The Island
Page 15
* * * *
June 4—10:00 PM
Wendover, GA
As they went up the long winding driveway, the headlights of Steve’s truck illuminated the old plantation-style house. “It’s beautiful, Steve,” Amanda whispered.
“It was a show place when Mom and Dad were alive. It’s fallen into disrepair since I had to sell it.” He reached over and patted her knee. “It’ll soon be back in shape and we’ll make it a showplace again.”
“I’m going to love living here with you.”
“And I can’t wait to get you here.” He turned off the motor. “Grab a flashlight out of the glove compartment. We’re going to need it.” He got out of the truck, went to the passenger side and held up his arms to her. She almost jumped into them. He set her on the ground and grabbed her suitcase and laptop. She clicked on the flashlight and they went up the front steps. He unlocked the front door and set her belongings inside.
He turned and swooped her up in his arms. “Since it’s our first time here together, I want to carry my wife though the door.”
“You wonderful man, you.” She kissed his face in several places as they stepped inside.
He chuckled as he put her down to lock the door. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get the lights turned on. There’s still electrical work to be done.”
“I don’t mind. It makes it kind of romantic to be here in the dark with you. Besides we’re used to the dark.” She turned the flashlight around the huge entry hall. “It’s lovely.”
“I’ll give you the grand tour when it gets light. In the meantime,” he paused and picked her up again. “I want to show you our bedroom. I cleaned it up for you.”
“I can walk.” She laughed.
“I know you can, but I want to carry you.”
She nibbled his ear.
When they went into the bedroom, he paused at the door. “I don’t believe this.”
“What is it?”
He put her down. “Let me have the light, honey.” She gave it to him and holding her hand, he pulled her to the side of the room. He dropped her hand and in a minute she heard a match strike then he lit a candle. Then another one. All together there were a dozen candles to light. In a matter of minutes the room was illuminated with a soft glow.
“How beautiful,” she whispered. “Did you plan this?”
“I put one candle here, but not all of these.” He stood and put his arm around her. “I have a feeling my daughter-in-law’s responsible.”
Amanda looked around the room. There was a pumped-up air mattress against the wall. It had been made with white sheets. The top one was turned back and a red rose lay on the pillow. On one side of the mattress sat a cooler.
Steve let Amanda go and knelt down to look inside the cooler. He pulled out two fluted glasses and a bottle of champagne. He then took out a bowl of strawberries and a container of chocolate. He grinned at Amanda. “I definitely see Claudia’s hand in this.”
“I’m going to like this girl.”
He stood and moved back to her. He kissed her gently then slowly he started to untie the neck of her blouse. She smiled and whispered, “I have a nightgown in my suitcase.”
“You’re not going to need it,” he whispered back.
Chapter 18
Twenty-Four Months and Three Weeks Earlier
After going for a bath with the men Steve was exhausted. He ate a little then went to bed. He was asleep before the sun went down. As it began to get dark, Amanda lay down on the mat beside him and cuddled in their regular position. It felt good to be here with the man she loved and to know that in a short time he would be whole again. She was soon asleep too.
The now familiar rustle out side their door just before dawn awakened her. Steve stirred and opened his eyes too.
“The natives are back,” she whispered.
He nodded.
The woman and her bodyguard came through the door. Amanda smiled at her. The native nodded and knelt beside them. Steve held his arm out to her. She removed the remaining part of the bandage and nodded. She said something and another native came through the door and handed her a jar. She began to lather salve on Steve’s wound. When she finished she handed the jar to Amanda. She pointed toward the East and then rubbed her arm. She pointed directly over her head and rubbed her arm. She pointed to the West and rubbed her arm. She then waited.
“I think she wants me to put this on your arm three times a day.” Amanda went through the same motions as the woman had to indicate she understood.
The woman stood and nodded. She then said something to the man with her. He nodded and stuck his head out the door.
A procession of natives began, each one carrying a gift. Amanda noticed that her blouse was one of the things a native carried. It was clean and folded. When the corner of the hut was again filled with blankets and other items, the native woman nodded to them. They thought she’d be leaving. Instead she said something else to her guard. He nodded and left her there alone.
The male native, Amanda remembered as the one the woman described the snakebite to on their first meeting came in. He was slightly taller than the others. The woman stood beside him and indicated herself then him.
“It’s her husband,” Amanda said and smiled. She then pointed to herself then Steve.
The woman took her mate’s hand and held it up. He was wearing Steve’s wedding band. He grinned then muttered something that could have meant thank you. He then handed Steve a small gold object.
Steve said thank you and reached over and shook Amanda’s hand. He then reached out his hand to the native. The native looked blank so Steve shook Amanda’s hand again and then reached out to the man. The native took the hand. There was some nodding and the two natives slipped out the door.
Steve turned the gold object in his hand. “Amanda, this looks like solid gold.”
“Yes.” He looked at her. “For some reason I don’t think we should show it to the others.”
“If that’ s what you think.” She smiled at him and their gazes locked.
He sat the object aside and held his arms out to her. “I’m sorry I went to sleep last night. I meant to ask you something.”
She went into his arms. “What did you want to ask me?”
“Since Wilma is determined to plan a wedding for us, I thought I’d ask you to marry me.”
“Well, will you marry me?”
“Yes, Steve. I’ll marry you. I was going to ask you if you didn’t ask me.”
He squeezed her close to him. “Thanks for saying yes and again I’m sorry I went to sleep on you last night.”
“Don’t be sorry, honey. You need to rest a lot. I know that and so does everyone else.”
“No buts. I want you to get your strength back.”
“I have enough strength back now.”
“For what?”
“For this.” He pulled her closer to him and began to kiss her. It was gentle at first then it became passionate.
“Oh, Steve...”
“I want you, Amanda.”
“Yes, now. But if you aren’t ready you know I won’t force you.”
“You don’t have to force me, Steve. I’m ready,” she whispered.
Their lovemaking was passionate, almost wild. It was as if each of them had been waiting for this moment all of their lives.
* * * *
June 5—8:00 AM
Wendover, GA
Steve and Amanda were sitting close together on the front steps of their future home. He was peeling pieces of an apple from one of the trees in the side yard and sharing it with her. Dave’s black Ford Ranger came up the driveway.
“Good morning, son,” Steve said as Dave got out of the truck.
“Hi, Dad.” He eyed Amanda and returned her smile. “Amanda, I’m glad I finally get to meet you in person.”
“Likewise, Dave. Your father’s
told me a lot about you and I feel I know you already.” She took his outstretched hand.
“What brings you out this morning, son?”
“Claudia is chomping at the bit to meet Amanda. She’s cooked a big breakfast and wants you to come eat.”
“That sounds like my daughter-in-law.”
“I think I told you the kids are out of school today and they want to meet her before they go on an outing with their friends.”
Steve looked at Amanda. “Are you ready to meet the rest of the family?”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
He nodded. “We’ll be up there in a few minutes, Dave.”
“Okay, we’ll see you then.” Dave smiled at Amanda again and headed back to his truck.
“I hope they like me, Steve.” Amanda slid her arm through his.
“They’re gonna love you.” He kissed the top of her head. “By the way Dave was looking at you, I think you already have his approval.”
“He’s a nice young man. Of course he has to be, he favors his handsome father.”
“So, you think his father’s handsome, huh?”
“The most handsome man in the world.”
He folded his knife, put it in his pocket, then took her in his arms. “Then are you ready for the most handsome man in the world to take his beautiful woman and show her off to his family? Or would she rather go back into our little love nest and have a rerun of last night?”
“A rerun would be wonderful, but I don’t want to the family to get the wrong impression of me.” She batted her eyes at him. “Of course, a rerun in the afternoon wouldn’t be bad.”
“I promise.”
He kissed her and whispered, “Then let’s go sample Claudia’s breakfast.”
When Amanda and Steve pulled into the driveway at Dave’s house, Johnny came running out on the porch. Steve helped Amanda out of the truck and when they started up the walk, Johnny ran down to meet them. “I want to be first to see Grandpa’s wife,” he squealed. “I told Robin I’d beat her out here.”
“You did?” Steve reached down and messed Johnny’s blond hair. “Well, this is my wife, Amanda. What do you think of her?”
“I saw you on television.” Johnny eyed Amanda.
“So you already knew what I look like.”
“You pretty,” he said and dropped his head.
Amanda knelt beside him. “Why, thank you, Johnny. You’re a handsome boy, too.”
He looked at her. “How do you know my name?”
“Your Grandpa told me. He’s very proud of you. He calls you his big boy Johnny.”
“He told you that?”
“Yes. He told me lots of things. He said you had two sisters and a mommy and a daddy.” She stood. “Would you like to introduce me to the rest of your family?”
“Sure. Come on.” He grabbed Amanda’s hand and started pulling her toward the front door. Steve followed them.
Inside Johnny announced, “Hey everybody, this is Grandpa’s wife. Her name is Pamanda. She’s not big as you, Mommy.”
They all laughed and Johnny looked up at Amanda with his big brown eyes. “That’s my family. My sisters are mean to me sometimes and Mommy makes me clean my room and Daddy fusses at me when I don’t mind Mommy.”
Amanda smiled. “Well how about that?”
“I’m Claudia and I’m delighted to meet you, Amanda.” The attractive brunette reached out her hand. “I hope you like country cooking because I’m made a country breakfast.”
“I love country cooking and I’m delighted to meet you too, Claudia.” Amanda turned to the girls. “Your grandfather told me what beautiful granddaughters he has. After seeing you, I know he was telling the truth. I’m happy to meet you both.”
They greeted her.
“Hello again, Amanda,” Dave said. “And welcome. We’ve been looking forward to having you here.”
“Please come on in the kitchen. Breakfast is ready,” Claudia said.
“I want to sit beside Pamanda,” Johnny announced.
“I’d be charmed to sit beside you, Johnny.” Amanda reached for his hand. “You lead the way.”
“Well, Dad,” Dave said as he put his arm around his father’s shoulder and propelled him toward the kitchen. “Looks like my son is already beating your time with your woman.”
“Doesn’t surprise me.” Steve laughed. “It’s in his genes.”
“It sure is. He takes after his father and his grandpa.” Claudia smiled at her father-in-law.
The breakfast was good and soon they were all chatting and enjoying the meal. Claudia was pleased when Amanda bragged on the homemade biscuits. “I could never make these,” she said with a smile as she bit into a biscuit. She looked at Steve. “I hope you don’t expect a meal like this every morning. Especially the biscuits.”
“Of course, I expect it. You’ll just have to forget your city ways and start learning to cook for a country man.”
“Yeah, right!” She laughed.
He reached across Johnny who was sitting between them on the bench and touched her shoulder. “Honey, as long as I have you, I’ll eat cold cereal every day if I have to.”
She reached up and touched his hand. “I might be able to do a little better than cold cereal sometimes. Besides if you get desperate you can call Claudia.”
Dave’s smile told everyone that it made him feel good to see the easy playful relationship between his farther and this cultured woman. “You both will always be welcome here at meal time or any other time,” he said.
Somewhere in the kitchen a clock dinged.
“Girls,” Claudia said. “It’s quarter to nine. Mrs. Johnson will be picking you up to play tennis any minute. Are you ready?”
“We’ve got everything waiting in the front hall,” Candy said.
Johnny looked up at Amanda. “I have to go play with Justin. He might get mad if I don’t come.”
“That’s just fine. You go have fun with your friend and I’ll see you again soon. There’s one thing though,” Amanda cocked her head toward him. “Could I get a good-bye hug before you go?”
“Sure.” Johnny jumped up and threw his arms around Amanda’s neck. “I’ll give you a kiss too.” He planted a sloppy kiss on Amanda’s cheek.
“Oh, that was good. May I give you one back?”
Amanda put her arms around the little boy and kissed him on the forehead. When she let him go, he turned to Steve, grabbed him around the neck and kissed his cheek. “I like her, Grandpa,” he said with a giggle.
“I’m glad you do, Johnny. I like her too.” Steve grinned at both of them. “I’m so happy you two hit it off.”
“We’re going to be good friends, aren’t we, Johnny?”
“You bet, Pamanda.”
“And I’m anxious to spend some time with Candy and Robin, too. Do you girls like to shop?”
“Oh, yes,” they said.
“My granddaughter, Kristy does to. Maybe we can all go shopping someday.”
“That’d be great. Can we go, Mom?” Candy asked.
“Of course you can.”
A horn sounded in the driveway and there was a scurry of hugs and good-byes around the table. Amanda was surprised, but pleased, when both girls came and hugged her.
Soon the four of them were alone. “Would anyone like more coffee?”
Everyone took Claudia up on her offer. Steve slipped down the bench to sit closer to Amanda who was stirring cream in her coffee. He said, “Thanks for being so kind to my grandkids. They liked you.”
“I like your grandchildren, Steve. Kids are what make a family complete.”
Dave smiled. “It’s good to hear you say that Amanda. Some people don’t have time for children.”
“I never understood people like that. I love kids. My grandchildren are twelve now and it’s delightful to get to spend a little time with young Johnny.”
“I’m glad you like him.” Dave fiddled
with his coffee cup. “He’s all boy and gets on some people’s nerves.”
“The girls are quieter,” Claudia said.
“Both my grandkids are active and always have been. It shows they’re full of life and that’s the way it should be.”
“Amanda’s grandkids are twins. Have I told you that?” Steve looked at his son.
“I think you mentioned it.” Dave grinned. “I’m glad we only had one at a time.”
“I know it was a handful for your daughter, but it must be fun to have twins in the family,” Claudia said.
“It is. Of course it keeps Diane hopping. Being a boy and a girl they have different interest and are into different things. She says she sometimes feels like a chauffeur.”
Steve squeezed Amanda’s hand and changed the subject. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the kids, but we appreciate the surprise you had for us last night, Claudia.”
“Yes, it was lovely.” Amanda smiled at her.
“Well, thanks, but Dave is the one who gets most of the credit. He came up with the idea and I only added a few touches.”
“I’m surprised, son. But thanks. It made it special for us.”
“Yes it did, Dave. It was very thoughtful.”
“Thank you, Amanda. I hoped you’d like it.”
“I liked it very much.”
He smiled, then looked at his dad. “You know all I want is for you to be happy with the woman you love. After all you’ve been through, you deserve it.”
Amanda noticed a look pass between father and son. It was as if they shared a secret only they were privy to. She knew she’d never pry, because she felt it was something personal they might never want to share. She understood secrets like that.
“Amanda, how did you like the way Steve’s redoing the house?” Claudia asked.
“It’s gorgeous and Steve is doing such a beautiful job.” She smiled at him. “I know we’re going to be happy there.”
“I’m glad you approve, Amanda. That place means a lot to Dad, but some women would want a new house and not bother to fix that one up.” Dave looked at her.
“I don’t see why. I think tradition is wonderful. I know there was a lot of love shared there and it’ll be special to live in the home Steve’s parents and grandparents had.”