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Taken: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 1)

Page 9

by Felicity Brandon

  “Sit now,” he told her, and his arm appeared at her shoulder, insisting upon her obedience as it guided her to the hard, wooden seat.

  Molly sat down gingerly. As she assessed her place in the room, the table appeared in front of her. Connor tucked it neatly into position, switching on the laptop. Blinking around her Molly realized something. The table may be small, but it fitted over her legs perfectly, and the chair, while clearly unrelated to the table in anyway, was just narrow enough to slot within its confines. It was obvious her captor had been planning all of this for a very long time. Every last detail had been thought-through, every moment of her captivity was of his choosing. The realization made a new low panic reverberate through her. It began in the pit of her belly and resonated outwards until she acknowledged the sensation in the tips of her fingertips. Her abduction wasn’t bad luck. Connor was no opportunistic kidnapper. He was a calculated one, and a man who’d spent God knows how long planning this crime.

  “Let’s get you set up.”

  His low tone vibrated over her right shoulder, and in a flash, two strong arms appeared on either side of her body as Connor leaned over her. He logged on quickly, producing a new word processing document for her in a matter of seconds. “There you are,” he crooned, tilting his head to gaze down at Molly.

  She could see him clearly in her peripheral vision, although she didn’t turn to meet his gaze. She had no desire to do so.

  “Lift your hands, Molly,” he ordered softly. “You should be able to use the keyboard with no issues.”

  She obeyed miserably, already knowing that she’d find he was right. She imagined him sitting in this chair before her, experimenting with lengths of chain as he ascertained exactly how to contain her. Predictably she found he was correct. Her wrists were exactly the right distance apart and she was able to type freely.

  “Now write.”

  He pronounced the command like an edict, and for the first time she twisted her head to glance up at him.

  What should I freaking well write? She thought as she glared at his strangely handsome face.

  Connor smiled at her expression, as though he had always expected it. “Isn’t it obvious?” he answered her, although she had not asked any question out loud. “You write our story. Write the story of our time together, how we met, how I took you, and everything that has happened to you since. You can conclude at this moment – the moment where you first begin to write.”

  His tone was triumphant as he concluded and Molly’s face fell back to the blank screen causing another pool of spit to fall.

  “Oh, and Molly,” he added.

  His tone made her heart pound even faster and she tilted her head slightly to acknowledge him.

  “Don’t even think about not writing what I’ve asked for. This is your role – this is why you’re here – and I have a special punishment in mind for naughty girls who don’t do their job properly.”

  She gawked at him, trying to process his words. A special punishment. Something worse than this?

  “Now, write,” he prompted her again. “You have one hour, and then I’ll be reading the start of our masterpiece.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  He watched her work in silence, taking in everything about the spectacle. Connor had dreamed of this – this exact moment – for longer than he cared to recall. Since the first time he’d picked up one of her books, he’d known. He knew this woman was meant for him, perfectly aligned to his needs and preferences, and he knew he had to have her. More than that though, he knew he had to have her write for him – for both of them.

  Now, as his eyes fell over her heaving chest, the curve of her delicious breasts and the plastic still forcing her mouth wide open, he felt euphoric. He’d done it! The first stage of his plan was in effect. Molly was here, and despite a few minor infractions, she seemed reasonably compliant. And she was writing – that was the important part – he actually had her writing the beginning of their story!

  He checked his watch again, noticing how she flinched at the sight of it. A smile spread across his face as he realized just how much she was hanging on his every deed. She’d been at it for a little over forty minutes, and that meant she had about twenty more to go. Time to spring the next part of his plan into action. Connor rose from his place in the corner, his eyes never once leaving Molly. Her chains knocked against the wood at his movement, her breathing accelerating as he approached. He wandered to the back of the chair, reading a few lines over her shoulder.

  …forcing the plastic gag into her unwilling mouth…

  His cock hardened as he read, and simultaneously his memory was drawn back to the exact moment she described.

  “Good work, Molly,” he cooed, leaning over her chained form. His body made contact with hers, and the pitter-patter of plastic keys went quiet as her fingers stilled. “No, don’t stop,” he told her urgently. “You have twenty more minutes, and I want you to use each and every one of them.

  She nodded, and he inched right to watch the line of saliva which collected under her gagged mouth, falling to her chest. His eyes swept over the area, which was now awash with trails of her own drool, all running down to slip over her wonderful breasts.


  She was too much. He’d have to take a moment to enjoy himself, he simply had no choice. His arms slid around her shoulders and both hands roamed her chest. She tensed as they made contact with her breasts, but her digits began to type again. Connor inched forward, cupping her weighty breasts in his palms for a moment before massaging them both roughly. Molly moaned into the gag, but it wasn’t clear if the noise was a sign of complaint or appreciation. It didn’t matter either way of course; she was his now, and she would have to get used to the fact.

  The scene continued in weighted silence. Connor’s large digits worked over her nipples, crunching the swollen buds in slow rhythmic torture as her fingers fell over the keys. His arousal swelled painfully inside his pants, and if he wasn’t mistaken, it seemed as though Molly’s breathing had become even more labored as his caresses turned to pinches. His little captive was turned on.

  Connor’s gaze fell over her nape and down the soft flesh of her chest to where his hands worked at the swell of her breasts. Molly was beautiful and he already knew how talented she was. This tale – their tale – was going to be perfection.

  At some point, her fingers stopped, and the sudden hush drew his attention back to the screen. His eyes devoured the final paragraph, widening as he concluded. She had apparently indeed written everything he’d subjected her to so far, finishing with a graphic description of how his fingers felt against her tits.

  “All done, Molly?” His tone sounded husky with his own arousal, and the timbre surprised him.

  She nodded, sending yet another rush of saliva falling south.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, trailing an invisible line over her right cheek. Both of them had turned a satisfying crimson color. “Of course, I’ll be reading it soon to check just how good your writing is, but I don’t have any concerns on that front. We both know how great you are, little one.”

  Molly’s eyes blinked at his words, her breathing coming out hard and fast as she processed them.

  “But first, let’s attend to your needs, Molly,” he paused, considering her intently. “You’ve had that gag in a while now, and I bet that jaw is starting to ache?” His finger dropped to her chin as he spoke, rubbing the aforementioned jaw tenderly. “Would you like me to remove it, Molly?”

  Molly stared up at him, her happiness at the possibility evident from her pretty eyes alone. She nodded slowly, as though she didn’t want there to be any doubt on the subject.

  Connor smiled, and chuckled lightly. “Try some words,” he told her. “I’d like to hear you reply. Do you want me to remove the gag?”

  Her gaze narrowed at his answer, but a muffled string of mumbles followed, each consonant sounding much like the next with her tongue forced flat under the plastic of the gag. Conn
or’s smirk turned into a wide grin at the noise, his cock throbbing impatiently as though it had independent plans to follow the gag’s dildo into her throat. Her inability to respond properly was so bloody satisfying, he wanted to call out in celebration. But he didn’t. Instead, he watched her with a broad smile plastered all over his face.

  “I’m going to assume that was a ‘yes please, Sir?’” he asked wryly.

  She nodded furiously, her face burning an even brighter shade of scarlet, if that were possible.

  Poor little Molly, she so utterly belonged to him at this moment. She was so helpless and fucking adorable. He couldn’t wait to get inside her.

  “Okay then,” he replied at last. “Since I know you’ve worked hard, I’m going to assume you’ve done a decent job, and remove this for you.” He sauntered around to the back of her again as he spoke, his fingers already playing with the tight buckle which held the plastic gag in place. Seeing a few strands of her hair had caught within the leather, he first removed the band, releasing her ponytail. Within a few more seconds, the black leather was unfastened and he guided the strap forward, tugging the gag out of her mouth.

  There was a guttural moan as the length of black plastic left her throat and a rush of remaining drool followed it. He caught the leather in his left hand and threw the gag toward the duvet beside them. There would be time for cleaning up later. First, he had a little captive to attend to.

  “How’s that?” he asked her in an almost patronizing tone.

  Connor watched as she opened and closed her mouth a few times before answering. “Better, thank you, Sir,” she replied in a hoarse whisper.

  “Good,” he replied, pleased that she had recalled the correct way to address him. “And can you remember why you were gagged in the first place?”

  Her gaze returned to him fleetingly before she looked away to the chains at her wrists. “I…” She hesitated, apparently unsure how to continue.

  “You, what?” he prompted her, trying to control his own ragged breath at the excitement of this moment.

  “I was rude to you,” she said at length.

  Not quite what he was looking for, he mused, but still it was good enough. For now.

  “Right,” he replied immediately, his finger hooking under her chin and pulling her face up to meet his eye again. “And now you know what will happen to you each and every time you are.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The relief at having that thing out of her mouth was indescribable. Molly wanted to cry with joy, but she didn’t. She dared not give him the satisfaction. Instead, she sat still, stretching her aching jaw as he continued to lecture her about what would happen the next time she was rude to him.

  When he stopped talking, his large hands brushed her smaller digits away from the keyboard, and she watched mute as he saved the story to the hard drive. Molly swallowed, thrilled beyond belief to be able to do so again without the humiliating drool landing all over her. As he drew back, he turned to look directly at her. They were now only a couple of inches apart, and the proximity made her heart race.

  “It’s time to feed you,” he announced, his tone softer than she’d expected.

  Molly gaped at him, unthinkingly. Feed her. What was that? It made her sound like an animal. She pressed her thighs together reflexively as the analogy crossed her mind, and not missing a trick, his eyes flitted to the small action.

  There was a pause as he presumably considered the deed. Molly held her breath, uncertain if it was fear or arousal which was leading her actions now.

  “Are you hungry, Molly?” he asked eventually, although the question seemed loaded with double meaning.

  She was practically panting as she replied, his face was so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin. She got a waft of the scent, the smell of spearmint washing over her as his face broke into a new smile. Clearly, he knew what effect all of this was having on her. The guy was playing with her, and to make it worse, it seemed she was actually excited about the prospect.

  “I haven’t eaten for a long time, Sir,” she admitted.

  Connor’s smile widened. “Then let’s do something about that,” he replied, his gaze soft yet determined. “And while you eat, I’ll be reading our story so far.”

  He vanished from her view in an instant, snapping the laptop closed, before wandering to the dresser behind her. Molly gulped out of instinct. Whenever he went to that piece of furniture, he returned with something ominous, and she trembled at the thought of what might be next. Connor might seem gentle for the time being, but he had already proven he had the means and the inclination to inflict fear, pain and humiliation on her.

  She heard the sound of the metal before he returned, and her mind began to run away with all of the possibilities. More chains perhaps, like those which were already fixtures at her wrists and ankles, or some other type of restraint? Connor didn’t make her wait long. He paced toward her soon enough, presenting her with the latest gift from his drawers.

  Molly’s eyes fell over the thing, and she shuddered. It was another chain after all, similar to the ones she already wore, but not the same. It was different for one reason. This chain was attached to a leather collar, like the sort you’d put on a small pet, only larger. It even had a small, shiny metal tag where the pet’s name could be engraved. She swallowed, aware that her eyes were widening as she glanced up to see Connor’s grinning face.

  “You like?” he asked her, merrily. “I hope so. I had it made especially for you.”

  A wave of nausea rolled over her body as his words resonated. He’d had this made for her?

  “Look,” he commanded, and as he spoke, he twisted the metal name tag, bringing it up to meet her eyes. Engraved onto the fine-looking silver plate, she realized there was already a name. A name which made her heart stop beating for one long moment, before it raced completely out of control. The engraved letters spelled out the name, Molly.

  Connor ran his fingers over the metal proudly as his gaze darted from his captive to the collar in his hands. “What do you think?”

  Molly was almost shaking as she lifted her chin to reply. “Y-you made this for me, Sir?”

  Every instinct in her body was in free-fall as panic spread throughout her limbs. The guy had made a collar for her, and he’d already shown his willingness to keep her bound and restrained. The knot in the pit of her belly tightened until it became unbearable, making tears spring to her eyes. She knew exactly what this meant. It meant he wanted to collar her and keep her chained up in this place, like a fucking animal. It meant Connor hadn’t just taken her to write his damn story, Connor wanted to keep her.

  “Yes,” he answered her, his tone excited as he presented the leather and chain to her like it was a bunch of flowers. “I know how much you fantasize about being leashed and chained, Molly. It’s a recurring theme of your last five novels, and I have to agree, I rather like the idea too.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut at that, as though blocking out the sight would somehow alter the reality. Of course, this guy was like some sort of deranged super fan. He had read seemingly each and every title she’d ever penned, and he was right – the last few had concentrated on the subject of pet-play. It was also true that the idea turned her on, but much like the spanking, it was something she’d never even considered outside the realms of her stories, let alone in some completely non-consensual forum like this.

  “Molly!” Connor’s terse tone snapped her from her thoughts, and she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her severely. “You will keep your eyes open unless I tell you otherwise,” he commanded, lowering his voice as he gave the instruction.

  She nodded, sniffing a little as the weight of her fate landed upon her. This guy, who’d already stripped her of any dignity, was now going to collar her and leash her like an animal. Molly pulled in a long breath as the notion invaded her mind, willing herself to stay calm. He was right, she was hungry and she did need to eat. Food was part of
survival, and she had to survive this ordeal.

  “Good,” he brooded, his gaze narrowing as he admonished her. “And now for the part I’ve been dreaming about. Now I get to put this collar on you.”

  If someone had asked her what she thought she would have done in a sick scenario like this, Molly would have told them all sorts of things. She’d have certainly purported some resistance, a protest or complaint as the leather slid around her neck. Maybe she’d even expected a fight. Her arms may be chained, but she had free reign to lift them after all, and she could use her hands, and possibly even the metal to her advantage. In reality, none of those things occurred. Real life, unlike fantasies, happened in an instant, and before she could barely pull in another breath, Connor had looped the collar round her small neck and had buckled it closed. He yanked at the metal chain attached to the D-ring now against her throat, and instinctively she lurched forward, yelping as the loss of control hit her.

  Connor smiled at the sound, watching as she panted miserably, using her hands to steady her against the small table.

  “Very nice,” he crooned at her performance. “Now the feeding room is on this floor, but it wouldn’t do to have you walk, Molly. In fact, I don’t think you’ll be walking for some time.” He paused, laughing at his own dark joke for a moment, and all the while, she shook beside him, shock reverberating around her body at the things he implied.

  “Down now.” The order came at her like a slap, forcing her head up to meet his eye.

  “D-down?” she stammered, as though she didn’t understand the request.

  “Yes,” he said evenly. “Get down. And remember how you address me, young lady, or do you want to feel the sting of my palm again so soon?”

  Molly shivered, fidgeting her tender ass against the hard wood beneath it. She most certainly did not want to experience anything like that spanking again. “No, Sir,” she replied in a rush, yet still she didn’t move as he wanted.


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