The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2) Page 60

by Craig Gerttula

  “Sir Illion, call Precursor Dei'Fil, I think his “expertise” will be required during the interrogation,” Sasha commanded as Sir Seb'Losh searched the man lying unconscious on the floor, his face tense.

  “He's on his way, Your Grace.” Sir Illion responded.

  Sasha felt Trent trembling. “Are you all right?” she asked.

  He forced a smile. “No, he not only lied, but....but went ice cold. I still feel him inside...its...the taint....” she caressed his back, helping him into a seat. It took only a moment for her to force open their bond, then recoil, having brushed against a mind encased in a block of solid ice. She recovered quickly, grasping her burning love and pouring it through their bond, ignoring the scalding steam which seemed to try to push her back. It felt like the battle lasted for hours, but after only a few seconds the ice was gone and Trent started kissing her.

  “'s not the time,” Tiana scolded, reminding her of Gil'Da. Trent released his embrace and she pulled away, smiling, Trent's cheeks flush and eyes twinkling.

  “It's always the time, Tiana. One day you will realize this,” Sasha responded playfully.

  Vickie laughed. “Only for you, of course...isn't that right, Sasha?” she purred.

  “Of are finally learning, Vickie,” their playful banter seemed lost on the rest of the guests, who were quickly seating themselves.

  The door opened and four servants carrying exotic drinks and food entered, Sir Wontin taking this as an opportunity to return to his duties as host.

  “Shall we dine while we wait for the services to join us?” Sir Wontin seemed to have regained his composure.

  Sasha smiled. “That would be acceptable, Sir Wontin, and in the meantime you can inform me of how much of this discounted growth agent we are talking about and what sort of “discount” you will be passing along to the Alutia Duchy,” Sir Wontin's eyes went wide, then he laughed, obviously overjoyed at being pulled into the game of his chosen business.

  “Well, Lady Sasha, you see, even with the cheaper prices, shipping costs will be...”


  Tiana stood idly by the wall sized window, watching Precursor Dei'Fil and Private Guard Commander Nu'Min carry the unconscious “spy” out of the conference room. The meeting had been over before it began, Dei'Fil deciding it best to interrogate the “spy” in private and thoroughly examine his communication records before deciding on the best course of action. Vickie stood at her side, an outstretched hand brushing against the windows face as she gazed upon the city expanding before them.

  “So he is here,” Vickie whispered, her hopes having been renewed.

  Precursor Dei'Fil did provide them with one piece of information before he left. The freighter that had transported Sir Georigi from Heclutia was currently in orbit, its transponder stating that it was now a legitimate Hulk'Zif freighter, and according to the ground side freight records, had delivered a medical tube to the surface, its registration matching the one the service's had recorded leaving Heclutia; the medical tube containing Sir Georigi.

  Tiana desperately hoped that the data was true, but frowned when she realized just how easy it may be to forge records to throw them off their trail. The tube may have been switched in transit, Sir Georigi's destination altered. But Tiana kept her concern silent, not wanting to dash Vickie's fleeting hope. Instead, believing, like Vickie, that Sir Georigi was indeed transported to Don'Alutia's surface.

  “Since we will not have time later, I thought it would be best to show Trent to the Spa, then, a little shopping.” Sasha approached, her arm around Trent's waist

  “What about the interrogation? Will they not need your...ability?” Tiana asked curiously, staring at Trent's chocker, the Eye of the Emperor, with a glowing purple gem flanked by two glowing green gems, set in a gorian alloy base.

  “This planet has a Program, so it shouldn't be a problem,” Trent responded. Tiana smiled with a nod, again finding herself looking at Trent with different eyes since their journey into his mind, realizing she understood him better, and part of the reason why he still had trouble moving on from his troubled past.

  She'd decided to continue supporting his relationship with Sasha, but only as long as they allowed her to continue assisting with his therapy. The memory of the raw emotions flowing between her lady and her husband made her body tingle, and it took all her willpower not to blush again.

  “Your Grace, if that is indeed the case, would you mind an escort? My son knows the city very well and can steer you clear of the many less then reputable establishments,” Sir Wontin offered as he approached from the door where he had been in quiet discussion with his secretary, Peg'Eie.

  “Is that true?” Trent turned to Sasha, then Sir Wontin, who showed surprise at the question.

  “Sir Trent is from Earth, so he is still ignorant of many of the...traditions...of NHA culture and business,” Sasha explained. Sir Wontin nodded his understanding.

  “He's probably the most ignorant person you will ever meet,” Tiana blurted, unable to contain herself.

  Sasha gasped. “Tiana, how dare you!” she steamed as Trent, to everyone's surprise, started to chuckle.

  “It's true, I study as much as I can, but there's just so much. Without these ladies I'd probably have run afoul of some unexpected tradition or custom I thought I did when I first met the king. For a moment I thought I might lose my head,” Trent explained. Sir Wontin fidgeted in place, not knowing how to reply to Trent's overly honest response, who must have been the strangest member of the strangest group of nobles he'd ever met.

  “What did you do to the king?” Sir Totin asked from behind his father, fascination and excitement mixed into one; reminding her of another young lady who seemed always overly excited. One Yukie was already more than they could handle, Tiana sighed.

  “Sir Trent decided it would be prudent to lecture King Johan after he questioned one of Trent's first proclamations. I thought the whole front row of the Alutia Court would collapse having overheard the exchange,” Sasha blushed, shaking her head, pride flowing through her words.

  “And the king did nothing...” Sir Wontin seemed at a loss, his question fading.

  “Oh...he did something. He laughed then provided his blessing to their union. Trent is the luckiest man in the universe,” Tiana responded before Sasha, receiving another icy glare, so she forced a mocking pouted in reply.

  “Amazing...Sir Trent, it is definitely a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Sir Wontin said with honesty.

  “The pleasure is mine, Sir Wontin, Lady Venra,” Trent turned to Sir Totin.”We would enjoy your company and this should give us an opportunity to discuss the issue of your sister...which I assume you can provide us with every detail of her disappearance?” Trent's expression went unreadable.

  Sir Totin stared Trent straight in the eye, unwavering, then nodded. “My friends and I have been searching for her every day,” Sir Totin's voice cracked.

  Trent smiled. “Good...that makes things easier,” he turned to Sasha and kissed her suddenly, surprising everyone. “Let's get going,” he released Sasha and started to move, but Sasha didn't follow, her eyes twinkling at his side as she gazed at Tiana and Vickie with a familiar smile.

  “These uniforms are not appropriate for a day on the town. Would you not agree Tiana, Vickie?” Tiana smiled, knowing what her lady was planning.

  “Of course not,, all the new trends and designs. We must research them thoroughly,” Tiana responded, winking at Vickie, who winked back with a wide grin.

  “Do not forget the new gems, ladies. There are so many newly discovered that I would be ever so sad if I missed the opportunity to see one,” Vickie continued, causing the three ladies, in unison, to look expectantly at Trent.

  “Whatever you like, but I don't have any money,” Tiana turned to Sasha, whose glee at Trent's embarrassment was obvious to all.

  “My have the entire Alutia Duchy treasury at y
our disposal,” Sasha said. Trent seemed confused and taken aback by Sasha's words.

  “But that is for the people and the betterment of our duchy. I'd never imagine using that money for myself...” Trent froze as Sasha leaned in and kissed his cheek.

  “That's why I love you, my duke, and why I had Sir Oadi create a personal account that includes only the awards from your commendations and the living stipend we would normally received as unlanded nobles,” Sir Wontin coughed spasmodically, his wife rubbing his back in concern. When he finally recovered, he looked between Sasha and Trent, face of wonder.

  “You are the most mysterious nobles I have ever met,” he shook his head in disbelief, “thinking of the people before themselves...such a foreign concept...” he turned back to his wife, who continued to rub his back.

  “ need to keep up with the services and news reports. The Alutia Duchy has done away with the petty system and are paying to reeducate them as commons. It is all everyone is talking about,” Lady Venra explained. Tiana froze; it had already spread, the proclamation of ten days before. Sasha and Trent stood together, gazing at the now white faced Sir Wontin.

  “Is it true?” Sir Wontin asked, seeming unsure if he should raise the question.

  “Yes. The petty system has been abolished in the Alutia Duchy,” Sasha replied, unable to mask her pride.

  “That's remarkable. How are you going to handle the petty jobs?” Sir Wontin asked, now more sure of himself.

  “Converting them to common jobs is the first step, with higher pay and safety upgrades, of course. But until our nobles become accustomed to the higher costs, we will be subsidizing the increase from the treasury,” Trent responded as if he'd been discussing such matters for years. Maybe he actually isn't that ignorant, Tiana mused. Sir Wontin wiped the sweat from his cheeks with the small, auto-dry handkerchief he carried, appearing deep in thought.

  “Yes...yes, that might work. What about fleet considerations? Nobles have always been reluctant to lose easy access to a crew reserve,” Sir Wontin asked, his curiosity peaked.

  Trent placed a gentle hand on Sasha's shoulder, smiling with a nod. “Certain changes are being discussed in regards to recruitment, but I'd rather not say anything more until we actually decide to integrate the modifications. But we foresee no issues,” Sasha explained, an airy grace to her words.

  Sir Wontin started bobbing his head as he rubbed his belly. “Understandable...but this changes everything...” the man seemed to forget others were around.

  “Lady Sasha...I'm sorry for my husband, he forgets himself at times. But if you're interested in the newest styles, I'd recommend Zelus Galaxy 8 in the noble shopping district. It's also very close to the most prestigious spa on Don'Alutia.” A look passed between her and her son.

  “Thank you, Lady Venra, and I'm assuming that this is also related to your daughters disappearance?” the suspicion in Sasha's tone caught Tiana off guard, along with the shocked Lady Venra and her son.

  “I'm sorry, Lady Sasha, I...I meant no disrespect. My daughter disappeared from a popular noble hangout close to the spa.” she curtsied, head lowered in deference.

  “No disrespect taken, Lady Venra. But if Trent has taught me one is that honesty is important for successful relationships,” Sasha responded kindly, the color quickly returning to Lady Venra's cheeks as she curtsied again.

  “We should be going,” Trent said, looking to the ladies, then Sir Totin, who nodded.

  “We shall await your return,” Sir Wontin bowed and Lady Venra curtseyed as they exited the conference room with only five of their guards in tow. Leisurely, in a way that had become uncommon since the days they left Tidelia, they made their way through the hallways of Sacred Venra Holdings headquarters. Tiana thought she noticed something pass between Sasha and Sir Seb'Losh, but it was only for a moment. She guessed it had to do with the fact that he'd again been forced to leave the majority of their guards behind.

  After a short walk down a busy corridor, Tiana finding the number of employees well beyond what she expected, they entered a packed transport tube station, pushing their way into the first open tube transport. A twenty minute trip later, they exited into the bustling noble and common shopping districts.

  The tube station where they emerged was in the center of a lush garden full of relaxing nobles dressed in all sorts of wonderful styles. Red's and blue's seemed to be the most prominent choice, with a dress design that was based on the wispy style that had been popular when she was still living on Tidelia. She grabbed Vickie's hand and rushed into the mulling crowd; waving for everyone to hurry. It'd been too long since her and Sasha's last shopping expedition.

  Leaving the garden behind, they joined the flow of casually shopping nobles and commons on the wide promenade of carved, greenish-white stone that weaved in multiple directions. Abutting the promenade were rows of pyramid shaped shops, with a few dome, spiral, and cube shaped buildings mixed in for good measure, selling goods from every corner of the universe. The front of each shop was open, displaying the wears, items, or services provided within while showing the trust of the shopkeepers for their customers, as was tradition in galaxy 189.

  Leapers roamed the streets in front of the shops, hawking their wares and trying to persuade those who past to enter for the customary beverage. She giggled as they weaved through an “L-Station”, a set area for the leapers of a specific good where they could exclaim, quite vigorously, the wonders of their wares to those who were actually shopping for that specific good.

  They walked past an owner of a jewel and jewelry shop, standing with a leaper, who wore many of her wares across her chest. One caught Sasha's eye, and as she was want to do, darted through the dense crowd with Trent in tow, leaving the guards and ladies to hurry behind. Tiana and Vickie, who had been enjoying the atmosphere, arrived last and immediately noticed what must have perked Sasha interest.

  On the leaper's forearm, amongst many fine bracelets and adornments, was a galaxy gem, its swirling center of the rare reddish-blue hue, set in a double bracelet of “living” platinum, which could be split into two. When split, the gem would also separate, the red swirl moving to one part, while the blue to the other, or Tiana assumed, having seen similar jewelry in past. But that wasn't what made it unique. It was a commemorative piece, made in honor of Grand Duchess Sasha's and Grand Duke Trent's marriage of elevation, with their names engraved in thousands of different languages along the bracelets rings.

  “I would like to discuss ownership of that bracelet,” Sasha said the customary words of barter for galaxy 189.

  The tall, bird-like woman who wore the jewelry smiled. “Ownership in question...if you would please follow me,” she responded in kind.

  They were ushered into a small, pyramid shaped shop within a row of hundreds. Both side walls were covered with a multitude of gems, both cut and uncut, glittering majestically as strategically placed biolights illuminated their surface. They were met by a pair of pushers, the employees usually responsible for making a sale to the clients caught by the leapers, and led to the rear of the shop.

  “My drink...the Zeobar!” the owner exclaimed as the pushers placed a tiny glass of a unique, smoky green beverage in front of those who had entered the shop, as was custom. Tiana puckered her lips as she tasted the unique beverage, knowing this shop would be the only place in the galaxy where this particular tart beverage could be found.

  “The price...” Sasha asked after taking her first sip.

  “150,000 NHA credits,” the bird-like woman blushed as she presented the bracelet on a white pillow.

  “150,000 for this and a...a discount of say...35% on an additional item,” Sasha countered.

  The owner's eyes twinkled, a smile trying to escape to the surface. “Of course! We have a deal!” the bird-like woman responded happily.

  “Ownership resolved,” they said in unison, sealing the transaction.

  “Tiana...Vickie...” Trent called out, having finished his
drink and begun browsing, two pushers shadowing his every move. Tiana followed Vickie to a section of the wall near where Trent stood near Sasha, who sat studying her new bracelet. Lined upon its surface were cut gems intermingled with the finished products.

  Trent pointed to a section of the wall. “Choose,” he said, completely serious. Tiana almost collapsed as she read the price gage. Vickie, obviously not one to miss an opportunity for some expensive jewelry, started scanning the assortment. But Tiana stood frozen in place, staring at Trent, who seemed confused.

  “You cannot be serious, Trent. That's an entire year’s noble living stipend!” Trent seemed surprised and he turned to Sasha.

  “My can afford it...” she said, not even looking up as she fingered a reddish-black gem Tiana had never before seen, then looked to the owner, who was now flanked by two more pushers adorning a full assortment of even more expensive jewelry.

  “But how? You said...” Sasha stood, placing a finger to Trent's lips, then brought his hand up, rubbing the ring representations of the Star of Terra, then the King's Nova, which he wore on his second and fourth finger.

  The owner gasped. “That is very rare,” she gushed in awe, inching forward to get a closer look. Trent blushed, allowing the tall woman to study the two adornments that only he was allowed to wear. The owner nodded her thanks before turning back to Sasha and pointing to another gem, one of a swirling crimson that was on a pusher's chest, explaining how she could make it into a ring to match Trent’s. Sasha winked at Tiana, before following the owner to get a better look.

  “ heard her,” Trent smiled. She decided against continuing to argue and instead, joined Vickie in browsing over every piece of expensive jewelry that covered the wall.

  In the end she chose a bracelet of a color similar to her gorian earrings and necklace, inlaid with twenty gems of varying hues of crimson she'd never before seen. Vickie went a similar route, picking a ring that matched her own necklace, with a rose stone that swirled like it contained an immortal fire. They showed their selections to Trent, who pointed them out to the owner, plus another bracelet adorned with a single, elongated gem, shaped like a water droplet that appeared to shift color from dark red to deep blue.


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