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Possessing Allura

Page 13

by Reese Gabriel

  ‘You will thank me for the practice,’ Veeta teased. ‘The baron is also well endowed and rather exacting. You’ve gotten off easily so far. I’ve already taken a beating for sucking him not as he wished.’

  Allura’s insides wrenched at the thought of the two of them together, but why should that specter upset her?

  ‘You have to learn not to gag,’ instructed Saraveeta. ‘Men will beat you for that. They will expect you to take it all the way to the back of your throat without complaint. Like this…’ She pressed on the back of Allura’s head, forcing the dildo deep.

  ‘Don’t panic,’ she coaxed, ‘you can take it… your mouth is made for sucking a cock.’ Allura sucked obediently. ‘Good girl,’ Saraveeta praised, stroking her head.

  The princess cringed at the patronizing praise, and vowed, never would she sink to this level again.

  ‘You know, Allura,’ Saraveeta continued, idly stroking her hair, ‘I never did have a chance to tell you what happened to me after my arrest. The guards who took me into custody fucked me, of course, as did the jailor and his assistant. And why not? I was already a whore in the eyes of the law, but the ironic thing is that it was actually the first of the soldiers who took my virginity, and not Porfino as everyone assumed.

  ‘Yes, princess, my maidenhead bled upon the cold, dirty, stone floor of the dungeon. They beat me for my ignorance, my terror of taking a cock in my mouth and for the inaccessibility of my asshole. They’d expected me to be as good as an experienced whore and as loose. But it was my youth and beauty that saved me, or so I was told. Plucking such a flower, rare and highborn, was a great novelty for these men. I do not recall sleeping those first few nights. Mostly I remember the cocks, the endless parade of them and the feet, nudging my exhausted body back to consciousness, the men indifferently and callously ordering me into whatever position they wanted.

  ‘Can you imagine, Allura, barely eighteen and having them come for you again and again. And the whips. Always the whips. Whips if you’re too slow, whips if you’re too hasty, whips if you appear to eager, whips if you just lay there like a piece of meat. Whips, just because it makes them hard and gets them off.

  ‘For three days I was punished this way, princess. I was allowed to see no one, nor did I ever rise above my knees the whole time. They kept me naked, on the damp floor, a chain of heavy iron around my ankle. Mostly it was dark. I had to feel for the cocks, or else just brace myself as best I could. Lots of them enjoyed ejaculating on me, and lacking any way to clean myself I soon felt and smelled like a cesspool for male sperm.

  ‘This was supposed to help me understand who I was and what I had become. I was not allowed to see my family, until the fourth day. They made no effort to make me presentable. When my father saw me through the bars he howled in rage. My mother screamed and fainted, and my brother had to be restrained from attacking the guards. They were given no chance to speak to me, and I had no voice left for them. I cannot imagine a more horrible thing for them to see, nor will I ever understand how they found the strength to endure my eventual sentencing.

  ‘Some time later my parents spirited my brother from the country so he would not take revenge for you, thereby sealing his own death. They were not exiled, nor did they run away out of shame as the rumors reported. They simply could not bear to lose two children – the loss of one being hard enough. I am dead to them, as is the kingdom. Ours is no nation of sovereignty anymore. It is a place of shame. A harboring place for jackals; men too strong and devious to be controlled by your uncle, and the gods forbid a little monster like you ever sits on the throne.’

  Saraveeta made Allura get up and go to the bed, and then ordering her onto all fours she pressed the artificial cock to the tightly puckered entrance to her bottom. ‘And now,’ she thrust with a deep sigh, ‘it is time to finish the story. We’re almost to the part where you come in as my gracious rescuer, buying me for a handful of silver coins, but first you shall hear about my last visit from Porfino and the events which led up to his suicide.’

  Allura shivered almost as much at the mention of suicide as she did at the feel of the cock pushing into her vulnerable rear passage. Once again Saraveeta advised her to open herself as much as possible, and to listen carefully.

  ‘When I heard Porfino was coming to see me I was beside myself with joy,’ Veeta went on. ‘At last, I thought, was my chance to escape the terrible fate awaiting me. He looked to me more handsome than ever, his red hair brushed neatly over as he tried to assume the presence of a much older and more responsible man. He wore a green cloak and suit, with the emblem of his family. My heart nearly stopped at the sight of him, even with those unfamiliar worry lines etched into his beautiful young face – a result, I could only assume, of the scandal. Even as the offended party he still had a burden upon him, and there would always be those among the most conservative elements of society who would hold him guilty too, no matter what I had done.

  ‘When he asked to be allowed to come to my cell to speak to me alone, I was sure he intended to make things right with me. At the very least it spelled an opportunity for me to make my case, to plead with him to seal the union I know we both wanted so badly.

  ‘“You do not look well,” said I to him, though I must have looked a hundred times worse, barefoot, my ankles shackled, my hair a rat’s nest, my only garment a hastily provided tunic of rough, homespun material that hung barely to my thighs and cleaved deeply between my breasts.

  ‘“It has been difficult,” he replied curtly, and I became at this point very frightened that I had lost him.

  ‘“I have missed you so much,” I shared, pressing my body to his.

  ‘“Do not,” he pushed me away. “I cannot allow you to dishonor me further.” I asked what he could possibly mean. He of all people should know I had never touched him in any way, other than with my whispered confessions of love.

  ‘“I have spoken with the princess,” said he to me.’

  Allura dropped her face to the bed, trying to absorb the impact of what she was hearing, reeling in anticipation of what she knew Saraveeta was going to reveal: her own lies coming home to roost.

  ‘I didn’t know what he meant at first, and I couldn’t imagine that you would do me anymore harm than you already had. And trust me, princess, in my imprisonment nothing caused me more anguish than trying to figure out what I had done to deserve your betrayal in the first place. But soon I realized you had only just begun your evil plans by denouncing me to the authorities. Your next move was to poison Porfino against me. How did you manage that, Allura? Did you weep in front of him, pretending it was hard to reveal such terrible things about me? He certainly bought your act, though, didn’t he? And your lies.

  ‘“You are a whore, Saraveeta,” he accused bitterly. “With everyone but me, it seems.” And so I was regaled with tales of men I had kissed, and how I had supposedly gone down on my knees to take one of the stable boys in my mouth. You even told him, as I recall, that I liked the game of horsy; being forced to all fours, naked, and subjected to a bridle and bit and saddle, then lathered down, my skin oily and sweat-soaked, I would let them whip me, forcing me to prance and perform. Quite a tale, don’t you think, princess? I often wondered where you got that from. Did you see such a thing or was it one of your own fantasies?’

  Allura, now fully impaled by the artificial penis, was in no position to obfuscate or delay. Saraveeta could hurt her now, and hurt her badly. ‘Yes, I dreamed it,’ she said, ‘in my fantasies.’

  ‘Did it get you hot?’

  ‘Yes,’ Allura confessed, unwittingly pushing her bottom up for even deeper penetration. ‘I masturbated thinking of it.’

  ‘And of me, suffering, did that excite you too?’

  ‘Saraveeta,’ she moaned miserably, ‘you must believe me, I am sorry.’

  ‘It excited Porfino, that’s for sure,’ Saraveeta ignored the apology. ‘Much as he came
to condemn me, he was horny as a satyr, too.

  ‘“Is it true?” he wanted to know, licking his lips, and I told him yes, I was just that kind of a whore. What did it matter anymore? I was already guilty, marked for abuse and punishment and sexual servitude for life.

  ‘“You wounded me,” Porfino confided, and suddenly he was willing to have my body close to his again. “I could never marry you now; my plans are all upset. Don’t you think you owe me something for that?”

  ‘His hands clasped my welted, bruised ass, and I cried out involuntarily as he worked the skimpy garment up to my waist. “You’ve been whipped,” he said, feeling with his hands. Just a few short days before he would have said such a thing with outrage and indignation. But now, thanks to my so-called crimes, he was sounding pleased, if not downright exuberant. I whined that he was wounding me in turn, but he was no longer listening.

  ‘“Do you know how long I’ve dreamed about this moment?” he asked huskily. “And now it’s here I can do whatever I want to you.”

  ‘It seemed to elude him that I might have the right to grant or deny permission. All he saw was a semi-naked girl, locked in irons, on the verge of slavery, so having few cards to play with I went right for my ace.

  ‘“Porfino, if you marry me we can be together always, and I can serve you, humbly, till I die.” But again he ignored me, devouring my throat as he began to feel me roughly all over.

  ‘“You are so lovely, Saraveeta,” he panted. “You drive me mad. I want to make love to you.” I pointed out one could never make love in such a place, that I was a prisoner and he was intending to fuck me, nothing more, but I had no power to stop his hands roaming up under my short tunic to my exposed sex. His fingers found easy access to me and as he fumbled I began to moan and rock on them.

  ‘“I can’t wait,” Porfino croaked, and I found myself pushed to the wall, my knees parted by his hips. He rutted and humped, filling me with his seed in seconds, leaving me agonizingly on the brink.

  ‘“More,” I moaned. “More, please.” But Porfino was angry now and called me a slut. He made me kneel and clean his penis while he told me of his plans with you. You were going to marry him. You were going to make him king. Did you really say all that or was the poor boy deluded?’

  ‘I… I did say some of it,’ Allura confessed breathlessly. ‘But mostly I just made allusions and he jumped to conclusions.’

  The princess winced as Saraveeta plugged her another inch or so. ‘You must have been so proud of yourself,’ she sneered.

  ‘I was young then… I was very young.’

  Saraveeta laughed sarcastically. ‘It was last year, princess. How much changes in a year?’

  ‘Everything, for some people.’

  ‘As if you knew anything about that. For Porfino, yes, everything changed. He abused his true love in a prison cell; he wounded her heart fatally and lowered himself to the level of being just one more assailant, and the guilt punished him till he could bear to live no longer. I said before he received word that same night that you would not marry him, but you and I both know that was only the superficial cause. He was already dead, thanks to you, and he was finishing the job, just as you killed me when you separated us.’

  ‘I-I can’t be responsible for all that,’ Allura cried. ‘I can’t handle so much.’

  ‘I’m not surprised, my little pet. You haven’t the backbone or the will. Honestly, princess, you had better give some careful consideration as to what you will do with this crown you are working so hard to win. You may have your father’s blood, but not his mettle or his wisdom.’

  ‘Saraveeta,’ whispered the princess, unable to deny her passions, ‘will you fuck my pussy now?’

  ‘Only if you beg,’ Saraveeta provoked.

  ‘I do,’ Allura gasped. ‘I beg you.’

  Saraveeta pulled out of her tight rear passage. ‘Make me.’ Allura reached back for the artificial cock, only to have her arm twisted up behind her back by the other girl. ‘You always were the weaker one,’ said Saraveeta.

  ‘We are all weak in comparison to men,’ Allura countered, then squealed as Saraveeta abruptly plunged the cock into her pussy, pinning her to the bed.

  ‘So you’re an expert now?’ she mocked.

  ‘It is true,’ Allura mumbled against the bedcovers, ‘the baron says every woman is a slave during sex. It is only that some are allowed to be free afterwards.’

  ‘A subtle but significant difference, don’t you think?’ She pumped in and out, establishing a rhythm. ‘When you send me to the guards I am used all night long and then must return to comb your hair or draw you a bath. And if I fail to please you on account of being utterly exhausted and aching from head to toe, you will have me sent to the dungeon to lie in darkness, naked and in chains.’

  ‘But we all dream of men,’ said Allura boldly. ‘We cannot live without their strength. That makes us sisters still.’

  ‘What do you know of my dreams?’ The dildo sank deep enough to make the princess whimper. ‘What right have you to speak for me?’

  ‘None, none,’ she pleaded. ‘I didn’t mean it.’

  ‘You royal bitches do that all the time. You use our feminine needs as an excuse to brutalize us.’

  ‘But we are of the same class. We grew up together; have you forgotten?’

  ‘No, it is you who has forgotten. And as far as that goes, you never knew in the first place. Did it even occur to you how it felt to always play second fiddle to you, and how it was for my family having to bow and scrape to your father?’

  ‘I knew that, I did. But I could do nothing. Once I asked my father why you could not ride with us in the state carriage to greet the visiting King of Fristia. Do you remember? We were six. He told me I had a good heart but I must learn the way of things. Life was about power. There are those who have it and those who don’t, and ultimately all must yield and be slaves to their betters. “Only kings and queens have no betters,” he said. “Only they are masters. Your little friend, beauty that she is, will one day have to know herself your slave.” Do you know how it hurt me to hear him say such things? I was never so disappointed.’

  ‘So your father was not the hero we thought,’ Saraveeta sneered. ‘Who is?’

  ‘But there’s more!’ Allura exclaimed. ‘I asked about the gods. Did the kings and queens not bow to them? He lifted me in his arms and asked if I could see him. Of course, I told him, what a silly question. He then asked if I thought he was strong and did I feel protected in his arms? Again I said yes. Satisfied, he carried me to the altar in the very chapel we were yesterday. “Here,” he turned me slowly in a circle so I could see the relics, “are your gods and goddesses. Would you like them to hold you, to care for you as I do?”

  ‘“But these are statues,” I said, “and pictures.” He nodded, pleased with my answer.

  ‘“And so would any wise person say,” he added. “A king is here and now and made of flesh and blood, a god is a story, a legend represented by objects.”‘

  ‘I have faith,’ said Saraveeta, ‘as must all who are oppressed. Without our unseen gods to appeal to, we would have nothing but the all too visible tyrants of this world.’

  ‘I do not wish to be a tyrant, Saraveeta.’

  ‘You are in no danger of that,’ Saraveeta assured her. ‘If anything, you are more likely to lose your freedom altogether.’

  ‘To the baron?’ Saraveeta allowed her to answer the question herself. ‘But he has taken me as his wife, not his slave.’

  ‘The baron has taken you, that’s it,’ Saraveeta corrected. ‘Haven’t you seen that?’

  ‘I will fight him. We will both fight him. You will help me.’

  ‘I take no orders from you anymore.’

  ‘Then do it as a friend.’

  ‘Let’s concentrate on the moment, princess. I want you to come for me, now.’

/>   Allura’s body began to spasm, the words having their own secret enveloping power. ‘Yes,’ she hissed. ‘Oh, yes…’ and so she orgasmed, the dildo inside her, the future vastly uncertain, both in terms of her own fate and that of the kingdom.

  I shall pray, she thought to herself. I shall rediscover these deities I have neglected so long on my father’s advice. And maybe I will recover something of my honor, and my family’s honor.

  Chapter Seven

  For the next five days the princess was not permitted to leave the baron’s quarters. Nor was she permitted the dignity of clothing. When she wanted a drink it was from the bowl on the floor, and when she wanted to eat it was from the food bowl beside it. The baron did not return for her in all this time, nor did Saraveeta, and Allura imagined them together, enjoying each other and cohabitating like the traitorous vermin they were.

  Allura was afraid that the servants would learn of her humiliating predicament, but interestingly enough the baron sent only his soldiers to bring her food and water. These men were largely indifferent to her naked charms, and if they wanted her they gave no indication. More than likely they were under orders not to touch her, but she did not care for them having the right to look at her, and covered herself with a blanket when any of them appeared.

  Except for Tesotoro. She told herself she would use the man to her own ends, but there was little reason to suppose he would be on her side more than any of the others. She was not sure what it was about him that was different; perhaps the fact that his hair was blond like hers – a great rarity in the kingdom. Or maybe it was the gentleness of his hands as he had bound her – gentle, yet very, very arousing. He’d had her excited without any actual sexual advance.

  When it was his shift to bring water and food she would take it, crawling to his feet. The others be damned; she would throw the bowls in their faces. Word got round and Tesotoro took ribbing about his little pet.


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