Page 15
Speaking very quietly next to his ear, she answered, “When I was a kid…I grew up some place a lot like this. It was really…really wonderful. I never wanted to leave.” She closed her eyes inhaling and continued, “But then things changed…and I had to.” She exhaled and opened her eyes staring like a cold unblinking statue into the dark forest across the lake.
“What changed, Liv?” Jake whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Void of emotion and expression she responded simply, “Everything.”
Jake carried Olivia back up to the house. She snuggled against him wrapping her arms around his neck, stroking his strong jaw line with her thumb. He didn’t care about his parents rules; Olivia wasn’t sleeping alone here. There was no way he was going to find her alone in the dark on that dock again.
Something shifted tonight. She had finally unlocked the door that she had been keeping off limits to him. He wasn’t in yet, but maybe she would start cracking it open now, little by little. Something about this place had obviously affected her. Maybe that’s why she had acted so strangely earlier in the evening when she had locked him out of her room. Tonight he saw in her eyes and heard in her voice how broken she was on the inside. He thought that her guardedness with him was because of his history, but now he was starting to think that it might be hers.
Olivia nuzzled his ear and quietly asked, “Can I sleep with you tonight…for a little while at least.”
“You’re not sleeping anywhere but with me. Period,” he replied purposefully. She sighed with relief and pressed her forehead against his temple.
Laying her on his bed, he pulled the comforter and blankets up over her before he toed off his shoes and removed his jeans and shirt. With the moonlight shining in his room, he could see her lying on her back watching him with a wistful dreamy look. He crawled in under the covers with her.
“Let’s get you warmed up,” he said as he wrapped himself around her.
“I already am,” she replied softly, raking her hands through his dark, wavy tousled hair.
Jake was surprised to find her feeling so balmy. She gazed up at him as if she was trying to memorize his face, gently sweeping her thumb across his bottom lip. Her eyes looked a little watery, but he thought it was probably the moonlight playing tricks.
“I need you, Jake,” she whispered somberly. His breathing hitched as he leaned down and tenderly rubbed his nose against hers.
“I need you, too, Olivia,” he said as he pulled back up to look at her. He felt his throat constrict. “It’s more than that though,” he choked out faintly. He swallowed hard, cupping her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb.
Before he could speak, Olivia pressed her fingers softly against his lips, shaking her head. She whispered imploringly, “Don’t say it, Jake. Don’t say something I know you’ll regret later.” He could hear the anguish in her voice and see the pain in her eyes. “Just show me,” she begged breathily, pulling his mouth to hers.
When Jake woke up, he headed upstairs without waking Olivia. He decided she needed to sleep after last night. He thought he would scrounge around for something they could eat, or if he was really lucky, there might be some leftover pancakes or waffles. As he got closer to the main level, he could smell bacon and his stomach growled in answer. Rounding the corner, he saw his parents sitting at the kitchen table talking over their empty breakfast plates and reading on their iPads. Jason had been there at some point, as evidenced by the empty plate in front of the vacant chair.
“Morning, Jake,” Connor called out to his son.
“Hey, Dad, Mom,” he responded, nodding to them both. “Any food left?” he asked, rubbing his rumbling stomach.
Evelyn pointed and replied, “There are blueberry pancakes and bacon in the warmer. I made plenty. I know how you and Jason can’t get enough to eat. Is Olivia coming up?” she asked as she scrolled on her screen.
“She’s still sleeping. I thought I’d just take some food down if that’s okay.” Jake sat down at the table and decided to tell them what happened last night. He recounted finding Olivia in her pajamas with her bare feet in the water. Told them what she had said about the familiarity of their home and that he thought she might have even been sleepwalking. He was concerned that being here had stirred up some bad memories for her, and he didn’t want to find her out on the dock at night again.
“Look, I know this is your house and your rules, but I’m not going to let her sleep alone while we’re here. I don’t want her out there in the middle of the night like that again. So we can just head back to school after dinner tonight, if you want. It’s okay.” He waited for their decision.
Evelyn put her iPad down and crossed her arms in front of her on the table. “You really like this girl don’t you, Jake?” she asked pointedly.
They had no idea just how much. “Yeah, I like her a lot,” he said, nodding and looking at both of his parents.
“It’s pretty obvious,” Connor said with a grin. “It’s okay son. You take care of your girl, and you don’t need to leave to do that. Sometimes rules need to be broken.” Evelyn cocked her head and gave her husband a faint frown. “Or at least bent,” Connor added, winking at Jake.
When Jake entered his bedroom, Olivia was still asleep. It didn’t look like she had even moved. He had eaten some pancakes and bacon while he visited upstairs but brought more down for both of them. He set the tray down on the dark walnut dresser and crawled back into his toasty bed with her. She stirred a little and snuggled up closer to him.
With eyes closed, she yawned and asked sleepily, “Do I smell bacon?” Jake rolled her onto her back and kissed her. “Mmmmm…and are those blueberry pancakes I taste,” she guessed, licking her lips and opening her eyes.
“I thought we’d have breakfast in bed.” He grinned down at her.
“I’m pretty sure you already ate breakfast,” she said touching her finger to his lips.
“Oh, hell, that was just a warm-up,” he said laughing and kissing her again. He got out of bed and brought the heaping tray full of food over to her.
“I’m sorry about last night, Jake,” she admitted softly while sitting up and looking down at the dinner plate sized pancakes.
He gave her a quizzical look. “You don’t have anything to apologize for, Liv.”
“I’m not some nut job, Jake. I don’t really remember even going out there last night. It all feels kind of like a dream, really.” She felt terribly embarrassed and glanced down at her hands.
He grabbed her hand and responded soberly, “Hey, look at me.” She brought her gaze up to meet his, “You’re the sanest person I know, Liv. You obviously have some stuff you’re trying to deal with. I wish you could tell me what it is, but I won’t force you. At least you told me a little something last night. I’ll take whatever you can give me right now. Okay?” he said, squeezing her hand and smiling gently at her. She nodded at him and smiled faintly.
“Now, the parents have a full day planned for us. So, let’s eat and then we’re going to take a shower together,” he said, tilting his chin down and raising his brow, “The kind that will hold me over until later tonight.” He winked and poured syrup on his pancakes.
Olivia scoffed, “Later tonight, my ass! After what you did to me under that blanket last night,” she snorted, “I’m not even safe with people in the room!” She hoisted a mouthful of fluffy blueberry pancake heaven onto her fork and into her mouth.
Looking up at her through dark lashes with scorching eyes, Jake replied heatedly, “Oh, Miss Marshall, I didn’t hear a word you said after you propositioned me with your ass later tonight.”
Laughing with a mouthful of blueberry pancakes, she wadded up her napkin and tossed it in his face.
Connor and Evelyn gave Olivia the grand lake tour in their large deck boat. There were several basins and they traveled them all, stopping for lunch along the way at
a local hot spot. They ate oversized burgers and the best French fries Olivia had ever tasted. She found Jake and Jason arguing and harassing each other very entertaining. It was all good-natured and they clearly really liked each other. Jake had a warm, loving family and she was certain that he took it for granted, just as she had.
The brothers took turns at the helm on the way back to the house. Of course, they had to show off and outdo each other with speed and maneuvers. She enjoyed watching Jake command the boat with his coal-black, wavy, tousled hair whipping in the wind, and his Oakley sunglasses cloaking the determination in his electric blue eyes. He remained standing with one knee perched on the captain’s seat leaning back in his long-sleeved shirt and worn jeans, steering while creating crests and spitting water all around them. She could see his corded muscles flexing under his white Henley and loved hearing him roar with laughter when he was able to splash Jason with one of his sharp angles. Not long after that, Connor decided to halt their displays of bravado and resumed his position in the driver’s seat.
As the sun headed toward the horizon, everyone put on jackets when the temperature began its evening dive. Jake returned to his seat at the bow plopping in the corner and pulling Olivia back between his legs and up against his chest.
The surface of the lake had smoothed to a calm glass top as other boaters slowed and eased along on their way to shore. There was a peaceful otherworldly quality between the dusky cast and the powdery fog lifting from the lake, and a warm scattering of lights began peeking through the thick old trees to give up the hiding spots of the well-maintained lake homes. If paradise existed, Olivia decided this was it.
She was jarred from her daydream when Jason asked, “So do you ski, Olivia?”
She thought for a few seconds and remembered that she did. “Yes. I grew up on a lake…a lot like this one,” she answered looking out into the distance.
Jake whispered in her ear, “We’ll have to go skiing this summer. That’s about all Jay and I did when we were kids,” he said, smiling over at his brother.
“Yeah, that’s for sure. I was a helluva lot better at it than you if memory serves,” he joked, waiting for Jake to respond, which he did by throwing the nearest floatation device at his not-so-little brother.
“How ‘bout fishing, Olivia? Ever do any of that where you grew up?” he asked, watching her and noticing an uncomfortable look on his brother’s face.
She searched and found the snapshots in her memory. “Yes, a long time ago,” she answered softly.
“Bet you didn’t bait your own hook,” Jason chuckled, glancing away over the lake at the setting sun.
She squeezed her eyes and responded, “Of course, I did. Why wouldn’t I?” she said, perturbed by his insinuation.
“Oh,” Jason replied a little surprised, “I’ve never known a girl who baited her own hooks. You know, the ‘ick’ factor, I guess.” Jake gave his brother a stern look. Jason shrugged and shot him a what’s your problem look.
“So who taught you how to fish?” He decided to continue his questioning since it was obviously aggravating Jake.
Olivia gazed at him and blinked a few times before answering, “My dad,” she said faintly. “He took me fishing on our lake and fly fishing in Montana,” she added soberly.
“Wow. You can fly fish?” He was genuinely flabbergasted.
She looked at him and just nodded. It had been the vacation the summer before the last and final one.
Jake’s hold on Olivia tightened. “What the hell’s with the twenty questions, Jay?” Jake clipped with irritation.
Jason held his hands up and said, “Just trying to get to know your girlfriend, bro,” he sputtered, turning away.
Olivia stared blankly into the inky landscape as they neared the McCloud boathouse. How long could she realistically live two lives? How could she ever fit in with a family like the McCloud’s? There were so many questions they would want answered and she was so different from them. Her Greek-like tragedy would only mar and taint their picture perfect family. She had a fleeting thought that maybe Nick was right. Maybe their shared history linked them in a way that precluded entry by anyone else but each other. Shivering, she shook the thought from her head. He had to be wrong…he just had to be.
Jake started rubbing Olivia’s arms. “You cold, Liv?” he asked when he felt her shiver in his arms.
“Yeah, a little,” she answered distractedly.
He brushed her cheek gently with his stubble and whispered, “I can think of some things that would warm you up.” She felt his smile against her face.
“Who’s ready for pizza?” Evelyn asked as Connor guided the deck boat back into position inside the boathouse. All hands shot up.
Evelyn and Olivia made themselves a modest veggie pizza and the guys made two extra large meat-layered pizzas that they completely devoured, crumbs and all. For dessert, there was ice cream with hot fudge sauce. Jake shot Olivia a heated glance when he asked her for more hot fudge. She passed the jar to him and smiled at the memory before looking away.
Afterwards, Olivia found herself on the main level deck next to the raised fire pit. Evelyn was inside on the phone with her sister from Colorado and Connor had asked Jake for help with a heavy lifting job out in the garage. She was lost in the murky corridors of her thoughts when Jason dropped down next to her on the cushioned two-seat outdoor sofa.
He glanced at her and smiled. “Sorry if it felt like I was interrogating you earlier.” He took a swig from his bottle of beer.
She shook her head and answered, “It’s okay.”
He continued looking into the distance. “This is just all new to me. All of us, really. You probably don’t know this, but you’re the only girl my brother’s ever brought home from college. So, you’re a bit of an anomaly around here.” He turned his head to watch for her reaction.
She looked at him sideways with a pinched brow. “Seriously?”
He nodded as he tipped his bottle for more of the tangy hops. “He must really like you.” Olivia didn’t say anything. She just kept staring at the dancing orange flames in the fire pit. “I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that Jake’s never had to work at getting girls.” He snorted. “Hell, I used to hate bringing dates around him.” Olivia shot him a worried look and Jason shook his head adamantly. “No, no, nothing like that. Jake would never do that.” Jason collected his thoughts. “He’s not a player if you’re concerned about that at all, Olivia. Maybe because he’s never had to be or maybe because that’s just who he is, but I can tell you for certain he’s not the kind of guy that leads girls on.” Jason laughed at some extracted memory. “In fact, he can be downright brutally honest with girls. He does not like games and he doesn’t play them. I just thought you should know that in case you had any doubts, you know, about that kind of stuff.”
Jake was so lucky to have a brother like Jason. She wondered if he really understood that. Smiling warmly at Jason, she said, “Thanks. That’s good to know.” Jason was about to respond when she saw Jake’s broad hand on Jason’s shoulder.
“Hope you’re not out here telling my girlfriend lies about me.” Jason looked over and winked at Olivia as he stood to give up his seat to Jake.
“Not necessary when the truth is so much more interesting.” He laughed and rolled into Jake’s fake punch pretending to wince in pain.
“Yeah, run along little brother. Isn’t it past your bedtime or something?” He joked as he smacked Jason on the back of his shoulder.
Jake sat next to Olivia pulling her in close and inhaling the sweet scent of her silky hair. “When Mom gets off the phone we’re going to roast marshmallows,” he said, following Olivia’s gaze into the flames.
Olivia felt her heart tighten. “Really?” she said softly. Jake pulled her arm across his lap and began stroking it. She loved his hands. They were so big and strong, like a vice that could crush anything placed in their grip, and yet he could touch her with those same hands and not break
her. The memories warmed her on the inside.
“Yeah, you like roasted marshmallows don’t you?” he asked, tilting his head down to lock her eyes with his.
She puffed softly and smiled at the dusty worn picture coming into focus in front of her. “Sure I do. I just haven’t done it since…” Her smile faded.
“Since when?” Jake squeezed her to finish.
She swallowed as the image fell away back into the darkness. “Since I was a kid,” she whispered.
Later in the evening, the whole family gathered on the lower level to play pool and make popcorn in the old-fashioned popcorn maker that sat parked in one corner of the room. They were all decent players, but Olivia was the best of the bunch. She even showed them some trick shots that she knew.
Unbeknownst to the McCloud clan, she had an advantage over them. After she had moved in with Nick, he had spent many hours teaching her everything he knew about eight ball along with well-known tricks and some of his own. At the time, it had been a great meaningless distraction. She hadn’t played for a long time and was a little rusty, but the McCloud’s all seemed impressed. There was a lot of laughter and good-natured competition, and after a couple of hours, everyone said their goodnights and headed to their own floors.
Jake sauntered over to the wall switch and dimmed the lighting before ambling over behind Olivia as she positioned herself over the table to make a bank shot. He had thoroughly enjoyed watching her play pool tonight. She was quite skilled and he wondered who had taught her. Probably her dad or an older brother, he decided. The look of determination in her emerald green eyes and beautiful face, along with the sway of her back and hips as she readied for shots was all very arousing. Heightening it even further were her tight, torn, faded jeans and the lithe stance of her legs that led up to the round supple curves of her perfect behind. He was growling on the inside and ready to attack as soon as they were alone.