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The Legends of Regia Box Set: The Complete Series. Books 1-7

Page 43

by Tenaya Jayne

Those who died at the hands of the Dryad warriors were carried to a secluded spot and discarded. Bound to their trees, the warriors could only go so far. The bodies piled up over the years, forming a mass grave. The warriors hoped desperately that the grave was never found. And if it were found, it would invoke fear, not curiosity.


  Shi held her breath, trapping the cry of pain in her throat, as her corporeal fingers dug into her own roots and broke off a section. Tears ran luminous down her cheeks, and sap bled from the self-inflicted wound. She stood up, carrying the root in both hands to the edge of the manifestation, and threw it into the white flames. The heartache and physical pain of losing part of herself quickly diminished as the flames ate her sacrifice, and the Heart imbued new life into the web of her roots, as a gift.

  Shi bowed low and put both hands into the flame. Energy and life surged into her fingers as it had her roots.

  "Thank you," she whispered before standing up and going over to the other Verdant, watching her perform her duties.

  "Did you receive the blessing?" Mae asked.


  "I wasn't sure you would when I saw the size of your sacrifice."

  "Well, the Heart didn't complain, or withhold my blessing," Shi said defiantly. "Why do we have to sacrifice anyway? The flame burns regardless of what we do."

  A few of the other Verdant gasped. Mae, the oldest, looked at them severely, and they all quickly walked away. When they were gone, she grabbed Shi roughly by the arm.

  "You are the youngest Verdant, Shi, and instead of being silent and grateful, you ask incessant questions and stir up trouble. Why is that?"

  "I'm sorry, Mae. I am grateful, it's just…"

  "Just what?" Mae demanded.

  "I'm just curious about things. Why are questions bad? I love the Heart. I just want to know why we do what we do."

  Mae's face softened, and she let go of Shi's arm. "I sometimes forget you're little older than a sapling. I shall teach you the history after the next equinox."

  "Why can't you teach me now?"

  Anger flashed in Mae's eyes. "Stop your questions! I want you to stifle your curiosity until the equinox."

  Shi looked at the ground. "Yes, ma'am."

  "Now, you shall spend the rest of the day confined in your trunk."

  "But…" she began then bit down on her lip at the look on Mae's face.

  "Confined in your trunk until the moon rises, then you may come out and join the party."

  "I wanted to go see Shea."

  "You'll see your sister tonight."

  "But, it's her party and everyone will be crowding around her, and I won't get a chance to talk to her."

  Mae sighed and patted her shoulder. "It will have to wait, Shi. Use the time to contemplate your love for the Heart and how you might show it better the next time it's your turn to sacrifice."

  Shi nodded, and Mae walked away, leaving her alone. She considered disobeying for a moment, but if Mae caught her, she would probably take her before the elders. Shi decided it wasn't worth the risk. She walked to her base and placed her hands on the bark for a minute before sliding into it. Alone, inside her trunk, Shi let her curiosity roam, asking herself questions she didn't have the answers to.

  She resented Mae questioning her love for the Heart. Mae’s derogatory tone about Shi's sacrifice in front of the other Verdant smarted, and a swell of spite began to grow inside her. It was still her day to sacrifice after all. She'd show Mae the meaning of sacrifice.

  A plan began forming in Shi's mind, but once it was mature, she banished it. Sacrifice must come from love to be accepted. Her plan came back into her head as quickly as she'd dismissed it, only now it wasn't based on spite. She thought of the Heart, and the flame, and her vast love for them. And now that she'd thought of a sacrifice beyond any she'd ever given, it felt wrong somehow to offer less.

  Shi poked her head out and listened. No one was near her. Chatter came from a distance. The afternoon would soon shift into evening, and the party would begin soon after. She didn't have much time. Climbing out of her trunk, Shi hesitated a moment, making sure there was no one around, before climbing up into her branches. White flowers budded next to her leaves. They were new, a part of the blessing she'd received earlier. Shi touched one of them gingerly before climbing higher.

  She came to her favorite branch. The one for which she received the most compliments. Her breath was already coming in shallow gasps at the thought of what she was about to do. Why did love come with such pain? She grasped the branch in both hands, gritting her teeth, and quickly broke it off.

  Every Dryad in the wood jumped and was frightened at the sound of Shi's cry of pain. Many ran toward the sound, sure of an emergency.

  Shi's hands shook, and her tears burned as she held the branch to the flame. Pain screamed through her at the loss of the limb.

  "I love you…I love you…I love you…" she said through sobs.

  A cloud of dust flared up around the feet of the panicked crowd as they reached Shi.

  "What have you done?" Mae demanded, pushing to the front.

  "It's still my day, and I offered a sacrifice," Shi said, still prostrate on the ground in front of the flame.

  "But you already--"

  Mae's words cut off as everybody gasped together. The flame flared, reaching higher than anyone had ever seen it, white flames jumping onto Shi's hands and absorbing into her skin. Iridescent life surged through her whole body for all to see. Her hair and fingernails grew before their eyes and her skin shimmered.

  The sound of bark cracking startled everyone again, and they all looked up at Shi's tree. The tree stretched up and out, growing bigger than any of the other Verdant. New braches filled her canopy, flowers budded and opened large and heavy in her leaves. Moss covered her bark in beautiful intricate patterns.

  Shi stood up. Everyone looked on her with awe and fear. She didn't like it.

  "I'm sorry to have disturbed you all. I meant for my sacrifice to be in private."

  Everyone moved out of her way as she walked back to her tree and climbed inside. Murmuring began. Shi had established herself as the most devout Verdant to ever live, humbling everyone, including Mae.

  Shi writhed inside her trunk. The Heart continued to pour life into her. It was too much. She was full and yet it continued to fill her. The surge made her giddy with pleasure, but ache and sting at the same time. Her branches continued to stretch upward, and she was powerless to stop them. Only when she began to cry did the surge subside. More than ever, Shi wanted to talk to her sister.

  Shi waited for dusk before sticking her head out and looking around for the watchful eye of Mae. The way looked clear. She crept out quietly and ran to where Shea lived.

  Most Dryads were breeders and experienced a greater level of freedom and community than the Verdant were allowed. As Shi entered their area, she noticed a marked difference in the way she was greeted. Friends and family she had known her whole life looked at her with apprehension and backed away. This new treatment shocked and upset Shi so much she feared she'd burst into tears before she got to her sister.

  Shea sat on the ground, her back resting against the trunk of her mate, Hul, running her hand repeatedly over her pregnant belly. Shea smiled at Shi as she approached, a different kind of life shining from her. Shea noticed the troubled look in Shi's eyes. She patted the ground next to her.

  "Oh, come here, little sister."

  Shi sat down and nestled into Shea's comforting shoulder.

  "What's the matter?"

  Everything pent up inside her came rushing out. "Mae's always mad at me. Nothing I do is good enough for her. All the other Verdant seem happier than I do. They never ask questions. And I can't stop asking questions. I miss being able to be a part of everything. And you…You've got so much going on, you don't have time to watch over me anymore." Shi placed her hand on Shea's belly.

  Shea stroked Shi's hair. "Growing up is hard. And it's true, I've got new resp
onsibilities, but I'm still your big sister. You are always welcome to come and see me, and bother me with your constant flow of questions. Goodness knows I'm used to them."

  Shi exhaled and relaxed against Shea. "Are you looking forward to your party?"

  Shea chuckled. "Yes. I like getting presents. And everyone tells me you get the most with your first baby. But I think Hul is more excited about tonight than I am."

  "If it's a girl, will you put her up to become a Verdant? She'll have the right root lines."

  Shea pursed her lips. "No. I don't think so. I want my child to grow next to me and Hul."

  Shi sighed. "That's good. You're already a good mother."

  "Thank you. I want to be good."

  They sat in silence for a few moments, a silence filled with the words they didn't need or want to say.

  "So, I heard about your sacrifice, and I must say you've never looked more beautiful. I wish I could know what it's like to receive a blessing from the Heart. Is it wonderful?"

  Shi shivered at the recent memory. "Yes. It's wonderful. But this time it was slightly painful as well. Overwhelming."

  Shea lifted Shi's hand up to look at it more closely. "Wow. Look at your skin, Shi. I wish mine could shimmer like that."

  "Your skin shimmers, Shea. Just differently, and more now that you're pregnant."

  Shea smiled sweetly. "I guess it's just love." She groaned and arched her back a little. "Help me up, little sister. I've been sitting here too long."

  Shi stood up and reached to grasp Shea's hand only to have Hul appear the next second and grab it before she could. Shi stepped back as Hul lifted Shea to her feet, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her mouth. And for a moment, Shea was lost in Hul, off in their own private world. It was always like that with them. Shi watched them for a second, voyeuristically. Fascinated and embarrassed at the same time.

  Shea pulled back from him and blushed as her eyes met Shi's. "I'm sorry," she said quietly.

  Shi looked away, seeing Shea thump Hul on the arm in her peripheral vision.

  "I've told you to be more careful around Shi," Shea whispered to Hul. "She's not to know about such things. We've got to protect her innocence better."

  "Sorry. You're right," he whispered back. "Shi!" he addressed her then in a loud voice. "Are you going to sit with us during the party?"

  Shi met Hul's gaze then, feeling even more embarrassed. He was tall and strong, with a handsome open face. Shi had always liked him, and he made her sister goofy happy. But he was always overly passionate with Shea, and it made Shi feel strange at times.

  "I'd love to sit with you, but the elders would never allow it. I need to stay with the Verdant."

  "Oh, yes. Of course. That's proper. Well, we will miss having you with us."

  The tears Shi had feared she would cry when she first came to see her sister started threatening again inexplicably. She held them back.

  "Thank you. I must be getting back. The night draws on."

  Shi hugged Shea quickly and fled before her tears escaped. She went back to her trunk and climbed inside, hating the emotion she couldn't deny was jealousy.

  Chapter 2

  Leramiun's crown threatened to slide off his head as he jogged down the hall, searching for Quinn. He was doing his best to fulfill all of his new duties since his father had died a month ago, leaving him the throne. For the life of him, Leramiun couldn't understand why Quinn seemed to be doing his best to trip him up. The sound of laughter and clanging metal directed him to the armory.

  He pushed through the door. Irritation flared at the sight of Quinn and his friends, all stripped to the waist, sparring, and sweaty.

  "Quinn! Did you forget the meeting? Again?!"

  Quinn spun around, his smile turning into a sneer at the sight of his older brother.

  "Well, look who it is," Quinn said sardonically. "Should we bow or curtsy? Your Highness."

  The group of young men laughed. Leramiun cursed internally. He marched over to Quinn and sucker punched him in the face. Quinn crumpled at his feet.

  "Get out!" Leramiun shouted to the group. They scattered.

  Leramiun reached down and grabbed Quinn by the shoulders, hefting him to his feet.

  Vitriol pooled in Quinn's eyes a moment before the tears. Leramiun pulled him into a tight hug.

  "Dammit, Quinn. Don't challenge me in public."

  "I'm sorry…I just…I miss Dad."

  Leramiun blew out a heavy sigh. "I know. I do, too. But we've got things to do. We have to be men. You're Prince Regent now. I'm counting on you. I need your help. So, you've got to show me respect in front of other people. We can be ourselves, just brothers, in private. Okay?"


  He gave Quinn a hearty slap on the back. "Clean up and get to the council chambers quickly."

  Quinn nodded. Leramiun left the room, but as soon as the door closed behind him, a terrible crashing sound halted him in his steps. He stood still and listened as Quinn shouted and threw things around the armory. The sunken feeling in Leramiun's stomach dropped out even further as he listened to his brother's fit. He sighed and walked away. Experience had taught him not to try to console Quinn, it just made things worse.

  Quinn had always been volatile, but since their father had died, he seemed to let his darker emotions run unchecked. Leramiun knew he needed to give Quinn more positive reinforcement, but he was just so damn busy he didn't have any leftover time or brain cells to figure out how.

  Leramiun hurried back to the meeting waiting to start. He smoothed his shirtfront and made sure his crown was on straight before facing his advisors. All eyes turned on him as he entered the council chambers. He did his best to make his grimace into a smile.

  Leramiun did all that he could to play his part. He talked, signed things, and broke up disputes among the table of old men, but his heart was hurting over his younger brother. Quinn took his sweet time showing up and was so flamboyantly disruptive when he came in and took his place, the elders looked pointedly at Leramiun to chastise him. He couldn't do it, not again after striking him in front of his friends. But, damn it, Quinn was begging for it.

  Leramiun tried to appear interested in the scroll in front of him and thoroughly indifferent to Quinn's bad behavior. His head began to ache under the crown. Being king sucked. Whatever he did, people thought him to be either a tyrant or a weakling.

  His eyes drifting over the words on the scroll slowed and began to take in the meaning until all of his focus was concentrated on the report. The talking in the room buzzed in his ears. He needed answers.

  "Ho!" Leramiun held up his hand. Everyone quieted.

  "Tell me about this," he ordered, tossing the scroll so it unrolled along the table.

  Everyone leaned in to see, except Quinn who lounged back in his chair, picking at a thread on his cuff.

  "What has been done about this?" Leramiun demanded.

  "Nothing as of yet, Your Majesty. Since your father's death, everyone has been focused on your transition to the throne and securing it, … A task we all admonish you to take more seriously. Your main goal right now should be choosing a queen with a powerful family to help build your foundation of friends."

  Leramiun schooled his eyes mid-roll. "I told you I would choose my bride soon, and I will. But this…" He waved at the scroll. "Needs immediate attention. How long ago was it discovered?"

  "Last week, Your Majesty. A courier stumbled across it. Gave him quite a shock, I can tell you."

  All the old men chuckled.

  Leramiun pulled the scroll back and looked at it again. Mass grave found in the wilds south of The Lair. The words seemed to jab a feather in his brain, tickling and annoying.

  "I want this looked into now."

  "It will take some time to form a task force, sire. Don't worry about it. Rest assured we are taking it seriously and shall report to you of our findings once we have any."

  Leramiun clenched his fists. They weren't listening to him. His adv
isors didn't take his orders seriously.

  "What else is there to discuss?" Leramiun asked the room in general.

  Scrolls were read, a few little disagreements broke out, and Leramiun pretended to listen. A nagging pull began twisting inside him. His gut told him he was fast approaching something…the mass grave bothered him. He knew he must do something about it. Not someone else. It was important, Leramiun could feel it, he just didn't know how. He intended to find out.

  The feather teased and tickled all day. He couldn't get his mind off the mass grave. The report didn't give details about how large it was. How old the bodies were, nothing. He got an idea in his head that he easily recognized as foolhardy, but that made it all the more seductive.

  Before his father died, he'd been free to adventure, now he was trapped under the blasted crown.

  Bad idea, he thought. I'm going for it.

  After dinner, Leramiun made a point of making some off-color comments about his intention of visiting the harem before going to sleep. And he made sure he was seen escorting Helena back to his chambers. She was the most beautiful vampire in the harem, and he often enjoyed her, but she was a perfect alibi for what he planned and for possible future secret adventures he might take.

  She smiled seductively up at him and sat down on the edge of the four-poster bed. Her smile turned to a look of shock as he roughly grabbed both of her hands and went down on his knees before her.

  "Helena, I apologize if I have ever hurt you, or been unkind."

  "My lord?"

  "I need your loyalty now, not your body."

  "Have I displeased you?" she asked sadly. "You no longer desire me?"

  Leramiun took a deep breath. He didn't have time to soothe her feelings, but leaving her hurt and confused was a mistake he could not afford. Smiling, he kissed her hand.

  "You are my favorite. You've always been my favorite. Don't ever doubt that, Helena. I have a special place for you in my heart, though it must always be secret."

  Her pretty bottom lip came out in a perfect pout. "Because you have to choose a bride."

  "Yes, yes. How I wish I didn't have to." He reached up and caressed her cheek. "If only I could choose you instead, what a queen you would be. But they would never allow me. I am caged."


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