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The Promise (Dogs of Fire: Wolfpack Book 1)

Page 9

by Piper Davenport

  He’d managed to buy actual food as well... although that could have been Mom, but for the moment, I’d give Mav the credit since he’d worked his ass off to get the apartment ready for us.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket while I still had my head buried in the fridge. I grinned as I answered the call. “Hey, Möosh.”

  “Hey, baby doll. How did you sleep?”

  “So, so well. Smart move putting the blackout curtains in.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Thanks, honey. Seriously. Everything is perfect.”

  I heard the smile in his voice as he said, “It was my pleasure, baby doll.”

  “Are we going to eat together?”

  “I should be home by six, so yeah, that’d be great. Want me to pick something up?”

  “You stocked the fridge, Mav, so I thought I’d cook.”

  “Sounds good,” he said. “I’ve gotta get back to work, but I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Okay. See you then.”

  We hung up, and I worked up my menu for the evening and then jumped in the shower. Two more shifts and I’d be off for four days. I liked the “idea” of my schedule. Time would tell if my body would be able to handle the strange timeclock, but three days on then four days off was a good deal in my opinion.

  A quiet knock came on my new “front” door, and I pulled it open to find Dad leaning against the stairway wall and Rex standing beside him, his tail wagging. “You’re up.”

  “I am.” I grinned, leaning down to scratch Rex’s ears. “Come in... then give me a hug because you’re the best dad in the whole world.”

  He chuckled, pulling me in for a hug and kissing my head.

  “Thank you for getting this place done,” I said. “It’s better than I could have imagined.”

  “Glad you like it.”

  “Can I offer you a beer?” I asked, opening the fridge. “We’re stocked.”

  Dad shook his head. “Nah, I’m good, baby girl. Just heading out to the Club, so thought I’d check on you and leave Rex down here. How was your first night?”

  I closed the fridge and raised an eyebrow. “Before or after you and a hundred of your closest friends descended on the ER?”

  “Four, Lily. There were four of us. You forgettin’ how to count?” He crossed his arms. “Mom and I spent a shit ton of money on your education... hate to think you forgot how to do basic math.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I love you. I appreciate everything you’ve done, do, and will more than likely do in the future, but my job needs to be off-limits.”

  “The Spiders are—”

  “I know, Daddy. I get it. I really do. But they can’t get to me at the hospital. They would be stupid to try. You’ve got me covered with Flea... or whoever you choose on the days I work... Mav has me covered on the off days, and I promise I will always be careful. I’m your daughter, Hawk. Trust that you’ve taught me well.”

  “You done?”

  “Depends on if you argue.”

  Dad laughed. “I hear you, baby girl.”


  “No buts.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I mumbled. I could stop Dad’s protection detail about as well as I could stop a hurricane.

  “You good?” he asked.

  “Yeah, Dad, I’m good.”

  He smiled, reaching out to stroke my cheek. “Proud of you, Lil.”

  I leaned into his hand. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Buzz is on watch. He’s out front.”

  I sighed. “Okay.”

  Dad gave me a chin lift and then walked out the door. I closed and locked it behind him and tried to forget the fact I wasn’t fully out from under my parents’ control. “Come on, Rex, let’s watch a movie.”

  My dog wagged his tail as we curled upon the sofa, and I put on The Notebook.

  * * *

  Maverick walked through the door just as the water for the pasta came to a rolling boil.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he called.

  I giggled as I ran to him and threw my arms around his neck. “How’s my hard-working man?”

  “Covered in all manner of dog and cat grossness... oh, and gerbil poop... but good.”

  “Ew, gross.” I tried to get some distance from the gerbil poop, but he held me strong.

  “I’m sharing my day with you, baby doll,” he retorted as he attempted to rub up against me like a frisky dog.

  I squeaked with a combination of horror and laughter. “I just showered, Möosh.”

  “Which is what I’m going to do, unless you want to join me... you know, now that you have gerbil poop on you.” He held me tight and patted Rex’s head.

  I grinned. “I have to be at work in an hour. Can you satisfy me, eat, and get me there in time?”

  He frowned. “Probably not. You need about fifteen minutes.”

  I smacked his chest. “I need a whole lot longer than fifteen minutes.”

  Maverick chuckled. “True. I should probably shower then we’ll eat, huh?”

  “Not optimal but probably a good idea.”

  He kissed me quickly and then headed to our bedroom.

  I bit my lip and smiled. Our bedroom. That was awesome. I made my way back to the kitchen, dropped the pasta into the water, and then finished the sauce, setting the lid on it just as Maverick wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. “Smells amazing.”

  “Prego and I aim to please,” I retorted and turned to face him. “How was your first day as an official vet, Dr. Quinn?”

  “Busy. Uncle Aidan understated the amount of work.”

  I giggled, sliding my hands around his waist. “I bet he did.”

  “It’s good, though. Ultimately, he wants me to run the clinic so he can focus on the horses.”

  Squeezing him gently, I whispered, “I’m really proud of you, Möosh.”

  “Back atcha, Lil.” He smiled. “You up for a drive down to my grandparents’ this weekend?”

  “I work Sunday night.”

  “I know. We can drive down Friday and come back before your shift.”

  “Sounds good.” I leaned back so I could meet his eyes. “You know our life is going to be perfect.”



  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too.” I grinned. “Let’s eat.”

  “I’ll grab the beer.”

  We sat down at our modest kitchen table and enjoyed our domestic bliss.


  About a month later...

  “LILY!” MAVERICK SNAPPED. “Seriously?”

  “What?” I called from the kitchen. It was Saturday, early evening, and we actually had a day off together, so we were making the most of it.

  He walked into view and stood in our bedroom doorway, an armful of clothing almost too big to carry. “It’s called a hamper. Use it.”

  “But you’ll pick everything up for me. Why do I need to walk all the way to the hamper?”

  “This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be,” he continued to lament as he walked back into our room, returning with empty arms. “You’re supposed to yell at me for leaving shit on the floor.”

  “I know, I know, but we’ve switched gender roles. So I will commence scratching myself, adjusting my sac, and demanding my dinner be on the table when I get home.”

  “You’d better not have a sac, baby doll, or you and I are gonna have to have a conversation.”

  I opened my robe and flashed him. “I don’t know if you’ve investigated my private area close enough. Feel like doing that now?”

  Maverick gently shoved his shoulder into my belly and lifted me over his shoulder, smacking my bottom as he carried me back to bed. He dropped me onto the middle of the mattress and yanked me to the edge by my ankles. My robe slid up and somehow pinned me in place. I shifted and tried to release an arm, but Maverick shook his head with a grin. “No moving.”

  I groaned. “I hate that.”

  “No, you
don’t,” he countered and pushed my legs apart, running his tongue over my clit.

  I slipped a leg over his shoulder and tried to pull him closer, but he just chuckled and stayed put.

  “No moving means everything, Lil.”

  I nearly ripped my robe getting out of it. “I don’t care. I want to touch you.”

  He laughed. “So predictable.”

  I hooked my other leg over his other shoulder and used my epic thigh strength to pull him forward. “Back to the job at hand, Möosh.”

  His arms wrapped around my upper thighs and pushed them apart then he leaned down and covered my core with his mouth again. His tongue swirled around my clit, and then he sucked gently, and I bit my fist to keep from crying out. When I lost his mouth, I stared down my body to see him removing his sweats. He kneeled between my legs and then hovered over me with a grin. “You ready?”

  “So ready.”

  “Hard or soft, baby?”

  “Hard,” I rasped.

  He slammed into me, and I whimpered as I nearly came right then and there. It took everything I had to let it build up again. I hated waiting... for anything.

  Maverick’s hand went to my breast, and he rolled my nipple between his fingers. It tightened into a pebble, and I whimpered.

  “Hold it, baby.”

  “I am,” I said with a growl.

  “Your pussy says otherwise.”

  “Ohmigod, you can’t talk to my pussy, Maverick,” I snapped. “You’re not a psychic.”

  Maverick burst out laughing and dropped his forehead to the mattress.

  “Mav!” I smacked his butt. “Focus.”

  “I can’t right now,” he mumbled into the sheet. “Give me a second.”

  I sighed and stared at the ceiling. This went on for a few seconds before I blurted out, “Chartreuse.”

  “What?” He finally met my eyes.

  “The color I think we should paint the ceiling.”

  He raised an eyebrow, burying himself deeper inside me before asking, “You’re thinking about painting the ceiling, baby?”



  “Mmm-hmm.” I couldn’t keep my eyes open, his touch making it difficult to focus on anything else.

  His hand slipped between us, and he fingered my clit as he slammed into me again... and again. “Möosh!” I cried out when I could no longer control my orgasm.

  He wasn’t far behind and held me close as he rolled us to our sides. “Don’t tell me I can’t talk to your pussy, Lil. Pretty sure we were communicating perfectly.”

  I giggled, dropping my forehead to his shoulder. “You’re ridiculous.”

  He stroked my hip. “There is that.”

  I kissed him deeply and then separated myself from him and headed to the bathroom. Maverick walked in a few minutes later and climbed into the shower.

  “Hey!” I complained.

  He peeked out from behind the shower curtain. “Ya snooze, ya lose, baby doll.”

  I reached over and flushed the toilet, winning me a screech of derision from my man.

  “Serves you right,” I said.

  Unfortunately for me, I was close to the shower and couldn’t jump away from his arm that snaked out and wrapped around my waist, lifting me inside and pushing me gently under the cold water.

  I squealed and rushed to leave the stream, but he held me tighter with a laugh and pulled me close, turning the dial and warming the water again. “I got you.”

  “You’re evil wrapped in a very pretty package,” I ground out, my teeth chattering but relaxing as the water heated.

  Maverick kissed me and then gently washed my hair. “Rinse, baby.”

  I dropped my head back, and he helped guide the water through my hair. I sighed. “This is seriously the best way to wash my hair. You’re hired.”

  He grinned. “I live to serve.”

  “What time are we leaving?” I asked, stepping aside so Maverick could get under the water. There was a club get-together tonight, and since it was the first in a while, I was excited.

  “Five good?” Maverick asked.

  “Fine with me.”

  “We’ll ride since it’s nice.”

  “Then can we leave at four and ride for a little longer?”

  Maverick grinned. “Yeah, baby, if you want to.”

  “I want to.” I reached for a towel and then stepped out of the tub and headed to the bedroom to get dressed.

  Maverick joined me a few minutes later, and I licked my lips at the sight of him wet and naked.

  “Stop,” he demanded.

  “Stop what?” I asked, all innocence and light.

  He grinned. “You keep looking at me like that, and I’m gonna get you dirty again.”

  I shrugged, letting the towel wrapped around me fall to the floor. “We have plenty of hot water.”

  Maverick dropped his towel and lifted me onto the bed, kissing me as he hovered over me. Before we could do anything fun, however, someone banged on the door. Maverick dropped his forehead to mine and sighed. “I’ll get it.”

  I nodded and watched him as he yanked on a pair of sweats (commando) and pulled the door closed as he left the room.

  I rushed to pull on some clothing and then headed out to find Mom and Dad accepting a beer from Maverick. “Hey,” I said.

  “Hey there, stranger.” Mom rushed to hug me with a huge grin. “You get your own place, and I never see you anymore.”

  I giggled. “You just saw me last night.”

  “I miss having you at the breakfast table.”

  “Anytime you want to make us breakfast, Payton,” Maverick chimed in, “you’re welcome to.”

  “Shh,” I hissed. “She’ll wake us way too early.”

  “Anytime you want to make us breakfast after ten a.m.,” Maverick corrected, “you’re welcome to.”

  Mom and I both chuckled.

  “Are you staying at the compound tonight?” Mom asked.

  I nodded. “That way we can both drink.”

  “That’s my plan too,” Mom admitted as she sat on the sofa next to Dad. He wrapped an arm around her waist and took a swig of beer.

  Maverick sat in the overstuffed chair beside the sofa, so I plopped down on his lap with a grin. “Hey, baby.”

  He gave me a sideways smile. “Hey.”

  “Comfy?” I pressed.

  He chuckled. “More than you could ever know.”

  I ground against him a little harder. “How about now?”

  “Lil,” he warned in a whisper, and I laughed. I could feel his thickening length against my bottom.

  “You’re back to work tomorrow, right?” Mom asked.

  I nodded. “Yep. I need to sleep a lot tomorrow.”

  “How are you dealing with the schedule?”

  “It’s easier than I thought.” I frowned. “But you know this. Why are you asking again?”

  Mom glanced at Dad and then back at me. “Are you ready to set a date?”

  I relaxed. “I thought something bad was going on.”

  “Well, you’ve been stalling,” Mom continued.

  I looked over at Dad, and he rolled his eyes. Mom craned her neck to look at him. “Are you rolling your eyes at me?”

  “I would never,” he deadpanned.

  I giggled. “Mom, is this my wedding day or yours?”

  “Yours?” she squeaked out the question. “Sorry. I’m just excited.”

  “How about Mav and I look at the calendar and figure out a date this week?” I glanced at Maverick. “Does that work?”

  “Yeah, baby doll,” Maverick said. “Sounds great.”

  I nodded and focused on Mom again. “But nothing big.”

  She raised her hands in surrender. Well, she raised one hand and three fingers on the other so she could keep hold of the beer bottle. “I promise.”

  “Okay,” I conceded. “We’ll find a date this week.”

  “Thank you.” She rose to her feet. “Okay, we’
re gonna get out of your hair.”

  “We are?” Dad asked.


  Dad folded himself off the sofa. “Okey dokey. We’ll see you at the compound.”

  “Sounds good,” I said and climbed off Maverick’s lap, following my parents to the door. Once they were gone, I locked up and settled myself back on his lap. “So... where were we?”

  Maverick grinned, standing with me in his arms, and carried me back to bed.


  MAVERICK AND I walked into the compound a few minutes earlier than expected. We headed straight to the kitchen and found Suzie, Crow’s old lady. She pulled me in for a hug with a grin. “Have you set a date?”

  I groaned. “Did Mom put you up to that?”

  Suzie laughed. “Maybe a little.”

  “She’s insane.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears, baby girl.”

  I giggled. “What are we making tonight?”

  “Burgers and dogs,” Suzie said.

  “I’m gonna go find Ace and Knight,” Maverick said.

  “Chicken,” I accused. As sensitive as Maverick was, he was still the son of a Quinn male and a football man through and through, so hanging in the kitchen with a bunch of women was not his idea of fun.

  “Nope, burgers and dogs,” he retorted.

  Suzie laughed, but I rolled my eyes. Maverick kissed me quickly and then left the kitchen.

  “He grew up just like his daddy and uncles, huh?” Suzie observed.

  I nodded as I dumped the chips into bowls. “The Quinn men are all similar. Except maybe Josh, but he and Melanie have been married forever so, you know.”

  “He’s been whipped longer.”

  I giggled. “You said it.”

  “Super happy for you, Lil.”

  “Thanks, Suz.” I flattened the empty chip bags on the metal island for the compactor. “Is Ash coming tonight?”

  “I think so.” Suzie sighed. “Her old man is giving her grief, so she might be comin’ alone.”

  “That sucks.”

  “My girl’s drama... We all know that.” Suzie smiled. “She needs a man who won’t put up with her shit but love her anyway. I don’t think men like that exist, though.”


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