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Cowboy Heat - Hell Yeah 1

Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  “Aron, I swear to God, if you don’t get inside of me – I’m going to scream,” Libby panted with desire. When Aron, hesitated, stripping off his clothes – Little Libby scooted her bottom down the table and made a grab for his business.

  Aron dodged, just for fun. “Do you want something Libby-mine?”

  “Yes, I do.” She made another pass at him, again he side-stepped. With a wicked gleam in her eye, Libby decided to change tactics. She knew this would work; it had certainly paid off at the stock tank.

  Opening her legs, she showed him what he was missing. Thanks to Aron, she was as smooth as silk. Pink, glistening and swollen, it felt as if she were actually pulsing down there. Never taking her eyes off of him, she sucked on her forefinger really slow. Aron almost stopped breathing. She had his attention. Taking the wet, glistening finger, she rimmed her pussy lips, enjoying the new-found smoothness. A little hum of satisfaction escaped her mouth. Aron moved one step closer. Making one circle around her clitoris, Libby made hungry little grunting noises, specifically designed to make Aron sorry he had started the teasing game. “You can go back to work Aron, I’ve got this one,” she spoke in a husky tone. Ignoring the movement that she heard at the edge of the table, Libby moved her finger down her slit to the opening that was swollen and puckered, like a hungry little mouth. Sliding her still wet finger inside of herself, she wiggled it around and moved it in and out, letting her hips gyrate to a tune that only she could hear.

  “Good God, Libby,” Aron breathed. At his tortured tone, she added another dimension to the performance. Leaving her pussy unattended for a brief respite, she plumped her breasts and began to tease them.

  “They want to be sucked, Aron.” Taking her nipples in her fingers, she pulled on them, distending them out, the rolling them around until she drove her own self mad. One hand ventured back down to her desperate little hole, and she slid in – adding another finger to the first, pushing rhythmically in and out of herself until she moaned in pleasure.

  “Stop. Stop.” Aron ordered. “You’re killing me.” He clasping both of her hands and stilled their movement. Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her right to the edge of the table and plunged in. There was no preliminaries, no introductions, no warning. Libby literally screamed with relief when he began to hammer inside of her. “You shouldn’t tease sweetheart.” he admonished as he gave her just what she craved.

  “I don’t know why not,” she panted, “I seemed to be getting what I deserve.” Her rapier wit, even in the midst of a good romp amused him no end.

  “Oh, you think so, do you?” He didn’t know how long he could keep up the banter, but he didn’t want to be the first one that slipped into mindlessness. “I think you deserve better than this.”

  “What do you think I deserve?” He picked up one leg at a time and placed them up on his shoulders. Kissing her ankle, he ran his hands up and down her legs.

  “I think you deserve to be deeply and completely –” he paused for effect. Libby thought he was about to talk dirty to her, but instead, he almost made her cry. For the word he growled, was the most precious one he could have enunciated – “loved.”

  At his sweet words, she lost it. No longer able to say anything, she just laid back and enjoyed herself. The feeling of him pounding into her was the most wonderful sensation that she could ever hope to experience. No doubt about it, she felt taken – possessed – conquered. But mostly, she felt cherished. Her climax overtook her and she trembled like a leaf in a hurricane. “Aron, Aron,” she moaned. “Don’t stop, for God’s sake – don’t stop.”

  He couldn’t have stopped if the world had been grinding to a screeching, apocalyptic halt. The feel of her fisting around him in convulsive, tiny, milking movements made his dick swell until he thought it would literally burst. She watched him take his pleasure, she watched him throw his head back and bow his neck. God, she loved him. She adored him. Wanting to see the wild side of the man she craved, she whispered, “Show me your teeth, baby.” When she said that, he did – he bared his teeth at her and drove inside of her like a raving madman with a jackhammer. Nipping her ankle, he raised her bottom clear off the table and spewed his life-giving essence deep inside of her, marking her forever as his choice.

  Needless to say, Libby appreciated her design studio.

  Later, he shared with her the haven he had created for Joseph. Now, when they had him home - they would be on the road to recovery.

  ? Chapter Eight ¿

  “I hate to bother you sweetie, but did you send any money to that address I gave you?” Libby didn’t want to have to ask, but if he had changed his mind – she was going to have to get to the bank and move some money. The last thing she wanted to do was miss a payment to the foundation that had been so generous to her. If it hadn’t been for them, she wouldn’t have been able to finish school or take the college classes that she had enjoyed so much. One day, if her remission held, she was going to take finish her degree.

  They had spent the day readying Joseph’s room for his return. The guys had put handrails in the bathrooms and installed a chairlift on the stairs. Isaac had even moved the furniture around in the den and dining room so Joseph’s wheelchair would be able to maneuver through the area easier. Aron had just finished a ramp that would ease Joseph’s getting on and off the verandah. Finally, everything that needed to be done for their brother’s homecoming had been completed. Libby had walked out to bring him a big glass of iced tea, which he drank thirstily.

  Aron looked sheepish, “I’ll take care of it as soon as I put up my tools, love. I’ve had so much on my mind; I‘m sorry that I forgot.” He picked up her hand and kissed her. She had tried to hide it, but Libby was pale, and her skin was slightly damp. Aron was a little worried about her. Maybe she was just nervous. She still hadn’t told him what the big trip was about that she planned on taking to Austin at the end of the week. He knew it was momentous for her, and all he could think of was that she had some type of court appearance or legal problem. She had said that there was a battle and an enemy and Aron couldn’t think of any other possibility. All Libby would have to do was ask and Aron would have a battalion of lawyers at her disposal. He was fairly confident that it was no big deal, or Libby would have been upfront and honest with him about it. Still, he knew it was important to her or she wouldn’t have gauged their relationship by its boundaries. Whatever it was, she wanted it out of the way before she gave their future a green light.

  Libby returned inside and Aron cleaned up his work area. When he entered the house, he looked for Libby and found her curled up on one of the couches in the den. She had dozed off. Lifting her, he carried her to their room and laid her on the bed. At the contact with the mattress, she roused. “Aron, when you come to bed, will you get my fuzzy slippers from the bottom of Bess’s closet?”

  “Sure thing, sweetie. Let me take care of that bill for you and I’ll be right back.” He intended to do an electronic transfer if he could find the information online. Heading to his office, he found the slip of paper that was still folded, just as she had handed it to him. Sitting down at his computer, Aron flipped the power switch and sat back till the monitor woke up. Taking the paper that Libby had given him; he unfolded it and looked at the address. His heart immediately rose up into his throat. The recipient was The Rockwell Foundation. His parent’s legacy. This was his company. With shaking fingers, Aron logged into the Foundation Website and entered the account number on the paper.

  One, Liberty Bell Fontaine had been granted a loan of $5000 for tuition, books and fees. She had made ten payments which had all been mailed on time and in full. Aron’s heart was beating a mile a minute. There had to be some mistake. This grant money was only available to those adults who were attempting to get their education while battling cancer. Throwing the paper down like it burned his fingers; he paced up and down the floor.

  There was nothing to do, but go ask her. Surely, there was some explanation – she had gotten the loan in her name –
but it was for someone else – someone else who had cancer. Throwing open the door to his office he started to his bedroom to beg her to explain the mistake. Halfway there, he remembered the slippers. With shaking hands, he opened Bess’s door and went to the closet. There on the floor were the pink bunny slippers that would keep her feet warm. Kneeling down, he reached for them. His hand bumped a pasteboard box that contained something that was quite heavy. Wondering at its contents, he pulled it to him. Opening the box, he stared at the contents dumbly for a moment, until what he was seeing registered with him. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be. Aron doubled over in pain. No! No! No! He screamed in his head.

  Aron’s first bronze was in the box, cradled by a generous nest of tissue paper. Everything that the PI had said flashed back through his brain. The buyer of Freedom was someone that Martinez had seen on television; the buyer of Freedom was a woman that was battling cancer. Leaving the bunny slippers where they lay, Aron stumbled to his feet. He had to get out of the house. Now.

  Not seeing anything, he plowed through the house, staggering through the door and out on the porch. Still not aware of his destination, Aron began to run. If he ran fast enough, he could get away from the truth. If he ran far enough, he could escape the horror that Libby was sick, maybe dying. God, Libby had cancer. Damn! Damn! Damn!

  She had told him time and time again . . . . . . .

  You don’t have to say you love me.

  I’ll stay until it’s time for me to go.

  I may not be able to stay forever.

  I don’t have anything to offer you.

  Holy Jesus! He was going to die, right here. Aron fell to his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs. “No! No! No!” First his parents – and Lord in heaven knew that he had prayed they would be found alive. But, no. Three days after their car had been washed off the bridge, their bodies had been found – still trapped in their watery grave. Joseph was paralyzed and his prayers had not changed any of the results of the doctor’s tests. And now his precious Libby was sick. What was he going to do?

  What had he done? Aron beat the ground with his fists. He had given his all for his family. Never had he even considered backing away from them or throwing his hands up. He had always put others first.

  “Libby! Oh, God – Libby!”

  Aron cried until he couldn’t cry anymore.

  Libby was so cold and sick. Shaking, she made her way to the bathroom. “Aron,” she called. “Aron, where are you?” There was no answer. The house was quiet. Jacob, Isaac, Noah and even Nathan were out with the wranglers finishing up the vaccinations and the branding of the weaned calves. They probably wouldn’t be in until the wee hours of the morning. There had been no one in the house but them. Now Aron was gone. She made it to the bathroom, but she couldn’t sit up – so, she lay down on the floor near the tub. She would rest her eyes, just for a moment – then she would feel better.

  Aron sat out under a spreading pecan for over an hour. He had to get control of his mind and his body. Reasoning with himself, he went over his options. Clearly, he had to get Libby to talk to him. Obviously, this had everything to do with the secret appointment she had to keep. Why hadn’t she told him? Aron felt betrayed. Didn’t she trust him?

  What did this mean for them? Holding his head in his hands, Aron tried to think. Offering up one prayer after another, he asked God to calm him enough so that he could make the right decisions. Rocking back and forth in agony, he waited for a sign.

  Little by little, peace flowed into his soul. And with the peace came a modicum of clarity. It was easy. Libby was his gift from God, so therefore God must intend for him to have her and keep her. They could face this together. They could beat this together. With that revelation easing his mind, Aron went back to the house.

  Libby was scared. She felt so bad. Where was Aron? Finally, she heard footsteps coming down the hall. When they entered the bedroom, she heard them pause. He was looking for her in the bed, only she wasn’t there. “Libby – baby? Walking the few short steps to the bathroom he spotted her. “Baby, oh baby!” Kneeling beside her, he lifted her in his arms.

  “Would you take me to the doctor, Aron? I’m sick. I feel so bad.” Her voice was so small, yet the request was so momentous. Taking just a millisecond to cleave unto her, he vowed to God to do whatever it took to keep her.

  He radioed for Jacob. There was no way that he could drive and hold her at the same time. And he needed to hold her.

  “I’m sorry, Aron.” Libby whispered.

  “Shhh, baby.” He comforted her. “Everything is going to be OK.”

  They were headed to the hospital; Mulligan had been called and he would meet them there. Mulligan – damn, he should have recognized his name. He was the Chief Oncologist at Brackenridge. Hell; Aron was on the board; but apparently, he wasn’t on the ball. The name hadn’t even rung a bell with him.

  “I should have told you,” Abby continued to try and make amends. “I thought that I would get to feeling better.” She held on to his shirt with a tight little fist and buried her head in his shoulder. “I’ve been living with leukemia for years.” When every muscle in his body tensed, she began rubbing his chest and arms and shoulders – anything she could reach. ”I‘ve been in remission and I didn’t want you to know anything about it until after my check-up.” Aron rubbed his lips back and forth across her forehead. When he didn’t say anything, she sought to find more words to say to make it all better. “If you don’t want to come with me, I’d understand. Who wants to wait at the hospital while all those tests are being taken?”

  “Where else would I go, sweetheart?” Aron asked. His voice was stiff with unshed tears. “My place is by your side. And that’s where I’m going to be.”

  Jacob drove carefully, but at a pace designed to eat up the miles. He kept glancing in the rearview mirror, willing Libby to feel better.

  “You knew about this, didn’t you? You son of a bitch,” he bit out at Jacob, once he realized that Libby had dozed off. It had just registered with Aron that this was the secret that Jacob had kept for so long.

  “Yeah, I didn’t want to bro. But, she begged me to keep her secret. She didn’t want you to see her as a sick person; she wanted you to see her as a desirable woman.”

  That was the stupidest thing that Aron had ever heard. Libby was a desirable woman – how else could he ever see her?

  “I was the one that headed up most of the fund raisers for Libby.” Aron tried to remember if he had ever heard anything about Libby or her sickness. Surely, if his brother had been that involved, he would have known that something was going on. Wouldn’t he? Was he so selfish? Was he so self-absorbed that he would miss something so important?

  Jacob was the philanthropist, the community activist. Just this afternoon, the Little League Advisory Board had called him. There had been a break-in at the Concession Stand, and he was the one that had to go and make sure that everything was fixed and accounted for. Who would want to break it a concession stand? A few things had been reported missing, but mostly it was just bread and ketchup. The thief was obviously not a gourmand.

  “I’m sorry, Aron. I know this has thrown you for a loop. But, it was her place to tell you Aron, not mine.” Jacob watched his brother’s face – if he could take away their pain he would have. God, he wished he had that ability – to touch the ones he loved and just take away their pain. Aron. Joseph. Libby. What a miracle that would be if such a gift existed.

  “She’s going to be fine,” Aron assured himself as well as his brother. “She’s got to get well and Joseph’s got to get to feeling better. We’ve got a wedding to plan.”

  At the mention of nuptials, Libby came to life.

  “Let’s not talk of weddings.” Libby urged.

  “Oh, yes we must talk of a wedding,” Aron assured her.

  “Aron, I’m in remission, but the leukemia that I have doesn’t normally stay in remission very long.” Every syllable that she let leave her lips shot a dagg
er through his heart.

  “I’m going to marry you, baby. I want to give you as many new adventures as you can handle – a husband, a home of your own, children, Fourth of July picnics, Easter Egg Hunts – the whole shebang.”

  “It sounds wonderful, but we just can’t count on it.” Her voice was so weak it scared the living daylights out of Aron.

  “Jacob, write it on the calendar – we’re getting married – Libby and I – three months from tonight. What day will that be?”

  Jacob did some math in his head and came up with an answer. “October the 16th.”

  Libby smiled, “The sweetest day.”

  “What?” Aron was trying to follow, but he was worried sick.

  “October the 16th is designated as the sweetest day.” Libby’s voice was weak, but she was paying attention.

  “That sounds about right, Libby-girl. Any day that you became my wife would be the sweetest day that the sun ever rose to brighten the sky.”

  “Jacob, will you be my best man?” Aron was not leaving anything to chance. Before they reached that hospital, he wanted Libby to realize that he was dead-serious about their having a future.”

  “There are four others who will want in on the festivities.” Jacob assured Libby.

  “Who do you want for bridesmaids?” Aron asked her.

  “I don’t have anybody to ask.” Libby confessed.

  “That’s all right,” Aron reassured her. Jacob and the boys will get right on the task of finding themselves some women. We have a need for ‘em; every beautiful bride deserves beautiful bridesmaids.”

  “I’ll get right on it,” Jacob assured them.


  Doc Mulligan met them at the hospital. Aron didn’t like the worried expression on his face. Libby made the introductions and the Doctor was glad to shake their hands.

  Aron wasn’t shy about identifying himself as Libby’s fiance. This pleased Doc Mulligan to no end. “Well, I have never been more honored to meet anyone in my life. Did you know that we would sit and talk about you?”


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