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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

Page 32

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  Ranmaru had easily caught and crushed the cell phone with one hand before it could even reach Orihime. It had been aimed at her head. Ranmaru turned to growl threateningly in the direction from where the cell phone had been thrown, and he narrowed his golden eyes at the crowd that seemed to simultaneously take a step back. He let the pieces of the cell phone slowly fall out of his hand and land on the catwalk stage. Kusanagi gathered her strength and turned her own glare upon the crowd, pissed, “Oi! Whatever bozo threw that I’m so suing your ass for assault with a deadly weapon!” Kusanagi shook her fist at the crowd while threatening them. Orihime looked over into the crowd and recognized the young man, who had thrown the cell phone at her. “Shoji...” He was one of her so-called admirers; she had even gone on a few dates with the guy. In fact, as Orihime scanned the crowd she recognized several of her would-be admirers and boyfriends, but now when they looked at her there was no longer ‘admiration’

  reflected in their expressions, but something else...disgust, fear and even hate. Ah, so this is what rejection feels like, she realized. I disgust them now, don’t I? I disgust everyone now. Ranmaru walked over to Orihime and reached his hand


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  down to her, “My beautiful princess, may I be of some assistance?” He gave her a half-smirk.

  Orihime looked up with a surprised look on her face, tears in her beautiful golden eyes, “What? But I’m no longer...”

  “You were beautiful before but’re even more beautiful, my princess.” Ranmaru said loudly enough so that everyone in the crowd below that was eavesdropping would be able to hear.

  Orihime blushed and put her hand in his to allow him to help her up.

  Ranmaru cupped her cheek, “Golden like the suits you I think, since you too are a lot like the sun, Orihime. You shine so brightly, even more so now, you are indeed a radiant being.”

  “R-ranmaru...” Orihime’s voice caught in her throat. How could she ever repay him! She looked over at Kusanagi, who winked back at her. Ah, so the two of them had planned this. Orihime smiled back at Kusanagi as if to say, ‘Thank you’. Kusanagi nodded back, her message had been received. Their impromptu plan of ‘Prince Ranmaru declaring Princess Orihime beautiful’ seemed to be working since the crowd was all suddenly nodding in agreement with whatever Ranmaru had in mind to say. Ranmaru was a natural leader, Kusanagi realized as she watched him. And she remembered something that Mamoru had once told her:

  There are two kinds of people in this world. There are those in life that are like stars or balls of light. Then there are those people who are merely drawn towards these lights like a moth to the flame; these people lack their own light and are followers and not leaders. You…are not a moth Kusanagi. I can see that you have a small light of your own, a light which I have been drawn to…

  As Kusanagi observed Ranmaru and the effect his little performance was having on the crowd of people she thought she could see it – the light that was coming from Ranmaru. Ranmaru too was a ball of light, he was no moth, but somehow she felt that 304

  his light should be even brighter than what it appeared to be now. The man had charisma when he wanted to use it. And in that moment he seemed so far away from her. Ranmaru…just who are you really?

  A cheer slowly began to go through the crowd and then to rise in volume. They had begun to chant Orihime’s name.

  “Orihime! Orihime! Orihime!”

  Orihime leaned in to whisper something in Ranmaru’s ear, “Thank you...thank you both so much...”

  Ranmaru half-smirked back at her. “Don’t thank me, thank Kusanagi.”

  Orihime nodded, she planned to. This time around she owed Kusanagi. Big time.


  Kusanagi, Orihime, Ranmaru, Katsumi, and Shinichi and the rest had all gathered backstage.

  “Thank you, Kusanagi.” Orihime began as she

  deliberately approached the girl.

  “Don’t mention it.” Kusanagi waved her thanks off. Orihime suddenly smirked, “However, you still haven’t answered my question. What is it you want to do with Ranmaru, Kusanagi?”

  Kusanagi looked over at Ranmaru and suddenly appeared nervous, “ see…”

  “She wants Ranmaru to stay by her side of course!”

  Katsumi butted in, a frown on her face. “Stop trying to get in their way Orihime!”

  “Katsumi!” Kusanagi’s face was now bright red.

  “Well, if that’s the case.” Ranmaru walked over and knelt before Kusanagi elegantly. “I am Lady Kusanagi’s Samurai Butler and no one else’s.” He then stood and turned to face Orihime. “I am sorry but I owe a debt to her family and I wish to fulfill my debt by being of service to them as long as they need me.”

  “But...I’m willing to free you from that very debt.”

  Orihime persisted.

  Ranmaru shook his head. “I am not free from it until Oujo-sama says so. So until Oujo-sama doesn’t want me by her side I intend to stay there...forever. Kusanagi is my one true Bitch 305

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  “Forever? ” Kusanagi was looking at Ranmaru searchingly and trying to figure him out. So, he wanted to remain her Samurai Butler after all, but this was apparently also due to the fact that he felt indebted to her and her grandfather, and not because he cared about her.

  Orihime pouted, “I see, but you know until someone stops being so evasive I won’t give up on you so easily, Ranmaru darling! Especially, since you have accepted the real me. Now that my true face has been revealed no one else will ever be able to love me...” Orihime trailed off sadly, saying the last in a low voice she didn’t think the others could hear. Ranmaru shook his head and a serious expression came over his normally blank features. “That’s not true. You were hiding yourself behind a mask. How could you expect to find real love if you weren’t even showing the one you love your true face? Real love is when you’re accepted by the one you love for who you truly are - no masks.” He looked over at Kusanagi as he said this. Just as I’ve accepted her without her mask. The girl behind the mask is the one I want to be my Master. “Someone will accept you for who you truly are because you are a beautiful and kind woman...” Ranmaru turned to look back at Orihime.

  “Orihime, you merely need to wait for the right man to come along who is able to see past your masks and who can appreciate you for who you truly are.” Again Ranmaru looked over at Kusanagi.

  “Whoa.” Katsumi breathed, “That’s like the most I’ve ever heard Ranmaru say.”

  Shinichi was nodding in agreement, “Yea.”

  Kusanagi felt uncomfortable under Ranmaru’s piercing stare that seemed to be able to see right through her mask. She shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot in response. That look that he was giving her, it was extremely unnerving…

  “Ohhh~” Orihime exclaimed excitedly, looking at Ranmaru a bit starry-eyed, and moved by his wise words, “Now I love you even more than before, Ranmaru!” Orihime leapt 306

  towards him intent on glomping him, but he simply sidestepped out of the way so that she flew past him and into a rack of clothes that had been behind him instead. Ouch. “I won’t give up on you!” Came Orihime’s voice from somewhere within the clothes pile. “Not until a certain someone stops being so evasive! And especially not since you accepted the real me Ranmaru when I was sure no one else ever would. I know that we’re meant to be together for that very reason, Ranmaru. It’s fate. Thank you for accepting me, Ranmaru, you don’t know how much that means to me I-”

  “Blah, blah, blah.” Kusanagi butt in interrupting Orihime’s pathetic, romantic monologue, “Enough of that sappy crap. He’s not even listening to you, you know, Orihime.”

  Shinichi rushed over to help Orihime up and she allowed him too. Shinichi gave Orihime a toothy grin, “You know, I also accept the real you. And did you also know I’m currently single?” He waggled his eyebrows at her
playfully. “Want a cookie?”

  Orihime simply ignored Shinichi and sighed wistfully,

  “Oh well, perhaps one day, my feelings will be able to reach you Ranmaru~” Orihime sighed to herself as she walked off, still daydreaming.

  Katsumi patted Shinichi consolingly on the shoulder,

  “You gave it your best shot, kiddo.”

  Shinichi pouted and stuck the cookie into his mouth instead, “Yea.”

  Kusanagi snuck over to stand next to Ranmaru and asked in a low voice. “Ranmaru, are you sure you don’t want Orihime as your Master?”

  “I’m sure.” Ranmaru said a serious glint in his golden eyes. “I want you to be my Master, Kusanagi.”

  Kusanagi felt her cheeks turn pink. “But why...?” She continued to prod.

  “Because I owe a debt to your family. Your grandfather saved me and beseeched me to protect you. And I vowed to him that I would.” Ranmaru nodded.

  Kusanagi deflated, “Oh, I see.” She said somewhat dejectedly.

  A smug smirk formed on Ranmaru’s face since he hadn’t Bitch 307

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  noticed her expression quite yet, “Besides, I know you want me.”

  As your butler.

  Kusanagi looked outraged, “W-what? I don’t want you... want you! You pervert!” She flushed. Ranmaru blinked back at her confusedly since that hadn’t been what he meant. He opened his mouth to explain-But-Too late.

  “Ranmaru no baka! ” Kusanagi sent a flying sidekick his way.


  “Those two really need to work on their communication skills.” Katsumi shook her head at the couple.

  “No kidding.” Shinichi agreed and passed the box of cookies Kat’s way, “Cookie?”




  When you kill someone, someone will be sad

  Ranmaru was outside in the menagerie taking care of Kusanagi’s strange and unusual creatures while Kusanagi was out for her morning ride. Ranmaru was brushing Kaze’s fur with a strong bristle brush when-He smelled her before her saw HER. The stench of rot, of death and decay. The scent of a graveyard mixed in with the unmistakable scent that was SHE! SHE was there! How in heaven’s name did she find him? Ranmaru frantically wondered.

  “Why hello there Ranmaru, long time no see.” Kagura purred casually as she made her way carelessly into the menagerie.

  Immediately, all of the creatures in the menagerie began to go berserk. The birds became frightened and began to fly erratically in their cages while crying out frantically. Other animals that were in their cages began to let out frightened shrieks, cries, howls, and calls in response as they rattled the bars of their cages. Their animal instinct told them to fear this woman. And Ranmaru couldn’t agree with them more. They were right. A chill went down his spine as he turned to face her. There she was - the miko Kagura, now a soul-sucking witch...And there was Nagi’s beautiful face staring back at him at the same time - those clear peridot eyes, that long, black hair that was like silk, that same porcelain-like skin. It was like looking upon the face of his beloved Nagi once more and his heart clenched painfully in his chest, but his Nagi had never worn an expression like the one that was now on Kagura’s face, one that was so cold, cruel, and calculating.

  No, he was correct in assuming this was Nagi’s twin sister Kagura. She had her hair down so that it reached past her waist, Bitch 309

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  and was wearing a black haori, or wrap shirt, which she had paired with a short, black miniskirt. She was also wearing a pair of fishnet stockings and a pair of deadly looking high heels. A silver skull pendant dangled from her neck and fell into her cleavage and she had matching skull earrings. Her attire was fitting for a dark miko such as she but living in the modern era. Ranmaru didn’t realize he was shaking.

  An evil smirk formed on Kagura’s face at his reaction of recognition. She was pleased to note that he still feared and obeyed her after all this time.

  Ranmaru’s voice trembled, “Kagura- sama...” He murmured as he knelt before her, head lowered in supplication. He was HERS. He knew he could never escape HER. Kagura’s smile broadened. “I’m glad to see you remember your proper place, Ranmaru.” She looked down at him, kneeling at her feet. “I’ve missed you terribly. So, I’ve decided to take you back with me for a little while. I was so bored without you, you see. And there’s it a surprise that I want to show you. I have the feeling that you’ll find it quite entertaining. I know I will.” She laughed chillingly. Ranmaru knew that whatever it was that Kagura had in mind to ‘show him’ boded badly for him. Anytime she smiled or laughed like always meant bad things would happen to him.

  But resistance was futile. Ranmaru already had four hundred years to learn that painful lesson. There was no escaping HER. So, there was really nothing he could do but submit to her will.

  Ranmaru nodded obediently, “Hai, Kagura- sama, as you wish.”

  “Excellent.” Kagura purred as she reached her hand out towards Ranmaru and a black lead made entirely of polluted spirit energy was formed that attached to the collar around Ranmaru’s neck. She tugged on this lead and Ranmaru obediently stood and followed her as she began to walk out of the menagerie.


  Kaze whined as he watched Ranmaru go, worry shinning in his big puppy-dog eyes.

  Ranmaru looked back at him and shook his head, “Kaze, stay.”

  Kaze hesitated and whimpered softly as he lay down and put his head on his paws sadly, his ears drooping.


  Kusanagi came back from her morning ride, and rode Sora inside of the menagerie and towards the stables that were in the back. She dismounted and began to lead Sora forward by the reins. It was oddly quiet inside of the menagerie. Kusanagi frowned, “Ranmaru?” She called out and looked around surprised that she didn’t spot him. He had just been there, not too long ago. Had he really finished feeding all of the animals already?

  “Ranmaru! That’s funny...I was sure he was here.” She shrugged.

  “Maybe he left before me...” Kusanagi rubbed the back of her neck; she had a bad feeling about this but decided to shrug the matter off. “He’ll come back when he’s hungry,” she decided.


  Kagura got into her black Ferrari (red leather interior) and Ranmaru followed getting into the passenger seat. Kagura then reached over and tied a piece of black silk around his eyes. “No peaking Ranmaru, we’re going somewhere very special and so you can’t see where we’re going.” Kagura explained. Ranmaru merely nodded.

  Kagura smoothly shifted the Ferrari into 1st gear and sped out from the Kimamura estate. They continued to drive until they reached a tall business building but of course Ranmaru didn’t get to see any of this. Kagura, still leading Ranmaru by the invisible lead of spirit energy attached to his Control Collar, led him inside of the building and over to an elevator. They took the elevator down all the way to the bottom of the building, but then kept going - down. Kagura inserted a special key into the elevator’s keypad and another separate keypad with buttons was revealed. Kagura pressed on the button for the appropriate level. Down into the secret levels that existed below the building was where Kagura and Ranmaru were headed – to an underground building that most of the people above didn’t even know about. Ranmaru heard the unmistakable ping sound when the Bitch 311

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  elevator door had opened and still blindfolded Kagura led him forward by the lead. Ranmaru couldn’t see what was going on but he could hear and smell enough to get a general mental picture. The cries of a crowd of people filled the air - the smell of blood and sweat. Ranmaru quirked his head in one direction - the sound of two people fighting each other. The sound of blows connecting with flesh. This place had to be some kind of fight club. And as the final blow was delivered Ranmaru Heard when the man’s heart stopped. He then knew that this was no ordinary fight club. A cheer w
ent up from the crowd in response to the end of the fight. They apparently had enjoyed watching the Death Match. Ranmaru was led down another area that felt dank and smelled of dirt, sweat, body odor and mold. He was shoved forward and the blindfold was removed from his eyes. He turned around to see Kagura shutting a door of iron bars in front of him. He had been taken to some kind of cell. He looked around and noticed that this wasn’t the only cell either - there were several cells lining the narrow hallway on either side. He also saw that he wasn’t alone. There were several others locked up in cells - yokai, some free, and some he noticed had Spell-Collars about their necks.

  Just what was this place? Ranmaru wondered. A prison of some kind obviously but why? To what purpose? All of the

  ‘prisoners’ Ranmaru noticed had scared expressions on their faces, especially when they caught sight of Kagura. Some of them were also injured, Ranmaru could smell the blood coming from them, and the rest of the place was beginning to reek of sweat and feces. Ranmaru nearly passed out from the stench; his sensitive nose couldn’t quite take this kind of abuse. One yokai was trembling in fear as he looked at Kagura. Ranmaru could relate.

  Kagura smiled at him chillingly. “Good boy, you’ve always been so obedient. Not to worry, I’ll let you out for some playtime soon enough.” Kagura chuckled to herself as she sauntered off. “Have fun with your new friend, do try not to eat him - yet.” The sound of her high-heeled shoes clacking against 312

  the stone floor echoed through the narrow hallway eerily as she left them.

  Friend? Ranmaru turned to notice that he wasn’t alone inside of his cell. There was a figure hunched down and seated towards the back of the cell. His head was hung down and so his shaggy brown hair was shielding his face and expression. There was stubble on his chin, which made Ranmaru think this man had been here for quite some time. There was also something else that put Ranmaru instantly on guard about this man - he reeked of blood. Blood that was not his own.


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