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Always & Forever

Page 33

by Chantel Rhondeau

  Tommy said Crandall was obsessed with a new woman, and had a history of harassing a lady who refused his advances in the past. Maybe Crandall convinced himself he and Lilly were a couple, and that was why he did all this.

  Zach sprinted to his car and snatched up his phone. He punched in four on the speed dial and waited for his little brother to pick up.

  “Zach, what’s going on? I just heard about Savannah.”

  “We found her and she’s fine.” Zach paused. “But Lilly’s missing. Where would Crandall take a woman if he wanted to hide out?”

  “There’s only one place I can think of,” Tommy said. “Crandall asked me a few weeks ago about our old lodge up in the mountains. He might go there.”

  Zach hoped Tommy was right. If he went chasing off in the wrong direction now, he might never find her.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Lilly patted the corner of her mouth with her napkin and tried to hide her nerves. “That was delicious, Curtis. I didn’t know you were such an excellent chef.”

  He turned a dull red under Lilly’s brilliant smile. “I took some lessons after I learned how into cooking you are. Maybe next time we’ll cook something together.”

  Lilly glanced at the doorway of the dingy cabin. The main room served as kitchen, living room, and dining room. The only other interior room was the bedroom with an attached bathroom. It was much like the suites at Woodbridge Manor, if one ignored the smell of mildew and the rotting beams that ran along the ceiling.

  Lilly’s purse sat on the ground next to her feet. So far, Crandall hadn’t demanded to inspect it, and Lilly could only hope her luck held. If he became suspicious, she was done for.

  The deadbolt to reach outside the cabin required a key on both sides, rather than having a turn knob inside. Crandall locked it when they entered the house, but left his key ring hanging on a nail right next to the door. She could get to the keys once she incapacitated him, but it would take more time than she originally estimated to escape.

  She still didn’t know if she could trust the stun gun. She thought the best idea would be to find a way to surprise him. So far, he had kept his eye on her the entire time, and an opportunity had yet to present itself.

  “Do you want me to clean up in here?” She batted her eyelashes at him. “After all, you did the cooking.”

  “No. Just leave it.” He leaned in to her. “I’ve got other things on my mind tonight.”

  Lilly turned her automatic grimace into a pout. “Do those plans include me?”

  Lord, but she sounded inane. Who would buy this crap?

  Crandall stood from the table and scooped her into his arms, spinning her in a circle. “Of course they do, my love?” His slobbery lips roamed all over the lacy front of her cocktail dress. “I think it’s time we moved this to the bedroom.”

  Crandall opened the bedroom door and carried her through it, leaving her purse behind. He tossed her lightly onto the grimy bedspread covering a worn mattress.

  “Are you excited? Do you want me?” he asked.

  “Oh yes,” Lilly agreed. I want you to drop dead. She had to find a way to get her purse back.

  He snatched a little strip of silk and lace off the edge of the bed and held it up for her inspection. “I bought you a present. I’d really like it if you wore this for me tonight.”

  A germ of an idea planted itself in Lilly’s head. She had to get away from him soon, and this plan just might work. She’d do anything to avoid sex with this monster.

  “I’d like to freshen up a bit first. I want everything about tonight to be perfect,” she said, taking the nightgown from him. “I need some things out of my purse.”

  He grinned broadly. “Of course you do. You women and your makeup.” He winked. “I’ll grab it for you.”

  Lilly held her breath as she watched Crandall walk into the outer room. He picked her purse up off the ground and hefted it in his hand.

  “Pretty heavy,” he said, stepping back through the doorway. “What do you have in this thing?”

  She forced a laugh as he handed her the purse. “All the mysteries of the female sex.” Lilly dropped her voice to what she hoped was a sexy rumble and rubbed Crandall’s arm. “I can’t wait to be with you. Tonight will be so wonderful. Why don’t you step outside while I get ready for you?”


  Zach bounced down the road in the passenger seat of Officer McMann’s cruiser. Dusk had fallen and traveling through the forest held its own dangers. Zach completely forgot about the old hunting lodge. Grandpa used to take them hunting and fishing all the time, and Crandall frequently tagged along.

  Even though no one had used the cabin in more than twelve years, power still ran to the place, in case there was ever use for it.

  Crandall had his own key, given to him by Grandpa long ago. It seemed like the perfect place to hide out, especially if you participated in recreational kidnapping and an occasional spot of blackmail and stalking.

  A deer ran to the edge of the trail, pausing as the car lights mesmerized it. McMann slowed the vehicle to a near stop and crept past the animal.

  Zach leaned forward and gripped the dashboard. What if they didn’t reach her in time?

  McMann glanced over. “Sorry, but we won’t do her any good if we’re dead.”

  Zach bit back an angry retort. He knew McMann wanted to get to Lilly almost as badly as he did. He wouldn’t slow down if he didn’t feel it was necessary.

  Just the thought of what Crandall might be doing to her right now, while they slowed to less than fifteen miles per hour, nearly drove Zach mad. With the improved light and the head start, Zach estimated Crandall probably reached the cabin well over an hour ago.

  If he hurt Lilly, McMann wouldn’t need to use his gun. Zach would kill Crandall with his bare hands.

  “How much further do we have?” McMann asked, picking up a little speed once past the deer, but still driving much slower than Zach wanted to go.

  Zach glanced around. Things looked different than they had when he was a boy. Old landmarks had changed, obscured by trees and overgrowth. “I think it’s only about five more miles.”

  McMann urged the car a little faster. “Don’t worry. If he thinks he has a relationship with Lilly, he might’ve tried to woo her first. We’ll get there in time.”

  Zach ran both hands through his hair. He tried to erase the thought McMann’s words conjured of Crandall pressing his big body against Lilly and pinning her down.

  Please, please, let us be in time to stop him from doing anything to her.


  Lilly drew the filmy negligee over the top of the black G-string panties and lacy bra, which barely covered even her inadequate bosom. Her cheeks burned with shame, wearing such an outrageous outfit. However, if it was the only way to save herself, it really didn’t matter.

  “Are you ready yet, my love?” Crandall called through the closed doorway. “I can’t stand the suspense.”

  Lilly blinked away the tears that threatened at the edges of her eyes. You can fall apart later, she told herself sternly. Right now, it’s time to get the hell out of here.

  She twitched the bedspread as flat as she could. Maybe with his eyes full of the skimpy outfit, Crandall wouldn’t notice the slight bulge under the edge of the mattress. If this plan didn’t work, Lilly had no clue what to try next. She had to pretend to seduce him. It was the only way.

  Lilly quickly applied new lip-gloss and set her purse aside. She sat on the end of the bed, fluffing her hair around her shoulders. She crossed her legs and thrust her chest forward. “Come on in.”

  Crandall flung open the doors and stood appraising her. He wore nothing but his underwear and a grin.

  She tried to stay calm by going over the plan in her mind. She knew she could do this. She had to.

  Lilly patted the bed next to her. “What are you doing all the way over there?”

  Crandall needed no further encouragement. He came at her in a rush that knocked her
backward and pinned her to the bed. “Oh, Katherine. I’ve wanted you for so many years. I have to have you right now.”

  Lilly felt hot tears slip down her cheeks. Her heart pounded madly in the cage of her chest. This was the hardest part of the plan. She had to pretend to want him.

  If you don’t take control of this, he’s going to rape you.

  That thought galvanized her into action. It would be great if Zach barged in and saved her, but Lilly knew that wasn’t going to happen. She’d put on a brave front for the last two years, pretending she didn’t need anyone but herself.

  Now was the time to prove it. How could she ever be ready to marry Zach and start a family, if deep down she knew she couldn’t stand on her own?

  She pushed against Crandall’s chest, trying to force him off her. “I want to be on top,” she whispered. “Roll over.”

  He smiled and quickly obeyed. “I really wasn’t sure you’d be in to this. You’re a wild woman, aren’t you?”

  Lilly straddled him, trying to contain her nerves. “All your research on me didn’t teach you that? I guess I’ll have to show you.”

  She kissed him as she worked her way down his body, trying not to gag on the smell of his rich cologne. She dropped off the end of the bed, pulling Crandall’s underwear down with her and kissing the inside of his thigh.

  “Oh yeah, baby, yeah.” Crandall grabbed her hair and yanked on it. “That’s what Daddy likes.”

  Lilly slipped her hand under the bed cover with Crandall lost in the throes of rapture as her other fingers tickled over his legs. The hard handle slipped into her hand and she found the power button.

  This will be easy, girl. You can do it.

  “Do you like this?” She yanked the stun gun from beneath the bed and depressed the head of the weapon against Crandall’s soft belly, flicking on the power. Crandall thrashed around as he tried to escape the stinging bites of the metal contacts. The acrid smell of electricity filled the air. His elbow jerked against Lilly’s hand and yanked the gun away from his skin.

  Her fingers released the power button and she spun around, clutching the stun gun in her hand as she raced for the door. She didn’t dare look back. Hearing Crandall’s pain-filled curses motivated her to sprint.

  A hand closed around her ankle just as she reached the outer room and jerked her feet out from under her. She fell toward the table, knocking her head against it.

  “You bitch!”

  He flipped her over, fist raised behind his right ear. Stars danced in Lilly’s vision and she tried to orient herself.

  “You’re gonna pay for that.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Nearly mad with anxiety, Zach cried out in relief when they burst through the little clearing in the forest. Their headlights splashed against the bumper of Crandall’s car.

  “They’re here,” he said, as if McMann couldn’t see that for himself.

  He leapt from the cruiser as soon as it rolled to a halt and bounded up the stairs, McMann close on his heels. He fumbled his key into the lock of the deadbolt and tried to turn it.

  “Come on,” McMann urged. “Hurry.”

  Zach wrenched against the key, but it refused to turn. “Bastard must’ve changed the lock.”

  A scream of fear emitted from within the cabin. Zach beat furiously against the door. “Lilly, Lilly. I’m here.”

  Lilly screamed again, and a male voice grunted.

  Zach backed up, tears streaming down his face as helplessness overtook him. He was this close, and he couldn’t save her. Maybe he could break into a window on the side of the cabin, but the house sat up on stilts and he didn’t know how to reach it.

  McMann slapped him against the shoulder. “Snap out of it, Zach. We’ve got to break the door down.”

  Zach looked up, a glimmer of hope forming. Maybe together they could.

  “Put your shoulder into it,” the officer said. “On three: one...two...three.”

  They both lunged and the sound of splintering wood drowned out Lilly’s cries, but the door held fast.

  “Again,” McMann shouted. “One...”


  Lilly strained for the stun gun, but it was just out of reach. She could hear Zach pound against the door while Crandall’s rage beat against her. He landed blow after blow to her face and body.

  Incoherent grunts flowed from his lips and frenzied spittle flung from his mouth across her face with each downward swing. He grimaced and grunted with every punch.

  Lilly fought to retain consciousness as pain wracked her body. Zach might not get through the door before Crandall managed to kill her. She might never see Zach’s face again.

  Come on, Lilly. You said you wanted to save yourself. Now do it!

  She renewed her efforts, lunging for the weapon every time Crandall shifted back to land another blow. Her questing fingers closed around the strap on the end of the gun.

  Yes! Lilly yanked it into her waiting hand. She delighted in the tangy smell of electricity that filled her nostrils as she thrust the tines into Crandall’s fleshy leg.

  He cried out and tried to jerk away, the pain penetrating his rage.

  Lilly pursued, maintaining contact. She didn’t stop even when Crandall’s body twitched and fell across her.

  Footsteps crossed the hardwood floors, and Crandall’s heavy weight lifted. She dropped the stunner to the floor, hands shaking too bad to hold it any longer.

  Zach was on his knees beside her. “Thank God you’re alive,” he rumbled against her neck, kissing her softly. “You were so brave.”

  She sagged in relief. Zach made it. Everything was okay now. He gathered her in his arms. The movement woke fresh spasms of pain, but she smiled anyway. “I knew you’d rescue me.”

  “I didn’t do anything. You rescued yourself.” He gently kissed her forehead.

  She shook her head slightly. “It was you. He would’ve killed me if you hadn’t given me the stun gun, ‘cause I wouldn’t have had sex with him no matter what.” Her vision blacked out around the edges. Maybe she could do the sensible thing and pass out.

  Zach rocked her back and forth. Fresh flares of pain broke out across her entire body, and she put her hand against his chest. “That hurts really bad, baby. Please don’t move me anymore.”

  He looked stricken and stopped rocking immediately. He pressed his forehead against hers and his tears fell on her face.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “S’okay.” Talking took a lot of effort, but even through the pain, Lilly was delighted to be safe in her true love’s arms. “Did I kill him?”

  Zach craned his neck over his shoulder and said something to someone. “No, he’s knocked out, but alive. Another few seconds might have stopped his heart though.”

  “Too bad.” She didn’t know if she was sorry he lived, or sorry for almost killing him.

  “You were very brave, honey. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Savannah?” she asked, feeling too tired to speak.

  “Scared and angry, but fine.”

  “Hmmm.” She reached out and rubbed her hand across his lip before allowing herself to chase unconsciousness. “Love you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Sarah tapped on the doorframe, startling Zach from his light sleep. “Sorry,” she whispered. “I came to check on Lilly.”

  The hospital whirled with activity. Nurses hurried back and forth, taking care of one emergency or another. The horrible smell of antiseptic and sickness filled Zach’s nostrils. He wished he could take Lilly home.

  “She’s okay,” he said. “Her doctor is hopeful she’ll have no lasting damage. He says being moved out of intensive care is a good sign.” Zach looked at Lilly’s bruise-covered face and began crying again. “I failed her.”

  Sarah crouched in front of his chair. She looked up at him and patted his knee. “She knew what she was doing, Zachie. Lilly went with Crandall in order to save Savannah. You’ll have to share the burden of guilt here, beca
use I feel awful.”

  “You both need to stop that,” Lilly croaked from her bed. “I lived. Everything’s fine.”

  Zach glanced at the clock. “You want me to see if you can have more morphine yet, honey. How bad is the pain?”

  Lilly reached toward him, and Zach gently captured her hand, lowering his lips to kiss it without disturbing the rest of her battered body.

  “As long as you’re here every time I wake up, my world is perfect.” Her eyes fluttered closed again. Zach couldn’t tell if she slept or not.

  Sarah pulled a second chair up to the bed.

  “How is Princess Savannah?” he asked.

  “She was pretty excited about her trip to the emergency room,” Sarah said as she sat, “but she checked out fine.”

  “That’s great. Lilly will be pleased to hear it.” He cocked a sideways look at his sister. “One of her first questions was whether Savannah was okay.”

  Sarah had a few tears of her own sliding down her cheeks. “She’s a good woman, Zach.”

  “She told me once she didn’t think she’d be a good mother,” he said. “Said she never had any role models, but I think she’ll be perfect.”

  The only reason she’d ever be in a hospital after this would be to give birth to their children, Zach vowed. He’d never allow anyone to hurt her again.

  Silence stretched between them. The only sounds were the slight beeps of the machinery monitoring Lilly’s vital signs and people talking in the hallway.

  Sarah shifted around in her seat and looked over at him. “Sounds like Crandall made a full recovery.”

  “Pity.” Zach couldn’t motivate himself to care. It would have solved a lot of problems if the bastard had the decency to die.

  Sarah bit her lip. “They took him to lockup, but McMann said he’d probably ship him off to New York for murdering Lilly’s dad. After hearing that Crandall confessed to Lilly, the detective there looked for evidence to link Crandall to the crime. McMann said they traced the disposable phone to the retailer it was bought from. Crandall’s on the security tape making the purchase.” She shook her head and shrugged. “Stewart’s personal assistant confirmed Crandall was in New York at the time of the murder. With Lilly’s testimony, the text message, and more evidence piling up, there should be enough for a conviction.”


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