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It Started with a Lie (Truth and Lies Duet Book 1)

Page 24

by Lisa Suzanne

  And then I drop the hammer.

  I drive into her as deeply as I can, back and forth, in and out, keeping a mild pace because if I go too fast, I’ll lose control and the moment will vanish. I’m not ready to let that happen when I want to stay forever inside her warmth and cocooned in her love.

  The naughty girl inside her must’ve been practicing her Kegels, because her pussy clenches around me over and over, and then she lets out a series of louder moans as she starts to come. I buck into her a little more wildly, wishing I could draw this moment on forever but knowing it’s about to end.

  It doesn’t matter, though. She knows I love her. She watched from afar as I did the things tonight that made me a better man. She consented to this and wanted this. Because of all that, if it goes fast now, it’s okay. It’ll just happen again in a few hours or tomorrow or the next day.

  Another squeeze of her body around mine met with pulses and moans from her mix with those thoughts in mind, and I let go.

  I come hard into the condom, grunting my way through my release as she continues her musical moans that I’m certain I’ll hear in my ears for the rest of my life.

  * * *

  It had been a long night up until the time we finally had sex, and she was exhausted. She cleaned herself up, kissed me softly once more, and fell asleep.

  I listened to her even breathing as thoughts rolled around my mind. The last thing I remember thinking before I fell asleep was that this is where telling the truth gets you.

  I had a clear conscience and the woman I love beside me in my bed.

  Life was good. Finally.

  Except when I wake up in the morning, suddenly everything shifts.

  In our haste to get into the bed together, I forgot to close the blinds. Sunlight streaks across my eyes, waking me at an ungodly hour. I’m not hungover since I didn’t drink enough to get drunk last night, but I still wake with a sense of grogginess.

  Vivian moves beside me, awake too as the sunlight streams in on us. She glances over at me then does a double take.

  “Oh God, what have we done?” she says, squinting against the rays of sunshine filtering through the open blinds.

  “I told you I love you, and then we had the best sex of our lives.”

  She clears her throat and closes her eyes. She tosses an arm over her eyes. “I was afraid of that.”

  “Afraid of what?” I lean up on my elbow to look at her.

  “Afraid it was just a dream. Afraid it wasn’t.”

  “Afraid it wasn’t?” I ask. I don’t get it. She’s the one who kissed me last night. She’s the one who told me she wanted this. She told me to shut up when I questioned her.

  “We really shouldn’t have given into temptation, Brian.”

  “Because we work together?” I roll my eyes when she looks up at me.

  “No,” she says. She shifts a little in the bed, pulling the sheet up higher over her naked chest. “Because I’m married.”


  Releasing October 11, 2018


  When Brian Fox finally tells the truth, it costs him everything.

  His company. His friends. The girl he loves.

  He’s forced to start over, and it’s his brother who once again steps in. Working for a record label isn’t how he imagined his life when he owned a successful company, and life on the road only makes him long for everything the truth cost him.

  How can he reclaim what was lost to the truth?


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  As always, thank you first to Matt and Mason for everything. From managing my business to chatting about plot details, you’re both there for me for everything, and you both give the best hugs. Love you!

  Thanks to my beta readers, Stephanie, Kelly, and Jen for the feedback and the support. Thank you to my ARC team for reading and reviewing my books and for being excited about reading Brian’s story after what he did! You’re the best!

  Trenda London, thank you for being the best content editor in the world. I absolutely love how we work together. Thank you to Katie Harder-Schauer for the eagle-eye proofs.

  Thanks to the Vail Tail Fangirls! What started as a support group for A Little Like Destiny (that I thought maybe two people would join) has become a Vail haven and I love it! I hope you found a way to forgive Brian. Thanks also to Team LS (my reader group) for the fun times and the love!

  Thanks to my author buddies, especially the 30 Days to 60K group for the sprints, and thank you to the bloggers who work tirelessly to promote my books. Thanks especially to Give Me Books for the release blitz and ARC distribution.

  Thank you to you. If you’re reading this, I hope you loved the first half of Brian’s story, and I can’t wait for you to see how this all pans out...

  Lots of Love!

  about the author

  Lisa Suzanne is a romance author who resides in Arizona with her husband and baby boy. She’s a former high school English teacher and college composition instructor. When she's not cuddling baby Mason, she can be found working on her latest book or watching reruns of Friends.

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  Reader Group





  books by Lisa Suzanne






  ONLY EVER YOU (Book Two)

  CLEAN BREAK (Book Three)


  Flip the page for a preview of A Little Like Destiny, Lisa Suzanne’s #1 bestselling rock star romance.


  A Little Like Destiny Book One



  The floor to ceiling windows offer a once in a lifetime panorama of the glowing lights of Las Vegas Boulevard forty-seven stories below me. I should still be asleep next to the man who spent the last two hours pushing me to the brink of pleasure again and again, but if I sleep, my eyes are closed instead of drinking in the view.

  “Come back to bed.” The smooth, velvet voice I know so well wraps around me, soft and sleepy as he issues a clear demand. Something low in my belly flutters as I turn to look at him. The lights out the window are mesmerizing, but the man in the bed offers an unmatched view.

  I pull his cashmere blanket more tightly around my bare shoulders.

  I fantasize that this is my life for just a second as his breathing evens—that he wants to be with me, that he’s calling me back to bed in the penthouse suite he calls home because he wants me there, that this wasn’t just a one-night stand, that we could have a future together.

  It’s fun to pretend, but a fantasy is all it’ll ever be.

  He’s The Mark Ashton, lead singer of Vail, my favorite band…everybody’s favorite band.

  He’s the man I stare at on the pages of magazines and follow on every possible social media platform with the hope to see a tiny glimpse inside his private life. He’s the man I’ve obsessed over and lusted after for the better part of ten years—since I was in high school and Vail’s first single hit the radio.

  He’s also the man known for sleeping with a different woman every night, and I count myself fortunate that I happen to be his Saturday night special this week.

  I don’t know how I’ll feel tomorrow, but tonight the only word that describes me is lucky.

  We’re on the top floor of a building in the center of the world-
renowned Las Vegas Strip after he spent hours kissing me, touching me, showing me that the rumors about his talents beneath the sheets are true. He knows what he’s doing. He’s everything I thought he’d be, more than I could’ve imagined. He was slow and sensual with me, caring and tender. He treated me with respect even though the rules were clear from the start.

  He didn’t have to say it, exactly, but I knew the expectation the second I secured my invitation back to his place. Girls don’t go home with Mark Ashton thinking it’ll lead to anything more than one night. I wish the reality was different, but that’s not who he is and it’s not what he does.

  He’s the very definition of a rock star. He makes a woman feel special for one night before he moves onto the next one. You hear the stories all the time, but you never think of the women who get left behind. It’s such a double standard—I think of them as groupies, a little slutty, definitely a little unethical...and now I’m one of them.

  I don’t see myself that way, though. I’m not a groupie. I’m far from a slut. I pride myself on my ethics and my morals. I’m just a girl who couldn’t pass up her one shot at being with the rock star of her dreams.

  It’s hard to reconcile what I felt for him tonight with what I know about him. Now I know him on a personal level. I’ve been in his home, in his bed. He knows me on a carnal level. He’s been in my mind, my heart, my body.

  That all just makes it so much more difficult to walk out his door.

  Does he do this with every woman he brings back to his place? Does he open up and let them in the way he did with me tonight? Is that how he’s able to get so many women to sleep with him?

  Or was I somehow different?

  I want to think I’m different, but insecurity rears its ugly head. As I turn my gaze back out the window to the lights twinkling below, I remind myself I’m just one in a long line of women—just the one he brought home tonight. Just the one who will leave in the morning thinking she’s different, thinking she’s the one who can tame his womanizing ways, thinking she’s the one he’d give up everything for.

  I can’t let myself truly believe any of that for even a second, though. My heart can’t handle that sort of fracture. Even though I wish it could be more, it won’t be.

  It will always be just one night.


  When the elevator doors open, I step on and push the button for the main level. That’ll get me back out to the Strip, and then I can start the mile-long walk back to Mandalay Bay, where my car sits in the lot and my best friend sleeps in the hotel.

  I threw my morals away for one night with a legend. I silently judge my friend Tess for sleeping with men she barely knows, yet I did the same thing.

  It felt like I knew him, though. I’ve spent countless hours with him over the past ten years. His songs play on repeat. I fangirled when he came to town for a concert, set my DVR to record every appearance he had on those late-night talk shows, read every article I could get my obsessive hands on. Of course I felt like I knew him—he’s been a part of my life for a long time.

  But I never actually met him until last night.

  My brain is muddled with conflicting emotions: what I did was disgusting and shameful, yet it was beautiful and totally worth it. It was a night to remember forever, yet a night I don’t ever want to tell anyone about.

  It feels wrong to abandon this place without leaving my number or some way for him to get in touch with me, but I’ve never done this before—never had a one-night stand or slept with one of the most famous rock stars in the world.

  But all that changed last night, and now everything going forward will be tainted with this one event.

  I’m all out of sorts. I’ve always been a rule follower, but how am I supposed to follow the rules when I don’t know what they are?

  I draw in a deep breath as the burn of tears smarts behind my eyes. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

  The chant is useless. Tears burn their way down my cheeks. I’m alone in an elevator after leaving Mark Ashton’s penthouse suite. Alone with my thoughts and images that’ll be burned in my mind for a long time to come—a hand running along my thigh, a tongue flicking my skin, a finger teasing my hip. His mouth caressing mine.

  Euphoria clings to me after the night we shared. No man has ever made me feel so cherished. He handled my body with skill and ease, took care of my needs before he thought of himself. That euphoria sends a shot of giddiness through my stomach.

  But reality crashed over me when I woke up. I couldn’t bear the thought of facing him—of him asking me to leave after last night.

  So, I decided not to give him that chance.

  Is this how all women feel during the walk of shame after one glorious night? I want to go back up to him, to crawl back into bed next to him. But wants and needs are two very different things, and I need to get back to my life and start the process of forgetting last night ever happened.

  I just have no idea how to do that. I guess it’s time for me to write my own rule book here: How to Exit a One-Night Stand with Some Shred of Dignity.

  I dig through my purse for my sunglasses. Chapter one of my rule book will help me get through the main level of the hotel on my way out to the Strip if I can at least cover my puffy, red, tear-leaking eyes.

  I keep digging, unable to find my dumbass sunglasses under all the crap in my purse, including an array of make-up that I didn’t bother to use this morning. He was still asleep when I left. Why didn’t I at least say goodbye? If there’s anything I regret about the last nine hours, it’s that. I snuck out before he even woke up, and now I’ll never get the chance.

  And that’s exactly where my confusion lies. Despite the shame pulling at my conscience, I don’t regret what I did.

  I push angrily at the tears still coursing down my cheeks then pull my purse from my shoulder and balance it on my knee. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirrored elevator doors and look away in humiliation. I focus for a second on the numbers as they change with each floor we pass. I’m moving closer to the first floor as the elevator carries me further from Mark.

  I search frantically through my purse, frustrated that I can’t find my stupid sunglasses, that I’m crying, that my face is a blotchy, disgusting mess, that I just left his place knowing I won’t be invited back.

  This was a mistake, one night to mar an otherwise spotless record. I’m not good enough for someone like him, not wild and crazy enough, not famous, not even close to his league. If he’s playing in the majors, I’m basically the sister of the ball boy for some middle school team. That’s how far apart our worlds are, but he allowed me to dream for just a few bright minutes last night. He allowed me to step out of playing the role of the good girl to do something naughty and completely out of character for once in my life.

  I’d give up everything for him—I’d have done that before I even met him last night. Both my best friend Jill and I have obsessed over him for years. He and the drummer from his band appeared on a reality show together, and we watched every episode and then watched again and again. In my fantasy world, I’d quit my job to tour around the world with him and Vail. I’d be best friends with the wives or girlfriends of the other band members.

  I briefly think about leaving my number with the front desk as I bask in that fantasy, but my insecurities get the best of me. Mark is known for doing this, for making every woman he’s with feel like the queen of the world before daylight comes and he moves on to the next one. I’m not special or different. I’m not memorable. The whole idea of that fantasy life is just a stupid dream.

  The elevator doors slide open, and I step off as I continue to dig. I’m not paying attention to anything around me, don’t even look up as I keep digging through my purse, and—of course, because why wouldn’t it happen today of all days?—I crash smack into a hard wall.

  I stumble backward, drop my purse, and feel arms come around my elbows to help steady me.

  It wasn’t a wall, after all. It was
a man. A man in a suit who looks crisp and fresh and hot as hell and why the fuck is the universe against me today?

  “Are you okay?” His voice is deep and husky and full of concern. His big hands are still on my arms, and I brush them off after my eyes catch on his long fingers and sexy veins.

  I dash the tears away again and force myself to look at the man who is gazing at me with bright green eyes. His lustrous, nearly black hair is brushed up and away from his forehead, parted to the side, which tells me he cares about his appearance, but the dark stubble lining his jaw tells me he’s all man.

  I glance down and see that the contents of my purse have emptied all over the tiled floor. Eyeshadow is bouncing its way across the small hallway housing six elevators, lip gloss has rolled nearly in front of the furthest elevator, random change and gum wrappers are everywhere. I need to clean out my goddamn purse.

  A couple walks into the hallway and pushes the button to call an elevator as they glance at the mess—and, subsequently, me—with disdain.

  Fuck you! You could help us here instead of looking at me like you’re better than me! Haven’t you ever had a bad morning? Haven’t you ever dropped anything? Haven’t you ever walked out of a rock god’s penthouse suite without leaving your number behind?

  My good manners keep those thoughts in my head. Instead, I ignore them and stare at all the shit I keep in my purse scattered all over the floor, and that’s when I remember last night when Jill and I left the house we share, it wasn’t bright enough to warrant sunglasses. I realize too late they’re sitting in the cup holder in my car.

  “Dammit,” I mutter to myself as I close my eyes, willing the tears to stop falling. “I’m sorry,” I say to the man as the unhelpful couple steps onto one of the elevators.


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