary Bliss

  About the Author

  Other Books by B.J. Harvey




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