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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

Page 34

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  also been identified as being involved the Shiro Tsubaki Clan is still the main suspect. The Death Matches are being held for the simple amusement and entertainment of the mafia and/or those individuals rich enough to place bets on these so-called matches, i.e. business tycoons. It is suspected that family members are being treated as hostages to serve as leverage to force the yokai to fight one another. All yokai in the Tokyo Area are advised to stay inside at night and not to travel alone but in groups. The holding of Death Matches is illegal and Tokyo police are doing their best to try and discover the location of this event... Kusanagi’s blood boiled, “The Shiro Tsubaki

  Clan...illegal Death Matches... uso...” She clutched the newspaper in her hands, crumpling the paper badly, but not really even noticing it.

  “Call to Ranmaru now.” Orihime directed. “If he’s still in the surrounding area he should be able to return to you no problem. However, if he’s already been captured - there may be a bit of a problem. The Shiro Tsubaki yakuza are known to be magic users and could be using their magic to keep Ranmaru subjugated.” Orihime explained to Kusanagi grimly. Kusanagi nodded, a fierce glint in her emerald green eyes.

  “Ranmaru! Come! Here boy! Ranmaru...come! That’s an order!”

  Kusanagi’s voice cracked on the last.

  The group all held their breath for several seconds but there was no response.

  Orihime shook her head, “He’s not coming. He’s probably been...taken.”

  Katsumi sniffled, tears welling up in her large blue eyes,

  “Oh poor Ranmaru- senpai...”

  Shinichi was frowning thoughtfully, “Well...then we have to do something. We have to go and save him. Right Kusanagi?”

  Kusanagi blinked in surprise as all eyes turned upon her expectantly. Save Ranmaru? Wasn’t she glad that she had finally gotten rid of that pain in the ass? Oh, who the hell was she kidding? And well, she did owe the guy one didn’t she? And Kusanagi wasn’t a total bitch to not pay back debts. A cocky smirk formed on her face, as she looked back up at her friends. Yea, friends. “Well duh.”

  Everyone seemed to let out a sigh of relief. Kusanagi’s Bitch 323

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  eye twitched. Just who did they think she was? Some kind of heartless bitch? Oh, yea, right she was supposed to be a bitch. That was the mask she had worn in front of them all this time. For all they knew she really would decide to just give up on him. And for some reason that just didn’t sit right with Kusanagi. Orihime shook her head and put her hands out in helpless gesture before her, “But even Tokyo police have been unable to discover exactly where these illegal Death Matches are taking place.”

  “You’re forgetting we have someone on our side who used to be a part of the Shiro Tsubaki Clan.” Kusanagi stood up and took one of her combat boots off. She then threw her boot up into the tree they had all been sitting under and a pained cry was heard, ‘Ow!’ and then someone fell out of the tree and landed at Kusanagi’s feet. It was none other than Haruka, her personal stalker, err, ninja assassin.

  Haruka rubbed his head where a large bump was forming, and looked up at Kusanagi, somewhat teary-eyed, “Kusanagi chan, why are you always so mean to me?” He pouted. Kusanagi glared down at him, a serious expression on her face, “It’s time I call in that favor you owe me, Haruka. I want you to go do your ‘spy ninja assassin’ thing and find out where the Death Matches are being held and where Ranmaru is being held prisoner.”

  Haruka was quickly on his feet and saluting Kusanagi as he beamed at her, “Ossu! My beautiful General! It seems you finally have some use for me after all. Yes!” He punched the air with his fists. Now’s the time to show Kusanagi how incredible I am! Then his expression turned oddly serious, his eyes narrowing, and a mysterious glint forming in his eyes. “Don’t worry, I will find him for you, Kusanagi- chan. I owe you because of my sister, after all. Though personally, I could careless what happens to that fox.”

  Kusanagi nodded, “Thanks, I know.”

  Haruka nodded again before he took off running, blending into the shadows of the school and disappearing. He may have 324

  been a hapless, fruitcake stalker but he wasn’t a half-bad ninja. Orihime watched him go thoughtfully, “Now all we have to wait.”

  Katsumi leaned over to whisper in Shinichi’s ear, “Hey, did I miss something? Like since when has Haruka been a spy ninja assassin?”

  Shinichi shrugged, “Beats me. I’m about as lost as you are. They didn’t even bother to tell us about how Ranmaru was a Spell-Collar yokai slave, remember? But let’s just hope Kusanagi is right about Haruka and that he’ll be able to find Ranmaru before it’s too late...”

  “Yea.” Katsumi nodded vigorously. “Like totally.”


  Ranmaru lay back on the straw-covered floor of his prison cell, hands behind his head and stared up at the cement ceiling dully. The Death Match had taken a lot out of him and he knew he needed to regain his strength if he was going to be expected to fight again soon. His regeneration always worked best when he was asleep. That way his body would focus solely on healing. The Death Match had left an odd restless feeling inside of him. Old scars...had begun to bleed anew. Memories...long forgotten...had begun to rise to the surface of his mind. They left a bad taste in his mouth. Ranmaru’s mind was also filled with conflicting emotions. Kuroki Ryu had claimed he had enjoyed that...slaughter. Had he really? Had he always enjoyed such senseless fighting...battle...killing? “I can’t remember...”

  Ranmaru murmured to himself as he fell asleep. FLASHBACK

  Ranmaru, the Goddess Inari’s number one, War General - had always loved fighting. His mind held room for little else except for fighting techniques and swords. It was what he lived for – training and fighting to become stronger and more powerful.

  The path Ranmaru had chosen to tread was that of ultimate conquest. He fought to gain power. He gained power in order to be able to fight. It was an endless and vicious cycle. Ranmaru also had an obsession with katana, swords. The soul of the samurai, or of a true warrior. Swords were truly beautiful - an extension of oneself. Katana...forged in fire...made Bitch 325

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  of metal...the swordsmith’s will and a part of their very soul was imbedded or became a part of the katana. The power of a katana depended on the swordsmith and what kind of sword they were trying to make. It was truly fascinating, Ranmaru thought. The most powerful katana were of course made by the Gods - other swords were powerful because they had been possessed by an actual soul or spirit for some reason - usually because of some unfinished business or a vendetta. These swords had long become known as the Muramasa or Cursed Swords.

  Cursed Swords sought blood and would bring about death, destruction, and ultimately misfortune upon the swordmaster. Sometimes a Cursed Sword was powerful enough that it had the ability to even possess a swordmaster, who had a weak will or spirit, and to control them like a puppet, seizing control of their mind. Other Cursed Swords would eventually consume the soul of the swordmaster and destroy them. This was the price that one had to pay for their power however. And it was a price many were willing to pay.

  But some Cursed Swords came to an agreement or pact with the most powerful swordmasters or samurai, those whom they could not control. Some swordmasters pledged their souls in return for more power as part of the bargain. Swordmasters and swords would strike a deal if their aims were similar and work together forming a temporary alliance, but the sword would always be waiting for the time when its master would lower his guard and it could seize control and be the King and not the Horse. Conditions of these pacts varied from sword to swordmaster but the end results were usually the same...misfortune was sure to befall upon the swordmaster in the end.

  Ranmaru not only had an obsession with katana, but was

  especially fascinated by the most powerful and dangerous katana

  - the Muramasa. He traveled both Heaven and Earth in search of the most po
werful cursed katana, following rumors of their power. He trained diligently to become more powerful in order to be able to control any sword he came across...and he always had 326

  a very powerful katana in his possession. But always his will prevailed and was stronger than the will of the Cursed Sword. Ranmaru had never once been controlled by one of the Cursed Swords he came to possess - he was much too powerful and strong-minded for that.

  Yes, Ranmaru’s mind was filled with nothing else but swords and fighting.

  The Goddess Inari, who was also known as the Goddess of the Harvest, was at war with the Goddess of Famine, Death, Pestilence - sometimes known as Izanami. Inari and her army along with Ranmaru and Kenmaru, her beloved War Generals - were fighting a fierce battle against Izanami’s army one day when...

  Inari was observing Ranmaru as usual during the battle. As always he was a spectacular swordsman and samurai. His skill and fighting techniques were flawless. It was a grand battle to watch Ranmaru fight in. Ranmaru was her number one War General after all. He never stopped pleasing her. He protected her and obeyed her without hesitation…

  But Inari frowned thoughtfully as she continued to observe him. He had changed. The Power he had sought had consumed and tainted him. His heart had become corrupted by darkness. He was now mostly evil whereas before he had been mostly good. He was also now lacking the vital emotions one should possess if they were to be one of her Celestial War Generals:

  Mercy, compassion, forgiveness, a value for life and above all love.

  Somehow during Ranmaru’s quest for Power he had lost all of these things. He was already incredibly powerful but continued to seek out even more power. His obsession with Power and fighting had begun to taint him with evil. Because he lacked these vital emotions he was also becoming a threat and danger to the other kami in heaven. Inari knew this but was having a hard time accepting that her beloved War General Ranmaru had become this way, because of her…

  Because he had sought to serve her to the best of his ability he had been consumed by power. How had she allowed this to happen right under her very nose? How could she not have Bitch 327

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  noticed that Ranmaru was getting farther and father away from her and Kenmaru?

  There were those kami in heaven that wanted Ranmaru expelled from the Celestial Realm, arguing that he had become too dangerous, too evil, that he should be punished. He was one of her Celestial Warriors after all – he should have been pure of heart not have a heart tainted with darkness. This was unacceptable for one serving the Goddess Inari, who was supposed to be a positive force for good in the world. Ranmaru was a kami, an immortal, and so had no fear or understanding of Death. Perhaps, this was part of the problem, Inari mused. Where did I go wrong? My beloved War General Ranmaru...

  Inari wanted to save him with all her heart, but also sadly realized she was not the one who would be able to help Ranmaru regain these important emotions. She was not the one that was suited or destined for that role.

  But then who was?

  Ranmaru had become the perfect killing machine. All he cared about was swords and fighting. He lived for battle and only felt truly alive when in the midst of a fight. In that moment where one’s life hung dangerously balanced between life and death - that was when he felt the most alive. Ranmaru also loved to face truly strong opponents in battle and enjoyed these fights immensely. He was always searching for a worthy opponent or rival...

  Someone to help him answer a certain question. A question that somewhere along the way, as he tread along his path towards Ultimate Power, had formed deep inside of him: Why was he fighting? What was true power? And would he ever manage to reach his goal and possess this?

  And then one fateful day, Ranmaru felt he had found such a rival. Someone who could help give him the answer he was seeking...

  Or so he had thought. He was Goddess Izanami’s top War General, a powerful bat yokai named Kogarashi. 328

  When Ranmaru had faced Kogarashi he had felt truly alive and closer perhaps to the ‘answer’ he was searching for. The bat yokai approached Ranmaru...he was tall, lean, and dressed in black and silver armor from head to toe; a black cloak was swirling behind him. He had fierce red eyes and his black hair cascaded behind him from a harsh widow’s peak. As the yokai approached he unsheathed his katana and immediately Ranmaru felt a wave of yokai energy crash over him. That was a Cursed Sword.

  Ranmaru smirked and unsheathed his own cursed katana, Ranmaru let the energy of his sword and his own energy go wild and it sped through the air towards Kogarashi. Ranmaru was surprised to encounter another Celestial Warrior like himself who had the ability, the strength of will and spirit to be able to wield a Cursed Sword so easily...

  Ranmaru couldn’t stop the smile that formed on his face. This was going to be fun.

  Ranmaru was wearing his usual golden armor that shinned like the sun, with its black accents. Ranmaru let lose a battle cry and charged forward towards the bat yokai. Kogarashi calmly waited for Ranmaru to attack him and their swords clashed as Ranmaru tried to bring his sword down upon the bat yokai in a quick, powerful, deadly downwards slash-As their swords clashed, the bat yokai found himself smirking back. “You’re pretty good, warrior - but not good enough.” Kogarashi summoned his yokai energy so that it swirled and burst out all around him.

  Ranmaru’s feet skidded backwards across the ground as he was being pushed back by the bat yokai’s mere energy - it wasn’t even an attack!

  Ranmaru’s heart was pounding with excitement in his chest. He had never faced an opponent as powerful as this one before, ever. Perhaps, this Dark Warrior would have the answer he was looking for. Finally, Ranmaru would be able to go all out and reveal his true power to an opponent. This had never happened before. This is incredible. Finally, I have found someone worthy enough to show my true power to! Ranmaru had never felt so...happy.

  When two powerful swordmasters fought each other, they Bitch 329

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  could speak to each other without words - they could instead communicate with their swords. That’s what it meant to fight a truly strong opponent; one’s soul would be able to reach out and touch and meet with the opponent’s soul and speak. It was beautiful. This connection was what Ranmaru had been searching for.

  Ranmaru followed suit and summoned his yokai energy so that an aura of power swirled around him as well, matching the bat yokai’s.

  Kogarashi seemed surprised but unfazed, calm even in the face of such overwhelming power. And then he attacked, his speed was incredible. He moved his sword through the air and Ranmaru had to concentrate everything he had just to be able to block the attack.

  And their deadly duel had begun. Slash. Block. Slash. Parry. Clash. Counter.

  Their bodies and swords became mere blurs as they clashed with one another - warrior vs. warrior, samurai vs. samurai, sword vs. sword.

  The bat yokai couldn’t help but ask, “What is your name Celestial Warrior?”

  “I am the War General known as Ranmaru.” Ranmaru gave Kogarashi a smug smirk.

  The bat yokai nodded, “It is an honor to face one such as you, Ranmaru. I am called Kogarashi. I have never before faced such a powerful opponent. I feel...we are kindred spirits you and I. That we can understand each other. We are both on the same path after all - the path of Ultimate Conquest and Power are we not?”

  Ranmaru blinked, “That path of Ultimate Conquest and Power?”

  Kogarashi nodded, “Yes that’s right! With the Ultimate Power in our hands nothing could stop us from doing whatever it was we wanted. We would finally have true freedom. The freedom to do whatever we wanted, take whatever we wanted. That is what true power, the Ultimate Power, gives you. What is


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  it that you want Ranmaru that you’re trying so hard to obtain the Ultimate Power? Tell me, I must know. Surely, you have a goo
d reason behind why you have become so powerful.” Kogarashi questioned Ranmaru curiously.

  Freedom? Was that why Ranmaru was fighting? No, that wasn’t quite right. Ranmaru had always felt free already. Power...Ranmaru needed more power...but why? Ranmaru shook his head. He had forgotten.

  Kogarashi didn’t seem to mind Ranmaru’s silence in the matter. “I understand, it isn’t something one can easily speak of. It’s too bad we’re enemies in this war, Ranmaru. I think that perhaps, we could have been friends otherwise.” Kogarashi chuckled good-naturedly.

  Friends? Ranmaru mused. What are those again?

  Kogarashi moved his sword before him, “It’s a shame but now I must end this and kill you Ranmaru. There can only be one...Ultimate Warrior.” Kogarashi let out a battle cry as he summoned more of his yokai energy and his sword seemed to be gathering its own power as well, as swordsmaster and sword prepared for one last final attack-Ranmaru followed suit and summoned his power, “Let’s do this.” Ranmaru told his sword in a low voice. Yes, my Master. Came the sword’s obedient reply as it agreed willingly and summoned all of its remaining strength. The two swordmasters rushed at each other and their swords clashed as they passed each other – each delivering their final attacks, their signature finishing moves. Kogarashi turned around to face Ranmaru who still had his back turned to him, holding his Cursed Sword in a twohanded grip. Ranmaru looked down at his own Cursed Sword and saw that there were cracks in the blade. What a useless sword. His Cursed Sword then shattered and fell to pieces right in his hands. Ranmaru turned around to reveal that he was now weaponless, defenseless.

  Kogarashi looked confident and began to lower his own 332


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