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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

Page 24

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  Kusanagi sighed blissfully. Ah, peace and tranquility at last. She turned up the volume so that the walls of her room began to vibrate; a few of the chairs that were in her room began to skid across the wood floor. Kusanagi began to dance around, singing at the top of her lungs in a completely tone-deaf manner while doing the ‘air guitar’.

  Roze heard the entire ruckus and instantly rushed into Kusanagi’s room. “Kusanagi!” She skidded to a halt as the sight of Kusanagi dancing wildly to the rock music met her eyes. Kusanagi was currently head banging rather enthusiastically. She frowned and rushed over to the CD player to turn the volume down. Hands on her hips she spun around to face Kusanagi, a stern expression on her face. “Just what do you think you’re doing? Being out of bed and playing the air guitar of all things!

  When you should be resting. Where is Ranmaru...that useless...”

  She trailed off biting her lower lip.

  Kusanagi smiled evilly, Cheshire-like. “I ordered him to leave me alone for a little while.”


  Roze instantly looked worried, “You what? I don’t think that was such a good idea...”

  Kusanagi frowned, “I needed a break from that weirdo. What’s with him anyways? He was acting really loony today!”

  Roze’s brows furrowed, “I think he was just worried about you. It probably freaked him out seeing you so quiet and subdued...”

  “Keh, he’s completely overreacting - it’s just a cold. You can’t die from a cold you know!” Kusanagi ruffled her hair in an exasperated fashion making it stick up in places. Roze tapped her chin thoughtfully, “Hmm. I wonder if he realizes that. Ranmaru seems...really sheltered somehow. He’s taking the whole thing awfully gravely. You don’t think he took me seriously when I told him having a cold was like a life or death battle do you?”

  “Roze! Mou! That idiot...” Kusanagi shook her head in disbelief. That naive fool…what could be going on in that head of his?

  “Maybe I should go and look for him. I’m sure he merely wants to be by your side and make sure you’re okay.” Roze insisted.

  “Keh, why would he even care?” Kusanagi flipped her hair over her shoulder, nonchalant.

  “You’re so dense. He obviously cares for you.” Roze gave Kusanagi a pointed look.

  Kusanagi blinked and gawked at Roze in shock. “Cares for me?” She squeaked. “Why would you think that?” HeR heart began to beat a little faster at the thought.

  “The way he acts so protective of you. I think it’s pretty obvious. Well, I’ll go look for him. Try and get some rest alright.” Roze sighed heavily as she turned to leave. Kusanagi sama was always a handful. Kusanagi frowned but then nodded. “Alright.”

  Ranmaru...cares for me?

  Ka-thump, Ka-thump

  Roze had a knowing look on her face as she left. She had intentionally planted the ‘seed’ in Kusanagi’s mind. She knew Ranmaru deeply cared for her and that deep, deep down Kusanagi cared for him in return. She only wished for her Oujo- Bitch 229

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  sama’s happiness since Kusanagi had given her a second chance at living a different life on a different path from the dark path she had once been on…

  Kusanagi flopped down on her bed and listened to her rock music and wondered if Ranmaru really was that worried about her...a small smile formed on her lips. She was daydreaming about Ranmaru when she heard the doorknocker booming loudly downstairs as it echoed through the spacious mansion. Ranmaru? Maybe he’s come back. Poor guy, I really should let him know that I’m alive at least. Kusanagi hopped out of bed and wrapped a robe around herself. She tied it tightly, before she flung the door to her bedroom open and ran down the hall, down the main staircase, and to the front door. I want to see him! She opened the door excitedly, but standing there in the doorway was NOT Ranmaru but an apologetic looking Haruka instead.

  Kusanagi deflated and immediately dismissed him. “Oh, it’s just you, Haruka.” Kusanagi sighed heavily and walked back inside the mansion with Haruka following close behind.

  “Just me?” Haruka pouted, “I’m hurt Kusanagi- chan! ”

  Haruka moaned dramatically.

  Kusanagi closed the door and turned to face Haruka somewhat irritated. “So why are you here?”

  “Do I really need a reason to come and visit you, my angel?” Haruka declared and Kusanagi narrowed her eyes at him. Cough. “I simply returned because I wanted to know if you liked my gift.” Haruka gave her an expectant look.

  “Yea...that was some gift alright.” Kusanagi began before a coughing fit overcame her and she began to cough violently into her hand.

  Haruka raised an eyebrow at her and suddenly noticed her flushed appearance and that she was dressed in nothing but her skimpy pj's and a now loosely tied robe. A cat’s paw smile formed on his face. “Are you alright?”

  “I caught a nasty cold.” Kusanagi informed him carelessly.


  Haruka looked around the empty entrance chamber.

  “Where are Roze and Ranmaru? I would have expected your komainu to have thrown me out of your house already.”

  “They’re both out.” Kusanagi waved a hand through the air in a dismissive gesture.

  “I see, so then it’s just the two of us.” Haruka stroked his chin thoughtfully.

  Kusanagi shot Haruka a dark glare, “Don’t get any odd ideas, pervert.” But then Kusanagi began to cough violently again and sighed as all her energy seemed to leave her. Ugh...she felt faint and slightly dizzy, and she really didn’t feel like being alone just then either, so she decided there was no harm in letting Haruka stay for a little while maybe. After all, the fruity model was harmless. As she was swaying on her feet something caught her eye and she looked behind herself and at her oddly elongated shadow-Kusanagi’s eyes widened.

  It was the Grim Reaper’s shadow.


  Following Kusanagi’s order Ranmaru left the mansion and headed over to a nearby tree on the estate. He picked up a rock and suddenly threw it up into the tree’s leafy branches.

  “Ow!” Came a sudden exclamation as someone

  unexpectedly fell out of the tree and landed with a muted thud on the grassy ground below. It was Orihime. She rubbed her forehead gingerly where the rock had hit her, tears forming in her eyes, and was still on the ground on her knees. She glared up at Ranmaru. “Was that really necessary?”

  Ranmaru sighed heavily. It appeared as though he’d picked up a stalker somewhere along the way. But at least this made Kusanagi’s request a bit easier. He went over to Orihime and grabbed her arm, roughly pulling her up. “Let’s go.”

  Orihime shot Ranmaru a panicked look, “Huh? Where?


  “A date.” Ranmaru informed her in his monotone voice. Orihime’s golden eyes widened, “A date? You and me!”

  Ranmaru nodded, his body almost acting of its own accord, following the will of Kusanagi’s order. Sigh. Bitch 231

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  Orihime’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, and then-“Honto? Really? Whee~” She began to do a goofy sort of victory dance. “I did it! I did it! I won! I won!”

  Ranmaru raised an eyebrow at the girl’s antics. He really never would understand women.

  Cough. Orihime recomposed herself before looking smug,

  “Well, of course you’d want to go on a date with me.” Orihime tossed her long golden hair over her shoulder. “I am just that beautiful after all. Ohohohohoho~” Orihime laughed with a hand upraised in front of her mouth. “You’re lucky I have an opening in my schedule.”

  Ranmaru sighed again but nodded. “Let’s go.” He suddenly lifted her up and placed her on his back piggyback style. “Hang on.” He instructed her in his gruff voice.

  “Whoa, wait, what are you-” Orihime began as she wrapped her arms around Ranmaru’s neck and then he immediately took off at top speed - which for a yokai was extremely fast. Orihime’s eyes began to water. “Whee
eeee~! ”

  It didn’t take long for the two to arrive at Akihabara, and Ranmaru set Orihime down gently in front of a popular looking cafe called ‘C3’ otherwise known as Cute Cat Cafe. The Internet café also had computers and allowed ‘log ons’ to the currently most popular virtual reality online games. Ranmaru just wanted to get this ‘date’ over with as soon as possible so that he could return to his Mistress’ side. But he had to stay away from Kusanagi for an entire six hours or else the punishment of the Control Collar would be activated. Ranmaru didn’t think he was going to be able to make it.

  Let’s get this over with. “Here okay?” Ranmaru asked dully.

  Orihime nodded enthusiastically, “Oh yes, I heard the cakes they have here are just delicious! Let’s go!” Orihime slipped her arm around Ranmaru’s and they entered C3 together. All eyes were instantly drawn to the beautiful couple and their eyes became starry-eyed.

  “Oh hey, look over there.” “Wow...they’re so beautiful.”


  “Do you think they’re famous?” “They sure look like a movie star couple to me.” “No, wait, look at his butler’s uniform. He must be her butler.” “Lucky~ I wish I was a rich Oujo-sama.”

  “Oh wait, isn’t that Orihime the famous model?” “Uso! No way!

  I’m so glad we came here today.”

  Orihime was preening happily under all of the attention she was getting, and just eating it up, and loving every minute of it. “Yes, praise me! Come on, love me even more!” Orihime muttered to herself but Ranmaru’s keen ears overhead her. Talk about an ‘Ultimate Queen of Vanity’. Sigh. Kusanagi on the other hand barely ever even looked in a mirror...hence her wild hair... Then Ranmaru caught sight of something strange - there had been this flash of light that oddly enough seemed to have come from Orihime’s pendant. Ranmaru blinked, however, when he turned to look at the pendant again it appeared normal. Had he just imagined it? Probably. Ranmaru shook his head. The couple went over to take a seat at one of the cafe’s tables and was instantly waited on by a shy, stuttering waitress, who had short blue hair and a pair of cat ears on her head. She was also wearing a lacy, black, French maid outfit. “C-can I take your order?”

  Orihime eyed the menu speculatively, “Hmm~ I’ll have a caramel macchiato and a piece of your cat’s meow strawberry shortcake.”

  The waitress nodded and then hesitated seemingly wanting to say something, “Ano...Um…if it isn’t too much trouble...?”

  Orihime looked up at her, “Yes?”

  “Could you please give me your autograph?” The waitress shyly asked. “Onegai? Please?” She held out her waitressing notepad and a pen.

  A cat’s paw smile formed on Orihime’s face. “Of course you can, cutie.” Orihime took the pad and pen excitedly. She just loved this sort of thing after all. “Whom shall I make this out to?”

  “Oh!” The waitress blushed, “M-make it out to...Nana please.”

  “To Nana, from Orihime~” Orihime signed with a flourish and dotted her two ‘i’s with little hearts. She then handed the autograph back to the girl.

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  “Thank you so much.” Nana bowed before turning her attention to Ranmaru, “And what would you like, sir?”

  “Water.” Ranmaru coldly replied.

  A cold wind blew past~

  Nana shivered. “Oh, um, h-hai! Okay!” Nana practically ran off.

  Orihime tsked, “Couldn’t you be a little nicer to her? I think you scared that poor girl half to death. And just look at your eyebrows.” Orihime reached across the table and pressed her index finger directly between Ranmaru’s eyebrows where he had his brows furrowed, and drawn closely together, “Can’t you relax your brows? You look so scary. Just like a komainu or something.” Orihime giggled thinking of the mean looking, liondog statues that were oftentimes seen sitting on either side of the entrances to temples.

  “Komainu? ” Ranmaru quirked his head at her.

  “Yes, you know, those guardian lion-dog statues that are found at Buddhist temples. They have angry, furrowed brows just like yours. What are you so uptight about anyways? I can tell that something is bothering you.” Orihime gave him a thoughtful look.

  “Oujo-sama is sick.” Ranmaru explained. Orihime blinked in surprise, “Sick? Then why did you come on this date with me? Shouldn’t you be looking after her?

  You are her butler after all.”

  “She ordered me to go on a date with you.” Ranmaru deadpanned.

  “Ordered you...?” A flash of hurt crossed Orihime’s face.

  “Oh I even though you’re on a date with a beautiful girl like me, all you can think about is your Master. You really are like a komainu after all - a guardian dog, a protector, that’s blindly loyal to its Master.” Her voice held a tinge of bitterness to it.

  “I’m no dog. I’m a fox.” Ranmaru corrected her in an indifferent tone.

  Orihime nodded, “Yes, I know. I wonder if it was wise to 234

  leave Kusanagi alone with Haruka though...” Orihime tapped her chin thoughtfully.

  Ranmaru blinked. “Haruka?”

  Orihime nodded, “Yes, he’s there at the estate too.” At Ranmaru’s confused look Orihime continued to explain. “You know, stalking Kusanagi. He was there with me. Didn’t you sense him?”

  Ranmaru appeared surprised. “No.” He was also bothered by the fact that he had been unable to sense Haruka’s presence.

  “How strange. He’s probably going to go and bother her... and she’s sick. I feel sorry for him though since she’s probably going to beat the crap out of him. Well, he’ll only be getting what he deserves.” Orihime nodded to herself knowingly.

  “Stalkers are the worst. ”

  Ranmaru couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at her last comment; didn’t Orihime realize that she was a stalker too?

  Ranmaru shook his head, now was not the time for such inane thoughts. Ranmaru stood up from the table suddenly, pushing his chair back. He then turned and began heading for the exit of C3. Orihime didn’t seem surprised and inspected her flawless manicure, “Where are you going?”

  “Back to my Master’s side.” Ranmaru had stopped but still didn’t turn around.

  “What was your exact order?” Orihime questioned.

  “To stay away from her for six hours.”

  “Hmm.” Orihime frowned, “And it’s only been one. Ranmaru...I know what you are. You shouldn’t may die if you break that order.”

  Ranmaru shook his head. His mind was already made up.

  “I must protect her. Even if it costs me my life.”

  Orihime sighed in an exasperated manner, “Fine! Be a stubborn hero or rather a stubborn komainu and rush blindly back to your Master’s side and leave a beautiful girl like me behind. Well, good luck. You’re going to need it.” Orihime turned her head away. She couldn’t watch him go.

  Ranmaru nodded once and then left the cafe. His gut was telling him that he had to get back to Kusanagi as soon as possible for some reason. Haruka’s presence had always unnerved him and put him on his guard. Ranmaru knew that that Bitch 235

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  charming smile he always had plastered to his face, and that whole carefree persona act he always put on while around Kusanagi was fake. A mask. Ranmaru was able to sense Haruka’s real self due to his yokai instincts. The young man, Haruka, was internally conflicted. Though Ranmaru had no idea what Haruka was so conflicted about exactly. He knew that under normal circumstances Kusanagi could handle herself against a guy like him in case he tried anything perverted, but right now...his Mistress was weak, sick, and vulnerable.

  Ranmaru shifted into his nine-tailed fox form and held his sword, Kuroki Ryu between his teeth. He then headed back in the direction of the mansion, the collar around his neck beginning to tighten painfully in response. However, Ranmaru simply ignored the pain and continued on swiftly. I’m coming Kusanagi!

br />   Kusanagi, who had had her back turned to Haruka, sensed that something was amiss as she looked down at the Grim Reaper’s shadow that was behind her-Kusanagi let her battle instincts take over and dodged sideways just as a dagger went slicing through her upper arm painfully - instead of her heart.

  “Damn, I missed.” Came Haruka’s careless sounding tone.

  Kusanagi spun around and looked at Haruka in shock. Haruka held two daggers, one in each hand, and each was poised in a way that meant he was ready to release them at Kusanagi at any moment. “Haruka...what is this?”

  Haruka smiled a chilling smile. “Rule number one of a ninja assassin...conceal your presence, and lie in wait. Rule number two – wait for your target to lower their guard. Rule number three - strike before your target can strike back.” Haruka spun his daggers impressively.

  Kusanagi blinked back at him in surprise. This was Haruka? “I don’t understand…why are you telling me this? Who are you really?”

  Haruka smirked, thoroughly enjoying himself that he had 236

  been able to unnerve Kusanagi. “Do you know what a ninja assassin is taught? They’re taught how to conceal their presence from others, mainly their targets or from the people who are protecting their targets. Another thing that is taught is patience. One cannot be too hasty to eliminate one’s target. Timing is everything. We’re also taught that smiles conceal knives. What better way to lower a target’s guard than to become friends with the target and gain their trust? That’s the best time to strike you know? When a target’s guard is lowered, then concealed in shadows, the ninja strikes before the target even realizes what has happened, and then they’re dead. As simple as that. And you…you should be dead. That’s quite impressive Kusanagi chan, those battle instincts of yours. You’re no ordinary girl are you? But I already knew that.

  I knew it would be difficult to get you to lower your guard. Or to ever catch you in a weakened enough condition where I would be able to strike - where I would even stand a chance against you. I had to plan everything out perfectly. I bided my time and decided to do things the long way. I befriended you and got close to you and before you even realized it you had dismissed my presence as harmless. Your guard had been lowered but not enough. And so with my patience I waited...and waited. But you still never let your guard down around me even then - it’s amazing really. Don’t you ever get tired? You’re always on guard, ready to attack. You really don’t trust anyone do you? But realized something was off about you. You’re completely unguarded. To think being sick could have this much of an effect on you, Kusanagi- chan. Or is it something else? Perhaps, you’ve come to depend on that butler of yours a little too much. But he’s not here to protect you now is he? This is the chance I’ve been waiting for. It’s been fun Kusanagi- chan but this is where we say goodbye.”


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