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The Cull of Lions (Darkening Stars Book 2)

Page 10

by Mark Iles

  Kes never said a word as they marched back through the downpour and vaulted over the side of their skimmer but Singh took one look and stepped back, saying:

  “You have got to be shitting me...”

  “Its parents are dead and it’s been left all alone,” Selena said. “I’ve been there myself, so I know how it feels.”

  Selena sat and put her mess tin on the floor. Grabbing the lenar pup she held it out straight in front of her and then stared into the black almond-shaped eyes blending so perfectly into the thick matching fur. The creature growled ominously, squirmed and raised its hackles, the claws on all six feet flexing. In the gloom of the rainy night it was a dark, shadowy lump in her hands.

  “Dinner,” she said, putting the creature on the floor and ushering it towards the food.

  The lenars button nose twitched. Its eyes swivelled towards the meal, then back and forth between Selena and her offering. Tentatively it moved towards the tray, sniffed and licked at the rapidly congealing mess of food and rain with a long grey tongue. Then it began to feed. It ate the lot and when it was finished the lenar sat back and looked up at Selena. It was no longer growling.

  As she reached to pick it up the creature snapped at her hand yet again. Instantly she responded by tapping it again across the nose, then did so a second time. “No,” she said again, firmly, while wagging a warning finger. When she tried to pick it up again the creature didn’t object. She stroked its back and ticked it under the chin. Turning to face the disbelieving looks of her team she said:

  “Hey, meet Shadow. I always wanted a pet.”


  The rain stopped finally and a short while later they set off. Before long they came across a building of Manta design. It stood alone, buried deep in the forest, surrounded and overshadowed by trees. It was one of the emerald-coloured rectangular structures, sat balanced insanely on one corner. From the corner of her eye Selena saw many of her comrades lean their heads to one side, as if for a better view or to try and make some sense of it.

  As the skimmers landed Selena leapt out. “Kes, Select ten men and come with me. Singh, Arthur, you’re with me too. The rest of you move back to a safe place and cover us if you can, just in case they’ve booby trapped it, and take those skimmers with you.”

  Cautiously Selena and the others entered the building. Bottle-green light shone through the sides of the building, giving everything an eerie glow. Looking around them they saw the building was basically just a shell, with half-finished girders above them on which the beginnings of other floors lay.

  “Hmm,” Arthur began, “By the look of it I’d say this was the start of another nest. One they didn’t get the chance to complete.”

  “There are chrysalides on the floor over there,” Braxis said, pointing to their left.

  “You men, guard those,” Selena ordered. “If any Manta appear, destroy the eggs first. The rest of you explore the other floors, and be careful.” She watched as some of them activated their gravpacks and floated up through the girders while others disappeared into the gloom ahead on foot. She was updating the general when they all came back, a few minutes later.

  “There’s nothing here, Ma’am,” Singh reported. “Looks like Arthur could be right about it being the start of a nest.” He nodded towards the mound by her feet. “Aren’t you going to smash those?”

  “Nope, I’ve a feeling the powers that be might want them, and this building, in one piece.” She was right. As soon as she told the general, he replied, “Return to the city as soon as you can and bring those things with you. Leave a contingent of troops at the building to guard it. I’ll send someone to relieve them as soon as I can.”

  She called in those she’d held in reserve and, leaving Kes in charge, Selena and the others headed for home.


  Magki was pleased to see her, until he saw Shadow nestling in her arms. His smile faded.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “It’s a lenar, Sir, a young one. Couldn’t leave it there to die, now could I?”

  “I can’t make you out, Selena. One moment you’re a hardnosed bitch and the next you’re adopting something you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. Anyone would think you had a soft spot.” He peered at her more closely. “No, I guess not. Anyway, I wanted to say well done on the mission. That building and the chrysalides are real prizes, intelligence are going to have a field day with them. I take it you checked the structure for booby traps? I’d hate to lose more men in the way we did at the last nest, tragic waste.”

  “We checked and it’s all clear. The thing that concerns me is we attacked an alien craft, which is pretty dumb as it means we’ve basically declared war on an unknown race. What clown ordered that?”

  “I did,” a voice said from behind her.

  A low rumble issued from Shadow, as Selena turned to face a FOM Regular Forces commander entering through an open side door. Tall and overweight there was something about his grey eyes that made her uneasy, even though his gaze was firm and unflinching. He didn’t hold out his hand, as was the norm, instead he stood with his hands clasped behind him, a large and powerful brown dog at his side.

  “And you are?” Selena queried.

  “I’m Commander Muller,” he said.


  “Yes, that’s right. You knew my younger brother. He was the base commander on Loreen when you originally got there. Sadly he died in the other ship in your mission, the one that attacked the Manta sun.”

  Eyes narrowing, Selena considered him for a moment. “Your brother was an asshole, but he died bravely I’ll give him that.” To her surprise she saw an unfathomable glint in Muller’s eyes and a half smile tugging at his lips.

  “I was told you were direct, which I admire. My brother and I were estranged over family matters, we hadn’t spoken in years. None-the-less I was sorry to hear of his death but at least he died well. As for the alien craft, it was helping the Manta. As such it took sides and was considered an enemy.” A low rumble came from his dog as it strained at the leash.

  Shadow stirred in her arms and stretched his neck towards Muller, a much deeper rumble sounding in his throat. The dog stopped and backed away. Muller reddened, as Shadow turned its eyes to him. Then he swallowed and stepped back too.

  “Not exactly a friendly little begger, is it?” He managed. “I was hoping you and I can be friends, Selena. I’m not my brother.”

  “No, you’re not, but I take it brains don’t run in your family. Your brother’s attitude to the locals on Loreen led to them siding with the rebels. Yours could lead us into another war, one against an enemy we know nothing about. As far as I’m concerned you’re a prime example of what happens when cousins breed. With regard to the dog, apparently lenars developed a taste for them a long time ago, so I’d keep him close by if I were you.” She turned to the General. “If you’ll excuse me, Sir?”

  It was obvious Magki didn’t trust himself to speak. He tried hard to hide his smile and simply nodded. Saluting, Selena strode from the room and shut the door behind her.


  Shadow grew rapidly and followed Selena everywhere she went, even to the extent of sleeping on the end of her bed. They developed quite a bond and, oddly, the creature seemed to anticipate her. She found when they were walking he would lead her the way she intended going, even to the extent that if she changed her mind Shadow appeared to know. Selena’s notoriety increased rapidly. She stayed out of Muller’s way and he out of hers. The months passed quickly but the locals remained understandably wary of shadow and quickly moved out of their way, while watching with wide disbelieving and fearful eyes.

  “I’m sorry Ma’am,” the guard said, stepping in front of her as she arrived at the officers’ mess, a larger than usual tent in the arena, where they’d arranged to meet Kotes during one of his fleeting visits. “You can’t bring that thing into the mess.”

  “This isn’t a thing, it’s a lenar.” Selena turned to Shad
ow. “Go on home,” she watched as he turned and headed off to their tent. Entering the mess she saw the others all there before her, with Singh ordering a round of Roget’s Revenge. She was just about to speak when someone put a hand on her shoulder, to her surprise Selena turned to find herself face-to-face with Muller.

  “Dillon, it’s about time you and I had a chat. You embarrassed me in front of the old man. I don’t forgive things like that easily. You owe me an apology.”

  “That was ages ago, Muller. Grow up, life’s too short. I tell you what, though. I’ll owe you a hand in a moment, so either move it or lose it.”

  “You may think you’re something special, but you’re going to pay for that insult.”

  “You’ve had too much to drink, Muller. I suggest you go home, while you still can.”

  His free hand grabbed her throat and squeezed, making it hard for her to breath. Instantly Selena scooped up a swizzle stick from the bar and rammed it under his right eyeball. His scream, as he staggered back with the stick protruding from beneath his eye, brought the place to a standstill.

  “I do hope that was the eye you had on me,” she murmured calmly. “I suggest if you want to keep the other one, you stay away from me.”

  Still screaming and cursing Muller was dragged outside and off to sickbay by several of his friends. To her amusement Selena noticed those around her moved away and kept their distance, so although the bar was crowded Selena and her team stood in a space of their own.

  “He chose his moment well,” Kes offered. “You didn’t have Shadow with you. I’d say your lenar scares him.”

  “Well, he’s not alone there, it sure terrifies the shit out of me,” Singh added. “Don’t you read history books?”

  “It’s just a baby,” she explained. “You wouldn’t abandon a human child, now would you?”

  He was silent for a moment. “No, I guess not. Drink up, it’s Kotes’s round next and we all know how rare a treat that is. I won’t know whether to drink it, or frame it.”

  Much later, as they headed back to their tents, Kes asked if he could have a word with her.

  “Sure,” she replied, as she entered her billet. “Come on in.”

  As they entered Shadow already knew they were there. He looked from one of them to the other, then lay back down again yet watched them constantly.

  “Drink?” Selena asked. When Kes nodded she poured them both a single measure of scotch and handed him his. “What is it?” she asked. As he moved close to her she couldn’t help but look into his eyes.

  “This officer training you’ve put me forward for, I don’t want it.”

  “Why not?” she asked with a slight frown.

  “You really want to know?”

  “Kes, I wouldn’t ask otherwise.”

  “Very well, then let me show you.” He leant forward and kissed her gently on the lips. “Sorry, just thought you ought to be aware. Yeah, I know you Miss Bryn. For what it’s worth I liked and admired him, he was a good man.” He reached up suddenly and ran his fingers over his lips.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Just counting them, to make sure they’re still there. I guess I’d better go, while I’m one piece.”

  Selena put her drink down and reached for him. “No, actually, I’d rather you stayed.”


  Early next morning Selena found herself in front of the general. “You sent for me, Sir?”

  He gestured for her to sit down and looked at her sombrely. “You do realise Muller lost that eye last night.”

  “Rather careless of him, Sir.”

  “This isn’t funny, Dillon. You’ve made a powerful enemy. I’d watch your back if I were you. Luckily there were witnesses and all of them say he assaulted you, a senior officer. In my book that means he deserved it, so I’m putting this down as self-defence. I mean what I say, though, watch your back.”

  “Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, you’re not related to that young woman in the control room are you, Lieutenant Roberts?”

  “I don’t believe so, why?”

  “She reminds me of you and apparently doesn’t like Muller either. Word has it he kept getting her to take his dog outside for a sniff and she finally had a sense of humour failure. This morning she fed that hound laxatives before locking the poor thing in Muller’s office. It made quite a mess by all accounts. Luckily, he doesn’t know it was her but not a lot escapes me.”

  Selena snorted. “She sounds like my kind of person. What happened to the dog?”

  “He’s since sold it to palace security. The reason I asked you here is I’m sending a group of scientists out to the Manta building you found. Select a team, escort them and make sure they stay safe.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “In a couple of hours. I want the building examined as soon as possible, before something happens to it. Another thing, orders arrived from Admiral Van Pluy this morning for Kes Phillips to report for officer training. I see him as an essential member of your team but according to these orders he should be on the next transport, which leaves this evening. Do you want me to hold onto him for a while? I’m sure I can wangle it.”

  “No, Sir. It’s all fine with me. I’ll let him know right away. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, keep a close eye on your lenar. It’s growing quickly. I know you’re attached to it, but I just want to play safe.”

  “I will, Sir.” Selena gave a curt nod, saluted and left the room.

  Chapter Eight

  Selena went straight to Kes’s tent to give him the news. She saw the hurt and disbelief in his eyes and said sincerely, “You need this, Kes. You’ll make a damn good officer and we both know it. Anyhow, I have to go. A mission’s come up. Arthur and Singh are coming with me and we leave in a bit, so we won’t be here to say our goodbyes.”


  “Your transport leaves tonight at eight. Take good care of yourself.” She offered a smile then turned and walked away.

  They took three skimmers, herself and Braxis in the first, Arthur in the second and Singh in the last. They split twenty troops and a handful of scientists and engineers between them. Selena was reluctant to take more troops than she needed, and was well aware they could all do with the rest but with luck this would just be a babysitting job. Skimming the treetops they arrived at the site relatively quickly. On landing Selena ordered Arthur to relieve the others who’d been guarding the site and to send them back for some rest. In no time at all they’d vanished into the distance, leaving only Selena and her group. Arthur checked the sentry guns and posted guards, while the remainder set up camp.

  “Captain Dillon?”

  The man had introduced himself earlier as Cox, the leading scientist of the civilian group. He was a small, rather rotund man with a balding head and jolly expression. He also seemed to sweat a lot, and even now was mopping his brow with a cloth. Her eyes were drawn to the multi-coloured beads adorning his long, mousey-coloured dread-locked beard.

  “Yes, what is it?”

  “I just wanted to say thanks for escorting us. None of us can think of anyone we’d rather have with us, I know a few of the others are worried about the lenars.”

  As if by magic Shadow appeared from behind Selena and stopped at her side, staring up at the man intently. He whitened and stepped back, again wiping his brow with the cloth.

  “I find them rather intriguing,” Selena replied. “In the wild they’re killers but, for some reason, Shadow hasn’t been a problem.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” Cox replied. “They killed a lot of people over the years, and I know most hoped they were gone for good.”

  “I’m sure you’ve got work to do, Mr Cox. Best you get on with it.” She watched as he waddled off, imagining the damp footsteps he left in his wake. “Arthur, take two men and look after those scientists, keep an eye on what they’re doing while you’re at it.” Then she selec
ted Braxis and two others and went to inspect the perimeter, leaving Singh in charge.

  The sentry guns all checked out and Selena was spending a few moments chatting to the perimeter guards, when suddenly Shadow stiffened besides her. “What is it, boy?” she asked. Following the lenar’s gaze she saw a small deer-like creature weaving in and out of the trees. “Ah dinner, go on then.”

  Instantly Shadow bounded towards the creature, bowling it over it amidst the foliage. Locking its jaws around the creature’s throat Shadow quickly killed the animal and began to feed. Selena and her escorts were moving towards Shadow when he stiffened suddenly, then silently rose to his feet.

  Selena held up a hand. “Don’t move,” she hissed, as dark shapes slunk out of the gloom and surrounded them.

  “Holy shit,” one of the men said. “Lenars!”

  “Stand still,” Selena said softly, holding up her right hand.

  Shadow looked up, then abandoned his meal and came to stand between them and the other lenars. The creatures circled Selena and the others for a few moments, then regrouped facing Shadow. They nuzzled and rubbed against each other for a moment or two, then turned and melted back into the forest.

  “I don’t bloody believe that,” Braxis growled, as there were sighs of relief from the other troops

  The battlenet erupted in Selena’s ear. “Captain,” Arthur said. “There’s a small craft approaching quickly. Friend-or-foe says it’s Federal but it’s not responding to our hails. It should be with us any moment.”

  Selena’s brow furrowed as she thought it over, then with realisation her eyes widened. “Take cover!” she shouted, as adrenaline surged through her. But before anyone could move two of her men were blasted from their feet by machine gun bullets. Pain exploded in Selena as she was spun around with a bullet in her right shoulder. Flung against a tree she collapsed to the ground, while Braxis fired up into the darkness from a kneeling position. As six figures landed with gravpacks Braxis took several of them out before he was hit and blown backwards. Selena looked to where her machine gun was laying in the grass a few feet away, but knew she’d never make it. The pistol was on her wounded side and the handle of her sword protruded over her right shoulder. She couldn’t draw either, and if she did they would stand little chance against assault rifles. A familiar figure strode forwards and smirked down at her, as she tried to stand upright.


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