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The Legends of Regia Box Set: The Complete Series. Books 1-7

Page 96

by Tenaya Jayne

  Redge’s expression hardened. “I’ve seen who you are, what you’re capable of. I should kill you right now.”

  “Go ahead.” His voice was blasé. “There’s no doubt I deserve it.”

  “No doubt,” Redge reiterated fiercely.

  “What’s going on?” A woman came up behind Redge.

  “Stay back, Journey,” Redge ordered.

  She didn’t listen and continued forward. She had jeweled pink eyes that stood out strikingly against her dark skin. She aimed her gaze at Shreve’s chest and began to hum a low note deep in her throat.

  He was frozen in place as her voice went straight into his heart, hooked it, and pulled it right out of him. His vision trembled. Memories so deep, forgotten long ago, rose up through his consciousness like ship wreckage from the ocean floor brought to the surface. He fell hard into her song, unaware of time or his surroundings. He floated.

  When he slowly came back to the present, he found himself sitting on the ground, his back against a tree, and the sounds of arguing in his ears. He listened, but gave no sign he was awake.

  “His heart is pure.”

  “That’s not possible, Journey. You just see the good in people and ignore the bad.”

  “Like the bad in you, right?” she countered.

  “He’s done—“

  “I know what he’s done, way more than you do. I’ve read his heart. And yes, he did terrible things. Unforgivable things.”

  “Good. I’m glad you can see that.”

  “Just like you. You kidnapped your best friend’s life mate and almost beat her to death while she was pregnant.”

  Redge swore a few times. “Why would you throw that in my face? I was under a slave mark!”

  “That’s right.” Her voice took a softer tone. “Now relax and shut up for a moment while I teach you something.”

  He didn’t reply.

  “You should have compassion for him. He was raised in a more cruel and brutal way than either of us could fathom. From his very beginnings, he was taught evil, to love it, to create it. That wasn’t his fault. He was a child… Yes, he was good at what he was taught, unfortunately for many, but for him also.”

  “So you’re saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for his crimes?” Redge challenged.

  “I’m not saying that. That’s not my arena. Hailemarris is Forest’s job. What I am saying is he deserves a chance. He wants to do the right things. He’s striving for it. Miraculously, there is good in him. If it weren’t for his goodness, you never would have been forgiven. If it weren’t for him, Forest and Tesla would have died. Just think about that. You would have carried that for the rest of your life, and you would have lost your best friend, irrevocably.”

  “He’s dangerous.”

  “He didn’t attack you when you put your sword through him a few minutes ago. He could have killed you easily.”

  “Easily?” He was offended.

  “He’s part wizard…yes, easily.”

  Redge huffed and was quiet for a moment. “I’d say let’s take him to Forest, but Syrus would kill me for bringing a criminal around his family. Since he could defeat me so easily, as you claim. How can we contain him?”

  “I don’t think we need to. Just ask him to come with us.”

  “I don’t know about this, Journey. I don’t, I can’t trust him… Your skills put him under hard. He hasn’t surfaced yet. I could just kill him now and be done with it.”

  “I know you don’t really mean that. It’s just your worry talking… Trust me. He’s not a threat. Besides, he’s totally lovesick.”


  “Yes. He’s completely gone over a she-wolf.”

  “You know, this is why I never liked you reading my heart. You find things a guy never wants found.”

  She laughed. “Men bury the most important things and deny they feel them, which leads to stupidity at crucial moments.”

  Shreve could feel their eyes on him and decided it was a good time to wake up. He lifted his head and met their gazes.

  “So.” He stood and dusted off his backside. “Where are we going?”

  Redge looked at Journey. She smiled. He pulled out a phone, keeping his eyes trained on Shreve, and put it to his ear.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Where are you?” he said into the phone. “Okay, I’ve got, found Shreve… Yup, he’s alive. No, he’s not resisting, not yet anyway. We’re near the Heart. Are you--”

  Redge was cut off as a black gash tore the air open next to him. He and Journey stepped back from the portal as Rahaxeris came striding out of it. His red eyes fastened instantly on Shreve. Shreve held still, not sure what was about to happen. Then, unexpectedly, Rahaxeris smiled. He strode forward and embraced Shreve tightly.

  His heart ached at the surprising show of affection. Rahaxeris was happy to see him. The idea that anyone could be happy to see him was foreign, but it brought nourishment to his emaciated soul. He released him abruptly.

  “I’m glad you’re still alive, Shreve. Where have you been?”

  “Keeping to myself, mostly. Trying to make amends. Not very successfully, I’m afraid.”

  “Well, I think I know someone who would like to see you.”

  “Who?” Shreve was bewildered.


  “Oh…are you sure? I mean, she’ll remember the part I played in…I have his face.”

  “Don’t you want to meet your niece?” Rahaxeris pressed.

  Shreve half panicked. “I…I would love to, but I have no right to be around her. It is enough for me to know she is alive… She’s not really my niece anyway.”

  Rahaxeris’ red eyes bore down severely on Shreve. “Listen to me. You are a part of a family. Unconventional, sure, but a family nonetheless. You have me, Forest, and now Tesla.”

  He exhaled slowly, overwhelmed, and shook his head. “Your family. Syrus’ family. Not mine. I’m sure Syrus would never agree to my presence. I wouldn’t, if I were him.”

  A small smile curved the side of Rahaxeris’ sharp mouth. “Don’t underestimate my son-in-law.”

  “Oh, I’m not. Trust me… As much as I would love to come with you to see them, I just can’t. It’s not right.”

  “You think they’d be afraid of you.” It wasn’t a question. “Sorry to bruise your ego, but you’re not that scary. Forest killed Copernicus while she was pregnant. Cut his head open like a cabbage. And I could kill you right now, without breaking a sweat.”

  Shreve smiled easily. He looked over at Redge and Journey and then back at Rahaxeris. “All right. But if things go south, it’s entirely your fault.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll take the blame. Let’s go.” He looked over at Redge and Journey. “Thank you for detaining him. I need the both of you at Kyhael tomorrow morning.”

  He opened another portal, and he and Shreve went through it together. They landed in Forest’s garden. Memories assailed Shreve, and he found he couldn’t move. This was the exact place he’d brought Forest, a breath from death, not knowing if he was in time, or if anyone could save her from the poison in her body. It was amazing to him that Syrus had been up to the task.

  “I really doubt this is a good idea,” he reiterated.

  “Just wait here. I’m sure it’s not a good idea to surprise them. Give me a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  Shreve contemplated bolting as soon as the front door closed behind Rahaxeris. This was folly. He looked at the charming stone house, the light was warm in the windows against the darkening night. The place had something. A feeling. Simple comfort. They could live in the finest place in Regia, and they chose to live here.

  After a few minutes, it wasn’t Rahaxeris who came out. It was Syrus. He approached methodically, his eyes were flashing, and red electric currents snaked over his hands and forearms. His warning display of power was perfectly controlled. Shreve held his hands out, palms up, in a show of surrender.

  “I know this is vulgar. I… It wasn’t my idea. I’ll lea

  “Wait,” Syrus ordered.

  They regarded each other silently for a moment. Shreve couldn’t read Syrus. He didn’t understand.

  “Why did you save Forest?”

  “I had to… She… She’s my sister. I only wish I would have brought her to you sooner than I did. She was hurt by the poison, wasn’t she?”

  “Yes, and the baby.”

  A terrible pain built behind Shreve’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I wish I had other words than that. I think it best if I leave now. This is your family. I would never do anything to hurt them, or you. I’m glad my sister has a man like you to protect her.”

  “Rahaxeris has vouched for you. Your actions have spoken for you. I owe you more than I could ever repay, for bringing Forest back to me. But I’ll admit it’s hard to look at you and not strike. You look just like him. It puts me on edge. And how do I know you’re not going to go crazy like him any moment?”

  “Fair point. I don’t know that myself. It’s safer if I leave.” He turned and began walking away.

  “Stop, Shreve.” Syrus’ voice was softer than it had been a moment ago.

  He turned around and found himself face-to-face with Forest. So vibrant and full of life. Her riot of bronze hair burned in the darkness around her beautiful open face. The layered depth of her green eyes shimmered with feeling. She reached out and hugged him. He was frozen in shock for a second, then he wrapped his arms around her. His heart expanded. She was more of a stranger than anything, and yet… She belonged to him. As if the DNA they shared recognized itself in the other. Her shoulders began shaking with tears. He held her protectively, experiencing new and fierce emotions. He didn’t understand what he felt, or what it was even called… Storge, family love. Everything felt so odd and off inside him. Too pleasant; it couldn’t be real.

  She pulled away and wiped at her eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to cry on you. I’m a little emotional these days.”

  “That’s okay.” He smiled.

  Shreve looked around and found that Syrus had gone, giving them some privacy.

  “Thank you for coming. Dad said you were hesitant.”

  “I was. Am…was.”

  “Thank you for saving my baby’s life, and mine.”

  “I’m sorry about all the rest of it. I’m not making excuses, but I wasn’t walking my own path. I was just following.”

  She tilted her head, looking closely at him. “You’re special. You look like Copernicus, but not at the same time. You’re different. You are your own person.”

  “You’re very kind. I’m trying to be my own person. I’m searching for myself.”

  “What have you found so far?”

  He blew out a breath and thought about it. “I hate lies. I can’t make myself tell them anymore. Even at moments where I’d rather not say things, I can’t lie. I wish I was just one thing. One race. I wish I had my own face, sometimes I feel like I do, when I’m with…”

  She raised her eyebrows and smiled. “When you’re with whom?” she prompted.

  He blushed. “Never mind. It’s over anyway, because I couldn’t lie. She wants nothing to do with me now that she knows who I am. I don’t blame her, I just miss her.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s certainly not your fault,” he said.

  “I’m sorry you’re hurting over her, whoever she is.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready to come inside? Meet Tesla? Have dinner with us?”

  He looked longingly at the house. “That’s a very generous offer. Maybe too generous.”

  “I’m asking for your company. Are you really going to deny me?”

  He looked into her eyes and caved. “I can’t when you ask like that.”

  She hooked her arm through his and pulled him toward the front door. The ease in the way she touched him planted the seed of something deep in his heart. Forest showed him mercy. Of all people, he didn’t deserve anything from her, and yet she gave.

  She stopped on the threshold. “I should warn you about Tesla. She’s aging in an odd and accelerated way. She’s only five months, but you’ll find her a six-year-old. She has Syrus’ power, and her hands can give you a nasty shock.” Everything about Forest sagged. “She’s also a mute. She can use sign language, but her hands hurt her so much, it’s just a small amount of time that she can communicate…I just wanted you to be prepared. She understands everything said.”

  “She sounds amazing. I can’t wait to see her. I’m sure she’s beautiful.”

  Forest smiled at that. “Why are you sure of that?”

  “Because you’re her mother.”

  She raised one eyebrow. “You’re charming, Shreve. Add that to your list of things you know about yourself.”

  He walked into the house, instantly enveloped in the warmth. Home. He’d never been in a place where that word, or idea, made sense until that moment. This was a real home. Forest towed him to the couch and gave him a small shove, forcing him to sit. At that moment, he realized what had just happened, and his heart leapt. When she shoved him, Forest had claimed him as her brother.

  She sat next to him. Syrus and Rahaxeris were talking in the next room. His stomach growled at the aroma coming from the kitchen. He looked around at everything, unsure what to say, when Tesla came out of the other room. She walked directly up to him.

  Shreve was dumbfounded by the girl. She was insanely beautiful, with an otherworldliness about her. He felt trapped under her unblinking, pewter gaze. It was as though she had witch eyes. The wizard in him realized she wasn’t just looking at him, or taking his measure. She could see the layers of things others didn’t even know existed. She dissected him.

  Forest squirmed. “Tesla, this is—“

  Shreve held his hand up to silence Forest without breaking eye contact with Tesla. “Let her finish,” he said quietly.

  She continued to stare for another thirty seconds, then, finally, she blinked and took a seat in the chair opposite the couch. She looked over at her mother, extending her fingers. Now that she had released his gaze, he looked at her hands. They were marvelous, brilliant, but he could see the effects of the pressure inside them. He imagined the pain was excruciating. It made him hurt knowing that she hurt. He wished he could take the pain from her.

  Her hands trembled as she tried to sign something. The movements were jerky. She gave up, rubbing her hands together. He crooked his finger at her. She jumped down and walked back over to him. He held his hands out for hers.

  “Oh, no, Shreve.” Forest protested. “She’ll hurt you.”

  He smiled. “Well, so it’s an experiment. Give me your hands, Tesla.”

  She put her hands in his. The energy didn’t slide into him, it rammed. It didn’t hurt as he assumed it would. It was more of a rush, like a cold wind in his veins, pushing into his cells and marrow. He rubbed her fingers, and she smiled brightly at him. The child’s smile slew him. He’d give her anything she wanted. She owned him.

  “Oh, come on!” Forest complained. “You can do it, too?”

  Shreve looked at her. “Do what?”

  “You can ease her pain. Syrus can, and Dad, too. But I can’t! It’s not fair.”

  Tesla looked at her mom. Maybe it’s because you’re a girl. She signed.

  Forest smirked. “We’ll have to test that theory with the next guy you meet.”

  He’s my uncle?

  “That’s right,” Forest said.

  Shreve didn’t understand the signs.

  He’s really messed up, Mommy. He’s dying.

  A bad look came over Forest’s face. “Are you sure?”

  Tesla nodded. Forest looked at him, with that terrible expression.

  “What?” he asked. “What did she say?”

  “She said you’re dying.”

  “Oh…that. Yeah. She’s right. I am.”

  A long awkward silence followed his statement.

  “How?” Forest asked finally.

  He shr
ugged. “Just a side effect of being a clone. Old DNA doesn’t make a long-standing foundation.”

  “I’m sorry.” She truly sounded it. “Do you know how long you have?”


  “Do you know?” she asked Tesla.

  Tesla looked closely at his chest, squinting her large eyes. He had the sneaky suspicion she was examining the inside of his heart. She looked back at her mother and signed something.

  “What did she say?”

  “She said it depends on your force of will. You can prolong your life if you truly desire to live longer. You can outrun time for a while, but it will catch you. If you give up on life, you could die in your sleep tonight.”

  He smiled at the little sprite, captivated. “I think I need to learn your language, Tesla. You could teach me some things.”

  She grinned and signed fast at her mother. Forest nodded.

  “She asked me if it’s all right if you stay with us for the night.”

  “Oh…I’m flattered.” And he was, deeply. “But maybe you should ask your dad if it’s okay with him.”

  Tesla turned on her heel and headed to the other room where Syrus was talking to Rahaxeris.

  “He’ll agree,” Forest said. “He can’t deny her anything. It’s kind of pathetic how wrapped around her finger he is.”

  He smirked and nodded. “Those are cunning little fingers…I really wasn’t expecting an invitation. It’s awkward, right? I can come up with an excuse why I can’t stay.”

  “It is a bit awkward, I’ll admit.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell her I can’t.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Where have you been staying?”

  “Maxcarion’s old place. It’s plenty comfortable, and it keeps me close to the Lair. Close to…”

  “Close to her,” she finished for him. “A she-wolf, huh? What’s her name? I bet I know her.”

  The heat rose in his cheeks, and he shook his head.

  “Not saying?” She smirked. “Okay. Keep your secret.”

  He sighed, trying to force his heart to let go of Sabra. “It’s foolish of me. It’s over between us, whatever it was.”

  “Would you like to stay with us tonight?”


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