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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

Page 40

by Craig Gerttula

  Another smirk found its way to her lips as she thought of how the crew was already in store for an unexpected treat. They were currently on the ABF Sasha's maiden voyage, being the first starship commissioned from the Alutia Black Fleet Construction and Retrofit Station, and transferred to Alutia'Earth orbit by a skeleton crew. So the vast majority of the 200 crew and 200 Alutia and Empress Guards currently onboard had yet to have a meal, and would be expecting the typical shipboard rations that were standard fare on all NHA warships. But the ABF Sasha was special, unlike any other NHA starship ever constructed, having a full food production facility onboard that could easily support over a 1000 crewman, again, thanks to Trent thinking outside expected starship design. This allowed for everyone, the crew, guards, and servants, to eat like nobles.

  “Yes,” Trent whispered under his breath, having finally located the icon in which he searched. A two-dimensional projection coalesced in the air before them showing Captain Daiyu, who saluted from her place on the bridge.

  “Grand Duchess Sasha, Grand Duke Trent, the crew has asked me to send their regards for the meal. Most still do not believe that this will be standard fare while on duty.” Sasha noticed Trent trying to suppress a grin as she did the same.

  “Thank you, Captain, only the best for the crew of my wife's personal star-.”

  “Our personal starship, my duke, and Captain Daiyu, how is the redesigned Officer Deck? We have not had a chance to tour it as of yet.” Captain Daiyu, to Sasha's amazement, blushed.

  “I'd actually wanted to discuss this with you, Your Grace. The Captain's Quarters are larger than the standard Rear-Admiral's Quarters on most capital ships. Was there some confusion during the assignment of rooms?” Daiyu asked in all seriousness. Trent’s grin escaped in response. Sasha elbowed him in the ribs, eliciting an exaggerated grunt, followed by a frown. She sighed, then nodded. I will let him have his fun.

  “As I was saying, Captain, only the best for the best. There were no mistakes. I personally think a happy crew is a productive crew, so if you, your officers, or crew find anything lacking, please bring it to my attention and we will have it corrected immediately,” Trent said without pause, and Sasha felt his pure elation fill their bond. It made her heart cry out. He loved this starship; this starship he had been given, but designed solely for her safety and comfort. The thought made her tingle.

  “Sir Trent, I can already say that there will be no complaints. This starship is the finest in the universe and on behalf of myself and the crew, I would like to thank you for providing us the opportunity to fly her,” Captain Daiyu saluted, nothing but truth in her words. “And, Sir Trent, my tactical officer has informed me that you are acquaintances from Earth,” Trent's smile faded and Sasha felt his grip on her hand tighten, beads of sweat forming on his brow. Another two-dimensional projection appeared beside Captain Daiyu's, showing a sharp faced young officer, with short black hair and narrow, almost beady eyes.

  “Taku!” Trent said in disbelief, his worry vanishing as the young man in the image smiled wide.

  “Sir Trent! It's a pleasure...and you sure have risen in rank since I first met you as the confused Earthling creating chaos around TSB Earth Base,” Taku said, his tone oddly smug.

  Trent turned to Sasha, unable to hide his amazement at the unexpected reunion. “Remember the TSB officer who helped me locate you when you came to Earth?” Her eyes went wide as she nodded vigorously, turning to the projection.

  “Lt.-Commander Taku, I owe you more then I could possibly ever repay. We tried to locate you, but we were told you were occupied elsewhere?” Sasha said. Taku shivered as if the memories Sasha had awakened were unpleasant.

  “Quarantine.......It was horrible. A few of those HDP spores found their way into someone's clothes and everyone who escaped had to go through tests for a month,” he rubbed his arms, as if cold had penetrated his very flesh. “But it did mean I was lucky enough to have yet to be reassigned. So when Captain Daiyu started requesting volunteers from the unassigned TSB officers, I jumped on the opportunity,” Taku explained, looking as excited as Trent.

  “Well...Lt.-Commander Taku...we will have to dine together once this current crisis is averted and discuss a proper reward for your help in introducing me to my husband,”

  Taku blushed, then saluted. “Yes, ma'am.”

  “It's good to see you, Taku, we'll catch up when we have more time,” Trent nodded as Taku saluted again with a smile, before the images faded.

  “I like this starship,” Trent said with a curt nod, his hushed words overflowing with delight.

  “More then you like Sasha?” Yukie leaned across the armrest, a playful look in her eyes.

  “That would be impossible, Yukie. There are no words to describe how much I like Sasha,” the young girl started bouncing in place, looking between her and Trent. “And before you get a chance to ask about what I can tell is on your mind, I think I will start with that tutoring your father mentioned,” Yukie's face went slack, and she suddenly appeared like a trapped animal, searching her surroundings desperately for the nearest route of escape.

  “It won't be that bad,” Trent frowned, but Sasha could tell it was forced. “You know about the different starship designs...correct?” Yukie froze, looking at Trent precariously, not sure if her answer would lead him to lecture, like most noble tutors were known to do.

  “Yes...all combat and non-combat models,” she chose her words carefully, as if trying to predict and stem off Trent's tutelage.

  “Excellent, tell me about the Sasha Class.” Yukie looked at Trent, then to Sasha, a wry smile escaping her lips.

  “Trent, I'm sure you have much more experience with the Sasha Class then I do. But if you'd let me stay in your room at night...I could provide you a very detailed description!” Trent's chin dropped to his chest and Tiana, who had been listening politely from her other side, started snickering.

  “That's restricted information, Yukie, even for an empress,” Trent turned to Sasha, cheeks slightly rosy. She shook her head, knowing the thoughts that must be passing through that mind of his.

  “I'm talking about the Sasha Class “starship” Yukie,” Trent said serious as he pointed towards the CID. Yukie's smile faded as she studied the projection.

  “Of caused quite the stir at the SDRG, mind you, and they are reviewing some of the design changes with plans of debating their inclusion in the standard NHA starship design during the next design meeting,” Trent nodded and looked to Sasha, smiling proudly.

  “Now Sasha...could you tell me why a poor, ignorant man from a backward planet was able to come up with design changes that could improve so much on the standard design?” She pursed her lips as the question sunk in, then punched him in the arm.

  “I'll ignore your tone for now, professor, but no...I do not know why,” Trent nodded, showing a playfully devious grin that didn't fit him at all, then turned back to Yukie.

  “I don't doesn't make any sense...” Yukie trailed off as she ran her hands through her gold and silver locks.

  “Tiana?” Trent tapped his fingers on the armrest as he looked around Sasha.

  “Because you are ever so smart, Sir Trent?” Tiana responded with her refreshingly familiar mocking. Trent laughed a little too hard.

  “Well, that may be part of it...but no,” he responded, winking at Sasha. She sighed.


  The young girl looked up from her intent observation of her mother's training. “It has to do with an outside perspective. If the same people keep looking at the same thing, they will eventually all agree with each other and nothing will ever change. It’s a group mentality, or “group think”,” she clearly explained.

  Trent whistled. “That is correct, Regalia, very well done,” Regalia smiled then started giggling as Tiana tickled her mercilessly. Belia, who had paused her training when Trent had raised the question to Regalia, was now staring at her daughter with what Sasha recognized as pride, then blu
shed as she noticed Sasha's stare. Sasha nodded that it was ok, and Belia returned to her work.

  “Now Yukie, do you understand what that means?” Trent turned back to Yukie, who looked at Regalia with a frown.

  “Maybe...does it mean that since you have no preconception of what a starship should be like, you are able to make changes that others who have been working on them their entire lives would never think of?”

  Trent nodded. “Correct, very well done, Yukie,” Yukie beamed a smile and Sasha began to fully understand as well.

  The SDRG was responsible for all starship related design and research, but it had become more of a cushy job for connected nobles. Its membership had changed little over the past 400 years. The nobles who left, being replaced by their protégés, who had similar beliefs and would probably continue to stifle innovation due to their inability to recognize the need for change, just as Trent explained.

  “You need to forcefully rotate them out,” Sasha whispered under her breath. Trent spun to her, nodding for her to go on. “Yukie, you know better than the rest of us the composition of the SDRG. Think about what you just learned and how you may be able to use that to improve future starship designs,” Yukie stared at Sasha, as if she had the answer, but couldn't quite grasp it. Her eyes went wide and she jumped to her feet, her mind gripping firmly onto the slippery idea.

  “We need to not only bring in new members, but get rid of the old!” She bounced with excitement. Tiana stood, hopping across the deck to grab Yukie’s hands, both girls breaking out in synchronous dance. Their catillians awoke and started mimicking the dancing girls, squeaking and hooting their delight. Terra hopped from her bosom and danced with Lia on Trent's head, while Ori and Ash squeaked as they danced across the young girls’ shoulders and bosoms. Trent turned to her, confusion evident in his eyes.

  “If you want to continue your lessons, my duke, you may want to catch them...” Sasha pointed past Trent at the two girls whose dance had led them to the transport tube. Trent turned just in time to see them wave and vanish within. Sasha couldn't keep from laughing, knowing her own escapades to escape her tutors were much less extravagant, but just as effective.

  Trent sighed. “Was I that bad?” he asked, a bit of melancholy in his tone. She place her other hand over his and looked deep into his eyes.

  “My duke, you did wonderfully. You just have to remember who you are dealing with. Not all students are as dedicated as Lady Regalia,” Sasha turned to Regalia, who had made her way to her mother's side and was closely monitoring her progress.

  “I just feels overwhelming, being handed the responsibility of teaching the next leader of the universe...” he sighed again. She smiled, bringing a hand to his stubbled cheek.

  “That is why I'm here, my duke. Next time you want to perform an impromptu lesson, let me know and I will have certain “individuals” placed at all the exits.” Trent raised an eyebrow, then smiled as he realized what she was saying.

  “My love....what would I do without you?” He leaned in to kiss her.

  “That is a thought best left unspoken,” she kissed him back. He stood, pulling her to her feet.

  “Now, I believe it's time we have dinner. Would you mind contacting Sir Seb'Losh and have him escort the ladies to the dining hall?” Sasha knew exactly what he was thinking.

  “Of course, my duke.” They walked hand and hand to the transport tube, nodding goodbye to Regalia and her mother, who didn't even notice them leave.


  “I think Vickie is still in the same place as before, but I cannot be certain. It appears to be a standard barracks or common sleeping area, no real discerning marks besides it being a few hundred meters underground, I think,” Sasha explained tentatively, her eyes shut, her breathing shallow.

  “Is she safe?” Trent asked.

  “Yes, she is safe and it appears she is not being held captive,” Sasha said. Trent sighed, relieved, but still hated to see his love this way, wishing he could take her place and use the Arm of the Emperor in her stead.

  “How about Sir Georigi?”

  “He was not present,” Sasha frowned. “And the Arm of the Emperor does not work on him...” Trent rubbed his chin, knowing Sir Georigi wouldn't leave Vickie's side unless something serious had befallen. But also felt relieved, cursing himself as he realized why. I shouldn't be happy knowing that Sasha couldn't find Sir Georigi.

  The Arm of the Emperor worked as a locater of sorts that could show Sasha visions of friends and family no matter where they were in the universe. The requirements for who she could locate were pretty vague. They assumed, through trial and error, that Sasha had to have met the person in question since she received the Arm of the Emperor, as well as having her consider them a “true” friend or family member. It was a thin line, but Trent was pretty sure she thought of Sir Georigi as just an acquaintance.

  “Your Grace, can you locate the area on the map?” Head of Yukie's Empress Guard, Knight Captain Erio asked, pointing towards the Oasis Barrier Colony, the capital city of Planet Alutia V5432, being projected above the conference table.

  Sasha stared at the floating image, but shook her head. “The visions move too quickly, I'll try to concentrate more on the location next time I go,” she explained.

  Trent placed a finger to Sasha’s cheek, cold and clammy from overexertion. “Don't overdo it, my love, we still have a few hours before we arrive,” she smiled weakly with a nod, showing signs of the fatigue he knew was born from overuse of the Arm of the Emperor.

  Trent turned to Captain Daiyu. “Any word from Sir Georigi's battle group?” he asked.

  “Yes, they left a beacon stating that Sir Georigi and Lady Vickie were on the surface in the care of an Administrator Vazik. Apparently Baron Tuhbil is absent, exploring his holdings, or so Sir Vazik claimed,” Trent turned to Sir Seb'Losh.

  “Both are Duke Zehman's men, Your Grace,” he stated without pause. “I'd assume that the only reason they haven't retreated back to the Hulk'Zif Duchy is that they believe Duke Zehman will recover Alutia in due time,” Sir Seb'Losh tapped the table as he spoke. “This leaves us with a rather large problem. The garrison. If the records hold true, there are more than 5000 highly trained house guards on the surface.” Sir Seb'Losh's expression turned grim as he looked to the old, white haired Empress Guard seated at his side. “Do you have any experience with extraction?” Sir Seb'Losh asked Knight Captain Erio.

  Sir Erio nodded. “Yes, only the best are allowed in the Empress Guard and are fully trained for every perceivable situation,” Sir Erio responded without emotion. Sir Seb'Losh stared at the man for a moment, then nodded, turning back to Trent and Sasha.

  “The only problem will be a distraction. We need to keep them looking elsewhere as the extraction team locates Lady Vickie and Sir Georigi,” Sir Seb’Losh explained.

  “If we cou-,” he started.

  “Negotiations,” Sasha interrupted. “There is no reason for us to let them know that we have knowledge that Lady Vickie has escaped. Let us arrange a meeting with the administrator and have all eyes turned on us.” Sasha explained.

  Trent thought about her idea for a moment, realizing it a good plan. But who would have enough sway to pull all eyes to them during a negotiation? Trent wondered, but found the question answered itself when he took in the dubious looks on the guard's faces.

  “That's very well and good, Your Grace, but who will handle these negotiations?” Sir Seb'Losh asked the question on the tongues of all those present. Trent caught Sasha's smirk out of the corner of his eye and knew her response. He squeezed her hand to head her off and answered first.

  “I would say me, Sir Seb'Losh,” Sasha glared at him, “but since Sasha would never allow me to go alone,” he continued quickly, “it will have to be us...and before you complain, who else could we send that would gain the undivided attention of the entire planet?” Sir Seb'Losh's expression contorted into the definition of fury, then quickly shifted back to stone as
he glared between him and Sasha.

  “For the record, I find it a foolish and absurdly dangerous game you choose to continue playing. But since I know that once the two of you have made up your minds, there is no stopping you, I will instead make a suggestion, one that you will accept!” he raised his fist and almost slammed it on the table.

  “What is this suggestion, Sir Seb'Losh?” Sasha growled.

  Sir Seb’Losh’s expression went serious, but his eyes raged. “Gorian Reactive Combat Armor.” Trent cocked his head, confused by the suggestion.

  “Wouldn't that be a little obvious, Sir Seb'Losh?” Sasha asked before he could voice his own concern.

  “Actually, Your Grace,” Knight Captain Erio answered first. “It’s common practice for the emperor and many of his highest ranking nobles. If you wear robes and program the armor to only extend partially around your limbs and head, you will still be provided a high amount of protection with no one being the wiser.” The heavy words of the older man seemed to carry more weight than the younger Sir Seb'Losh. Trent looked to Sasha, who nodded.

  “Agreed. We will wear combat armor under robes,” she said and some of the tension faded from the air, but not all.

  “Then...if there isn't anything else, I think Sasha needs some rest before we arrive,” Trent said. She shot him a fiery glare, and he turned away, feigning disinterest.

  “Very well, please visit the armory at your first opportunity. It will take longer than normal to fit the gorian armor perfectly, Your Graces,” Sir Seb'Losh said as he stood, saluting stiffly. Trent nodded and thanked the rest of the guards and officers present as they exited the small conference room in their outer apartment.

  “I thought you would be mad, my duke?” Sasha whispered as they slowly walked down the hall towards their inner apartment

  “I am...but I already planned on drugging you and leaving you behind, then going down to the surface by myself,” he whispered back jokingly.


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