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“Eyes down.”
The authority behind those two words coursed through her, compelling her to obey. It had been a long time since she’d had this kind of reaction. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she complied. The denim pooled around his ankles and she found herself staring at the pile.
Just as she started to wonder if Elena had been out of her mind to recommend this man, his hand slid against the top of her head. His touch was almost calming and, despite her annoyance, a feeling of tranquility washed over her. His fingers combed her hair, catching the elastic holder from her ponytail, pulling it free. He continued to run his fingers through the strands, fanning out her hair. She relaxed under his persistent touch. The pain in her legs melted away and she gave a soft sigh as her body started to quietly buzz.
The crunch of rocks jolted her back to the moment. She listened to him move away, leaving her alone on the rock path in front of his house.
What in the hell?
Beth looked to the left and her eyes widened in surprise as she spotted him. He strolled toward the small lake at the front corner of the field, towel swinging in his hand as he walked. Those jeans of his were at her feet and she now had an unobstructed view of his bare ass.
A very firm, very tan, perfectly formed ass.
Christ on a slinky going down an up escalator if he doesn’t look even better out of those jeans. Transfixed by the bunch and pull of the muscles in his thighs and butt as he walked over the uneven ground, she forgot her place and openly gawked.
When he reached the bank at the water’s edge, he dropped the towel and walked right into the lake. She expected him to dive under the surface, but instead he slowly moved until the water lapped as his hips. He sunk as if he were a knife cutting through the water, disappearing with no more than a quiet ripple disturbing the surface. The lake smoothed in seconds.
The only indication she ever had company were those damn jeans on the ground in front of her.
Chapter Two
Under the water there was silence.
No voices. No anger. No screams.
Ryan Flynn learned long ago how to mute the sounds that used to dominate his life. But occasionally, when the pain got to be too much, he had to do something to shut the reminders away. Otherwise, he couldn’t find a foothold. He’d hoped the sanding pass on the boat would help put him deep enough to push things aside. But tonight the pain roared louder than he was capable of balancing.
He hated the fact he possessed a weakness strong enough to break him.
When his lungs burned from the lack of oxygen, he slowly surfaced, deliberately inhaling the powerful scent of the pine trees lining one side of the lake. Water lapped quietly around his shoulders as a trio of frogs croaked off in the distance. Peaceful sounds in such a peaceful habitat should settle his psyche. But the war occurring in his mind raged on without any hope of negotiations happening anytime soon.
The presence of the woman still pressed at his back. He didn’t need to turn around to know she watched him, wondering why he seemed so brusque and aloof. He’d seen the spark in her eyes the moment she’d walked up to the workshop and gotten lost watching him. Her open appreciation had been for him as much as it had been for the boat. A sign she valued fine workmanship.
But there was more to the story she’d told than she was admitting. That fact had become clear the moment she’d mentioned Elena’s name. He wasn’t looking to take on a submissive right now, but the challenge she’d already presented him with was very alluring.
Did he want to exploit her fight?
He’d be a fool to dismiss his gut reaction to go a few rounds with her. Those shapely legs of hers seemed to be a mile long. And the low and sultry voice of hers had hardened his cock the moment she’d first spoken.
He wasn’t a stranger to the off-kilter feeling where his body simply took over, where demanding hormones pushed away reason and logic. But it had been awhile since he’d wanted to bury himself balls deep into a woman, or wanted to slide his cock through the valley of her breasts, this quickly.
He wanted her.
And he was smart enough to know the fascination went well beyond simply the allure of having her under his command. Interesting the feeling would come now. A day he felt any kind of attraction this intense should be the last thing on his mind. It was pointless to think too much into the whys as his body obviously knew something he didn’t.
He was well trained enough to know when he should listen to his gut.
And right now, his gut was screaming to have Elisbeth Lawson.
Decision made, he spun in the water. Her gaze immediately fell as he turned and her position gave him ample opportunity to study her mannerisms—her tells. She made quite a picture, kneeling in a short skirt on the cobblestone walkway he’d laid down two years ago. His active imagination was proficient enough to think about what she’d look like wearing only his ropes. But the erotic image in his mind wasn’t enough. He wanted to see the reality in living color.
God, it had been so long since he’d had a submissive where he’d felt this kind of reaction. And unless he’d gotten rusty in his negligence of his chosen lifestyle, she was just as attracted to him. Well beyond simply wanting his assistance because of some asshole with a whip.
It felt good to be wanted.
It also felt good to know his body could still act of its own accord.
He wasn’t dead yet after all.
The way her fingers trembled against her thigh showed she was nervous. But the fact she stayed where she’d been ordered signaled to him something deeper and more profound. She possessed the need to please a Dom. He guessed she simply resisted the sensation because it went against whatever society told her was normal. Or someone hadn’t bothered to take the time to correctly show her. Based on what she’d told him earlier, he suspected it was the latter.
He smiled as he dipped under the water. Given what he’d seen so far, she would be more than a handful. The over-starched shirt, pencil-thin miniskirt and out-of-place stilettos gave that away. Who wore stilettos to a job interview? He’d put money on the fact she wasn’t used to dressing up in such a way and had either bought the first pair of heels she’d run across or borrowed them from a friend.
Her stuffy exterior seemed so…false. Especially since he’d seen the glint of the silver barbell through the upper shell of her ear. Not to mention he’d also caught the flash of tanned leather circling both of her wrists.
Fussy female, industrial piercings and worn leather didn’t normally run in the same circles. Judging by the appearance of her muscle car, he doubted this kind of clothing was typical. There had to be an explanation for her being all dolled up to perfection.
Did she have more piercings? More leather in places he couldn’t see?
He wasn’t ashamed to admit he would take great pleasure in discovering the answers, peeling away all those layers until there was nothing left but Elisbeth Lawson exposed and uncontrolled.
The bit of promise of what she would look like tumbling into subspace is what made him finally pull out the water. Scooping up the towel, he scrubbed it through his hair and started to walk back to the cabin—to her. He made no effort to cover his nudity. This was his house, his land and she had trespassed. If she had a problem with his current state of undress, she shouldn’t have showed up at his home unannounced.
He casually walked toward her, taking the opportunity to see if she pushed on the limits of his order again. She didn’t meet his gaze as he approached and instead dropped her head lower, her chin almost meeting her upper chest.
He reached down to scoop up his jeans, shaking the rust-colored Virginia mountain clay loose from the creases before he slid them on again. He stood over her, waiting as he slowly buttoned his pants, seeing if she moved or said anything to acknowledge his presence.
She was so fucking beautiful and had no idea of the power she possessed right now.
He’d bet his newest boat without a single regret.
When she didn’t move after a few minutes, he reached out to skim his hand over her head again. She inhaled deeply and he smiled, letting his hand drop to her shoulder. Her breathing pattern deepened as his fingers grazed over her arm all the way down to her fingers. He bent, taking up her hand to weave their fingers together as he formulated a plan for her training.
“Go ahead and stand now.”
She did as instructed, but her gaze remaining focused on the ground between them. Given her state, he’d bet he could have left her there and she’d have slipped into subspace in no time. But it was too early for that state. Too early for a lot of things, he reminded himself, but that wouldn’t keep him from enjoying this moment. From enjoying her.
He lifted her chin, drawing her face to his. Because he had to know how she tasted, he closed the distance between them to brush his lips over hers. Her body relaxed to allow him to take as he pleased.
Yeah, she was made for this lifestyle. She just hadn’t found the right Dom.
The kiss was sweet, with just a hint of the heat coursing through his body. No need to scare her off before they even got started. Honey. She tastes like honey. Clover honey specifically. Bet she’s a tea drinker. The sweet taste would now be forever imprinted in his mind as hers.
“We’re done, California. For now.”
She was still blinking as he pulled away. He liked seeing the surprise in her expression, the darkened shade of her wide, expressive eyes. Even the stunned disbelief he’d just done more for her in fifteen minutes than her previous Dom had ever done. He liked the feeling—a lot.
Maybe even too much.
He tossed the towel over his shoulder, deciding to think about what the arousal building in his veins meant later. “So why are you so dressed up? Too fancy to come all the way out here just to seek out a Dom or to buy a boat.”
“I had an interview with Joe Keleron to see about taking over as his replacement. But I am interested in commissioning you for a boat. I didn’t lie to you.”
An interview with Joe explained a lot. He handed her the elastic he’d removed, waiting while she pulled her hair away from her face. As her fingers combed through the strands, it reminded him how the silky texture had felt against his calloused palm. He wondered how her hair would feel wrapped around his fist as he plunged into her.
Hot damn this woman had certainly gotten him all spun up.
He mentally shook away the explicit images threatening to derail his plan. “So, you’re going to be the new town disc jockey.” He’d heard Joe mention moving out the West Coast for a bigger market the last time they’d run into one another at the grocery store. Hearing the news had come as a surprise since Joe seemed happy enough spinning tunes for the small town. Funny how life had carried on when he hadn’t been paying attention.
“I don’t have the job yet.”
“Joe wouldn’t have asked you to see him if he didn’t already want you. What market did you come from?”
Her eyes narrowed, a shadow darkening her heart-shaped face. “You seem to know a lot about music for a boat maker.”
Ryan winced. Damn, gotta watch that. “Joe grew up around Gatlin Falls. We used go to school together and he can be quite the talker. I’m a fast learner, so I tended to pick up things he likes to ramble about.”
“Oh.” She accepted his explanation without further inquiry. “I came from Nashville.”
He fought back the wave of nausea suddenly turning his stomach sour. The buzzing in his head returned and he battled it back as he fought to keep up the normal cadence of conversation. She couldn’t see him crack, not when she’d come seeking his strength and support. “Come to live in Virginia and give it a taste of country?”
She laughed, pushing at a pebble with the exaggerated point of her shoe. “Ah, no. I worked at an alt-rock station.”
“Either the water really plugged my ears, or I just heard you say something pretty damn unbelievable. You spun alt-rock in the heart of country music city?” As odd as it sounded to him, those words settled his nerves.
One less thing for him to worry about.
She combed her fingers through her ponytail. “Yeah, I know. My grandpa always told me I was either stupid or ballsy.”
“Certainly dressed nicely for spinning that kind of music.”
Beth shrugged as she smoothed her hands down over the front of her fitted skirt. He’d be interested in seeing her in casual wear, or maybe even nothing at all.
Well, nothing but my ropes.
Damn it.
“It was an interview. Not as if I could slip on a Nirvana tee, flannel shirt, ripped jeans and a pair of Chucks for that kind of thing. Then again, it probably wouldn’t have mattered. According to you, I already have the job.” She smirked.
The noise in his head calmed a little at her soft snort. Odd how she seemed to have this effect on him. “Still seems out of place for Nashville. It’s a good market, so why leave? A lot more attentive listeners there.” Watch it, Flynn, you’re letting yourself get a little deep.
“Needed a change. I’ve been known to try my hand at something only to fail miserably. Kind of how I got into music. Had a friend who needed someone to fill in for the graveyard shift and I had nothing better to do at the time. Needed the money too. Taught myself the sound boards and ended up being the overnight talent. KROX hired me away to a bigger market a few years later, but I got tired of that aspect pretty quick. Wanted…smaller.”
“So why not go back home?”
“I could.” Her heavy sigh caressed his skin. A lot of emotion in that sound. “But then I would just be hiding, wouldn’t I?”
He had enough information and if they kept circling around the radio station and music talk, he was afraid he’d allow something to slip. “Well, sounds like Joe made a good choice. Why don’t you sleep on what you saw tonight, Elisbeth?”
“Just Beth, please.”
“Okay, Beth. We’ll go from there if you decide you want to continue.”
The puzzled look she gave him said she’d expected more. He always enjoyed keeping a submissive on her toes. There was definitely more in store for her if she actually came back. It had to be her choice, especially because she’d sought him out. But something told him she’d definitely be back. He doubted she was even aware she’d just started the training she’d asked him for.
“All right. I’ll be in touch.” She carefully picked her way over the rocks, sliding behind the wheel of her muscle car. Interesting car choice. Nothing frilly or fancy about all that steel and chrome. As the tail lights of her car faded in the distance, Ryan did his best not to think about how her ass had swayed suggestively under the tight fabric of her skirt.
Beth Lawson was the whole package.
He grinned into the fading moonlight as he thought about unraveling her very fascinating package.
Chapter Three
The alluring scent of freshly ground coffee caused Ryan to smile as soon as he turned the corner onto Main Street. The aroma always reminded him Patrick and Alex Conners had worked hard to build the business from the ground up. With a lot of persistence, the small coffeehouse had flourished.
Tourists from the nearby ski resort flocked here, while locals often filled the seats to capacity. The other local coffee houses hadn’t stood a chance against the brothers’ talented skill with roasting beans. They’d put themselves on the map in the short year and a half they’d been open. The small town of Gatlin Falls had even been featured on a show on the Food Network, showcasing the nearby Blur Ridge Mountains, Perfect Shot and its delicious offerings.
The familiar musical melody of the custom bell greeted him as he opened the door, widening Ryan’s smile. The typical morning rush of customers had already thinned out and only one stood at the counter while Allison prepared an order.
Ryan tilted his head toward her
in greeting. She beamed back, waving him in the general direction of where Elena and Dade had already settled in. “I’ll bring yours out in a minute. Take a load off.”
Elena smiled as he slapped Dade’s feet out of the way. As he dropped into the overstuffed chair, Dade’s scowl altered into a sly grin. Dade Ellingson, the man he considered his best friend, tugged on his pants as he moved. “Flynn, you shit. I’d know the gleam in your eyes anywhere. You got laid.”
Ryan shook his head as he shrugged off the thin jacket he’d worn against the slight chill in the air. “Cool it, Dade. Ms. Therman would probably take offense to her morning decaf sprinkled with your obscenities.” He waved to the elderly woman a few tables away. She returned the wave, turning back to the book clutched between her wrinkled hands.
Dade snorted into his coffee mug. “Please. I’ve seen some of those books she reads. Probably tell us a thing or two, which could turn the three of us a few shades of red.” His friend paused to take a long sip of the house blend. Ryan smirked as Dade glanced over the rim of the mug to the customer who just entered. A leggy blonde with big tits who all but had tourist tattooed across her forehead. All that was missing were the tight pants indicative of someone who sat in the lodge all day instead of hitting the ski slopes.
Maybe Dade would focus on her and forget about goading him.
No such luck. Dade was nothing if not persistent and it showed even as he kept his sharp eyes on the woman. “Just so you can listen and then go jack off to whatever your perverted brain conjures up about her? I don’t think so.”
“Hardly. You’re too pretty for me.”
“Thank God for small favors.”
Dade brushed his dark-brown hair off his forehead, taking the time to covertly gesture to Ryan with his middle finger. Ryan flashed him a wide grin as Elena snorted, sticking her tongue out when they both glanced her way. She turned her attention back to the newspaper spread out on the low table.