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Cowboy Heat - Hell Yeah 1

Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  Everyone was fixing their plates and Libby was busy pouring cold glasses of milk for all the oversize McCoy men. Joseph looked at him squarely. “Libby set me straight. Don’t be mad at her, but when I was feeling sorry for myself and wondering if life was worth living as half a man – she told me the nightmare that she had been facing for over half her life.”

  Aron felt torn. Part of him wanted to be the only one that Libby confided in, but the biggest part of him was prouder than punch that she cared enough for his brother to say whatever it took to make him want to give life a chance. Aron slapped his brother on the back. “I’m glad she was there for you. Libby is something else. I’m glad you’re home.”

  After everybody was served, Aron pulled Libby into his lap and looked at his brothers. “We have some announcements to make.” Before they even began, Libby started to blush. Aron kissed the rosy glow. “It’s okay, baby.”

  “Are you two getting married?” Nathan’s eyes shone with excitement.

  “Why do you go and steal my thunder, boy?” Aron playfully cuffed his little brother. “Yes, we are. Libby is going to be a part of this family – AND –,” he played it for all it was worth. “You, Mr. Nathan are going to be an uncle.”

  At Aron’s announcement there was a general ecstatic chaos. Libby was grabbed and passed from brother to brother, receiving kisses and hugs and congratulations. Aron was generally being ignored, but it was all right. “Hey, be gentle with the munchkin.”

  She was gently placed by Isaac in Joseph’s lap for a final hug before she was returned to Aron. “I’m so happy for you. You’ve had your miracle – now let’s work on mine.”

  Jessie listened to the happiness inside of the big, inviting home and wished she were part of it. Pressing her face to the glass like a child at a candy store, she watched the one they called Jacob as he quietly surveyed the celebration. He was the reason that she was here. After he had almost caught her at the Little League concession stand, she had hung back and watched him work with the children. Never had she known such a man existed. He was patient and kind, working with the boys as if they were his own. But they weren’t. She had watched him leave alone. The next night when he had come, Jessie hadn’t even hesitated. She had stowed away in the back of his truck, not knowing where he was going, but knowing where he was, was where she wanted to be.

  The pancakes smelled so good, her stomach growled so loud that Jessie was afraid they could hear. Most of the ketchup and bread was gone, so she was on short rations. Jessie wasn’t stealing; she made sure that she did work every day to pay for the food that she ate. No one had noticed yet, but she was cleaning the tack and mucking the stalls. Most likely each one of the men would think that one of the others was doing it. Nevertheless, it made Jessie feel better.

  Taking one last look at the happy family, she sighed. Something wonderful had happened – she could tell by the smiles and the laughter. For a few minutes, she took it in. The beautiful girl was so lucky. She was loved by all six of the men – and Jessie had no one.

  Sadly, she backed away and returned to the barn. Now, would be a good time to take a dip in the stock tank. Everyone was safely occupied and there would be no chance that she would get caught. Carefully, she opened the barn door – the cows and horses were used to her now. She had made sure that she had petted each one and even slipped them some of the nuggets that were stored in the feed bin. Now, they looked at her expectantly – but none set off any type of alarm. She had claimed the last stall on the right next to the big Palomino. Speaking to the golden horse, she shed her clothes and folded them neatly in the corner. Only having two sets made her keep everything neat. “Thanks for the use of your blanket, gorgeous.” She spoke to the horse; he looked exactly as if he understood every word. Wrapping the horse blanket around her, Jessie stole away to bathe.


  Nathan was so relieved that Libby and Aron had got together. He may only be thirteen, but he wasn’t stupid. He could see it coming a mile away. And now, Libby was pregnant. There was going to be an actual, little-bitty human being coming to live on Tebow. For the first time, he wouldn’t be the baby. So, gosh-darn-it, it was high time they quit treating him like one. Like now. Noah had lost his cell-phone out of his truck and he had been given the thankless job of backtracking all over the place to hunt it. Making his way to the corral, Nathan passed close to the stock tank. Hearing a splash, he almost jumped out of his skin. Slipping around, Nathan was determined to catch the intruder. Easing close, he stood on tip-toe and what he saw made him gasp.

  To a thirteen year old – long hair and glistening water on a near naked female could only mean one thing. Turning to run, he began to holler. “Guys, guys – come quick.” Of course, no one could hear him – except Jessie – who quickly scrambled to get out of the tank. Racing back to the house, he threw open the kitchen door and found Jacob in the midst of kitchen duty.

  “Hey, what’s wrong with you? You know you’re not supposed to slam the door, and look at the mud that you’re tracking in on Libby’s clean floor.” Nathan was panting, and more excited than Jacob could remember seeing him.

  “Jacob, come quick!” He tried to pull his brother to the door.

  “Why? Is the barn on fire?” Jacob knew how boys could flip out over the least little thing.

  “No, you’ve gotta come see.” Nathan was insistent.

  “See what buddy?” Nathan’s enthusiasm was contagious.

  “You just won’t believe it.” At Jacob’s stern expression – Nathan held open the door and motioned his brother to follow him with a pleading look on his face. “You’ve got to see this, Jacob. It’s better than the time Isaac found that two-headed snake.”

  “If you don’t just spit it out, I’m going to ground you from your Wii.” Nathan wasn’t worried – he knew Jacob’s bark was worse than his bite.

  “For God’s sake Jacob. I’ve been trying to tell you! There’s a mermaid in the stock tank!”

  “Well, you’re right.” Jacob followed his brother out the door. “This I’ve got to see.”


  Libby’s pancakes hadn’t set well with her at all. Aron bathed her face and handed her some crackers and coke. She had been sick again, but this time there had been relief and joy in the nausea. For now she knew that the sickness stemmed from her pregnancy and not from a relapse into leukemia. “All better?” Aron lifted her chin so he could see her expression clearly.

  “Yes, all better,” she nodded. “I’m just so tired.”

  “Why don’t you lie down and rest for awhile. We’ve had way too much excitement in the last few days.” She wasn’t hard to convince, and soon he had her nestled down in the soft covers. “I should be out fixing fence, but I can’t seem to drag myself away from you,” Aron stroked her face. “I love you, baby.

  Libby smiled at him then said something that made his mouth fall open. “You don’t have to say you love me, Aron.”

  Confused, he asked, “You don’t like to hear me say that I love you?”

  Snuggling up to him, she explained. “Oh, I love to hear about your love for me.” Pulling his shirt out of his pants and then proceeding to undo his belt buckle, she went on to clarify her surprising statement. “But you don’t have to say it out loud. You say it so clearly in so many other ways.” One of those ways was poking up through his BVD’s.

  “What do you mean, sugar?” He was fast losing his ability to verbally communicate. His attention and oxygen giving blood supply was all headed south.

  “Your eyes tell me that you love me.” She kissed his eyelids softly. “Your hands tell me that you love me.” Libby picked up each hand and caressed the palm with her lips. “Your body tells me that you love me,” she got his total attention when her small hands closed around his stone-hard cock. “But, most of all – it’s a heart to heart communication.” She pressed her breasts to his chest so they could feel one another’s quickly elevating heart beat.

  Aron was tearing off his clothes, and then he started on hers. “Non-verbal communication can be very effective.” Spreading her legs, he readied her to receive him. “You are so hot, baby. Your heat burns me alive.” Kissing a path down her body, Aron showed Libby how much he cared. “Every day, Liberty Bell, I will make sure that you know that I love you – in every way that I am able.”

  And he was very Able.

  Ready. Willing. And Definitely Able.

  Cowboy Heat.

  About the author

  Sable Hunter lives in central Texas with her husband, her dog and a kindle full of erotic romances.




  Check out her website at

  for information on other projects.








  Coming in October!



  Coming soon!



  Coming soon!





  Eric didn’t know whether to be shocked, offended or just plain flattered. He slowly walked around the nude sculpture that so closely resembled him. He knew what his body looked like; he had worked hard to get the muscle definition that he had. And here it was in specific, minute detail. And the look on the face was so obviously that of an aroused man, the hooded eyes, the piercing gaze. The statute was labeled ‘Angel’, by Evangeline Martel. How odd. No one else in Austin knew about his middle name, or how special it was to him. He was flabbergasted. The lightning bolt scar was in the exact place that it was on his body; a product of an eight year old boy and his four wheeler’s run-in with a barbwire fence. But what stood out the most, literally, was the fact that he – uh, the statute was extremely well endowed. Eric smiled. Someone sure had his measurements down pat! Damn!

  The crowd was coming alive. It was full of guys that knew him, fire guys, city guys, EMT’s – they all knew one another. And they were cutting him no slack. They held nothing back in the hoo-raw department. “Eric, you are our hero!” one of them exclaimed.

  “Do you think they’ll ask you to pose for Playgirl?”

  Knowing his alma mater was the University of Texas, another one exclaimed. “It’s about time the world knew how long a Longhorn really is!”

  “Go look at the other sculpture, Eric,” a faceless voice in the crowd instructed him. So he did. The first piece had surprised him; after all, the sight of one’s own naked body in an unsuspecting place was enough to get anyone’s undivided attention. But what he saw next took his breath away. Obviously, the man was him also; there really was no mistaking that. This one showed him in the throes of coitus; legs in a widened stance, supporting a woman in his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist, obviously fully impaled on his shaft. The woman had her arms around him, hiding her face in his neck, a braid hanging to the middle of her back. Eric was stunned! This was her! The woman from his dreams. He would have recognized that body anywhere – and her hair – it was all so familiar. Eric’s heartbeat was going nuts! This was the most erotic thing he had ever seen in his life! Suddenly, he wished his pants weren’t quite so tight. He refused to look down to see how big of a show he was putting on. He turned to walk through the crowd, intent on finding someone who could point out the artist who had put all of his goods on display. Did she know his dream-girl? Maybe this was the answer to that midnight yearning that had been about to drive him mad.

  He began to be conscious of the stares and whispers of the crowd that encircled him and the pair of bronzes. He turned to look around and WHAM! Jessica slapped the crap out of him! “Looks likes I wasn’t the only one cheating!” Jessica huffed off and Eric rubbed his jaw, glad to see her go. He was much more interested in exactly who the artist was that had carved his extra-large penis for the whole of Austin to see. This Evangeline Martel sure had some explaining to do! He needed to go check his bedroom for very small cameras.




  “There’s my girl.” At the sound of his voice, Scarlet’s heart warmed. She looked up at him, always amazed, anew, at how truly handsome he was. Joining her on the floor, he claimed her lips in a hard kiss. Noticing that her hair was unbound from the braid, he ran his fingers through the luscious curls that hung almost to her waist. “I love your hair. It’s going to look gorgeous spread out on my pillow.” Ripples of awareness flowed over Scarlet’s body causing her nipples to pebble.

  “You left this on my desk.” Scarlet looked at what he had in his hand. It was her notebook.

  “Wait.” She started to reach for it, but it was too late.

  “I found this odd list. Scarlet, do you have a tattoo?” He had her bucket list in his hand. It was out of order, but if he kept looking, he would find out that her number one desire had been to seduce one Alex Stewart. Scarlet didn’t know whether to cry or run.


  “Where?” Swear to God, he licked his lips.

  “On my bottom.” He closed his eyes and sighed.

  “What is it?” He still had his eyes closed.

  “A red rose, like my name, Scarlet Rose.” What was it with men and tattoos?

  “You have a little red rose on your butt? Let me see.” He was as serious as a heart attack.

  “No!” she huffed. Then she laughed.

  “Just a peek?” He was so darned cute. Scarlet rose to her knees and turned her back to him. Pulling her jeans down a little ways, she held the back open so he could glance down on her hip. Alex groaned. “Damn!”

  Scarlet sat back down, quickly, once again reaching for the list. “Not so fast,” holding it over her head. “There may be more interesting stuff on this list.” He began to peruse it, chuckling here, asking questions there. “What is this list, anyway? A glorified to-do list?” Before she could answer he had shuffled the papers so that the first page was on top. “Bucket list – 100 things to do before I die.” That wasn’t enough to cause him to question, until his eyes rested on the first item.

  “Make love.” His eyes flew to hers. “Scarlet, what’s my name doing here? And it’s crossed out.” He looked back down at the paper. “Escort service. And it’s marked out”

  He turned the papers over, reshuffled them and looked at her hard. “Explain. Did you come here looking for sex? If not from me, from a gigolo? I don’t understand.” Scarlet paused, just looking at him, trying to determine if he was angry.

  “I wanted to know what it was like to make love with a man. Just once.” There was no inflection in her voice, she wasn’t looking for sympathy.

  “Why is my name crossed out?”

  “It was just a day dream; the whole list is mostly just a wish list. When I got here, I realized that I couldn’t go through with it. I changed my mind.”

  “Why, because of the stupid things I said?”

  “No because you’re so beautiful.” She looked down, unable to watch his face, afraid of what she would see.

  “I’m glad you ditched the escort service idea, that’s just stupid. Why didn’t you want to take the time and find someone and cultivate a relationship with them?” Scarlet blanched. He was talking as if he had never held her close, never whispered warm suggestive words to her that had turned her insides to mush.

  Time to come clean. Regardless of the outcome, she owed him an explanation. She would just have to get his promise that what he learned would go no further. “I don’t have time to cultivate a relationship.”

nbsp; “You don’t have time.” He acted like he didn’t believe her. “You’re too busy to learn to love somebody.” Alex was disappointed in her, she could tell.

  “It’s not so much that I’m ‘busy – don’t have time...’ ” Scarlet’s voice was soft, but serious. “More like I’m running out of time.” At his look of confusion, she clarified. “It’s a bucket list, Alex.”

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