The Island
Page 13
“You okay, sis?”
“Yes, Callie. I just got the offer from the publishing company.” She held up the newly-faxed sheet.
“Is it a good one?”
“Great.” She handed her sister the contract.
Callie’s eyes got big when she looked at the figure. “Three million, five hundred thousand dollars! I can’t believe this, Amanda.”
“Neither could I, but you see it there in black and white.”
“Going by the rules you set up, this means you’re going to get over a million dollars?”
“I guess I am. Of course my agent gets fifteen percent.”
“And everyone else will get...”
“After the agent’s fifteen percent, they’ll still get somewhere around a hundred and fifty thousand each. We decided to include Bobby in the split. He’ll need it for his education.”
“I’m proud of you, little sister.”
“Thanks, Callie. There’s one thing. You’re not to talk about the amount we got. That’s in the contract.”
“My lips are sealed. I won’t even tell Sam if you don’t want me to.”
“Maybe it would be best if you didn’t. I trust Sam, but he’s prone to bragging at times.”
“He won’t learn a thing from me.” She smiled. “What about Diane and Noah. Are you going to tell them?”
“For now I think all I’m going to tell them is I got a very good deal.” She looked at Callie. “This can be one of our sister secrets can’t it?
“It most assuredly can.” Callie chuckled. “We’ve had quite a few of those through the years haven’t we?”
Amanda nodded. “Now if you don’t mind, I think I’ll sneak in a call to Steve.”
“Honey.” Callie put her hand on her sister’s arm. “I know you think you love this man, but—”
“There’s no thinking to it. I love him with all my heart and soul.” She smiled. “He loves me too, Callie. He really does. Did I tell you he was redoing his old home place for us?”
“You mentioned it, but—”
“Quit saying, but. There are no buts. I love him and he loves me. As soon as everything’s straight with his first wife, we’re going to be together.”
“I just know how hurt you were when Reggie—”
“Callie, that happened years ago. Reggie was a terrible mistake.” She turned to go out of the room then turned back. “No, I won’t call it a mistake. It happened and I have the most wonderful daughter in the world as a result of it.”
“I agree with that, but you haven’t really trusted a man since.”
“Until Steve.”
“Yes, until this Steve. I want to meet this fellow. I have to see for myself if he’s good enough for my little sister.”
Amanda kissed Callie’s cheek. “He’s perfect for your little sister. Now accept that and I’ll see to it you meet him soon.” With that she turned and fled to her room on the second floor where she grabbed the phone and dialed Steve’s number.
“Hello, my love,” Steve said into his cell phone.
“How did you know it was me?”
“I have your sister’s number memorized already so I knew it was you when the number popped up.”
“What are you doing at this very minute?”
“I’m walking to the end of our front porch so I can get away from the workmen and talk privately with the light of my life. What are you doing?”
“Sitting on my bed talking to the most wonderful man in the world.”
“Oh, how I wish I was there on that bed with you.”
“You and me both, but it won’t be long.”
“That’s what you said the other night.”
“And I meant it. I got the contract today. They want me to come to New York and they’ve made arrangements for me to fly up there on Monday.” She then told him about the advance and explained the terms.
“Wow, that’s a lot of money!”
“I know. I hope everyone’ll be happy with it.”
“I’m sure they’ll be thrilled. How long will you be in New York?”
“Only a day or so.” She took a deep breath. “I had an idea and wanted to run it by you.”
“Okay. I’m listening.”
“I thought instead of flying back to Charlotte I’d get the return ticket to Atlanta and if you wanted—”
“If I wanted! You know I want exactly what you’re suggesting. I think it’s a wonderful idea. I’ll meet you in Atlanta. Just tell me the flight.”
“Calm down, love. I’m not sure of the flight yet, but I’ll definitely let you know.”
“The instant you know, you call me.”
She laughed. “It thrills me to hear you sound so excited about it.”
“Excited? I’m ecstatic!”
“How’s your situation with Janet coming?”
“It’s about to dissolve itself. I’ve signed a thousand sheets of paper in the last week, but I’d sign a million more to welcome you back into my arms forever.”
“That’s good news.” She paused. “How does Dave feel about you and his mother dissolving everything?”
“He’s happy for me. He told me the other day he couldn’t wait to meet you because he’s never seen my eyes sparkle the way they do when I talk about you.”
“My family is also anxious to meet you.”
“When you have to go back to Charlotte, I’ll go with you. I want to meet your family, too.”
“I hoped you’d say that.”
“By the way, I saw you on TV again last night. I was going to call you tonight and tell you how beautiful you looked.”
“Thanks. I’m glad you watched.”
“As if I’d miss a chance to look at the woman I love.” He sighed. “I want you to promise me one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“When you’re going to be interviewed, call and let me know. I’m recording all the interviews.”
“That’s sweet.”
“Guess what Johnny said last night.”
“As soon as you came on the screen he shouted, “Look, it’s Grandpa’s pretty woman.” I had to hug him and tell him he was right.”
“I love that boy already.”
“I’ll tell him.” He paused. “Amanda, I know you’re busy with the book and everything, and I want you to know how proud I am of you. You’ve handled the press perfectly. I talked to Curtis and Phyllis last night. Everyone’s pleased with the way you conduct yourself. Only we can tell you’re skirting some issues. Nobody else will ever know.”
“It gets a little easier each time. I’ll just be glad when the excitement dies down and we can get on with our lives.”
“As you’re so fond of saying, it won’t be long. Then when the book comes out, it’ll start up all over again.”
“Yes, but it’ll be easier then. I’m hoping I’ll have my husband by my side to support me.”
“You better believe you will.”
“I’ll call the others and tell them about the advance tonight. I wanted to call you first.” She laughed. “Oh, heck, I might as well admit it. I just wanted to hear my dream man’s voice.”
“And he’s always overjoyed to hear yours. May I call you later tonight? We can smooch on the phone.”
“I’ll be in bed by eleven-thirty. I love talking to you before I go to sleep.”
“I’ll call you at eleven-thirty-one.”
“Then until eleven-thirty-one tonight, good-bye, Steve. I’ll love you forever.”
“And I love you too. Good bye, my sweet Amanda.”
Chapter 16
Twenty-Five Months Earlier
Steve grunted and groaned several times during the afternoon, but he never woke up. Gene checked him often. When it began to get dark, he turned to Amanda. “He may be like this for a day or two. But it’s a good sign. He may wake up anytime and...” He hesitated then added, “He could revert back to his prior life and love. He may not remember the crash or the snakebit
“Surely not?”
“Hopefully not, but I just want you to be prepared. I don’t want to see you get hurt. If it does happen, it’ll be a temporary thing.”
“Thanks, Gene. I know he’s going to come out of this and I also know he’s going to be fine.”
“Nobody doubts that now.”
“I’ll shout if I need you, but why don’t you go on and get inside before it gets totally dark?”
“I think I will. The baby’s been waking us up at night. So we try to sleep when we can.”
“I haven’t heard him.”
“I guess it’s because you’ve been a little preoccupied.”
“I guess I have.” She glanced at Steve. “Bobby and Debbie are doing okay, aren’t they?”
“Oh, yes. When he wakes up, she feeds him and he usually goes back to sleep. During the day, we’re giving him coconut juice and some mashed fruit. He’s thriving.”
“That’s great.” She smiled at him again. “Good-night, Gene.”
“Good-night, Amanda. I’ll check on you first thing in the morning.”
As darkness covered the island, Amanda once again laid down by Steve. She put her head on his right shoulder and had placed his right arm around her as they often slept. Was Gene right? Would Steve forget her? Would he wake up wanting Janet? She pushed these thoughts from her mind, willing it not to happen. For a long time she simply enjoyed his nearness then sleep began to overtake her. She was on the verge of falling into dreamland when she felt his hand move on her shoulder.
Her eyes shot open, but she laid still. Did she imagine it? Did he actually caress her with his fingertips? His hand moved again.
“Oh, Steve.” She put her arm across his chest. “Oh Steve. Are you waking up? Do you know who I am? Do you know I love you?”
He began to mumble. “Love you,” is what she thought he said.
“Oh, darling. I love you too. So very much.” She wished she could see his face, but it was a moonless night. She found his chin with her right hand. “I just want to touch you,” she whispered.
He mumbled, “Janet.”
Amanda’s heart plunged to her stomach. So he was reverting back to his former life. She didn’t say anything. She bit her lip to hold back the tears.
Again he whispered a word, “dead.” Before she could respond, he added, “to me.”
She still didn’t say anything. She wanted to be sure he’d said all he wanted to say. He continued, “Love Amanda.”
In her mind she put the words together. “Janet dead to me. Love Amanda.” She burst into tears in spite of her resolve not to cry. “Oh, Steve,” she said. “I love you so much. I knew you were going to be all right and you are.” She let the tears flow. “I’m going to be all right too, because I know now you love me.”
She felt his fingers caress her shoulder and she snuggled into him. It wasn’t long until they were both asleep.
It was almost dawn when she opened her eyes. She started to get up, but Steve’s hand held her shoulder. Though there wasn’t much pressure, she knew he realized she was there. She turned her head and looked at him. He smiled.
“Oh.” She reached up and touched his face. “That’s the most beautiful smile in the world.”
“No. Yours is.” Steve could only talk in a whisper.
There was a noise outside the hut. Amanda said, “Honey, that’s either Gene checking on you or the natives who saved your life. If it’s them, they’ll be naked and they’ll come in and do what they have to do. Please don’t be frightened. They’re my friends.”
The naked native woman entered.
Though Amanda could tell he was surprised, she was proud when he didn’t say a word. He only grinned at the woman. She got up and let the native kneel beside Steve.
The woman looked into Steve’s eyes. She nodded to her protector and he looked out the door. In an instant another native appeared. He had two jugs which he handed to the woman.
She sat them beside her, took Steve’s left arm and removed the poultice, wadding it into a ball which included Amanda’s blouse, she handed it to the man who brought the jugs.
Steve looked at Amanda. “She’s wearing your ring,” he whispered.
“That was her pay for saving your life.”
He nodded.
The woman picked up one of the earthen vessels and held it to Steve’s mouth.
“Whatever it is, honey, drink it,” Amanda said. “They haven’t made a mistake in your treatment yet.”
Steve drank and wrinkled his nose as he made a face. The woman nodded and handed the vessel to Amanda and pointed toward the sun. She then made an arc with her hand above her head and then indicated the jug should be empty.
Amanda caught on. “You want me to have him drink the rest of it tonight.” She made the arc and shook an imaginary vessel to show she understood.
The woman nodded and carefully began pouring the liquid from the second jug on the wound. Steve grimaced and bit down on his lip. The woman looked at him and nodded. She said a word to the man with her and he also nodded. For some reason Amanda thought she was complimenting Steve for being brave.
A rectangle about six inches long and four inches wide that looked as if had been made of dried straw was then applied to the arm. The native took a twine-looking vine and tied it in place. She then stood and nodded to Amanda.
“Wait,” Steve mumbled.
Amanda placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder and nodded toward Steve. The woman paused and looked at him. Slowly Steve took off his gold wedding band and held it out to the woman.
The native looked surprised, but she took the ring. She then nodded to both of them and slipped out the door with her bodyguard on her heels.
Amanda rejoined him on the pallet. “It was sweet of you to give her your ring.”
“Better than throwing it away.” His eyes began to close. “I’m sleepy.”
“Must have been the medicine she gave you. You go to sleep, my love. I’ll be here when you decide to wake up again.”
“Promise?” He managed to put his right arm around her as she stretched out by him.
“I promise.”
“Love you, Amanda,” he mumbled in a slurred whisper.
“I love you too, Steve.” She smiled and thought what a wonderful gesture for him to give the native his ring. She also thought it was special that he’d said he was going to throw it away. Amanda cuddled against him and soon fell asleep.
The sun was up when Gene came by. “I see the natives have been here again.” He looked at a sleeping Steve’s arm as soon as Amanda invited him in.
“It was almost dawn when they came.”
“Did he ever say anything?”
“Oh, yes. We talked a little. He’s very weak, but he knows where he is.” She looked at Gene and smiled. “He also knows who he loves.”
Gene looked over the new bandage. “His wedding ring is gone.”
“He gave it to the native lady.” She chuckled. “He said it was better than throwing it away. He was getting so sleepy I didn’t ask him to explain.”
Gene shook his head. “I’m sure it was to prove to you he’s over his first marriage.”
“Maybe so.”
“Now, why don’t you go join the group for breakfast? I’ll stay here.”
“No. I can’t. I promised him I’d be here when he wakes up again. I’ll run to the latrine and hurry back.”
“You are one stubborn woman, Amanda.”
She patted his shoulder as she stood. “I’ve earned the right to be. Old people like to have things done their way.”
“Old, my foot.”
“What does that mean?”
“Never mind, just go on.” He waved her away and she scurried out the door.
When she returned, Phyllis was coming with a basket of peeled and cut up fruit and a small earthen jug of water. “We knew Gene wouldn’t be able to get you to join us, so I’ve brought you something to eat.”
ome in, Phyllis.”
When they got inside Gene stood. “He hasn’t moved or spoken, so you didn’t miss a thing.” He winked at Amanda and went out the door.
The women sat down. Before she started eating, Amanda reached over and touched Steve’s forehead. “He looks so much better.”
“I didn’t see him when he was so sick, but Gene did. He’s amazed at the recovery so far.”
“Steve told me last night he loves me.”
“Amanda, you’re not telling me something I didn’t already know. You and Steve are meant for each other. Anybody can see that.” Amanda smiled and Phyllis went on, “Curtis and I were talking last night about how special both of you are. You might be a few years older, but you’ve never let that slow you down. You’ve both contributed as much as anyone else on this island. And thanks to those folks who are blacker then me, you’re going to continue contributing.”
“Phyllis, I appreciate your blackness even if the natives wouldn’t.”
“I have to admit, they’re awfully black. Never been any mixing with them.” She smiled. “Most of them are pretty short too.”
“They’re wonderful, Phyllis. The lady who has doctored Steve and I have learned to communicate a little. Not much, but a little. She’s some sort of leader.”
“Even not speaking the same language I can see why somebody would want to be friends with you.”
“That’s a nice thing to say.”
“I mean it. Just look at what you’ve done. You divided all the things the natives gave you with us and it’s made our life a little easier. A lot of people would’ve hoarded it all for themselves. Especially the woven grass blankets. Debbie was delighted when you sent one to her and Bobby.”
“Any other member of this group would have done the same thing.”
“Maybe most of us would, but not Mr. X.”
“What’s he been up to?”
“Oh, he pulls his share of work as usual, but he still thinks the natives want to eat us.”
“Can’t he see there’s plenty of food on this island? Nobody’s going to get eaten.”