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The Legends of Regia Box Set: The Complete Series. Books 1-7

Page 84

by Tenaya Jayne

  She stood and paced the floor, trying to calm the baby. Her throat clenched, and her eyes stung as Tesla waved her tiny fists in the air, lightning snaking over her little fingers. Her soft arms trembled as she pushed her hands toward Forest’s face and screamed. Her scream resounded of agony. Tears ran silently down Forest’s cheeks. She would take the pain on herself, take everything that hurt her daughter into herself, if only she could.

  She lowered herself to the floor, sitting cross-legged, laying Tesla in her lap. Forest took one deep breath, preparing for the pain, and pressed both of her daughter’s hands against her chest, just above her breasts.

  She clamped her mouth shut and closed her eyes tight. The magic in Tesla’s hands burned hot as well as stung electrically. The power absorbed into Forest, and the baby quieted. A terrible buzzing filled her up and muffled her ears.

  Forest jumped in alarm and opened her clenched eyes as she sensed someone next to her. Rahaxeris looked blurry as he laid his hand gently on her shoulder and then took the baby from her arms. Forest winced as Tesla’s little hands pulled away, leaving burned marks behind, scorched black. It took a few seconds for the static in her ears to clear.

  “What did you say?” she asked her father.

  He frowned, and then turned his gaze to his granddaughter. He touched her hands, the red current absorbing into his long fingers. She stopped crying and gurgled happily at him.

  “I asked why you were letting her touch your bare skin like that? I’ve warned you it could be dangerous.”

  Forest touched the burns on her chest gingerly. They would be gone in a while, a few hours at most. “I couldn’t soothe her.” Her voice was desolate. She looked at Rahaxeris smiling down at Tesla. “It’s so unfair.”

  “What is?”

  “You have the power to ease her pain. Syrus, too. I can’t. Both of you get to play with her because she feels better with you. All she does is cry when I hold her.”

  He nodded, a sadness pulling around his eyes. “Stand up, Forest.”

  She sighed and stood.

  “Here, take her.”

  Forest shook her head. “No. She’s happy with you.”

  As if to confirm what her mother said, Tesla took that moment to blow a very wet raspberry at her grandfather.

  “I think I’m just greedy with her. I never hand her back to you after I’ve pulled the pain from her hands.”

  Forest sighed and shook off her sadness. “You’re entitled to be greedy… So, is there any news? Any new ideas?”

  “Nothing I feel very optimistic about. I think it’s time for me to go off world again. Journey has given me some useful information about some of the wizard’s most powerful enemies. I’m thinking about going to them and throwing Regia on their mercy. To see if they will become our allies.”

  She chewed her bottom lip. “But we’d be dead weight to them, right? I mean, why would they protect us? Is there anything we have to offer they would want?”

  “I’m not sure. That’s why I need to go. I think they will at least give me the time to plead our case. It’s worth a shot.”

  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend?” Forest offered him a small smile.

  “That’s my hope,” he said seriously. Then he wrinkled his nose, and his voice went all goofy as he spoke to Tesla. “Yeassss, it is, pretty girl. Your grandpa is going to commune with scary people. Yes, he is. Yes, he is.”

  Forest snorted. Tesla giggled and blew another raspberry as she grabbed Rahaxeris’ nose. Time slowed down and almost stopped as Forest looked at her father, holding her daughter. Her heart swelled and absorbed the moment. For so long, she’d lived thinking she’d never have these things. Or experience real love, family, and life. Life, in its invisible circles and its fleeting moments of joy. Gilded moments that sparkled. Life was pain, but the moments were there, collected and hidden inside her heart. Intangible and immortal memories that no one could take away from her.

  “What do you think, Forest?”

  She shrugged and shook her head. “I don’t know. We have to keep moving until we find the answer. Does Merhl have any new ideas?”

  “Too many. It’s frustrating him. He’s going with me off world.”

  “That’s good. I feel better that you’re not going alone. When are you planning to leave?”

  He kissed Tesla on the forehead. “Tomorrow. I need to get back to Kyhael and prepare for my trip. But I couldn’t leave without seeing my girls.”

  Forest came up beside him, placed her hand on his shoulder, and looked down at her baby. Tesla looked back at her and squawked out a funny noise.

  “What do you see? She grows in odd spurts.” Forest touched Tesla’s cheek. “Will she grow out of this…this distortion?”

  He frowned. “I wish I could tell you ‘yes.’ I don’t think so. But I don’t know for sure. She’s so young. She has a lot to show us, yet. Her road will be hard. Of that I have no doubt. She’ll have to learn to cope.”

  Forest turned her back as tears stung sharply in her eyes. “I want her to thrive! Not cope.”

  “I know, daughter. I know. Channel your anger into something useful.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” she admitted honestly. “I can’t sleep. I cry so much at night. When it’s dark, all my problems get bigger…overwhelming.”

  “You’re not alone. Tesla is yours and Syrus’. Let him help you. And you have to help him through this as well.”

  Forest turned back to her father and narrowed her eyes. “Sage advice from a staunch bachelor.”

  He smiled.

  “Don’t worry about us. We’re good. I swore I’d never pull away from Syrus again. I’m not about to break my word, or my heart like that.” She rubbed her head and sighed. “I just feel so…brittle.”

  “You are. It won’t last forever… You know, I’m going to do all I can for Tesla. You know that, don’t you?”

  Forest nodded. “Yes. I do.”

  “We’ll learn more as she grows. It’s too soon for me to know exactly what to do now. I’m not going to risk making a mistake with her.” He kissed Tesla’s forehead again and handed her back. “I need to go. Wish I didn’t have to.”

  Tesla squeaked and waved her little fists in the air. He touched both of her hands, pulling out the power again. She smiled a toothless smile at her grandpa, her dimples coming out to play in her chubby cheeks. He gave Forest an awkward, one-sided, shoulder hug before leaving.

  Forest watched him go from the window. “I love you, Dad,” she whispered. “Come back safe.”

  She looked down at Tesla, who gazed at her expectantly.

  “It’s just you and me, baby. At least for a few more hours till your father comes home. What do you want to do?”

  She set the baby on a blanket on the floor and placed a few toys around her. For a while, Tesla was happy. Forest sat on the floor and played with her. Her heart swelled at the peaceful time, knowing it would be short. She clung to every second greedily and let go of any thoughts of the encroaching danger. At this moment, while her daughter was free of her pain, she wasn’t Hailemarris, she was just Mommy. It was wonderful for an entire hour…then it all went to hell again.


  By sunset, Tesla was overtired and screaming in pain. Forest had swaddled her up, put her in her cradle, and closed the door to the nursery. She hated to do that. Hated it and hated herself, but there was nothing else for her to do. Tesla was dry and fed, and even though she cried, she was safe and would eventually cry herself to sleep.

  Forest closed herself in her bedroom to try to block out the baby’s cries. She lay down and put her fingers in her ears. But the spiritual connection between mother and child was stronger, and it didn’t work. Tears streaming down her face and her heart pulling tight, she went back to the nursery. She sat on the floor next to the cradle and rocked it.

  “Shhhh, sweetheart,” she whispered. “Shhhhh…”

  Tesla stopped screaming for a moment, just long enough for Forest to h
ope, then she started again. Forest’s head pounded, and time seemed to fragment. She hummed and continued to rock the cradle.

  Syrus appeared in the doorway. Forest looked up at him through blurry, bloodshot eyes. He didn’t say anything at first. He came into the room and surveyed the scene for a moment. He reached down and took Forest by the hands, pulling her to her feet. She slumped against him. He gently stroked her hair back from her face and hugged her tightly before turning and picking Tesla up.

  The baby was so worked up and exhausted that even when he held onto her hands and eased her pain back, she still didn’t quiet.

  Forest began to cry again, feeling helpless and guilty. “I can’t…I just…can’t.” She stalked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

  Syrus followed her. “Here.” He held Tesla out to her.

  Forest shook her head.

  “She needs you,” he insisted.

  “No. She’ll go to sleep for you. I’m drained…I’ve got nothing left, Syrus. I’m sorry.”

  He pressed. “We’ll put her down together.”


  He held the baby to her chest until her arms came up around their daughter. Forest sighed as Tesla continued to scream. Syrus sat down next to Forest and pulled her into his lap. She smiled at him as he held her in his arms and she held Tesla. His arms wrapped all the way around her and the baby. He moved slowly, and Forest relaxed against him. They rocked the baby together.

  Forest fell head over heels in love with Syrus again. I’m so lucky to have you. You’re awesome. I don’t know how I’d live without you. Even though she didn’t say the words aloud, he would catch her feelings through their connection.

  Tesla quieted, yawned, and was out cold in a minute flat. For a while, they just stayed like that.

  “She’s deep now, Forest,” Syrus whispered in her ear. “Go put her in her room, and we can have dinner.”

  Tesla didn’t stir at all as Forest laid her back in her cradle. She kissed her forehead, and then her cheeks, before quietly closing the nursery door. Syrus came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them in deep circles.

  “I’m not really hungry.”

  “That’s fine. Dinner can wait,” he said.

  “I think I’m just going to go to bed. I’m so tired.” She sighed and shook herself. “Sorry…I guess we should talk first.” She turned around and faced him. “Rahaxeris came by, he said he’s going to—“

  He placed his index finger against her lips and smiled. “Shhh...I don’t want to talk about that right now.”

  “You want to talk about Tesla.” It wasn’t a question.

  “No… Look at me.”

  She did, questioningly at first. He cupped her face easily in his hands as she stared at him. His black pearl eyes bore down slowly on hers as she did as he asked and looked at him. Her heart did a little trip. She looked at him all the time. He was her life mate. But even after the amount of time they had been bound together, she still didn’t find him commonplace. He was perfect, in every way. Kind, loving, fun, laid back, and so many other wonderful things. But he was also devastating to look at.

  Every tension inside her sighed and let go. She reached up and ran her fingers through his shadowy black hair.

  “I missed you today,” she whispered. “I miss you whenever you aren’t with me…I had such a bad day.”

  “I know. I felt it.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish you didn’t have to feel what I do.”

  He looked down at her chest, where her skin was still discolored from the burns. His fingers ran lightly over the damaged skin, and his healing power gave her a little shock that buzzed more than hurt. He picked her up and held her tightly against his chest. “I’m glad you can’t hide what you feel from me,” he said quietly against her ear as he carried her through the house to their bedroom. “You’re a better mother than you realize.”

  Tears built again behind her eyes. “I’m not…I just—“

  “No more of this today. Nothing can be achieved by dwelling on the pain or the massive problems of the world, which no one has solved yet.” His voice was soothing. “The day and its problems are over now. I know what you’re feeling. And I know what you need. I’m going to do my best to wipe your mind clean of everything.” He kissed her mouth, her eyes fluttering shut. “No more talking, unless you’re screaming my name.”

  She snorted as he set her on the bed. “When do I ever do that? I’m not a screamer.”

  He knelt in front of her and took off her shoes. “You will be tonight.”

  She laughed lightly. “Not a good idea, babe. I’ll wake the baby, then all the fun will be over real fast.”

  His face fell in disappointment. “Oh, right…” He closed his eyes, his expression going smooth and euphoric.


  “I’m just imagining you screaming.” He opened his eyes and smiled devilishly at her. “Okay, I’m good now. I just have to adjust my approach.”

  He eased her down slowly, all traces of teasing vanished. Intimacy was a regular part of life for them. They were used to each other. But that night he was different. Every kiss, every touch was about her. He healed her brittle and brokenness by forfeiting any thought of his own pleasure and gave everything to her. Life came back into her body under the touch of his deft hands, and her dried up heart flooded. His heart poured love into hers through their spiritual connection. She looked up at him as he loved her. So gorgeous. All man. All hers. Forever.

  “Bite me,” she whispered.

  Amazing, tingly warmth spread through her body as he sank his fangs into her shoulder.

  He broke her all the way down, and then built her back up again. His love gave her strength. Everything was fine. She could handle anything.

  “I love you.” Her voice came out barely audible before she crashed into sleep in his arms. Forest slept better that night than she ever had.


  Journey went to the Wolf’s Wood at the onset of night. The End of the Bridge she’d used set her down close enough to the Heart that she could see it in the distance. She approached slowly and with respect. Her bare feet grounded her to the power that ran in a constant current under the soil. She closed her eyes and exhaled, feeling the subtleties of the Heart’s connections. She didn’t have a name for it. It was like its own entity, like a consciousness, like a person, only not. The Heart was elusive…shy.

  The crystal trees circling the flames chimed a disjointed tune, like a musician that was drunk, or exhausted. Sorrow and confusion filled every note.

  Journey walked up to the crystal tree that was different. The one that was cloudy. The ghostly couple entwined inside still looked etched. They were frozen. She had no doubt they were real people, real souls trapped by malice, or perhaps their own free will—she couldn’t tell. It was painful to look at them. They were a beautiful embodiment of heartbreak. Could she access their hearts? She had never tried to read the dead before. She hesitated. Perhaps it should wait. She gazed back on the flames. This was what she’d come here to learn about.

  Journey walked into the circle. No heat came from the flame. She reached out and touched it with one fingertip. Like flowing water, a rush of energy ran over her skin where she made contact. It caressed her finger and probed up her hand, like a handshake, like a question. As if it asked, who are you?

  Perhaps it did. She thought it best to answer just in case.

  “My name is Journey,” she whispered.

  The music chiming in the crystal leaves changed, grew louder, and sounded like a woman crying. She pulled her hand back. A terrible sorrow settled through Journey, but it wasn’t her sorrow. The Heart pushed it on her, like an intruder, shoving through a door. She struggled with it for a second, then she relaxed and opened herself up to it. She put her whole hand in the flames. Show me. Make me understand.

  Journey choked as it rushed inside her. A surge of power swelled and threw her backward out of the circle.
She landed on her back, her head hitting the ground, knocked unconscious.

  “Journey…wake up.”

  She blinked and looked up at the stars winking through the canopy of trees. She breathed easily, feeling Redge’s arm under her. She focused on him and smiled.

  “I’m all right.”

  “What happened?”

  “Just a little misunderstanding. The Heart and I got off on the wrong foot… It’s no big deal. I’m not hurt.”

  She sat up and blinked a few more times, looking over at the flames. Excitement and determination coursed all through her. We’re not done.

  Redge backed away as she got to her feet and again approached the manifestation. This time she stayed outside the circle of crystal trees. Journey knelt down and placed her palms flat on the ground. “I’ll come back later. We’ll talk again.”

  Chapter Two

  Sabra lived in stone. It had always been like that. Born of the middle class, to a respected family, she and her brother and sister enjoyed the luxury of living in the mountain. Their family home was positioned on the coveted east face of the Lair. The most prized feature to their home was the terrace. Carved from the mountain itself, like a jutting lower jaw, the railing resembled a perfect set of teeth. That was how Sabra always thought of it. As a young girl, she’d realized how lucky she was in the unique features of her room especially. The stone of the mountain was typical grey and brown, but her room was carved through a unique white vein with tiny shimmering flecks that caught the light. The vein snaked down from the ceiling on one side, as thick as her hand.

  The other special feature of her room was a small arched window that let in the morning sunlight and gave her a clear view of the main square on the ground below. She always knew what was happening because of this. She could hear the talk of the people clearly through her window.

  Her parents didn’t know the effect this would have on her in her formative years. If they had, they surely would have moved her to another room. As it was, Sabra grew up with her finger on the pulse of Werewolf society. And she formed strong opinions. Rock hard resolute ideas about her culture— what it was doing right, where it was going wrong—and detailed, realistic solutions about how they should evolve.


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