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The Savage King

Page 4

by Michelle M. Pillow

  Kirill sighed, feeling very tired. He’d known since birth that the day would come when he’d be expected to step up and lead the Var as their new king. He just hadn’t expected it to be for another hundred or so years. His father had been a hard man, whom he’d foolishly believed was invincible.

  “Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” His lovely houseguest’s whisper drew his complete attention from his heavy thoughts.

  Ulyssa bent over like she expected him to answer to the insulting call. He dropped his fingers from his temple into his lap, and a quizzical smile came to his lips. As he watched her, he wasn’t sure if he was angered or amused by her words.

  “Are you in here, you little furball?” she said, a little louder.

  She wore his clothes. Never had the outfit looked sexier. His jaw tightened in masculine interest, as he unabashedly looked her over. All too well did he remember the softness of her body against his and the gentle, offering pleasure of her sweet lips. She’d made soft whimpering noises when he’d touched her, yielding, purring sounds in the back of her throat. Even with the aid of nef, he was surprised by how easily and confidently she melted into him. The Var were wild, passionate people and were drawn to the same qualities in others. He suspected she’d be an untamed lover.

  Too bad she’d belonged to his father first. In his mind, that made her completely untouchable though none would dare question his claim if he were to take her to his bed. Technically, by Var law, she belonged to him until he chose to release her. For an insane moment, he thought about keeping her as a lover. He knew he wouldn’t, but the thought was entertaining.

  Kirill’s grin deepened. Ulyssa strode across his home to the bathroom door with an irritated scowl. It was obvious she didn’t see him in the darkened corner, watching her. He detected her engaging smell from across the room, the smell of a woman’s desire. It stirred his blood, making his limbs heavy with arousal. And, for the first time since his father’s death, his headache relieved itself.

  “Hum, maybe I’m looking too high. I’m sure there has to be a little cat door here somewhere. Come here, little kitty. Where are you hiding?”

  His slight smile fell at her words. It was easy to detect her mocking tone.

  “Where’s your little kitty door, huh?” Ulyssa whispered to herself, her blue gaze searching around in the dark.

  Kirill grimaced in further displeasure. He watched her open the door to his weapons cabinet. Her eyes rounded, and he thought she might take one. She didn’t. Instead, she nodded in appreciation before closing the door and continuing her search for an exit.

  She stopped at a narrow window by his kitchen doorway. Her neck craned to the side, as she tried to see out over the distance. Kirill knew she looked at the forest. From under her breath, he heard her vehement whisper, “Where exactly did you little fur balls bring me? Ugh, I need to get out of this flea trap, even if I have to fight every one of you cowardly felines to do it. I’ve fought species twice as big and three times as frightening. A couple of little kitty cats don’t scare me.”

  If this insolent woman wanted to play tough, oh, he’d play. Curling gracefully forward, Kirill shifted before his hands even touched the ground. He let one thick paw land silently on the floor, followed by a second. Short black fur rippled over his tanned flesh, blending him into the shadows. His clothes fell from his body, and he lowered his head as he crept forward. A low sound of warning started in the back of his throat. He was livid.

  Ulyssa froze, hearing the growl behind her. She really hadn’t expected anyone to be in the room, or she never would’ve ranted like she had. Biting her lip, her eyes automatically scanned for a weapon as she turned. Damn! She should have taken a blade from the cabinet.

  Seeing the oversized panther stalking her, its body low against the ground as if she were its prey, she gasped. “Oh, whoa, easy there big fella. Are you one of them or are you just a pet?”

  Ulyssa had fought all kinds of alien species and yet somehow, regardless of her pervious bravado, her training hadn’t prepared her to face a wild animal like this one. She could see the tempered speed in the panther’s streamlined body. Steeling her nerves, she looked him in the eyes and reached out the back of her hand. “Are you in there, Var…warrior…man? Can you hear me?”

  The animal roared, loud and long, brandishing his deadly fangs. She jolted back in surprise. His jaw snapped shut as if he would bite her. His beastly yellow-green eyes narrowed in warning.

  Ulyssa lost all bravado as she backed into a wall. Her heart let loose, hammering in her chest. Adrenaline rushed through her veins, making her shake. Her breath came out in ragged pants. She was terrified, too frightened to scream.

  The animal crept closer. To her shame, she felt tears threaten to fill her eyes. Some agent she turned out to be. Her programming for this planet didn’t include animal combat. Weren’t you supposed to cower before wild animals and let them have dominance? Or was it the other way around? For the life of her, she couldn’t remember. It’s not like they had many wild animals left running around Old Earth these days. Those they did have were in locked conservatories, kept away from human interference, and left to their own devices.

  The panther roared, bringing her attention sharply to the trouble at hand. Ulyssa recoiled, lifting her arms to protect her chest and face as she pressed into the stone wall. A dark blue banner waved near her nose as she turned her head away. The image of a stylized panther fluttered before her. She whimpered, closing her eyes. Her body tensed, bracing for the initial attack. Silence followed, and she couldn’t move.

  “Shh,” a gentle whisper soothed. “I didn’t think you’d be so scared of me.”

  Ulyssa gasped, recognizing the burr of Kirill’s voice from the night before. She felt the gentle brush of warm fingers on her cheek. On instinct, her hand balled into a fist and before she’d even opened her eyes she swung for him. She didn’t like being scared, and the fact he’d been able to frighten her, pissed her off. Her fist met with his jaw, knocking his head back on his shoulders. But, to her amazement, he didn’t stumble away. His head lowered, a controlled movement and his dark eyes pierced into her. Slowly, he flexed his jaw.

  “You bastard.” She glared at him. “How dare you try and scare me? I should tear you apart!”

  “Mm,” he smirked. Ulyssa’s heart nearly fluttered out of her chest at the sultry look he gave her. He wasn’t worried by her threats. Her mouth went dry. His fingers glanced over her neck, past her racing pulse. “Like you tried to tear me apart last night?”

  “I-I,” she stuttered, at a sudden loss. Had she attacked him last night? Fighting the haze of memory, she tried to recall. His eyes drifted to her mouth. She could feel his heat pouring over her, soaking into her skin.

  “You tried to offer yourself to me and, when I refused, you threatened my life.”

  Licking her lips, Ulyssa’s gaze followed his lead and moved down over his body. To her surprise, she discovered his chest was bare. Defined muscles moved beneath his skin, rippling over the surface in male perfection. The heady scent of man came over her, like an intoxicating perfume that left her panting. Her gaze moved over his strong arms, wondering how they would feel holding her. Not an ounce of fat marred the look of him.

  Then, very slowly, his words sunk in. He’d refused her. It was like a slap in the face. Her eyes rounded in horror.

  “You’re fortunate, briallen,” he murmured. “If it had been tonight, you’d have died for the offense.”

  Kirill stepped back from her and turned. Ulyssa watched him walk away. Her eyes rounded in surprise to see that he was completely naked. Another wave of fiery longing swept through her at the sight. She couldn’t help it. In a twisted way, his rejection only made her want him more. She loved a challenge, and this man was definitely the most handsome challenge she’d seen in a long time.

  Luxurious waves of black hair flowed over his back and shoulders, drawing her eye down the hard muscles surrounding his spine to his narrow hips. His taut butto
cks moved with power and grace. She wanted to touch it, grab it, control it, control him. Too bad she really didn’t like him. But, then again, when did you have to like the person to sleep with them? It’s not like she wanted to stand around making small talk first. It’s not like she wanted to get to know him at all. Handsome men never had anything interesting to say.

  Ulyssa licked her lips in anticipation. She smiled, not even hesitating before following him to the bedroom. He was cute. Her shots were up to date. If he tried to talk, she’d just have to gag him to shut him up, or at least put his mouth to a better use. Giving a little practice wiggle of her hips, she thought, I’m not drunk now. Let’s just see him try and refuse me again!


  Kirill had locked her out.

  Ulyssa paused and tried the door handle a second time. Yeah, he’d definitely locked her out of his bedroom. Her cheeks flamed. Placing her hands on her hips, she tapped her foot in anger. Well, if he was going to be a prude there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it. Stupid fool was missing out on the best sex he would ever be offered.

  Pounding on the door, she yelled, “Hey, pussy cat! Mind telling me how to get out of here?”

  To her surprise, the door opened. He was fully dressed, as he had been the night before, seductively, in tight black. She pulled away from the door to let him pass.

  “Don’t tempt me to shift, woman. I won’t be so kind as to turn back next time.” Kirill’s voice was hard. He brushed past her to the living room, leaning over to pick up his clothes from the floor. Under his breath, she heard him mumble in his native language something about ripping out her bothersome throat to shut her up. She thought it best not to ask him to clarify the entire statement.

  “Sorry,” she answered, rolling her eyes at his back and making a face. Going to stand beside the bathroom he pushed a tile. When an opening appeared in the wall, he tossed the clothes inside and walked to the kitchen. The hole closed behind him.

  When he ignored her half-hearted apology, she followed him to the kitchen and demanded softly, “So, how do I get out of here?”

  “Do you ever quit talking?” he asked, seeming amused. “The morning is a time of silence and reflection on the upcoming day.”

  The kitchen was constructed of industrial metal against stone. Despite the fact that they were inside a castle, it had very modern conveniences. Ulyssa watched him open a cabinet and take out a bowl. She did her best not to smirk. Next, he grabbed a jar of milk from the fridge. She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing. Oh, it was just too easy, kitty cat with his bowl of cream. Unable to resist, she asked, “Having breakfast?”

  He shot her a puzzled frown. Ulyssa snorted as she tried not to laugh.

  “What’s wrong with you now?” Kirill demanded. His brow furrowed.

  “Um, nothing,” she managed, still struggling for control.

  “You are a strange one, aren’t you? I don’t suppose you escaped from the medical ward?”

  Ulyssa’s expression fell.

  “Guess not,” he answered for himself. Taking a metal container, he poured a powdery substance into it and then added the milk. He handed her the bowl. She stared at the gruel with a look of disgust. He put the milk away, grabbed a spoon, and thrust it into the bowl. “Here, eat. Then I will bring you back to the harem.”

  Ulyssa’s stomach growled as if to answer for her. She was famished. Slowly lifting the spoon, she tested the mixture with the tip of her tongue. It tasted bland, like milky paste, so she braved a small bite.

  “There has only been one night of pairing,” Kirill said, moving through the kitchen to the dim living room. He paused to stretch his arms over his head. “If you’re lucky, some of the willing bachelors will still be without a mate.”

  “Excuse me?” she choked, dropping the spoon into the bowl she carried with her. “What exactly is this pairing thing you want me to do?”

  “The Var bachelors have come to woo the half-mates, at least those who haven’t bore children to King Attor. Those who wish it will be married.” Kirill stopped stretching and turned to study her.

  “Oh, no,” Ulyssa said, shaking her head. “Not a chance in hell! King Attor is not pawning me off on some…”

  His brow rose in warning as if he could sense her coming insult. She choked it back with some effort. She wasn’t used to curbing her tongue.

  “…some man,” she finished weakly.

  “You’re right,” Kirill said. “King Attor isn’t. I am.”

  “You? Who are you to decide my fate?” Ulyssa took a threatening step forward and scowled. “You’re just some... I don’t know what you are. Some guard? What do you care if I marry?”

  Kirill’s arms crossed over his sturdy chest in a very domineering manner. His head tilted arrogantly to the side. He said nothing.

  “Oh, I see. You’re a guard and you’ve picked me to... woo.” Ulyssa sighed. “Listen, I’m really flattered, but I’m—”

  “I have no wish to mate,” Kirill stated.

  “Oh, then I’m sure we can come to some sort of an arrangement.” Ulyssa shot him her sweetest smile, letting her lashes flutter over her eyes. It was a look she saved for special occasions such as these. It was a look that men could not resist.

  Kirill’s eyes didn’t move, except to blink, as he showed no masculine interest.

  “Fine,” she grumbled. Snarling, her eyes rolled heavenward. “Listen. Let me be perfectly honest. I don’t belong here. I don’t want to get married and sweep up fur balls for the rest of my days. As you can see, I’d surely make any Var’s life a living hell. I’m just not made to be a…”

  “What is this place, hell?” Kirill interrupted.

  “It’s both a place and a concept. Human sinners go there when they die and…argh! It doesn’t matter.” Ulyssa waved a hand toward him in distraction. “It’s bad, very bad. It’s like being burned alive and tortured at the same time, every day, all day, for all eternity. That’s what being married to me would be like.”

  Kirill frowned, eyeing her as if she was insane.

  Ulyssa forged on, “So if you would kindly tell King Attor that you didn’t see me and point me in the direction of the nearest exit, I’ll gladly get out of here. You’ll never have to lay eyes on me again.”

  As if an idea suddenly hit him, he sighed. “You haven’t been told?”

  “Told what?” Her frustrated grumble was audible.

  “How can this be?” Kirill asked. His face softened, as did his voice. “Were you not in the harem? I thought they would have made an announcement. Taura is usually one to make sure the harem runs smoothly.”

  “I didn’t exactly talk to the other women there,” Ulyssa answered, remembering how they avoided her like she was a plague carrier. “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m truly sorry to have to tell you this, but King Attor is dead. He died a week ago in battle. I was under the impression his half-mates were informed of this.”

  Ulyssa kept her face blank. The king was dead?

  “If it makes you feel better, he died bravely,” Kirill offered.

  “What do I care?” Ulyssa shrugged. Her mind raced with questions and schemes. With the king dead, the castle could be in a state of turmoil. It might just work to her advantage. Or, everything might be on lock down, and it could work against her. “King Attor was a barbaric jerk. I say good riddance.”

  The second she said the words, she wanted to take them back. What was it about this man that disarmed her and made her think more about sex and less about survival? Kirill’s eyes fell, but she didn’t notice. When he again looked at her, his face was hard.

  “So, who’s a girl have to bargain with to get a little freedom around here?” she asked, flippantly.

  “Me,” he answered.

  Ulyssa focused on him once more, shooting him a playful smile. Her brow rose on her face, as she asked, “Oh, yeah? Why you, sweetheart?”

  “Because I’m King Attor’s oldest son and the future king of the Var.”
Kirill’s words were light but deadly.

  Ulyssa paled, instantly sorry for her offhand remarks about his father. She’d never had said them if she’d known. She stood, speechless, her mouth slightly agape. His eyes glittered with golden threat and, for a brief moment, she thought he would shift and tear her apart. To her surprise, Kirill turned from her and stalked away into the darkness.

  In the shadowy corner, she watched as a door opened to offer in light. She wanted to kick herself for not seeing it before, the front door in plain sight and unlocked. Kirill’s handsome body filled the frame before the door closed once more.

  Ulyssa was spurred into instant action, afraid he’d lock her in. When she got to the door, she threw it open and looked out into the long hallway. Kirill was gone, and she was free to go.

  Kirill stormed down the castle halls, eager to get away from the aggravating woman in his home. He didn’t have time to deal with her. He didn’t want to deal with her, not today, not ever. Let her go. What did he care if she escaped? It would be one less of King Attor’s women to worry about.

  On most days, the king’s women were free to go about the castle though they chose not to. However, until a new king was officially crowned, the castle was kept under tight lock and key. After his coronation, it would be up to him to decide the women’s fate. Already, most of them expressed an interest in marrying the Var soldiers. It was a wise, logical decision, as they’d be given their own home and be taken care of. Most Var chose to mate for life, others half-mated and were still very happy and content. The women would be provided for, cared for, some even loved.

  Kirill suddenly stopped. Unbidden, his eyes turned behind him, looking back toward his home. He swallowed. No matter how he tried to deny it, he wanted the frustrating wench. Ulyssa. Sacred cats! She was beautiful, fiery, bold. Her very smell stirred his blood, making him want to pounce and ravage. Only once did she show her fear of him though he’d detected it at other times, a faint smell, one that was suppressed and well hidden.


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