The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2) Page 61

by Craig Gerttula

  Trent smiled. “Regalia...” Tiana couldn't keep the butterflies from her stomach as she felt Trent's kindness, always thinking of others.

  “What about Yukie?” she asked. Trent smiled and winked, but didn't say anything more. After Sasha finished negotiating, she explained to Trent how to pay, linking his BC Node to the stores payment BAP, which would automatically subtract from his account based on his unique brainwaves. They thanked the store's owner and began to leave.

  “Distract Sasha for me,” Trent whispered to her and Vickie. Tiana sensed his plan and decided to assist without question.

  “Sasha...I forgot something, would you give me a minute?” Trent released Sasha's hand and started back inside, Tiana and Vickie taking his place at her sides, stopping Sasha from following. Sasha seemed distraught at first, but didn't resist, instead, she just closed her eyes and appeared to calm. When Tiana realized what she was doing, it was too late. Sasha opened her eyes with a mischievous smirk.

  “Sasha!” Tiana scolded playfully.

  “I will act surprised,”

  Trent appeared from the crowd a moment later. “Sorry, it took a little longer than expected,” Trent said as Sasha grabbed his arm.

  “It is ok, my duke...I will forgive you this time,” a knowing smirk appeared on her lady’s lips and Tiana couldn’t help but sighed.

  They pushed their way back into the crowd, the sheer number of shoppers staggering, and after browsing a few more shops, they found Zelus Galaxy 8. It took them almost two hours to find the perfect attire, but in the end, it was worth it.

  Tiana chose a casual dress of many different shades of reds that hung loosely midway down her thighs, while leaving one shoulder bare. Sasha selected one of similar design, but with a black belt that cinched it close around her hips. Vickie, as she'd expected, chose the wispy style, her swirling red and purple dress hanging low off both shoulders while being barely long enough to cover her modesty.

  By the way Trent blushed it was obvious how he thought they looked. Tiana's catillian, Ash, on the other hand, was definitely unhappy. The style left little of her bosom exposed, separating him from his preferred resting spot. He was forced to reluctantly perch himself on the nape of her neck, squeaking his occasional annoyance.

  Trent and the male guards adorned similar styles, with Sasha forcing Trent to wear the most expensive outfit, a red and black skin tight top with a single shoulder bare, similar to the ladies dresses, with matching pants that had one leg cut halfway down the thigh, while the other continued to his ankle.

  He thought he looked ridiculous. But Tiana found he not only matched perfectly the current style; he looked dashing, made overly apparent by the way other shoppers would constantly steal glances in his direction. So after they reassured him of this fact, they moved back into the crowd, finding they no longer stood out from the trendy local noble and commons.

  Sir Totin then took the lead, guiding them to local hangout spots, mostly the larger parks, but also a few shops catering to noble amusement. They walked past a “conversion bar”, with a line a hundred meters long, that dealt in brain inducing foods. Tiana had never understood the fad and its attraction to the youth.

  The special food that was served would, after being ingested, simulate certain experiences. So if you wanted to feel like you were falling, you could eat a food converted to create a chemical reaction that would trick your body and mind into thinking you were falling without having to actually jump off a cliff. Of course, most kids went for the more “adult” experiences.

  Two identical, pyramid shaped building rose on opposing sides of the promenade, almost twice as tall as those that surrounded them. Their surfaces were plain, but images of important ruling nobles where projected on their peeks and sides, changing every few seconds. Each had lines of young and old waiting to enter, extending well out of sight, and a buzz of excitement permeating the air.

  “Melding clubs...” Vickie whispered, shivering. Tiana looked on in wonder, having never seen or heard of one before. Sir Totin seemed to notice everyone's interest, guiding them to a seating area between the two entrances.

  “This is where she vanished,” he said seriously, looking at the group.

  “She came here with her new boyfriend and they both vanished. Me and my friends have checked out both clubs a hundred times and we've found that they have no record of her ever visiting. But we know she was here, since her last communication came from a BAP that can only be accessed from inside,” Sir Totin explained, his frustration obvious.

  “So what are these places?” Tiana asked.

  “Simulated encounters. They allow you to become someone else. But of course, the people have to agree to be scanned. So they pay a ton for certain images,” Sir Totin responded.

  Both Trent and Sir Seb'Losh froze, Trent moving first, grabbing a young man who was walking past with a group of his friends.

  “What did you just say?” Trent growled, Sir Seb'Losh at his side.

  “Hey...what's with you!” another man tried to separate them, but was pinned to the ground by an undercover Alutia Guard.

  “I said...what did you say?” Trent asked, trembling.

  “I...I...I said they have the best scans of Grand Duchess Sasha at Zalbo's,” the young man stuttered. Tiana froze; it couldn't be? But from the way Sasha's eyes started to glaze, her cheeks going a ghostly white, it could be only one thing.

  “Which one,” Trent growled. The man pointed to the second building, with the longest line. Trent didn't respond, tossing the man to the group of his friends and started to move.

  “Trent, wait...” Sasha ran to his side, wrapping her arm in his, the animal rage in his eyes fading for just a moment. “We go together,” her voice trembled. Tiana quickly realized that all semblance of reason had left them both, and the time for trying to hide had come to an end.


  He moved with purpose, straight for the double door surrounded by a hypnotic sign that would occasional morph into the word: Zalbo. He pushed through the line of customers who were waiting eagerly to enter. Two employees in skintight, green and yellow uniforms sat idly at the doorway, obviously bored based on the way they stared aimlessly at the sky, waiting for permission to allow the next group waiting in line to enter. They jumped to their feet just as Trent and Sasha started walking past.

  “Hey you have to wai-.” Trent struck and the employee in the stomach, causing him to keel over, Sir Seb'Losh incapacitating the other in similar manner. Trent flung open the doors, letting the guards handle the confused crowd.

  An enormous, wide open room expanded before him, a calming music and aroma filling the air and flowing into his mind, trying to place him at ease, calm his raging emotions. But he resisted the urge, storming towards the reception desk and the two employees standing behind, in the same uniforms as those at the door. The employees seemed to shift between sexes, being male one moment before appearing female the next. Just beyond the desk was an open floor where customers lounged on large couches, laughing and drinking gaily, with employees bustling between. Doors lined both walls, leading into what he could only think were the melding rooms, based on the projections above displaying for those outside what was occurring within.

  “We are maxed, sorry...” an employee said as he/she approached, hand raised, looking around them at the door, seeming confused at why they were allowed to enter. Trent started to react, but paused when Sir Seb'Losh streaked past, pushing an interjector against the employee’s neck, who dropped limp to the floor.

  “The owner?” Sir Seb'Losh had the injector to the second employee’s neck an instant later, voice like a razor.

  “ the back, through...through the rear door...” the employee dropped to the floor as Sir Seb'Losh injected the tranquilizer.

  They rushed past the desk PDU, through the open room, people laughing and talking gaily as they watched projected viewscreens above the doorways to each “melding” room, showing what the participants were doing
inside. Most appeared to don the skin of the opposite sex, letting whatever technology allowed the temporary change to do its work. But some were changing into other people, apparently important nobles or celebrities, acting out their fantasies. Sasha froze at his side, for him to halt as a primal grunt escaped her lips. Trent turned, witnessing a sight he could have never expected. On a projected viewscreen lay Sasha, a teenage Sasha, in the embrace of many men and women.

  Trent heard a snap.

  The PDU projecting the scene exploded in a shower of sparks as Trent drew his laser arc and fired. Sir Seb'Losh and the two other guards that had followed took that as their queue, and started doing the same. Screams erupted from the guests and employees as PDU's explode on all sides and people started rushing towards the exit.

  “Backup's on the way. But we need to move fast,” he barely heard Sir Seb'Losh’s shouted words, the swooshing in his ears growing more intense as he stormed towards the door unlike the rest in the rear, where two men rushed out with laser arcs at the ready. They both tumbled back, expressions forever locked in shock, smoking holes burned through the center of their chests, the guards acting without question. Sir Seb'Losh rushed through the door first, Trent and Sasha following close behind, the two other guards taking up the rear.

  Another man lay dead on the floor of the office they entered, while three others sat on exquisite couches, held frozen in place by Sir Seb’Losh’s laser arc.

  A man with flowing blond hair and a “noble perfect” appearance that reminded him of Sir Georigi, glared in his direction defiantly. “What is this! Who do you-,” his voice froze as noticed Sasha. A cry of despair escaped her lips, making the universe flash, and everything went white.


  She was a teenager again. Back in at the noble rendezvous on Planet Tidelia with the noble teenage boys, laughing, touching, and prodding her skin, while all the while scanning her naked form. Roberto smiled at her side, telling her it was alright, that she deserved it, that if she loved him, she should do this for him, for his friends. But then he vanished, an animal-like Trent kneeling over his limp form. She watched the scene as if it was out of dream, then her mind ticked.

  This isn't a dream, Sasha, its reality.

  Trent's knees pinned Roberto's arms to floor as he punched him, again and again, blood splattering from a face that was about to collapse. She felt his rage; a rage so intense that it had overtaken his mind, leaking into hers through their bond. It took all her will to resist its calling, to not join him in punishing Roberto, as he deserved.

  She crawled to Trent side, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him away. “Trent...Trent, it's ok. Look at me, Trent,” she whispered gently, her voice cracking, urging him to calm. She ran her fingers down his cheeks as he turned, trying to wipe away the tears that were streaming free. Tears for her, tears for his love being sullied and he being able to do nothing but punish the man responsible, it having happened years before they met. “Death is too good for him,” Sasha continued.

  Slowly, Trent’s punches ceased, a semblance of reason returning to his eyes. He nodded and stood, pulling Roberto up with him, only to drop his limp form back to the floor absently. Sir Totin and the two guards they left behind rushed into the office.

  “We have trouble!” Sir Totin shouted.

  “How many?” Sir Seb'Losh asked.

  “Twenty, but their Marquis Rostil's Arcguard!”

  “Damn,” Sir Seb'Losh looked to Trent, whose eyes were glazed, and Sasha, then around in confusion.

  “Where are Lady Tiana and Lady Vickie?” he asked.

  Sir Totin spun, staring behind him and frowned. Fear overtook her. She started towards the door, to search for her missing ladies, but Trent held her too tightly.

  “They may have snuck out into the crowd,” Sir Totin said hopefully. But it did little to calm her fear.

  “What now?” Trent asked, voice hoarse.

  “Vin! Any escapes routes?” Sasha looked to the Program on her wrist.

  “Yes, the wall in the rear of this biological building is currently inactive and disconnected from the nutrient grid. It should not be difficult to create a large enough hole for escape with a standard laser arc before the wall self-repairs,”

  At Vin’s word, the guards began to fire at the rear wall. Sasha was about to lower her wrist, when Trent grabbed it, raising it to his mouth.

  “Vin, can you delete all the scans on file...including Sasha's. Also log the company responsible and report it to the King's Service for conducting illegal activities. Then send a message to Sir Oadi to ban said company and any that are related...and I mean any noble, common, company, whatever...from ever doing business in the Alutia Duchy again. Also order him to confiscate all their property and put out arrest warrants for those who run the company and those who took the scans and...and any of those who provided financial backing. If they're nobles, or landed nobles, cut off all relations and inform the ABF to destroy or impound all their starships and freighters on not accept surrender,” Trent proclaimed, tears forming in his eyes.

  “I'm so sorry, my love...” she buried her head in his chest, opening the bond in search of his, which washed over her. Why now, why here?

  “It is not your fault,” he responded, voice still ragged.

  “Let's move!” Sir Seb'Losh shouted as he threw Roberto over his shoulder like he weighed nothing and ran through the slowly filling hole in the back wall, into a narrow alley.

  “This way!” Sir Totin waved from the front.

  They rushed through the narrow alleys, cutting back and forth so often Sasha was soon desperately lost, just concerned with keeping her grip on Trent's sweaty hand. Shouts of pursuit erupted in the alleys behind them. Sasha caught glimpse of a crowd at the end of alley they turned off, which lead to the promenades. But they were avoiding the main roads, staying in the narrow darkness and protection provided by the alleys.

  As if it was planned, they emerged into a dense forest, an area of the city left untouched to allow the local ecosystem to continue to thrive. The densely packed leafless bushes, trees, vines, and grasses ran flush against the mixed shopping district. They pushed deeper into the woods, stumbling upon a small clearing just large enough for an atmospheric shuttle to land.

  “Here,” Sir Seb’Losh pointed to a thicket of leafless bushes that surrounded the clearing, they laying flat on their stomachs within, trying not to make any noise.

  “A shuttle is on its way. No word from Vickie and Tiana,” Sir Seb'Losh told under heavy breaths while scanning their surroundings.

  “It's my fault,” Trent despaired, emotions running wild.

  “'s my fault, Sir Trent. You did what I expected and what is your right. It's the guard’s duty to watch over everyone. But I became too engrossed in my own emotions...” his voice trailed off. Sasha pushed back her own tears; someone needs to be in control!

  “It was no one's fault and we will find them...understood?” she explained, her stern words accepting no argument. They both nodded.

  Trent kissed her on the cheek. “We'll find them...I promise...” he recovered, his eyes starting to return to their normal shine. Sasha nodded, not sure she could say anything else without breaking down. But she knew he would do as he promised and save her ladies.

  An idea struck her and she looked at Trent, touching the Arm of the Emperor. Her ghostly vision streaked across Don'Alutia's blue skies as she thought of her ladies.


  It was dark. Her head throbbed, and she was unable to see or hear anything. She crawled to her feet and almost tripped over another body lying at her side. It moaned, then grasped at her foot.

  “Tiana?” Vickie's voice rasped.

  She leaned down to hug the woman in relief. “Oh Vickie...where are we?” she asked, unable to keep her fear from her trembling words.

  “I do not know. I tried to follow and then...” she trailed off as a bright light shined down from above, forcing them to cover thei
r eyes until they could adjust.

  They were lying on a round platform that floated over pit of absolute darkness. The walls were smooth, made of a dark yellow stone, and stood about five meters from the edge of the round platform.

  “Welcome to the Marquis's Labyrinth.......ladies,” a steady voice boomed through the tunnel from a single man that could be seen standing above them, on a transparent floor.

  “I am Marquis Rostil and if you can survive the seven circles of hells, then you shall be awarded your freedom. But in doing so you will face the greatest horrors in the universe, and though you may survive, your minds may not. Are you prepared to sacrifice your souls for your freedom?” An evil laugh echoed through the air.

  “Why are you doing this!” Tiana screamed, unable to contain her rising fear.

  “You dared disrupt my kingdom, my darlings....and you must repent!” the man raised his firsts as he spoke. Tiana wanted to scream at the man with long blond hair and “noble perfect” looks who she found awfully familiar. “And with that...please provide a good show and die honorably,” the platform began to descend. Tiana hugged Vickie close, who hugged her fiercly back.

  “Remember, Dai Tempest , and we will survive,” Vickie's words echoed in her mind as the platform vanished and darkness, once again, engulfed her.

  Chapter 20

  The intersecting lines lit red, confirming the connection was accepted and Yukie's target cells had been captured. Regalia kept her expression serious while staring intently at the floating, four-dimensional polychoron “Strape Board”, and the remaining pieces hovering within, planning her next move. She selected a “Half-L”, a long, L-shaped piece, attaching the shorter side to the edge of one of her blue colored cells, then angling the piece so the long end intersected a spot in the center of the closest of Yukie's red color cells. Four red cells flashed, then shift to blue, showing the capture had been successful. Yukie responded directly, selecting a “Full-S”, an elongated S-shaped piece, then used it to capture back two of the lost cells, and another of Regalia's bordering cells, moving Yukie within striking distance of her command sector.


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