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My Ranger Weekend

Page 3

by Lowrance, J. D.

  Reggie said “Mmmm, buttery nipples, my favorite,” at the same time Flint asked “toast?”

  “Who needs one after that,” Romeo barked as he adjusted himself in front of everyone. I could not hold back the laughter at the look on his face or the blush on Reggie’s.

  “Alrighty then,” Flint laughed.

  “Over the lips, through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes,” I chanted as I threw the shot back. When I finished I found Flint staring at me. The longer we made eye contact the darker his eyes grew letting me know just how much I was affecting him. I could see his control starting to slip.



  The longer we stared at one another the harder I became. She was seriously testing the very limited control I seemed to have with her. I already kissed her like we were in her bedroom right in the middle of the bar. Something about her brought out my possessive side. It felt as though I was trying to claim her so no other guy would even try to look at her. God, was I going to pee on her next?

  I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. I needed to get my head on straight. We were leaving on Monday for six months and this weekend was about fun. No more longing glances or what feelings she brought out in me. This was about a last hoorah before six months of God-only-knows. I took a deep breath as I scanned the bar trying to reign myself in. I found quite a few guys staring at Ryan as she talked and laughed with Reggie and Romeo causing my body to tense. I finished my beer setting it on the bar and took a long pull of the second beer I had gotten for Ryan. I balled my fist as I took another deep breath. We needed to get out of here before I made an ass of myself.

  “You okay?” Ryan softly asked, pulling my gaze to hers. She ran her hand down my arm. Her light touch set my nerve endings on fire. My want, my need for her grew as her hand came to rest in mine. I wrapped my other arm around her waist pulling her up against me as I rested my chin on the top of her head.

  “Yeah,” I croaked and then cleared my throat. “Let’s get out of here.” I hoped that the sooner I got her under me the sooner I could get over her. There was a hint of hesitation in her eyes which caused me to pull back and really look at her. Did she not want this?

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Romeo said as he turned back to the bar waving down the bartender to pay the two tabs. I took my wallet out with one hand as I held tight to Ryan with the other. I tossed my card on top of Romeo’s knowing he would take care of the tabs. I saw Reggie give Ryan a look before I felt her nod against my chest. Another silent conversation happened between the two of them.

  “Hey,” Reggie objected as Romeo held the two tabs out of Reggie’s reach. Ryan and I both laughed as we watched the two of them go at it.

  “Come on gorgeous,” Romeo cooed as he kissed her cheek, “let us handle this.”

  “Fine,” she countered, crossing her arms across her chest acting as though she was pissed off, but the small smirk on her face gave her away.

  Ryan was still not looking at me so I tilted her chin up so I could see her eyes. “Hey,” I whispered.

  “Hey Ranger,” she whispered back.

  “You okay with this? Because if you’re not, you just have to say so.” The hesitation was there again for a split second before it cleared and she said, “No. I want this and I want you.” My relief was immediate as I pressed my lips to hers.

  After we were all squared away at the bar I led the group of us out the front door.

  “So where are we headed?” asked Romeo. One of Romeo’s best traits, he always cut to the chase.

  “My parents’ place?” Reggie suggested as she looked to Ryan for agreement. When Ryan nodded, Reggie continued, “They are out of town so we would have free reign of the place. Plus Ryan and I already planned to crash there for the night since it is closer than our condo at school.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Romeo said. “So who is driving what, where?” Awesome, chase cutter.

  “Ryan’s with me,” I answered even though I did not own a car.

  “No,” she said shaking her head, “my car is here.”


  “So,” she mimicked, “I can’t leave it here. Reggie, how did you get here?”

  “A cab.” So we were down to two cars since Romeo had driven us here.

  “Ok, so Reggie rides with Romeo and I will go with you,” I said, grabbing Ryan’s hand. “Good call,” Romeo commented as he was already leading Reggie in the direction of his car.

  “Keys, please.”

  “What?” she asked. “I don’t think so. I am perfectly fine.”

  “Really?” I challenged as I let go of her hand and she wobbled a little. I laughed, earning a scowl from her. “Ok then, lead the way to your car Ms. Wethers.”

  “Fine.” Her little attitude was fucking hot. She turned on her heel and walked in the opposite direction of Romeo and Reggie. There was a little extra push in her swoosh as she led the way, which my cock definitely liked because it started to rub against the zipper of my jeans. I would have to rethink going commando if I was going to hang out with her more often. I felt more zipper teeth tonight than I had since being a teenager.

  “This is it,” she said, pulling me from my horny-ass thoughts of her. A fucking Porsche. I stood frozen, gaping at the beautiful sight before me. She drove a silver convertible Porsche Boxster with fucking cherry-red leather.

  “Do you like it?” she laughed as she pretended to wipe imaginary drool off my mouth with her thumb.

  “It’s fucking awesome,” I answered as I walked around the entire car stopping at the passenger side door. “And it’s brand new.” The temporary tags gave that away.

  “A present,” she air quoted the last word, “from my parents so I would finally commit to getting my law degree instead of the fashion design one I am leaning towards.”

  “Wow,” I said in awe of the car before me. “Just wow.”

  “You’re driving, right?”

  Hell yes. “Hell yes.” Her laughter was the single best sound.

  “Here, take them,” she said tossing the keys to me.

  “You sure? I would never hand these keys over to anyone if this was my car.”

  “Absolutely,” she said as she made her way around the back of the car. “I don’t even like this.”

  “What? How? What?” I stood frozen waiting for an explanation as she approached me.

  Ryan shrugged her shoulders, suddenly embarrassed. “I liked my Range Rover better.” I snorted and shook my head as I unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for her.

  “That makes me sound horrible doesn’t it?” She asked, pausing to look up at me.

  I bent down to place a soft kiss on the lips. “Nah. It makes you honest.” That earned me a big smile. “Let’s get out of here,” Ryan said against my lips.

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” I replied, hearing her giggle as she slid into the passenger seat. I closed the door and strode around the car. Hell yeah! I fist pumped as I opened the driver side door and got behind the wheel. I knew I was wearing a shit-eating grin from the look on Ryan’s face as I adjusted the seat and mirrors. I smiled when I saw an opened, small bag of red licorice between the seats. Just the sight had me thinking about our kiss earlier.

  “Amazing,” I murmured as I turned the key and the engine purred to life. “Hey,” I whispered to Ryan. The look in her eyes when they met mine stole my breath. Lust and longing swirled in equal measure in her sun eclipsed eyes. “In case I forget later, thank you for this,” I said as I leaned over the middle console stealing her lips in a soul-searing kiss. She moaned into my mouth as our tongues met. I laced my fingers in her hair pulling her closer to me as I devoured her sweet mouth.

  “Flint,” she sighed as my mouth moved along, kissing, tasting, and nibbling her jaw. “We need to get out of here.” I growled as I pulled away to the sound of Ryan’s protest. I looked over at her to find her lips swollen and wet from our passionate exchange. I put both hands on t
he wheel as I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. The kiss lasted longer than I thought as the windows were slightly fogged up.

  “I got it,” was all she said as Ryan pressed a button and the roof disappeared, transforming the car into a convertible. So fucking awesome.

  I reversed out of the spot as Ryan said, “Make a right out of the parking lot. Go straight until you hit the freeway and go south.” Base was south but we were in Santa Ana so there was a lot of real estate between us and the base.

  “Ok,” I replied as I pulled out onto the street. Ryan played with a few more buttons and “Sail” by AWOLNATION came on, the bass so deep I felt the car vibrating beneath me. We both sang at the top of our lungs as I drove towards the highway, letting the beats of the song calm my racing heart. Next came “Wreaking Ball” by Miley Cyrus as I turned south on the freeway. Ryan was casting quite the spell.

  “Which exit?” I yelled over the wind as the song ended.

  “Take the next one and follow the road until it dead ends.” I kept staring forward as she relayed the directions, not wanting her to see my reaction. One time Romeo and I drove all over Newport Beach looking at the expensive houses and the directions she gave took us to some of the nicest houses we saw during that trip.

  The last few miles Ryan told me turn-by-turn directions until we pulled up at a gorgeous two-story single family house with a six car garage off to the side. A-fucking-mazing. I pulled up behind Romeo’s beat-up pick-up truck that was newer than the one my dad and I shared back home.

  “And where do you live?” I asked as I turned the car off, purposely avoiding her gaze as I looked around taking in the monstrosity of a house and surrounding property before me.

  “My parent’s house is literally right next door,” she answered getting out of the car.

  “Wonderful,” I murmured as I exited the car, trying to catch a glimpse of the house next door to no avail. I turned to find Ryan was already at the front door so I jogged to catch up. I followed her silhouette through the dark foyer and hallway and into an enormous kitchen that had a panoramic view of the water.

  “Reg,” Ryan called. She kept walking straight outside, through the opened sliding glass door. I immediately followed her as I looked around taking in the granite covered everything, navy blue walls and white wood cabinets. I could hear Bruno Mars singing as I stepped outside to find Romeo and Reggie lounging in a double chaise by the pool, each with a beer in their hand.

  “Want one?” Romeo asked as he pointed to a small cooler at the bottom of the chaise.

  “Definitely,” I replied as I walked over to them. The backyard went all the way to the water where a private dock had a boat that was bigger than my childhood home. “Wow,” I said as I opened my beer and took a deep pull.

  “It is beautiful out here at night,” Reggie said as Romeo raised their linked hands to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. I felt like I was intruding on their intimate moment so I turned and looked out over the water. It definitely was beautiful. The music was quiet in the background as my silence stretched until a loud “Woo-hoo” shouted behind me and a body went streaking by. A giant splash soaked my jeans and shoes. My shit-eating grin was back right as Katy Perry started “Roar”-ing at me over the speakers.


  Flint was acting uncomfortable. I knew it was a lot to take in but still. Between my car, Reggie’s house, and me growing up next door; the look on his face was enough to almost send me home. Almost! I mean, come on, it was not that bad. It was just a car and a house. Romeo did not seem to mind as he cuddled closer to Reggie making her feel special, if only for the night. I got it. Flint wanted a fun time before he headed back to base and forgot my name. The thought that he would remember my car and this house better than my name kind of pissed me off but I could not think about that. I had never had a one night stand, NEVER. I was going to enjoy this! I was going to have fun and not let thoughts of my parents or Garrett or anyone else ruin this for me.

  So I stepped off of the patio to the side of the house and took off everything but my matching lacy silver bra and panties. My nerves were starting to get to me and my brain was telling me to get dressed but my gut told me to jump in that pool as if my life depended on it. Flint turned to look out over the water and I figured this was my chance so I took off running. I screamed “Woo-hoo” as I passed him and cannon-balled into the water. My legs stretched out once I was completely under. I pushed off the bottom of the pool and surfaced to find Flint smiling his beautiful smile again. His bottom half was soaked and I dipped back under to hide my laughter at his appearance.

  “You are going to get it,” was all he said as he showed me that he was the world’s fastest stripper. He was in his boxer briefs and jumping in the pool before I could even register that he was coming after me. I squealed and took off for the other end of the pool, but shark-boy was faster than I anticipated. I was about mid-way to the other side when I felt a hand around my ankle. I let out a strangled cry and tried kicking him away but he grabbed my other ankle. I stole a quick breath before being pulled under. Flint made quick work of me, flipping me over and pulling me to him as he snaked his arms around my waist. My legs naturally circled his hips as he surfaced with me clinging to him.

  “No fair shark-boy,” I complained. “Where did you learn to swim so fast?”

  “Shark-boy,” he chuckled. “Ranger training,” he answered as he took a mouthful of water and playfully spit it at me.

  “So how long have you been a Ranger?”

  “Two years.”

  “That is kind-of scary.” I paused, “and bad-ass at the same time.” Flint threw his head back and laughed. I loved the sound of it.

  “Bad-ass, huh?” He murmured as he tightened his hold on me, pulling me even more into his body. “So what about you?”


  “Yes you, Ms. Wethers. What do you do?” He asked as he rubbed his nose against mine giving me an Eskimo kiss.

  “I am a dorky senior in college by day and a sexy fashion designer by night,” I playfully answered.

  “I don’t know about dorky but sexy is one hundred percent spot on.” It was my turn to throw my head back and laugh. As I did, Flint placed soft kisses along the column of my neck. I slowly lowered my chin as he continued up, only pausing to look in my eyes before placing his lips on mine. The kiss started off gentle and soft until I felt his tongue along the seam of my lips. When I opened them his tongue sought mine, turning the kiss into a desperate need to taste one another. I tightened my legs as I started rubbing my core against his thickening erection. It was becoming as hard as the rest of his body and made my need for him grow as he grew longer and harder. I slowly started to pull away, earning me a growl from Flint as his one hand moved to my neck holding me in place as he continued to devour my mouth. Only when he was done did he loosen his grip on my neck allowing me to pull away while he kissed along my jaw ending at my ear.

  I was so lost in the moment that it took me a second to realize where we were and what a display we just put on for Reggie and Romeo. I jerked back, pushing on Flint’s chest while I unwrapped my legs.

  “Lovely,” he pleaded as his eyes silently asked me why I was pulling away. I scanned the pool deck and found we were alone. I breathed a sigh of relief as he said, “I would not have kissed you like that if we had an audience.”

  “I’m sorry,” I paused as I realized I was at a loss for words. His kiss did that to me. My head still felt underwater while my body screamed at me to continue what we started. I turned and finished swimming to the other end. I was disappointed when I got there that Flint had not followed me. What was wrong with me? Disappointed, really?

  “I don’t like games,” Flint said as he turned to look at me. The pool was lit and heated so steam rose off the water making him blurry around the edges. Was I playing a game? I spooked myself and swam hoping he would chase me. I realized this as he let my thoughts fill the space between us. I took a deep brea
th and went under the water kicking off the side of the pool in hopes of getting to him faster. I surfaced right in front of him but kept our bodies from touching. His head was leaning against the side of the pool and his eyes were closed.

  “I don’t like them either and I didn’t mean to start one,” I quietly said. Since he seemed unaffected by my words, I reached out and traced his bottom lip with my index finger. I felt him relax at my touch as he let out a sigh of relief. His arms enveloped me tugging me into his body.

  He opened his eyes. “Hey,” he murmured. This time I took control and kissed him. He deepened the kiss as I wrapped my legs around his waist bringing his rock-hard cock against my most sensitive spot. I pumped my hips earning me a groan from Flint. I smiled right before he spun me around so that my back was against the pool wall as he easily overpowered me and took back control. This new position put the tip of his erection right against my clit. He knew exactly what he was doing as he started pumping his hips faster and faster as my breathing picked up. I threw my head back letting a sound of pleasure escape from deep within me. Flint did not let up as he kissed, licked, and nibbled my neck.

  “Please,” I begged as he pulled back and repositioned his hips so that his cock fit perfectly between my legs while his thumb made contact with my clit causing me to moan. His thumb picked up where his cock left off circling my clit over and over again. Sparks flew across my vision as his thumb made one and then another pass, taking me over the edge. Flint swallowed my cries with his lips, kissing me until I finally quieted.

  When I caught my breath, I opened them to find Flint watching me. “You are even lovelier when you are cuming in my arms,” he whispered, capturing my lips in a slow and sensual kiss.

  “Thank you,” I giggled. Yes, giggled. Flint chuckled at my giggle as his nose Eskimo kissed mine. A shiver ran through me at this intimate gesture.

  “You’re cold,” he stated. I did not correct him for fear of him seeing how much he affected me. This was a one-night stand I had to remind myself. “Let’s get out of here,” he said as he walked over to the stairs with me still attached to him. His rigid man parts were still being friendly with my very sensitive lady parts. I tried to dislodge myself but he just mumbled “I don’t think so,” as his hands roamed over my butt giving a slight squeeze before ending under my thighs, holding me in place. Flint walked right up the steps and out of the water.


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