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A SEAL's Secret

Page 2

by Tawny Weber

  “Target spotted,” Tessa said, making as if to break away.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Livi said, laughing as she tugged Tessa along. She used her Twinkie bulk to push through the bodies, pulling her friend in her wake. “You’re crashing this party with me, remember? I’m sure there are plenty of men in there for you to choose from.”

  “Yeah, okay. He had a small dick, anyway,” Tessa said as they reached the hall leading to the private section of the bar.

  Her hand on the doorknob, Livi threw a frown toward Tessa’s rejected target. “How could you tell that?”

  “The way he was sitting.” Tessa tilted her head so her hair flowed in a dark wave over one bare shoulder before shimmying a little so the fabric fell across her breasts just so. Then she offered Livi a wink. “He had his legs crossed above the knee, did you notice? No guy with a dick big enough to satisfy me can cross higher than the ankle.”

  For a brief second, Livi could only goggle. Then she laughed so hard her nerves dissipated. And that, she realized, was probably why Tessa had said what she had.

  Then again, Tessa knew a lot about dicks. So maybe she was being supportive and telling the truth.

  “You know, if you were actually as oversexed as you pretend to be, you’d have dropped dead from exhaustion years ago,” Livi said, still giggling as she pushed open the door.

  They made it two steps inside before stopping.

  “Oh, boy,” Tessa murmured. “Now there’s a treat I wouldn’t mind showing a trick or two.”

  Livi mentally echoed that with a purr.

  Oh, boy, indeed.

  The room was filled with men, all so gorgeous they blurred into a yummy candy store in Livi’s mind. It was a good night when a woman could choose between a gladiator, a kilted highlander and a bare-chested fireman.

  But Livi only had eyes for the superhero.

  Deep in conversation with another guy, he might have been sitting in the corner, but he still seemed to be in command of the entire room. He had a power vibe.

  And he was a super hottie.

  His hair was as black as midnight, and it brought to mind all sorts of fun things to do at that hour. The supershort cut accentuated the shape of his face with its sharp cheekbones and strong jawline. His eyes were light, but she couldn’t tell the color from where she was standing. Livi wet her suddenly dry lips and forced her gaze lower, wondering if the rest of him lived up to the promise of that gorgeous face.

  Her heart did a slow thumpity-thump as her eyes meandered over his broad shoulders and down muscular arms encased in a tight blue shirt. She sighed her appreciation at the definition of his pecs beneath the bright letter S on his chest.

  The man of steel. She wondered if he was hard all over.

  Then he grinned at something his companion said.

  And Livi got shaky. Her knees melted, her thighs trembled and nipples sprang to attention. That was an orgasm smile. She’d heard the girls at the club talk about those during training sessions, but she’d figured strippers exaggerated everything from their bumps to their grinds.

  But now she knew.

  All he’d have to add to that smile was an offer and she’d climax for sure. And she’d bet that alone would be better than the two years of sex she’d had with her ex.

  “C’mon,” Tessa said, her tone as impatient as if Livi had made her wait an hour instead of a few lust-filled seconds. Whether it was because she knew her prodding wasn’t enough to get Livi’s feet moving or because she just loved the attention, Tessa raised her voice, along with her tray, and called out, “Who’s hungry?”

  All eyes turned their way.

  Tessa preened.

  Livi felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Her bubble of lust burst under a dozen or so pairs of eyes and panic took its place. Deep breath, she told herself. And another. By the third her nerves were under control and her public persona firmly in place.

  “Roz asked us to bring food,” she said in the same cheery tone she used to tell women to grab a pole and straddle it like a stallion. She tilted her tray to prove they weren’t really crashing the party.

  “Food and guests—we’ll take them both.”

  “C’mon in and join us.”

  “The party just got interesting.”

  Tessa took the warm chorus of welcomes at face value, sashaying across the room to begin introducing herself like the social butterfly she was.

  Livi was more like a caterpillar than a butterfly, though.

  Nerves danced in her stomach, keeping time with the buzzing in her ears. But Livi forced herself to cross the room. Chin high, smile sassy, she knew nobody looking at her could see her anxiety. She’d had years of practice at looking way more confident than she’d ever feel.

  She didn’t let herself look toward the corner where Super Hottie was sitting, in case he returned her interest. He probably hadn’t even noticed their arrival. But still... It was difficult enough to sashay into a room full of strangers. She didn’t need to be self-conscious, too.

  “Roz didn’t have to go to any trouble,” said a sweet-faced brunette dressed as a sleek black cat as she hurried forward to meet Livi. “She already provided enough food to feed, well, the Navy.”

  The woman gestured to the crowd in case Livi didn’t realize the male half of the room were sailors out of uniform.

  But Livi didn’t have to be told.

  One, the bar, Olive Oyl’s, was in Coronado and catered to the naval base. Two, Roz didn’t close off half her bar for anyone but sailors. And three, well, just look at the guys. They were the epitome of all things military, from their fit bodies to their buzz haircuts to their powerful demeanor—even the guy dressed like a duck.

  “Roz figured it’d been a while since dinner and thought people might be hungry. She has a need to feed,” Livi said with a smile and a shrug. “She brought cupcakes and lasagna to my catered wedding, just in case, and I quote, ‘the caterer sucked and the cake was boring-ass vanilla.’”

  She bit her lip. Should she have said ‘ass’? Maybe she should have just kept quiet. She never knew if her words would be taken right or not.

  But the other woman’s appreciative laugh eased her discomfort. Livi set the tray on the table and uncovered it, then stepped back as a dozen people attacked the egg rolls and nachos.

  “Looks as if Roz knew what she was talking about,” the woman remarked, her expression slightly stunned.

  “She always does.” Roz had even told Livi not to bother changing her last name, since the marriage wouldn’t last long enough for the paperwork to get filed.

  “I’m Eden,” the cat said, holding out her hand. “You must be Roz’s niece.”

  Livi blinked, wondering how she’d guessed. Most people didn’t believe them when they were straight-out told, since the only shared trait—physical or personality-wise—between Roz and Livi was their height. Few people knew them both well enough to realize how alike they were, from their taste for green tea to their love of animals.


  “Eden the vet?” Livi asked. “Purveyor of furry addictions and cuddly friends?”

  “Oh, you met Pedro?” Eden exclaimed.

  At ease now, Livi fell into a delighted discussion about her aunt’s new three-legged cat.

  But her nerves still fluttered, like the wings of a nagging butterfly. Not about the crowd. She’d found someone to talk to. Nope, these were sexual nerves. The kind that were inspired by curiosity and fed by desire. The kind she hadn’t felt in, oh, about a million years.

  Unable to resist any longer, sure they’d settle once she assured herself he wasn’t paying any attention to her, Livi looked toward the corner.

  The lair of Super Hottie, the sexiest man in the room.

  She blinked.

  Livi’s butte
rflies turned into fighter jets, roaring through her system. She locked her knees against the trembling and thanked God that the thick foam of her costume hid her instantly rock-hard nipples.

  Because he was staring.

  At her.

  And he looked as if he liked what he saw.


  * * *

  WELL, WELL. Lt. Commander Mitch Donovan leaned against the wall and watched the gorgeous blonde dressed as a Twinkie talk to Sullivan’s wife. Mitch had never had much of a sweet tooth. But right now he had an intense desire for a taste.

  A mellow grin played over his mouth as his gaze drifted down the length of her golden sponge cake−shaped body. How could a woman covered in that inspire lust at first sight? Then his eyes wandered lower, to where the costume ended at mid-thigh. Those were some damned sexy legs, from what he could see. His eyes lifted to her face again and his lust kicked up a notch.

  As a man who was used to excelling in extremes of all kinds, he appreciated his body’s instant reaction. He just didn’t quite understand the Pavlovian intensity of it.

  She was pretty. Her honey-blond hair was twisted back, leaving her face bare. Dark brows contrasted with the color of her hair and slashed over eyes that seemed to be taking in the entire room at once.

  His gaze narrowed. Her expression was friendly, her body language relaxed. But the hand she’d tucked into the side of her costume clenched and unclenched, her fingers fluttering over the foam.

  Intrigued by the contrast—always curious when confronted with even the hint of a puzzle—he glanced back at her face to search for other signs. Of fear. Of nerves. Of...

  Mitch’s brain went blank.

  He didn’t think it’d ever done that before in his life. But it was blank, so he couldn’t be sure.

  All he could see were those eyes. Huge, filled with so many emotions he didn’t understand. Lashes so lush they cast a shadow around those eyes, giving her the look of a startled doe. A very sexy, very appealing startled doe.


  Who was she? He held her gaze, imagining those big eyes staring up at him as he poised over her body. Wondering if she’d keep them open after he’d plunged inside or if she’d close them and ride out the ecstasy.

  “Yo, you want a drink?”

  She blinked, those thick lashes brushing the delicate curve of her cheeks. The move should have broken the spell, but Mitch still couldn’t look away. She wet her lips, the pink tip of her tongue briefly sliding over the full cushion of her bottom lip. He was glad he’d opted for jeans with his costume instead of tights. The zipper didn’t offer much give against his sudden erection, but he was hard enough that he’d have ripped right through a pair of tights, superhero-issue or not.

  What did she taste like? Hot and mysterious? Sweet and tempting? How long would it take before he could find out?

  “Mitch. Donovan. Lt. Commander, dammit.”

  Mitch blinked.



  He turned his head, meeting Chief Petty Officer Gabriel Thorne’s impatient stare.


  “That’s Lt. Commander, dammit, sir,” Mitch shot back. “And what’s your problem?”

  “I’ve been talking, but you’re not listening. I’ve gotta tell you, Irish, I’m not used to being ignored.”

  Mitch’s lips twitched. Truer words were never spoken.

  Shirtless, wearing buckskins and a feather behind his ear, Gabriel Thorne—call sign Romeo—was a man who thrived on attention. And he had plenty to thrive on. Mitch had served with the guy for six years off and on, and he’d never once seen him get shot down. Actually, Mitch wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Romeo make the first move. The guy was usually too busy fending off the women to need to.

  “Since I don’t plan to go home with you tonight, I’m not worried about bruising your ego,” he told his friend, happy to gloss right over the temporary and mind-boggling fog of lust. Mitch wouldn’t let himself look toward the blonde again. Not until he’d had a chance to analyze what had happened and figure out how she’d managed to short-circuit his brain.

  “My ego is Teflon,” Gabriel assured him, his black eyes dancing with amusement aimed at the both of them. Native American blood ran strong in Thorne, from the hint of blue in his close-cut hair to the gold of his skin and razor-sharp cheekbones. “Besides, it’s not just the ladies who pay close attention, my friend. I knock, the enemy listens.”

  “Might have a little to do with the IED you’re aiming their way,” Mitch pointed out with a grin. A demolitions expert, Thorne could make a grenade dance around a corner, scurry down a hall or chase a man up a mountain. “But don’t let me rain all over your fantasy with my boring reality.”

  “Bro, my reality is most guys’ fantasy.” Gabriel winked. “But then, so is yours. Navy SEAL, fast-tracking your way through the ranks with enough medals and commendations to cover a wall. And you’re not bad-looking, so you don’t scare away the ladies when they’re hitting on me. All in all, I’d say we’re a damned good team.”

  “Yep,” Mitch agreed, draining his beer. Gabriel liked to say he kept Mitch around as a wingman because most guys couldn’t handle his success with the ladies.

  Mitch knew better, but it didn’t bother him enough to correct his friend.

  “So you wanna fill me in?”

  “Not really.” Mitch didn’t have to ask what Gabriel meant. He’d known his little trip into the lusty fog wouldn’t go unnoticed.

  “She came in with the brunette with the broken halo. They’re not connected with any of the team, so I figure Roz sent them. Either that or they’re enemy infiltrators, here to deliver food and steal our Halloween secrets.”

  Impressed, Mitch grinned and shook his head. It was hard to be irritated with the guy’s uncanny insights when they were always delivered with a laugh.

  “What? You don’t have her name? A detailed dossier on her likes and dislikes, contact information and bra size?”

  “Hey, I’m in explosives, not intelligence.”

  “Ahh,” Mitch said, drawing the word out.

  In true Romeo fashion, the other man arched one brow and nodded. Challenge accepted.

  “Five,” Gabriel said, referring to the number of minutes he guaranteed it’d take him to win the challenge.

  “Bet,” Mitch confirmed, agreeing to their usual terms.

  Five minutes was enough time to make sure he had control over his reactions—both north and south of his belt.

  Gabriel stood, grabbed their empty beer bottles and sauntered across the room. He didn’t head for the blonde, though. Instead he lost himself in the crowd around the pool table.

  Less than a minute later he was back with four beers, a slight frown and the brunette with the broken halo and a body made to tempt Satan.

  “Mitch, this is Tessa. She was nice enough to bring our food since my hands are full.”

  Mitch arched a brow. He’d had to resort to a lame excuse like that to get the woman over? Romeo was losing his touch.

  Ignoring Mitch’s grin, Gabriel took the plate of egg rolls.

  “These are great. But you’re too gorgeous to be with catering,” Gabriel said, leaning back on his heels and giving the angel an assessing look. “How’d you get roped into playing waitress?”

  The brunette matched him look for look, then shrugged.

  “Roz asked, so Livi and I delivered.”

  Mitch glanced at his watch.

  “Livi? Isn’t that Roz’s niece?”

  Mitch almost rolled his eyes. Damned if the man didn’t belong in intelligence. Of course, the only way he’d be any good there was if the US needed to infiltrate a harem guarded by women on an all-female island. But that was beside the point.

  “You’re wanting to mee
t Livi?” the brunette said slowly, giving Gabriel a long look before turning those assessing eyes on Mitch. He was pretty sure those baby blues garnered as much info on him in that single look as the Pentagon had in their last security check. The military had approved his clearance. He wasn’t so sure the angel would.

  No big deal. It wasn’t like he needed a wingman—or in this case wingman and winged woman—to get the girl. Before Mitch could brush off the sultry angel, she turned and gave a low whistle, waving her friend over.

  While she did, Gabriel lifted his wrist to show he was on minute three of five.

  But Mitch wasn’t paying attention.

  His focus was the Twinkie, who after a moment’s hesitation crossed the room to join them.

  Mitch knew there were words being said.

  He was sure he was missing out on the fun of watching Romeo strike out.

  But the closer the blonde came, the deeper into that fog of lust Mitch fell.

  Brown. Her eyes were the color of melted milk chocolate. Rich, warm and inviting. Up close her face was even more striking in its delicacy. Especially the contrast of those dark eyes and brows against her pale skin and golden hair.

  Those rich, hypnotic eyes met his.

  Mitch could see interest there. And heat. Oh, yeah. A smile played at the corner of his mouth. He recognized that heat.

  He opened his mouth to introduce himself. Before he could, Romeo snapped his fingers.

  “Olivia Kane.”

  The blonde blinked, frowned and pulled her gaze away from Mitch to look at Gabriel.


  Mitch grimaced. He didn’t have to look at his watch to know it had been just under five minutes.

  “I’m a big fan. I’d love to talk about your training programs. Excuse me just one second, though.” Gabriel glanced at Mitch and grinned. “Thirty-six bravo, and out.”


  “I’M MITCH DONOVAN. And you’re Olivia?”

  Unable to find words, Livi simply nodded and nestled her hand into Mitch’s much warmer, much larger one.

  It was like grabbing a live wire. His touch zapped a shaft of hot desire through her system with so much intensity, Livi wanted to lie down. On the nearest flat surface, preferably with him on top of her.


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