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Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Page 32

by Heath, Joel

  could do for Jessie.” Michael reminded. “Something can be done?” Vince asked.

  Michael nodded.

  “Who could possibly help her?” Vince


  Michael said nothing, he merely pointed at the

  gate which parted and fully opened.

  A light that dwarfed all others filled the

  square. The lights warm glow cloaked a man

  with a voice like thunder.

  “Welcome, my children,” the voice

  called, “Well done, thou good and faithful


  It was nothing less than the voice of God. Spencer dropped to his knees in surprise

  and reverence as did Vince and Jessie, Michael

  got down on one knee as a trusted and devoted

  knight knelt before his King.

  “Much sorrow, have you overcome. Pain

  beyond that of any mortal man have you endured.

  I wish now to heal you of your pain and sorrow. A man emerged from the light followed

  by a woman. Spencer recognized both of them. “Mom? Dad?” Spencer asked.

  “Spencer, you have been so brave and

  strong, and we are so proud of the man you have

  become.” Mrs. Garza said.

  “My son, you have brought honor to the

  family and to God.” Mr. Garza added.

  Another man emerged from the light.

  “Stewart!” Vince said as tears resumed

  streaming down his face.

  “Vince, you were not just by brother, you

  were my best friend, I know that you have carried

  guilt over my passing from the mortal world, but

  the test is over, you need not carry it any longer,

  you are my brother, and I love you.” Stewart explained, pain started to leave Vince’s heart as

  his tears of pain turned to tears of relief. Finally a young woman appeared, smiling

  at the ailing Jessie.

  Jessie’s lip started to tremble as she looked into

  the woman’s eyes. The hurt Jessie had been

  harboring most of her life leaked out of her tear

  ducts and down her cheeks. Without saying a

  word, Jessie knew who it was.

  Pain and regret began to well up and fill

  the hole in her heart.

  “Mom, I’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt

  you.” Jessie bawled.

  The woman just smiled and spoke with a voice

  full of love.

  “I died because my mission in mortality

  was over, it was not because of anything you

  said, or did. I know that you have suffered

  because your last words to me in life were uttered

  in anger. But as your mother, my love for you is

  unconditional; it is time to stop blaming yourself.

  I love you, Jessie Monroe.” Jessie’s mother said,

  Jessie’s suffering had ended, and she was feeling

  peace for the first time in thirty years.

  “Is that all?” Vince asked, “Is Jessie

  going to revert to her former self?”

  Michael approached.

  “Do you remember when I told you that

  bringing Jessie here would slow the curse’s

  progression?” Michael asked.

  Vince nodded.

  “Lucifer spoke the truth, the only way to

  undo the change was to leave mortality before it

  was complete. Bringing Jessie here and helping

  you all to let go of your pain has only slowed the

  process.” Michael explained.

  “Then, what…?” Vince asked.

  “Judgment day has come and gone, and I

  am preparing to start anew with Gretchen bearing

  the seed of a renewed mankind, you have all

  earned an honored place in My Kingdom.” The

  thunderous voice of God proclaimed.

  “We can all stay here?” Jessie asked.

  “And I won’t be a demon if I do?”

  Michael nodded. “That is correct. You all have,

  unless you chose to return to Earth.”

  Jessie stared into Vince’s eyes “you can go back,

  but if I want to have my heart devoted to the One

  God that I have worshipped all my life, I have to

  take this opportunity.” Jessie said regretfully. Vince pondered the offer and weighed it

  against never seeing Jessie again.

  “I love you, Jessie.” Vince confessed

  staring into Jessie’s eyes which were one of

  Jessie’s remaining feature that remained

  unchanged; he paused for only a brief second. “I thought that I would have a family with

  you, but if you have to stay, so I’m staying too!”

  Vince declared. “I can’t imagine living without


  Vince held Jessie close, anticipating what

  was next.

  Michael noticed Spencer having a fit of


  “What is wrong, Spencer?” Michael


  “What about Gretchen?” Spencer asked. “What do you mean?” Michael asked. “Who will be there to watch over her?”

  Spencer asked.

  “We will create someone her.” Michael


  Spencer looked at Vince and Jessie, then at his

  parents who nodded, they knew what he was

  thinking, and they approved.

  “Why not send me?” Spencer suggested.

  Michael looked perplexed.

  “We would be sending you back to a

  world that you do not know. Nothing will be as

  you remember.” Michael warned.

  “Would Gretchen be there with me?”

  Spencer asked.

  “Yes, she would.” Michael confirmed.

  Spencer paused for a brief second.

  “That’s good enough for me.” Spencer


  Michael glanced back to the gate where the voice

  of God spoke; as yet a face still was not visible. “Very well, Spencer, you will be the

  husband of Gretchen and the father of many

  generations.” The voice of God proclaimed, the

  vision he caught in the eternity blade flashed in

  his mind, a vision of all the successive

  generations that would follow him.

  “Go to, take care of her and your children,

  we will allow you to retain the memories you

  have gained as a reminder to not allow your kin

  to succumb to temptation. Now go, she will soon

  awaken.” God commanded.

  Spencer nodded and was directed to a

  portal to his right, before he stepped through he

  turned to Vince and Jessie, even with all God

  could do, she had very little time.

  “You drop in on us from time to time, you

  hear?” Spencer requested.

  “I’ll do that.” Vince said with a nod

  before giving Spencer a bear hug.

  “Get going, Jessie doesn’t have much

  time left.” Spencer suggested.

  Vince nodded and walked Jessie toward

  the gate; they paused and looked back at Spencer

  before joining with their families and entering

  into Heaven.

  Spencer stepped into the portal.

  The portal let Spencer out at the base of a

  mountain that ran along the coast, which was

  only a half-mile distant. One a hundred feet away

  Spencer saw a tent, and emerging from the tent

  was a very pregnant woman whose red hair

  swayed in the breeze.

  We knew it wasn’t over…

e 12, 2054. More than two decades had passed since Satan had been bound and conquered. Nine children ranging in age from two to nineteen sat around a large fire with their parents. They were having a sort of family bonding ceremony, the sun had almost vanished.

  “Mom.” The oldest child began; he was a handsome looking young man, with a large stature. “Tell us the story of the world before the change.”

  “Not tonight, we have a lot of work to do in the fields at first light.” Gretchen replied. “Your father wants to have another field plowed so we can have more food for the coming winter.

  The second youngest, a girl of almost four left to follow her father who had left only seconds earlier toward a large tent. Inside several books sat on a beautifully crafted table along the back, one was larger than the others and lay open, the book was open to a page with a diagram with nine circles and then Spencer turned to a page near the back where there were several paragraphs scrolled in black, it told of a warning about how Lucifer was bound.

  The little girl noticed that her father seemed worried.

  “Are you alright daddy?” the girl asked.

  “I’m fine.” Spencer lied.

  “Still looking at that book?” the oldest son asked as he entered drawing his father’s full attention.

  “Yes, Daniel.” Spencer replied. “What can I do for you?”

  “Why are you still so interested in that book?” Daniel asked. “I though you and mom defeated Satan.”

  Spencer knew he had to explain, the situation was quite serious.

  “Do you remember the story your mother and I tell you every year?” Spencer asked as he closed the book.

  “The one I was just asking mother to tell us?” Daniel asked.

  Spencer nodded.

  “I really like that story.” Daniel admitted.

  “When we bound Satan, he told us that he had a way out and his incarceration wouldn’t last forever.” Spencer explained.

  “What’s wrong, father?” Daniel asked.

  Spencer paused as he revealed the most disturbing fact, “He could be loosed any day, and when he is, he will have a score to settle with us all.”

  “Nobody will be safe.”




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