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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

Page 18

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  “Wipe that smile off your face! This isn’t over! I will drown all of you! And all of you shall become kappa spirits too!

  Kappa! I summon you!” Azumi declared standing on the water in the center of the pool and raising her hand high into the air. All around her small whirlpools began to form on the pool’s surface and then all of a sudden several kappa yokai appeared, water demons, springing forth up and out of the whirlpools. They were most definitely NOT the cute kind of kappa Kusanagi had sometimes seen depicted in paintings but the scary kind - these kappa had lanky bodies, green skin, black scraggly hair, sharp teeth and nails, duck bills, turtle shells on their backs and were the size of small humans (around four feet tall) and not the size of turtles.

  They all leapt towards Kusanagi and the others, claws

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  poised, ready to strike.

  The girls and Shinichi screamed in fright while Shinichi’s scream came out sounding just like a little girl. Kusanagi, Katsumi and Orihime all turned to look at Shinichi in disbelief, who blushed in response.

  “Wha?” He shrugged and immediately began to stuff his face with chips rapidly in order to hide his embarrassment. Ranmaru went into ‘Super Samurai Butler Mode’. Kusanagi turned to see him standing, looking pristine once more, and carrying a silver, serving tray with a domed top. “Allow me to serve you all some Hors D’oeuvres.” Ranmaru removed the top from the covered tray to reveal that it was covered in delicious looking cucumber sandwiches. If Kusanagi didn’t have the sneaking suspicion Ranmaru was ‘going somewhere with this’ she would have asked for one since they looked really good. He then picked up the sandwiches and began flinging them at the kappa, who all eagerly opened their mouths and consumed the cucumber sandwiches greedily.

  However-The kappa demons suddenly all looked sick and hands grasping their behinds they all made a mad dash for the nearest restroom.

  Talk about anti-climatic.

  Sweat-drops formed on everyone’s brow in response.

  “What the?” Azumi gaped in shock, “Ack! No! My kappa minions! You’ll pay for that!”

  “Now that’s what I call grade A service. Good job Ranmaru.” Kusanagi smirked, pleased with her butler. Ranmaru bowed with a flourish. “Milady.”

  Azumi looked back and forth between the two of them and huffed in anger. “J-just who are you two?”

  “She’s a bitchy heiress.” Shinichi declared.

  “And he’s her Samurai Butler.” Katsumi put in. Kusanagi began to egg Azumi on, “Come on then and get us! I dare you! If you’re not too scared of my Super Butler!”

  Kusanagi turned and began smacking her ass teasingly, as if to say ‘come and get me if you dare’.

  Azumi blushed in response to Kusanagi’s crude gesture,

  “You! I can’t believe you! Argh!” Kusanagi then began making Bitch 169

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  faces at Azumi by pulling down her lower left eyelid and then sticking her tongue out, and that’s when Azumi had had enough.

  “How dare you make a mockery out of me!” Azumi leapt up out of the pool and rushed at Kusanagi, claws poised and ready to strike.

  “Ranmaru.” Kusanagi said slowly and Ranmaru instantly materialized in front of her. “Finish her off now Ranmaru - but don’t kill her.”

  Ranmaru bowed, “Hai, Oujo-sama. ” He used his yokai speed and rushed at Azumi while at the same time unsheathing his sword Kuroki Ryu.

  Kusanagi filed her nails and was looking bored. “This fight is already over...”

  Shinichi looked awed, “You actually managed to trick her into coming out of the pool Kusanagi. That was amazing!” He gushed.

  Azumi ignored them as she rushed at Ranmaru and used her elemental control of water to let it rise up and out of the pool and form around her. Then as she punched her own fist forward a large fist made entirely out of water was formed and went shooting towards Ranmaru.

  But Ranmaru had Kuroki Ryu now in hand and so he charged forward, a flaming aura of fox-fire forming around him and his sword. Ranmaru easily sliced through the fist and was then upon Azumi in seconds. He swung his sword and unleashed a fiery attack upon her and Azumi cried out as she was blasted back and into the pool with a large splash. Defeated. Azumi, half dazed and dizzy-eyed, swam her way towards the pool’s edge and tried to gather enough strength to pull herself up and out of the pool once more, but she sensed someone close by. Azumi looked up to see Kusanagi looking down at her and reaching her hand down to Azumi, with a slight smirk on her face.

  Azumi blinked back up at Kusanagi in shock, why would Kusanagi help her after everything she’d just done? “Why...?”

  Kusanagi’s eyes sparkled. “Because we’re the same.”


  Azumi frowned thoughtfully. “The same?”

  Kusanagi lowered her voice so that only Azumi could hear, “We’re both enemies of Death aren’t we?”

  Azumi’s eyes widened and sparkled with unshed tears as she reached out to take Kusanagi’s hand and allowed herself to be pulled up and out of the pool.

  Hands still clasped together Kusanagi and Azumi smiled at each other...


  Ranmaru watched Kusanagi with a half smile on his face. He’d finally figured out his Mistress. There was no longer any doubt in his mind. Not after today. All along he should have simply trusted his instincts that had told him this was a woman worthy of protecting. Instead he had let his emotions and past memories cloud his judgment.

  His Mistress had nearly drowned while trying to save someone.

  Kusanagi was no bitch.

  A bitch would not have risked her life to save his either. For whatever reason Kusanagi had created an elaborate mask and was pretending to be an evil bitch while on the inside she was a kind person.

  He didn’t mind so much that he had almost drowned since because of that he had managed to find out the truth…

  But that only left more questions.


  Why had she chosen to wear this mask that pushed people away?

  Why was she fighting alone?

  And who was she fighting against?


  Ranmaru, who had been weakened by the water and the ensuing battle, finally passed out and turned into his smaller fox form, which was about the size of a small dog. In this smaller form he was a small copper-furred fox with only two tails. Kusanagi noticed what had happened and went over to pick up the sleeping Ranmaru, and took him into her arms gently.

  “Kusanagi sure does like animals...” Katsumi playfully teased.

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  “Oh shut up.” Kusanagi glared back at the airhead. With Ranmaru protectively in her arms she turned to Orihime. “I’m sorry Orihime but I think you know what my answer is.”

  Orihime merely looked amused, “Yes, I believe that’s obvious. Such a shame...but don’t think I’m going to give up on getting Ranmaru for my own Samurai Butler so easily. Until you really make it clear that you even want him, I’m going to make it clear to him that I do.”

  “Kusanagi has always loved animals though so it would be hard for her to give up like the perfect man.” Katsumi was saying excitedly. “You know, since Ranmaru is really a fox and all.” Katsumi informed Orihime.

  “KATSUMI!” Kusanagi shouted.

  Ranmaru’s ear twitched. His Mistress really was so loud, didn’t she know he was trying to sleep?



  Good things can result from misfortune

  Kusanagi, Katsumi, Shinichi, and Ranmaru were crossing the schoolyard and making their way to the main school building when there was a sudden commotion in front. Someone was pulling up in a flashy red sports car and the female students were immediately causing something of an uproar.

  “Eeee~ It’s Haruka!” “He’s back!” “Eeee~!”

  Ranmaru turned to see what all the
fuss was about and saw a young man about Kusanagi’s age, with sandy blonde hair (it was obviously dyed), a pair of lavender-tinted sunglasses on his face, a sparkling Rolex on his wrist, a diamond stud earring in his left ear, and he was wearing the same black academy uniform as the boys at Kusanagi’s school. Who did he think he was?

  Some kind of movie star or pop idol or something? Ranmaru mused.

  Kusanagi turned around and caught sight of the young man only to slap a hand to her forehead and groan, “Oh no...”

  Ranmaru’s curiosity about the boy had immediately been piqued and so he bent down low to whisper in Katsumi’s ear,

  “Who’s that?”

  Katsumi looked up at Ranmaru, blinking in surprise that he would come to her for information before grinning ear to ear and also lowering her voice conspiratorially. “Oh! That’s Haruka. He’s a popular male model. And I should probably warn you - he’s in love with Kusanagi. He’s been away from school due to Bitch 173

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  ‘family matters’ supposedly but now that he’s back he’ll probably want to hang out with Kusanagi again.”

  Ranmaru blinked in surprise, this boy was in love with his Mistress? Ranmaru turned to his Mistress wondering how Kusanagi felt about him...? Did she really like flashy, handsome young men like him? Was that her type? His heartbeat quickened. Haruka stepped out of his red Pagani Zonda and was immediately surrounded by a gaggle of fan girls. In his arms he held a gorgeous~ bouquet of long-stemmed, red roses. He looked around calmly until he spotted Kusanagi.

  Haruka immediately pushed his way through the crowd of fan girls and made his way towards Kusanagi. Kusanagi awaited his arrival almost expectantly, one eyebrow raised, while tapping her foot impatiently. Haruka came to stand in front of her and got down on one knee before gallantly offering her the bouquet of red roses.

  The fan girls immediately all made ‘cooing sounds’.


  “My lady, please accept this token of my affection.” He gave Kusanagi a dashing smile and his teeth sparkled...

  “Oi! Did you just see that?” Shinichi questioned Katsumi, who was nodding vigorously and looked a bit in awe or perhaps enamored with Haruka as well.

  Kusanagi took the bouquet of flowers and Ranmaru’s heart stopped. Did Kusanagi actually like this young man? If she did then there would be nothing he could really do except be supportive and continue to protect Kusanagi from the shadows. Besides, that’s what he was supposed to be doing anyways. He was simply her Samurai Butler and nothing more. Right?

  But then Kusanagi’s eye twitched and she raised the bouquet of roses high over her head and then quickly brought them down upon Haruka’s head.


  Poor Haruka had been whacked over the head with the bouquet of roses he had tried to gift to Kusanagi, and the thorns


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  from the roses cut into the delicate skin of Haruka’s face causing blood to run in rivulets down his face from the scratches. Whoa. Ranmaru's eyes widened. Then again maybe not. The fan girls all cried out aghast in anger and disbelief at Kusanagi’s cruel actions. “What a bitch...!” One of the observing fan girls couldn’t help but blurt out. “Doesn’t she know you can’t scratch a model’s face!” Another added.

  Kusanagi sent a glare in their direction, which quickly shut the girls up though.

  Ranmaru turned his attention to Haruka, curious to see what he’d do next. Haruka was oddly enough still smiling with a goofy smile plastered to his face even though he was bleeding. That smile was kind of creepy Ranmaru decided and wondered if that was how Kusanagi had felt when he had began their...time together with a fake smile plastered to his face. Haruka stood, seemingly unfazed. “Were the flowers not to your liking, princess? Then how about...!” Undeterred, Haruka pulled out a box of chocolates.

  Kusanagi took the box before handing them over to Katsumi while not taking her eyes off of Haruka. “Here Katsumi.”

  “Yippeee!” Katsumi exclaimed and began jumping up and down in glee.

  The other fan girls seemed oddly jealous, “Awww no fair!” “Why does she get to have Haruka’s chocolates?”

  “Damn...I should have thought of that.”

  Haruka’s smile faltered slightly but he remained smiling anyways.

  Kusanagi narrowed her eyes at him, mentally willing his mask to break. “Stop following me around, you perverted stalker. How many times do I have to tell you I have absolutely no interest in you! Mou! ” Kusanagi threw her arms up in the air. Haruka struck a pose, holding his chin and trying to look dashing, “Ah, I know you don’t mean that, kitten. After all what girl can resist this face...?”

  “Your face is bleeding, you know...” Shinichi put in. 176

  “And right now you look kinda scary.”

  “Yea, like he’s a victim from some horror movie.”

  Katsumi nodded vigorously.

  Haruka ignored them. “And when a girl says ‘no’ she really means ‘yes’. You’re just playing hard to get.” Haruka gave Kusanagi a knowing look.

  Kusanagi slapped a hand to her forehead and shook her head, “Of all the idiotic...! Mou! ” She looked up again to glare at him, her emerald green eyes sparking. “Just leave me alone already!” Kusanagi turned on her heel and began to stomp away. Haruka deflated and became desperate. “Wait!” He reached his hand out towards her, “If you don’t like flowers...or about...?” He reached into his school uniform and pulled out a large black velvet box. He popped the box open to reveal a sparkling, gaudy, diamond necklace inside. All of the fan girls, including Katsumi, became starryeyed and all cooed simultaneously, “Oooo~”

  Haruka smiled, his teeth sparkling, “Diamonds?”

  “There it was again!” Shinichi exclaimed, referring to Haruka’s star smile.

  Katsumi merely nodded looking somewhat dazed. Kusanagi turned around ready to yell at him again when she caught sight of Katsumi’s starry-eyed expression and so decided to take the necklace. Haruka had a triumphant look on his face before he watched Kusanagi toss the box to Katsumi. His jaw dropped. “Kusanagi~” He moaned despairingly, “Why oh why are you so cruel to me, princess? When I know deep down you truly love me!”

  Kusanagi blushed, “You wish! Idiot pervert!”

  Haruka again deflated but gathered his courage since he had one last gift to try. His trump card so to speak. No girl could resist this last gift. “Wait! I have one more gift for you, princess. And I know you’ll just love this one!” He pulled out a wrapped package.

  Kusanagi hesitated ready to leave anyways but curiosity got the better of her. She sighed and took the package and began to unwrap it. Ranmaru, Katsumi, and Shinichi were all behind Kusanagi, peering over her shoulder as she unwrapped it since they were equally curious. Somewhere along the way Orihime Bitch 177

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  and Azumi had joined their group and were also peering over Kusanagi’s shoulder.

  Kusanagi unwrapped the package to reveal that it was a flashy, eight and a half by eleven-inch, framed photograph of the male model Haruka. It was also autographed in purple ink. In the photo Haruka was wearing some sort of trendy, black leather, gothic outfit, with a purple feather boa around his neck. His signature lavender-tinted sunglasses were of course on his face and a single red rose was held between his sparkling teeth. Kusanagi’s eye twitched. “It’s a framed photo...of yourself...”

  Haruka beamed and clapped his hands together enthusiastically, “I just knew you would love it!”

  “Like hell I would!” Kusanagi was about to slam the framed photo over his head when-Katsumi cried out. “No! Kusanagi!” There were actually tears in the girl’s eyes.

  Kusanagi started blinking at Katsumi in pure disbelief before she sighed heavily. “What’s wrong Katsumi?” She sounded like she really didn’t want to know. Katsumi blushed and fidgeted with her hands, pressing the tips of her inde
x fingers together. “Can I please have that photograph...?”

  Kusanagi sighed again and handed the framed photo over to the airhead. “Knock yourself out.”

  “YES!” Katsumi bounced up and down ecstatic, “One of these is sure to be able to fetch a lot of money on Ebay!”

  Katsumi’s eyes had turned into dollar signs. Shinichi’s jaw dropped, “Oi! You want it for the money?

  Aren’t you a fan! Oi! ”

  Each time Haruka had handed Kusanagi a gift Ranmaru had an inexplicable feeling of unease soon as it had left her hands and she gave the gift away to Katsumi the feeling simply went away. Ranmaru shook his head wondering what that had been all about.

  Haruka just didn’t know when to quit and decided to go for the direct approach. “My princess, I know you’ve surely 178

  missed me. But do not worry I have returned to your side. I also know that absence makes the heart grow fonder and that you’ve been longing to kiss my sweet lips. But a shy demure lady-”

  “What lady?” Shinichi looked around the schoolyard. Haruka coughed. “Like yourself would never be able to voice such a request. So never fear, my princess! Your prince shall come to you! Kiss me, my angel~! ” Haruka leapt at Kusanagi, arms wide, lips pursed.

  Ranmaru was too stunned at the audacity of this young man to react fast enough-He was also hesitating since this young man seemed so sure that the Kusanagi on the ‘inside’ wanted to kiss him. Did he perhaps know something about Kusanagi’s mask? Was it perhaps true then that Kusanagi did in fact want to kiss Haruka but had been acting again?

  Luckily for Ranmaru, Kusanagi was always ready. Kusanagi smiled a chilling smile as Haruka was almost upon her before bringing her fist back and then moving it forward. “STOP

  KIDDING AROUND!” She let her fist slam into Haruka’s face and he went flying backwards across the schoolyard-Into a group of fan girls, who were all blasted back as well.


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