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Dead and Kicking

Page 10

by Lisa Emme

  A door abruptly opened as we were walking past and I caught a glimpse inside, confirming my suspicions. We were in an S&M sex club. A few steps later, another door opened and a tall, blonde vampire wearing 5-inch, lace up platform ankle boots stepped out into the hall. She pulled a gauzy robe on over her black, patent leather corset.

  “Now you be a very good boy Murray and wait there for me.” She tapped the end of a riding crop against her black leather glove. “You know what happens when you are naughty.” She turned and saw me, raising an appraising eyebrow. “Come to play, Kitten?” she purred, reaching out with the end of the riding crop to stroke my cheek.

  I flinched away, not wanting it to touch me and she laughed. I turned and looked her in the eye and it was her turn to flinch. “Not unless you want me to snap that thing in half and stake you through the heart with it, Sweetheart.” I smiled sweetly and her eyes widened in surprise. Her face twisted into a snarl and she took a step towards me.

  Stefan put a hand against her chest, giving her a little push backwards. “Not now Simeen, this one’s not for you.”

  Simeen threw me a contemptuous look and then turned with a flourish. Her robe billowed behind her like a cape as she stalked off down the hall. The cheeks of her bare ass jiggled as she walked. It kind of ruined the whole effect.

  As we continued on in the opposite direction down the hall, I peeked into the room Simeen had just vacated. Poor Murray wasn’t going anywhere. Not trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, hanging five feet off the floor. Nor was he apt to complain. The ball gag in his mouth would see to that. About the only thing on Murray that wasn’t tied up was his flaccid penis dangling loose from his prone body. Now that was something I would never be able to un-see.

  Stefan led me to a set of double doors at the end of a hallway. We had taken so many turns, I lost count and was afraid that I would never be able to find my way out of the maze on my own. The muffled music was quieter in this end of the hallway though, so I figured we had crossed through the centre of the building and were now somewhere over on the far side, away from the dance floor above.

  Stefan knocked and then pushed the doors open, gesturing for me to enter. The room was more brightly lit than the gloomy hallway I had just left and I stood just inside the doors, blinking as my eyes adjusted. The doors clunked shut behind me, my guide nowhere to be seen. I turned, intending to test the doors to make sure I hadn’t been locked in, when a voice beckoned, “Miss Russo. Do come in.”

  “Call me Harry, please. Everyone does.” I turned to face Salvador. He sat at the far end of the room on a small raised platform on what appeared to be a throne. It was all very surreal and it took some will power not to laugh.

  I looked around the room and found that it wasn’t as well lit as I thought. In the centre of the room hung two large chandeliers, which while bright, left the periphery of the room in shadows. As far as I could tell though, Salvador and I were alone.

  I walked a bit self-consciously towards the dais wishing I had worn the damn McQueen. Salvador watched me as I crossed the room, his eyes calculating. I stopped a few feet before him.

  “My dear Miss Russo.” I didn’t bother to correct him. I guess he didn’t consider himself everyone. “So wonderful of you to join me, but I see you did not accept my small gift?”

  “No, thank you though, but I don’t feel comfortable accepting such an expensive gift. I would prefer to keep things strictly business.”

  “But of course, of course. It was just a mere trifle.” He waved it off with his hand, but then he must have seen something in my expression, because he added, “Do you not agree?”

  “A $7000 gift, a trifle? Maybe in your world, but not mine. I could buy myself a nice used truck that doesn’t break down every second week for that price.”

  “Yes, yes, I see. It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it?” Salvador smiled. “I would certainly like to get your perspective on last night’s disturbing events.” He clasped his hands in his lap, his index fingers tapping together. “What do you think happened last night?”

  “What do I think happened?” Why was he asking my opinion when he already knew what had happened? I was sure Nash had filled him in by now. And why was I standing in his audience chamber? I thought we were going to eat dinner. Instead of voicing all those questions, I said, “Well, it's obviously connected to Bryce’s video. The same practitioner that created the jack must have somehow called the zombies.”

  Salvador waved me off impatiently. “Yes, yes. That is clear. But what happened to the zombies? Why did they all disappear?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied, shrugging. “Maybe the spell wore off? Or they were called back?”

  Salvador raised his still clasped hands to his chin and began to tap his steepled index fingers on his bottom lip, apparently deep in thought. “Hmmm, yes. Could it be that you truly don’t know?”

  “Don’t know? Why would I know?” I was getting more uncomfortable by the minute and it wasn’t just because I was standing in 3 inch stillettos. What the hell did he want from me?

  “Or perhaps,” Salvador continued on, ignoring my outburst, “you have just not come to terms with it?” He nodded and I got a sense that he was no longer talking to me.

  Before I could reply, I became aware of movement behind me. My vamp radar started clanging, but it was too late to do anything. My arms were suddenly grasped and wrenched behind my back. I heard a zipping sound and something hard and plastic bit into the skin around my wrists. A hand slid up the bare skin on my arm until it circled my throat. It squeezed, cutting off my breath. Another arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled back against a solid body. A familiar voice whispered, “Time to play.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  At Tomas’s words, my eyes widened in terror. I struggled in his arms, but I was held tight.

  He laughed and purred, “Mmmm yes, struggle. It will make you taste that much sweeter.” He forced my head to one side, exposing my carotid then rubbed his face in my hair, inhaling deeply. “The fear smells so lovely on you.” He leaned in and licked my exposed neck.

  I struggled again, trying to twist my neck away from his lips, but that just made him pull me tighter against him. So close, I could feel his erection pressing into me.

  “Uh, uh, uh, not for you, my dear Tomas.” Salvador shook his finger at us. “Let us see what we shall see.” He snapped his fingers and two more vamps stepped from the shadows, half dragging, half carrying another between them. The third vampire was dishevelled and emaciated. I had never seen a vampire in such a dire condition. His lips were dry and chapped, his skin sunken, like he hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for weeks, maybe months.

  Tomas pulled me off to the side of the dais while the two vamps stopped in front of Salvador, depositing their burden. The vampire stumbled but caught himself before he fell. He straightened his clothes then lifted his chin in defiance and looked at Salvador.

  “My dear friend Isaac, it pains me to see you like this.” Salvador looked genuinely saddened.

  “Then give me what I want, old friend.” The man called Isaac’s voice was weak and raspy.

  “Do you agree to the terms?”

  Isaac turned slowly and looked at me, then turned back to Salvador. “Why do you want such a thing?”

  Salvador spread his hands and shrugged. “It is the only way. Do this last thing, and if you still seek what you ask, I will grant it.”

  Isaac hung his head. “Very well.”

  Tomas ran his hand through my hair, pulling my head back painfully. “Now the fun begins. I will feast on your fear.”

  Despite my best efforts to stop it, my heart began to race. I didn’t know what the hell they had planned for me, but it didn’t sound good. I struggled in Tomas’s arms, trying to wrench myself free.

  Isaac turned to me, a look o
f regret on his face. “I’m very sorry, my dear,” he said and then started towards me, his fangs bared.

  “What are you doing?” I looked at Salvador. “We had a deal!”

  Salvador made a clicking sound with his tongue, shaking his head. “Always so suspicious, Miss Russo. Our deal is still in play. I said you would go home and you shall, whether it is as you are now, or as a vampire, is up to you.”

  “What?!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “You see my friend Isaac wants something most desperately and I have told him he may have it but first he must, how shall I put it? Quench his thirst. On you.” He tapped his lip with his finger pensively then shook his head. “I’m afraid though, that Isaac has been starving himself for much too long. I do believe that once he starts feeding there will be no stopping him.”

  “You can stop him. You don’t have to do this!” I struggled against Tomas. “Don’t do this!” I looked at Isaac. He was only a few steps away from me now, but he was struggling. Whether it was due to his weakened state or disgust at what he was about to do, I don’t know. “Please, Isaac! Don’t do this.”

  Isaac stopped suddenly and frowned. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But I must.”

  Tomas grabbed my hair again, tilting my head to expose my neck. My mind was reeling with the thought of what was about to happen. I couldn’t let it happen. I had to stop it. I slammed my stiletto heel down on top of Tomas’s foot. He cried out and his grip in my hair loosened. I whipped my head back, cracking it against his face then pushed myself away from him, feeling slightly dizzy. I was free, but my hands were still fastened tight behind me. I backed away quickly keeping my eyes on Isaac. He turned to follow me, his fangs glistening with what little saliva he had left, his breath rasping.

  “You bitch!” Tomas held his nose. I had broken it. He lunged for me, grabbing my arm and wrenching it up painfully. He dragged me towards Isaac. “Take her before I do,” he said in disgust. He pushed my head to the side again.

  “Isaac! Isaac! Listen to me! Don’t do this. Please, don’t do this.” My only hope was to try and convince him to stop.

  Isaac’s steps faltered. He reached out and grabbed me by my shoulders. I struggled, managing to turn my head enough to look him in the eye. “Isaac. You must not do this.” I put every ounce of my will into my words. “You will not do this. My safety is your primary concern. You cannot hurt me.”

  Isaac’s face contorted with pain. He roared in anguish then lunged. Preparing myself for the worst, I closed my eyes, only to end up on the floor in a heap. In shock, I watched while Isaac grappled with Tomas.

  “Marvelous! Marvelous!” Salvador applauded. “Enough my dear friend Isaac. Enough. She is quite safe now. No harm will come to her this night. You have my word.”

  Isaac backed away from Tomas and fell to his knees sobbing. “No, no, no. Oh my friend, what have you done?” He looked up at Salvador. “What have you done?”

  Salvador’s face became serious. “What I must.”

  “Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?” I struggled to my feet, my hands still cinched behind my back. Tomas moved towards me and I backed away warily. Isaac surged to his feet.

  Tomas held up his hands in surrender. “Relax, relax.” He reached behind me and cut the ties on my wrists with a small knife he had concealed in his hand.

  Free at last, I rubbed my raw wrists. They were scored where the flex strip had dug into my flesh during my struggles. “I mean it. What the hell just happened?”

  Salvador rose from his chair, his arms open in welcome. “All in due time my dear Miss Russo, all in due time.”

  Isaac, who had been swaying on his feet, suddenly collapsed with a groan. He was barely showing any of the energy aura that would mark him as a vampire. “Your friend is dying,” I said to Salvador. “How is that possible? What’s wrong with him?”

  “That is not my story to tell,” Salvador replied. “He needs to feed if he is to survive.” Salvador looked at me expectantly.

  “What? You expect me to…?” My voice trailed off. I couldn’t comprehend what he was suggesting after what had just occurred.

  “You made Isaac yours. He is now your responsibility.” Salvador shrugged as if it didn’t matter one way or another to him.

  I shook my head in denial. I didn’t understand what Salvador was talking about, or at least, I didn’t want to understand. But despite the fact that Isaac was practically a ravening monster a few minutes ago, I didn’t want to watch him die. And, I knew what Salvador said was true. I had done something. I had coerced Isaac in some way to prevent him from hurting me and whatever I had done forged a connection between us, because I could feel Isaac’s pain.

  I moved towards Isaac warily, afraid he might jump me again.

  “You are totally safe with poor Isaac now.” Salvador smiled. “You made sure of that, did you not?”

  I scowled at Salvador and crouched down beside Isaac. He roused, shaking his head.

  “No, no, I cannot.” He tried weakly to push himself away.

  “You must, Isaac. You must. You have a purpose now, do you not?” Salvador stepped down from the dais and began walking towards us.

  Isaac closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head. He took a ragged breath then opened his eyes and looked at me with determination. “I do not have the strength to glamour your pain away.”

  “It’s okay. Just do it.”

  “I regret that I will hurt you.”

  “It’s all right.” I reached out to him, cradling his upper body and presenting my wrist to him.

  After a moment’s hesitation, Isaac reached for my arm, baring his fangs. There was a sharp pain as he broke through my already abraded skin and I sucked in a breath. I felt the pull of his mouth as he drank my blood, but then he pushed my arm away, a look of surprise on his face. He looked at Salvador and said, “I understand now.”

  Isaac turned to look at me. “I have had sufficient to sustain me long enough to find an appropriate meal.”

  I decided not to worry about what he meant by that because he was right, he was already looking better, his aura stronger. He gestured to my arm and the two small punctures. “Will you allow me?”

  I nodded and he bent over my wrist, his tongue sliding over the wounds. They began to heal instantly. The magic of vampire spit. Yuck.

  Salvador helped Isaac to his feet and embraced him. “Thank you, my friend. Thank you.” He patted Isaac on the back then turned to Tomas. “Take Isaac to find a suitable meal.”

  I had completely forgotten about Tomas. He shot me a look filled with hate. His broken nose was already healing. If he didn’t get it set it was going to be crooked. He reached out to assist Isaac but Isaac shook him off and strode stiffly out the doors. With one last menacing glance at me, Tomas followed.

  Salvador turned to me, a smile wide on his face. “Alone at last,” he said. If I was terrified earlier, I was scared absolutely shitless now.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I never would have thought that hearing there had been another zombie attack would be welcome news, but I could have kissed Nash when he barged in moments later saying just that. For the first time since meeting him, I wasn’t going to complain about him showing up uninvited.

  “There have been two more separate attacks,” Nash spoke to Salvador, but his eyes found mine. He took a step towards me, a look of concern briefly passing over his face, but then he seemed to catch himself and stopped, turning away to face Salvador. “We’re going to need to do some containment. There have been civilian casualties.”

  Civilian casualties. I assumed he must mean norms. We had to figure out who was doing this before even more people were hurt or killed. Salvador and Nash began making plans to handle the situation. I used the distraction to step away into the shadows to check my phone. There were
six missed calls from Tess and a text message. A little excessive, but I guess I can’t blame her for being worried about me. I quickly texted her back that I was okay but couldn’t talk.

  “Of course you will take Miss Russo with you,” Salvador said, pulling me back to the conversation.

  “Me?” I squeaked in surprise. “What do you need me for?” Both men turned to look at me. Nash looked grim but Salvador looked calculating.

  “I only thought, Miss Russo, that perhaps your special…” Salvador paused, gesturing with his hands like he was trying to find the right words, “talents may prove useful.” I started to protest but Salvador continued on. “Perhaps a lingering spirit you might interrogate? Provide our dear Detective Nash with some leads?”

  Nash frowned but remained silent. Salvador looked at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes. “Fine, fine.” I’d do almost anything just to get out of there. I looked down at my dress. “But I’m not going anywhere dressed like this.”


  I should have kept my big, fat mouth shut.

  I stood outside the club dressed like that chick from Underworld, waiting for Nash, and while I was totally keeping the cool, full-length black leather duster, I could have done without the leather hot pants and bustier. When I complained and asked why there wasn’t a single T-shirt or blouse available, the response was that my current get-up would be better for blending in with the others. Unfortunately, it was true. They all looked like roadies for Motley Crue or something as they piled into the black van waiting behind Nash’s SUV. All except one that is, who stepped away from the van and came to stand beside me. He was elegantly dressed in a suit that looked more Tom Ford than Nikki Sixx. His dark, shoulder length hair had that freshly washed and brushed gleam, his beard neatly trimmed. He turned to look at me with familiar blue eyes.

  I did a double take when I realized it was Isaac. While his eyes were still a bit sunken and his complexion sallow, he looked remarkably better, especially with his formerly scraggly beard neat and trim. He certainly looked nothing like the starved, dishevelled creature I had encountered earlier.


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