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Always & Forever

Page 30

by Chantel Rhondeau

  She took a deep breath. “I didn’t tell him anything. Zach decided to come clean with his family and told your ‘little buddy’ how you slept with Victoria for four years, and now Tommy thinks you’re a disgusting asshole.”

  The jab to her stomach was swift and hard. It forced all the breath—as well as the fight—out of her. Lilly’s legs weakened and she struggled to keep her feet.

  Crandall gathered her into his arms and the sweet smell of his expensive cologne overpowered her senses, gagging her. “Why do you make me do that, Lilly? I don’t want to hurt you. I’m so sorry.” His lips brushed against hers.

  Lilly tried to back away from him, but there was nowhere to go. His apology formed an eerie echo of similar speeches made by Charles. She heard the same words so many times before, every time Charles hurt her.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you these past few weeks,” he continued, squeezing his arms around her tightly. “I’ve been waiting for a chance to get you alone. Ever since we kissed at the party, I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  He was still convinced they’d shared a passionate embrace? After what he’d done to her? Tommy’s words replayed through her mind. Crandall must have decided she was interested in him, just like that girl from the party Tommy described. It was hard to believe he was so far out of touch with reality.

  He ran his sweaty hands across her back. “I want to be with you. I love you.”

  Lilly felt the wet tears on her cheeks, despite her efforts to reveal no weakness. It was past time she told Zach the truth. Even if, in the end, he believed Crandall’s lies, she at least had to make an effort to be honest with him. She pushed Crandall away from her, but he easily overpowered her weak struggles.

  “Come on. I know you want me as much as I want you.” His slimy tongue dragged across her neck and along her ear. “I felt it that night before you got feisty. Don’t fight it anymore. Zach is nothing.”

  “I’m going to marry Zach, Curtis.” Lilly tried to soften her voice, tried to seem regretful. She mustn’t antagonize him. “You need to find love where you are her first choice. I’m not the right girl for you.”

  He slammed her against the car and caged her body with his thick arms on either side of her waist. “You’re marrying him?”

  The look in Crandall’s eyes wasn’t exactly sane. Be careful, Lilly.

  She held up her ring for his inspection. “I’m sorry, but Zach and I are engaged.”

  “But I’m your soul mate.” His lips pressed against hers with bruising force. He applied pressure no matter how far she leaned away. “I’m the one who loves you.”

  She already knew how quickly Crandall could switch from abusive lover to crafty, self-preserving monster. He had been cold, calculating that night in the library after Sarah found them. He reasoned out why she shouldn’t tell Zach, and then calmly threatened to kill Sarah if the police became involved. Now, he was different. More aggressive in the fact he loved her. He seemed obsessed.

  Like a stalker.

  She turned her head to the side, and Crandall kissed her cheek and chin. “Did you kill my father?” she asked.

  Crandall pulled back from her and smiled. “Whoever did that sure did you a favor, didn’t they?”

  “No,” she said, horrified. “How could you say that?”

  “I heard he treated you like dirt, always saying horrible things about you. He didn’t show any love for you. Why would you love him, instead of me?”

  Lilly’s breath caught in her throat. How did Crandall know all that? Lilly shook her head as tears flowed down her face. “Of course I loved him. He was my father, damn you. You’re crazy!”


  All the air rushed out of Lilly’s lungs as he punched her below the diaphragm.

  “Don’t be a bitch. I’m showing you real love.”

  She slid down the back of the car and sat on the bumper. Her lungs wheezed as she tried to force oxygen back into her body.

  “You’re going to make me do something to Sarah now, aren’t you? Remember what I said about calling the cops? Besides, I didn’t kill your father. I’m just glad he’s dead.”

  She couldn’t let him worry about the cops. She believed he was crazy enough to harm Sarah. “I promise I won’t call the cops.”

  He stroked her hair. “Don’t fool yourself into thinking I’m stupid and I haven’t made plans if you double cross me. If you turn me in for hitting you the other night, or because I accidently lost my temper today, I have a plan for Sarah. And if the police take me to jail and I can’t do it myself, I have an associate ready to take care of her.” Crandall smiled. “In fact, he’s hoping that happens. He’s a little sadistic.”

  And here was the calculating monster. Lilly had to keep her mouth shut now. If she told Zach the truth and he believed her, he would insist she go to the police. She couldn’t risk that Crandall might do something to Sarah—that he might kill her.

  “Please, Curtis. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I know you’d never hurt me on purpose. You love me. Let’s leave Sarah out of this.”

  Crandall nodded once curtly. “Give me a kiss, and all is forgotten.”

  It’s not cheating. I have to keep him calm until Sarah leaves. There’s not enough security here to protect her. Once she’s safe in Seattle, I’ll tell Zach and Officer McMann. I can do this.

  She stood on shaky legs and planted a quick peck on his cheek. “There. All better?”

  “That’s not a kiss.” He grabbed her shoulders and forced his mouth onto hers. His tongue parted her tightly clamped lips and he groaned.

  Just endure. Don’t bite him. You’ve dealt with worse. Think of Sarah. Her life is worth this.

  Lilly tried to let her mind wander. She imagined herself anywhere but in this parking lot with Curtis Crandall’s disgusting tongue stuck in her mouth. The interminable kiss finally ended, and he pulled back from her.

  “That’s more like it.” Her keys dangled from his fingers and he dropped them into her hand. “Everything is going to be great between us. You do need to get rid of Zach soon though, or I’ll have to.”

  Lilly closed her eyes, silently praying for the right words to come to her lips. “You’ll have to give me a little time, babe. I’ll need to engineer a good reason to break up with him. The Woodbridges are powerful, and I’d really like us to be able to stay here. I love this place and your business is here.”

  He nodded. “I’ll give you a few days to work it out.” He kissed her again, and she tried not to shudder. “Let’s charter a private plane next week with your newfound wealth. We can fly to Mexico and get married.”

  She forced herself to meet his gaze and attempted a smile. “Sounds like a plan.”

  A broad grin spread across his mouth and he kissed her once again. “Now, tell me how much you love me.”

  She’d say anything to convince the psycho he didn’t need to hurt Zach or Sarah. “I love you, Curtis.”


  Zach sat on the deck of the yacht. Staring at Lilly hadn’t told him what was wrong with her. She’d been late getting home from work and insisted on brushing her teeth and showering before they left. At least she hadn’t washed her hair, but they’d been a half-hour late.

  Lilly’s third glass of champagne made rapid progress down her throat. In all the time he’d known her, she’d never had more than one, and most times barely finished that. Something happened today, but she refused to say anything to him about it.

  Sarah chatted with Bridget, while Lilly sat next to them. She hadn’t said more than two words all evening. The looks Sarah kept darting his direction told him he wasn’t the only one who noticed Lilly’s odd behavior.

  “Aunt Lilly, is this pretty enough for you?” Savannah sat cross-legged on the floor next to the adults, coloring in the book Lilly had bought her. “Do you like purple doggies?”

  The smile that passed Lilly’s face was the first normal expression Zach had seen on it all night.

“Purple doggies are perfect, munchkin. Are you making that to hang on my refrigerator?”

  “Yep.” Savannah leaned back and stretched. “When we go home, Mommy says we can send you more stuff in everalope if I make you somethin’ at school.”

  “I would very much like to receive an envelope from you.” Lilly blinked rapidly several times and looked out across the water.

  What was going on with her?

  Zach stood behind her chair, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “Honey, are you okay?”

  Her whole body jerked. When she turned, she’d plastered a smile across her face, and she kissed his hand. “I’m just fine.”

  He kept his voice low. “Did you get another text message or something?”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t like you keeping secrets from me. Let’s go inside away from everybody so we can talk.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She giggled and waved her hand over her shoulder at him.

  It was a giggle—not her laugh or even her sexy chuckle. An airy-fairy, fake, Victoria giggle.

  Zach narrowed his eyes. “You’re scaring me.”

  She tossed back the contents in her glass, swallowed it in one gulp, and held the cup out to him. “Would you refill this, please?”

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Are you monitoring my drinking now?”

  Sarah and Bridget both stared at them, and Zach realized his attempts at discretion had failed. Lilly’s voice challenged him at such a high volume, James, Steven and Tommy looked at them from where they talked across the deck.

  “I’ll get the damn drink.”

  What was her problem? He knew Lilly had a tendency to be quarrelsome but since their engagement, she’d been full of happiness and light. Her mood had been fine when she left for work. Maybe Grandma could tell him what happened today to make her act so strange.

  He thrust the refilled drink into Lilly’s hand. “You want me to just bring over the bottle and you can dispense with the champagne flute?”

  Sarah punched his arm. “What a perfectly rotten thing to say. Lilly’s an adult and entitled to some relaxation occasionally. Don’t be so nasty.”

  Zach looked at Sarah and raised an eyebrow, but she shook her head.

  “Back off,” she mouthed.

  He sighed and leaned down to kiss Lilly’s forehead. “I’m sorry. I’m worried about you.”

  She giggled again. “It’s fine, baby. I thought I’d cut loose a little tonight, but you’re right, I’ve had plenty. I’ll switch to water after this.”

  Damn, that giggle annoyed him.

  As if dismissing the entire thing from her mind, Lilly turned to Sarah. “Are you heading back to Seattle Friday?”

  “Depends on Steven, really. He wants to take care of that business left over when he canceled his last trip.” Sarah shrugged. “I’m trying to get him to stay until the following weekend. I’ve been having so much fun. I’m not ready to go back.”

  “You should go this Friday,” Lilly said. “You must have a lot to get done before Savannah starts school.”

  “Not really.” Sarah’s gaze landed on Zach before flicking back to Lilly. “It seems like you’re trying to get rid of me. Am I wearing out my welcome with the time we’ve spent together?”

  “Not at all.” Again with the giggle. “I think it would be better for Savannah to be prepared, that’s all. Maybe Zach and I could come up and spend some time with you there. It would be fun to be at your house when Savannah comes home from school the first day.”

  “I’d love that. You’re welcome anytime. After all, I want to see you as much as possible.” Sarah smiled and patted Lilly’s knee. “We still have to make all your wedding plans, too.”

  Lilly shook her head. “Sure. That’d be nice.”

  Her voice sounded emotionless, like she didn’t care about the wedding at all. Why would she be that way about it? She had seemed so happy for the last week. Was she having second thoughts?

  “Aunt Lilly?” Savannah bounced up and down on her knees. She waved her hand in the air to get attention. “Do I get to be your flowering girl? I’m Uncle Tommy’s flowering girl. Mommy says I’ll get a pretty dress and I can throw things.”

  Lilly’s face reddened, and Zach saw the tears swimming in her eyes before she closed them. “Yes, Savannah. If we get married, you’re my only choice for flower girl.”

  If they got married? Did she change her mind?

  “Yay. I’m gonna tell Grandma.” Savannah zipped across the deck to where Patricia sat with Margaret, and her excited voice echoed throughout the space. “I’m gonna be flowering girl two times.”

  “What do you mean, ‘if,’ Lilly?” he asked as soon as Savannah was out of earshot.

  As though she hadn’t heard him, Lilly turned to Sarah. “Didn’t you say you live in a gated community with a security guard watching the premises?”

  “Yes...” Sarah’s eyes narrowed. “Why does that matter?”

  “Maybe your family should get away from the lake this week.” Lilly shrugged. “We never know when my stalker will strike again and I’d feel better if I knew you were safe.”

  Zach leaned to whisper in Lilly’s ear. “What has made you worry about that?”

  Lilly shook her head. “Nothing in particular. Don’t you think it would be safer for them though?”

  “I don’t want to leave yet,” Sarah protested. “Your stalker has been quiet for weeks now. Let’s enjoy the next week. After all, it’s the last week of the summer. We’re all being careful.”

  Tears leaked from the corners of Lilly’s eyes, and she thrust her glass into Zach’s hands. “I need to use the restroom.”

  Zach watched her weave her way into the cabin. She’d definitely had too much to drink.

  Sarah made shooing motions at him. “Go find out what’s wrong with her.”

  “On my way, sis.” He handed Sarah the glass and chased after Lilly.

  He entered the doorway and searched for Lilly in the gloom. She sat on the far side of the cabin, her head in her hands.

  He eased down next to her. “You have to talk to me. Please don’t shut me out.”

  She looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes. “It’s nothing. I’ve just had a rough day, and I should have stayed home tonight.”

  He wiped at the smudge of mascara trekking down her cheek. A stab of fear pierced his heart. He knew not everything in Lilly’s life pertained to him but still—talking about marriage seemed to upset her most. “Are you having second thoughts about marrying me?”

  She leaned in to him, and her soft hair rustled against his arm. “No matter what happens, don’t ever think I don’t love you.” She gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. “You’re all I have that’s important.”

  “Then tell me what’s wrong.”

  Despite her words professing love, there was coldness in Lilly that had never been a part of her before. “I can’t tell you whatever it is you want to hear. I just had a bad day.” She settled back into the couch and let her head fall against the cushion. “Things will be better soon, okay?”

  He put his arm around her and gathered her close to his chest. It wasn’t okay, but he didn’t tell her that.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Lilly sat next to Margaret Friday afternoon and stared out toward the lake as they ate lunch. Margaret talked about her favorite topic, her grandchildren. She seemed happier than Lilly ever remembered her being, now that both her grandsons had placed rings on their chosen woman’s finger.

  “Of course,” Margaret said, “Bridget is a little young and has a tendency to gossip, but overall, I like her.”

  Lilly absently picked at her sandwich. “Yes, she’s quite lovely.”

  She called Sarah last night and tried to convince her to leave Serenity today, but Sarah talked Steven into staying until Sunday. Each day that passed, Lilly’s terror multiplied. How long until Crandall tried something? It had been th
ree days since the confrontation in the parking lot.

  There was no hope for it. Her time would run out if she didn’t do something soon. Lilly didn’t look forward to heading into this weekend and the constant worry about Crandall that entailed. The time had come to tell Zach what happened. There had to be a way to protect Sarah without calling the police. Maybe they could figure out a solution together.

  She should have told him that first night. Things were tense between them now, and she knew the fault lay with her. She tried to be normal, tried to make sure he knew how much she loved him, but her fear got in the way.

  She finally had a chance for happiness, and Curtis Crandall could snatch it away in a second. He seemed crazy enough, and Lilly believed his threats. She could easily imagine him doing something to Zach or Sarah, and all the blame would rest on Lilly’s shoulders.

  “Lilly, are you listening to me?” Margaret’s voice cut into her thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, Margaret. I’m a little distracted. What did you say?”

  “Never mind.” Margaret rolled her eyes and walked to her favorite rocker. “Did you at least remember to get us a new book yesterday like I asked you?”

  She actually had picked up the newest romance by Linda Howard. “I left it in my car. I’ll grab it right now.”

  Margaret shook her silver head. “What is wrong with you this week, child? You’re all over the place.”

  She affected a laugh and headed for the doorway. “I’m a little tired after everything that’s been happening. I’ll be right back.”

  Lilly grabbed her purse from the coat rack. She zipped it open to where she could easily grasp the reassuring bulge of the stun gun.

  If Margaret had suspicions about her actions this week, how must Zach feel?


  Zach leaned back in his chair and stretched. Lilly would be home soon. The time had come to have a chat with Grandma. Maybe she knew what troubled Lilly.


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