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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

Page 38

by Craig Gerttula

  “We must go,” he told, grabbing Sasha’s hand as his catillian leapt from his curly brown locks into Sasha’s bosom, the two catillians merging into one ball of multicolored fur.

  “We will see you in space...goodbye...and Yukie...good luck.”

  They sprinted towards the ferry shuttle, hand in hand, where the officers of the ABF Sasha stood in wait. Tiana turned to Yukie, trying to force a kind smile, not wanting to show her own disappointment that she may be left behind.

  “I must get ready as well, good luck with the emperor, Yukie.” She kissed the girl lightly on the forehead, then started running towards her apartments, feeling a fresh rush of excitement and exhilaration fill her, and to her own surprise, finding she loved it.


  Trent leaned forward, resting his chin upon his knuckles as he studied the last member of the ABF Sasha’s crew. Soothing warmth flowed from the Eye of the Emperor in response. He sat back with a sigh, nodding to Captain Daiyu, who let her pass.

  “Just one...better than I expected,” Trent whispered to himself as he absently watched the relieved young woman rush through the door leading to the ABF’s private hanger, located within the heart of the new Alutia City Spaceport. As his adrenaline faded, an odd “numbness” took its place, and he began to tremble uncontrollably. He stood, turning to Sasha and hugging her fiercely. She stiffened in surprise, but still responded with her own embrace.

  “Are you alright, Trent?” she whispered into his ear.

  Am I alright? He asked himself, finding that after staring into the souls of 200 men and women, even good men and women, he was drained beyond imagining. A sticky darkness, like he had fallen into pool of tar, crept into his mind, over his heart, as if his very soul had become tainted by the prolonged use of the Eye of the Emperor.

  He reached for his bond with Sasha, forcing it active, feeling her rising concern flowing within. But that wasn't what he needed. So he searched deeper, knowing it had to be there, the one thing that would clean this taint, burn it away; her love. Sasha seemed to sense his yearning, calling forth her love, feeding it through their bond. It flowed into his mind, washing over his being in waves to cleanse him totally. He sent back his own love and relief, to mix with hers, their combined power, overwhelming all else.

  “Thank love...” he whispered again as he pulled away, gazing into her eyes as he kissed her, the touch of her soft lips to his own clearing the last of the lingering taint. The moment he pulled away, she tried to respond, to question him again. But before she could, he grabbed her elbow and escorted her to where Sir Seb'Losh and Captain Daiyu waited patiently. He nodded to them both, before following them into the hanger that held hundreds of ABF King and Emperor Class shuttles lined in rows.

  One shuttle stood out amongst the rest, mainly because of its unusual cylindrical shape that was so very unlike the standard cuboid shaped shuttles. But also since the groups of maintenance workers, who were scurrying between the launching shuttles, could be seen gawking at the sight whenever they moved past, unable to fathom the alien starship in the center of their hanger.

  This special starship, named the ABF Providence One, was the private shuttle he had designed alongside the ABF Sasha for when they would be forced to leave the larger starship’s protective confines. It was a little larger than a standard Emperor Class shuttle, being 55 meters long by 25 meters wide and tall, while being armored in gorian alloy instead of tilitium. Half the usual space reserved for the passenger compartments had been converted to guard transport, allowing for 50 combat armored Alutia Guards to accompany them, and deploy by combat tube if required.

  They followed Captain Daiyu through the bustling hanger, he almost tripping over a maintenance worker who maneuvered a diagnostic matrix, used to independently verify that all shuttle systems were indeed in perfect operation. He waved an apology as he moved onto the boarding ramp and into the shuttle. Captain Daiyu turned towards the bridge, he and Sasha close behind. The six member flight crew had already begun performing their pre-flight checks.

  “Captain...” Trent started, but trailed off, having forgotten the shuttle captain’s name.

  “Knight Captain Aumbis, Your Grace,” Captain Daiyu whispered into his ear.

  “Knight Captain Aumbis, launch whenever you're ready,” Trent ordered as Captain Daiyu saluted to him and Sasha, then moved to the shuttle captain’s side.

  “Understood, Your Grace. Welcome aboard,” Knight Captain Aumbis replied.

  “Let’s move to our apartment, my duke,” Sasha said, having noticed him pause. He nodded, following her off the bridge and up the steps to the waiting noble apartment.

  The front section of their small apartment was very similar to those of a standard Emperor Class shuttle. An aisle cut between rows of seating, but with one side replaced by two, oversized couches with adjacent retractable PDU tables. Sasha forced him down beside her as she sat in the second of the two couches.

  “Trent, about earlier...” she started voicing the question that was on her lips earlier, but Captain Daiyu entered the cabin in a hurry.

  “Excuse my interruption, Your Grace, it would be wise to stop and pick up your ladies at the palace before we depart for the ABF Sasha. All the standby shuttles have already launched and waiting for one to return from orbit, or another to finish preflight, would delay us significantly. We will divert to the palace if you have no objections?” Captain Daiyu explained while staring at Sasha.

  “Of course, Captain. Thank you,” Sasha responded politely. Captain Daiyu saluted, returning to the shuttles bridge.

  “Are you going to tell me what that was all about in the briefing room? Or am I going to have force it out of you?” Sasha asked in a tone he knew wouldn't accept anything but the truth.

  “It was strange,” he paused, considering how to word the odd experience. “Even though only one of the crew returned a cold sensation, I still felt a...a stickiness I guess you could call it...take hold within me,” he knew the term didn't do the feeling justice, so he decided to try to elaborate further. “It’s like, not really dirty, but like something...something unpleasant had covered my soul. Like my true feelings were encased...trapped's hard to explain,” he sighed, knowing his explanation made little sense.

  “Did it help?” she asked, her voice flowing like silk.

  “Yes...and I knew it would,” he looked up at her with a weak smile. “You are the only one who can clean the taint that finds its way into my very being...” he said. Her expression didn't reveal her mind and Trent felt a hint of worry touch his heart.

  “You know, my duke. No matter how you feel or think, you are never tainted or sullied, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself of this fact,” she leaned close, placing a hand to his cheek. “So always remember, you may use me to help ease your mind, for I love you, and will do anything to help you,” she spoke the words he knew so very well already. He blushed, feeling childish.

  “That may be true, Sasha, but the sensation I have after entering your emotions and feeling them around me...” he shivered and saw her smile wide.

  “It is paradise, my duke. I know...since you do not only enter me, but I also enter you. We become one and, if I had a choice, I would stay that way forever,” she leaned in, kissing him gently, and he let his lips linger, his passion and hunger lapping at the edge of his mind. Reluctantly, he pulled away, seeing they were landing at the palace.

  “Shall we meet your charges?” he asked.

  “They do seem like that sometimes, don't they? But I do love them so,” she sighed.

  Tiana and Regalia, plus Gil'Da, Belia and 20 of their servants, stood waiting on their private landing pad. Trent felt a tinge of regret as he noticed Yukie and her guards weren't present. He found he enjoyed the young girl's company, she reminding him of a younger sister, one he never had.

  “Grand Duke Trent, there is a message of great importance waiting for you,” Vin the Program said as its sp
here appeared above Sasha’s bracelet. Trent stiffened, his gaze falling on the sphere, then back up to Sasha.

  “I'll greet my ladies,” she said with a smile. Trent nodded, reluctantly releasing her hand. Once she vanished towards the shuttle entry, he accessed his BC node and quickly located a private BAP, then queued his waiting messages. There were hundreds, but only one with a level one priority.

  “What...” he whispered in disbelief when he learned who it was from; the leader of the New Universal Empirical Human Alliance, Emperor Yuloo Origin, Yukie's father. He felt his heart try to exit his chest as the message began to stream into his mind.

  “Grand Duke Trent Alutia, I am Emperor Yuloo Origin and I would like to thank you for your care of my daughter over the last few months. The incident with the Emperor's Purge Guard is regrettable, but without it, I would have continued to be unaware of the corruption that has taken hold within its ranks. Another of my agents verified your initial assertion of the decaying hearts of my purge guards and purge fleets. I will be taking action quietly, but during this time, I will be requiring your further assistance.

  “I must apologize to you now. The Emperor's Purge Fleet was unable to remove Duke Zehman before the emergency occurred at “The Wall”. I, along with King Johan, still plan his removal, but he remains in control of the Hulk'Zif Duchy and a threat to the stability of NHA Galaxy 189 and the Alutia Duchy. This leads me to my next demand.

  “My daughter has requested permission to accompany you on a mission which I have been informed will be dangerous, as you may run afoul of this Duke Zehman or those loyal to his cause. You must know my reluctance in allowing this, but I am afraid my refusal would cause Yukie, my dear daughter, to stagnate, the growth I have seen since her arrival on Alutia'Earth all for naught. So, Grand Duke Trent Alutia, if you and Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia will guarantee her safety, that she will not be allowed to leave the ABF Sasha without consent of you, Lady Sasha, and Knight Captain Erio, the commander of her private guard, I will allow her to accompany you.

  “She is my life, Sir Trent, remember this when you make any decisions that may place her life in danger. So even knowing your journey is dangerous, and knowing you may come into contact with forces that mean you harm, I will leave her to your and Lady Sasha’s judgment and care, as my agent, and, as I have hoped, a noble couple who will be the spark to Yukie's tinder.

  “I now have another request. One I make with much reluctance. But there are dire reasons behind its need which I cannot disclose. For I now ask you to take all responsibility over the Future Empress Yukie, for her safety and tutelage, until such time she and I deem fit for her to safely return to me. Teach her well, you and your lovely wife, and bear in mind, this is not a decision I make lightly, or ever wanted to consider. But it is the only way for her to live, to become a great NHA Empress, and for her not to experience the darkness that has been growing within the NHA, and will be further exposed with the review of the Emperor's Fleets.

  “Inform her I still require daily correspondence, including updates from both you and the Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, as often as possible.

  “Sir Trent, I thank you and plead, not as your emperor, but as a father who loves his daughter, that you care for Yukie like she is your own, which, in all legal aspects of the term, she now is until the time of her return to me. Emperor Yuloo Origin, 298th Hereditary Emperor of the New Universal Empirical Human Alliance,” Trent released his BC Node to find curious stares surrounding him.

  Sasha sat at his side, her concern once again obvious within her beautiful emerald eyes. Tiana and Regalia sat across the aisle, gazing at him inquisitively, while Yukie kneeled before him, staring intently into his eyes as she squeezed beside him.

  Trent glanced at Sasha, her concern shifting to interest as he continued to sit in silence. Just as she was about to question, he placed a finger to her lips, turning back to Yukie while patting Sasha's lap with his free hand. Yukie, confused at first, but quickly understanding what he implied, rushed around him to sit harder then Trent would have expected on Sasha's lap. Sasha let escape an exaggerated grunt. Tiana and Regalia giggled at the sight, though their own eyes showed signs of their jealousy. Sasha looked between Yukie and Trent, her own confusion obvious as Trent pushed a wayward lock clear of her brow, then did the same to Yukie.

  “Yukie, do you like being with us, me and Sasha, Tiana, Regalia, and Vickie?” he asked. Yukie's look turned inquisitive as she pulled Sasha's arms around her waist.

  “Of course, you are the first friends I've ever had,” she said with her usual excitement.

  “Do you miss your father?” he said, his tone turning serious. Yukie looked at him, then Sasha, smiling sadly.

  “Yes, a little. But I talk to him more now than I ever did on Origin. We spend at least an hour every day discussing a great many things we never had an opportunity when I was at home,” Yukie explained. Trent nodded, thinking it must have been easier for the emperor to use the excuse to take an hour out of his busy schedule to talk to his daughter who was far away, then to take the same hour if she was still living in the same house.

  He turned his gaze back to Sasha, looking deep into her eyes, knowing he had made a decision for them both and, even though he understood her thoughts, she would also have to take responsibility. She started puffing out her cheeks, Trent realizing she wouldn’t let him have his fun much longer.

  “Yukie, I received a message from the emperor,” Yukie frowned, fear and anger flashing across her face.

  “He said I could come! There must be a mistake. Tooga sen-,” Trent grasped Yukie’s cheeks, causing her to stiffen and blush.

  “ can still come. But now you no longer have to ask his permission to accompany us,” her eyes went wide with wonder, and Trent could see her mind working behind them, plotting her next great adventure. “As good as that may seem, you now need the permission of three others, who may not be as lenient as your father,” he continued, an unexpected tear coming to his eye. “My dear Yukie, you may stay with Sasha and myself for as long as you like, your father has given us guardianship over you and your studies till the time you wish to return to Origin,” Yukie's mouth moved, as if she wanted to speak, but nothing came out. Sasha looked just as dazed, staring at him, then Yukie, then her speechless ladies. He leaned close to her ear.

  “This will be good practice...I know you will make as fine a mother as you do a wife,” he said sincerely, Sasha only able to nod her response. Yukie, as if understanding finally sank in, hugged Sasha fiercely, sniffling as she tried to hold back tears.

  “Can I stay with you forever?” she asked, the question having taken him off guard.

  “Of course, Yukie. But I think you may come to miss your father in time,” Sasha explained kindly, but Yukie shook her head as if it wasn't possible. Trent glanced to the Empress Guards, who shifted nervously near the apartment’s entry, staring at their empress.

  “Go talk with Sir Seb'Losh. Yukie will be staying with us for the foreseeable future, so it may be prudent to integrate the two guard services in some way, instead of having you keep bumping heads,” the combat armor guards nodded, exiting towards the section of the shuttle converted for the use of the Alutia Guard. Trent turned to the Tiana and Regalia, whispering to each other with hands over their mouths.

  “And you two...please take care of her as well and try to keep her away from Lady Vickie's...influence,” he forced a smile, knowing that speaking of Lady Vickie like she was their would keep moral high.

  “It's not her you have to worry about,” Tiana said, a tinge of humor in her voice. Trent raised an eyebrow and looked down at the smirking Yukie, tears still soaking her cheeks while she stared up at Sasha.

  “Does this mean you will teach me why you moan so loudly at night?” Yukie asked, grinning with devilish delight, and using an innocent tone that in no way matched her question. Sasha gasped, eyes boiling as she turned a fiery red. Trent chuckled.

  Oh yes...this will be interes


  Their ragged breaths cut through the oppressive darkness, making it appear to ripple as the humid air had become thick as water. Georigi tried to bear it, as an honorable man should. But after the strain of his captivity, and “strain” of surrendering to Lady Vickie’s desires, the humidity had become too overbearing, he unable to stand it any longer. Carefully, he began peeling off the outer layers of his uniform, not wanting to wake the fitfully sleeping Lady Vickie at his side.

  She moaned, his movements having disturbed her. But she didn't waken, still hugging her knees to her chest, the same way she had been since having fallen into slumber after, once again, forcefully taking his innocence.

  Having had no other choice, he allowed Vickie to indulge her yearnings. He reciprocated, but had difficulty forgetting that three unseen watchers waited silently in the nearby darkness, while danger loomed just over the horizon. His noble heart had cried out, claiming his actions dishonorable. But his mind had fought back, screaming it was needed to heal the Lady Vickie. In the end, the internal conflict left him emotionally fatigued while the lovemaking left him physically drained. He licked his chapped lips, salty from his sweat, his parched throat begging for him to open the access hatch and try to drink from the fast running water.

  “Here,” Sir Illion, seeming to sense his need, placed a small tablet in his hand which he recognized as a hydration pill.

  “Thank you, Sir Illion. I must apologize for my actions, it was very inappropriate to conduct such behavior in the presence of others and during such a dire situation,” he said, his embarrassment obvious by his tone as he swallowed the pill.

  “I should be thanking you, Sir Georigi. Noble's Delight only starts removing itself from the system after a certain “excitement level” is reached,” Sir Illion responded carefully. Georigi sighed in relief, Sir Illion having clearly recognized the need for his normally dishonorable actions. “So once she awakens, her mind should be clear. But we still have almost 20 kilometers to go...” Sir Illion's words faded and Sir Georigi tensed as a distant rumble touched his ears. He placed a hydration pill on Vickie’s tongue before sliding his arms under her, then carrying her a distance down the tunnel, before stopping behind his combat armored guard whose dim silhouette showed that he had his combat arc at the ready.


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