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Daddy's Little Captive: A Dark Daddy Romance

Page 14

by Felicity Brandon

  Heat rushed to Sophie’s face at his assertion, but the worst of it was, he was right. She had always found bondage alluring, however frustrating its reality was.

  Within a moment, her left wrist was secured inside the pink cuff, which Jared buckled into place. Sophie tried it out as his focus shifted to the other hand. The restraint only allowed her a few inches of movement, but still the cuff was soft, like one of those large, leather ones she’d seen on the BDSM sites she’d surfed, and while she didn’t want to be bound to the chair, she preferred this somehow. The cuff didn’t bite into her skin the way the ropes had and the leather was less abrasive. It didn’t take long for her other wrist to follow suit and soon, all four of her limbs were restrained to the kitchen chair in the same way. Jared rose, his eyes excited as he appraised her.

  “Do you have any idea how good you look this way?”

  Sophie lowered her gaze, noticing how her nipples had hardened. “No, Daddy.”

  “Well you do,” he insisted. “Fucking amazing actually.”

  Jared wandered closer, his hand grazing over her right breast. “Let’s get this place warm,” he mused aloud. “And then we can eat.”

  She turned her head and watched as he adjusted the thermostat on the wall beside her before he closed the door. Jared glanced over his shoulder, grinning as their gazes met.

  “What did you mean when you said this was all new to you?”

  Sophie pulled against her restraints even though she already knew it was futile. There was no way she was getting out of them without Jared.

  “I…” She hesitated, suddenly unsure. “I’ve never done anything like this before, Daddy.”

  “I know that,” he replied, opening the large fridge in the far corner and reaching for something inside. “You told me that already.”

  Sophie sighed. Of course, she had. She seemed to have shared just about every piece of intimate information with the guy already. God knows what she had been thinking.

  “What else?” he demanded, striding away with what looked like a block of cheese. “What specifically is new?”

  All this Daddy shit, she thought, but the words never reached her lips.

  “The way you want me to call you Daddy,” she murmured, abruptly embarrassed by the way he was making her say the things out loud.

  Wasn’t all of this obvious?

  They’d never discussed any of this age-play stuff online and Jared had never indicated a preference for it. Sophie knew that for sure. She would have remembered and she would likely have been perturbed by the idea. She’d never entertained the concept of calling a grown man Daddy before, unless you counted the times she’d said it to Jason on behalf of her children.

  Jared’s lips were curling as Sophie glanced back to him.

  “But you like it.” That was more a statement than a question.

  “We talked about that,” she whispered. “I have mixed feelings about it.”

  He turned to face her with an arched brow.

  “Daddy.” She added quickly.

  “You’ll learn to love more about it than you despise,” he told her with a confidence on the subject that Sophie didn’t feel.

  Firstly, how the hell could he know that when it was probably the only kink they hadn’t discussed in their messages, and secondly, Sophie couldn’t contemplate the future Jared wanted to project. Sure, she enjoyed some of this attention, but that wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to leave her marriage, and it certainly wasn’t enough to leave her kids. She needed to get back to them, and soon. If she could only figure out where the hell she was.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Jared sliced the cheese, before he grilled it over the bread. Sophie was quiet while he worked. She hadn’t responded to his assertion about age-play, and for once, he hadn’t pushed the point. He had never discussed the fetish with her, and that had been intentional. Amongst the chats about paddles and gags, he hadn’t wanted to go too far and frighten her away. It had been important to set the tone just right, to engage her but not overwhelm her, and somehow, Jared had managed it.

  He checked on the cheese toast, watching it bubble under the heat before he turned the power off. Turning, he addressed Sophie once more.

  “A glass of milk, little girl?”

  She swallowed at his question. “Water please, Daddy.”

  His brow furrowed. He would have preferred to see her drink milk, but water would do for the time being. The key thing was to get some sustenance into Sophie, and of course, to enjoy himself along the way. Transferring her bread onto a plate, Jared cut the piece into small strips, leaving his whole, and then he set both plates down onto the table. Sophie eyed her cheese toast with obvious suspicion, but wisely, she kept her feelings on the subject to herself. Jared returned to the counter and filled a glass with water, before boiling the kettle for himself. He made himself a mug of tea before he carried both drinks to where she was bound.

  “There you go.” He set the water down on the table in front of her.

  Sophie reached for the food, but naturally, the cuffs at her wrists halted her progress. She huffed, looking to him with inquiring eyes. “Thank you, but how I am supposed to eat it?”

  Jared smiled. He was glad she had asked.

  “I’m going to feed you,” he answered with a grin as he took the seat beside her.

  Frankly, it had been one of the parts Jared had been looking forward to the most, aside from the debauched sex, of course.

  Sophie shook her head in disbelief. “Really, Daddy?”

  There was scorn in her voice and Jared didn’t like it.

  He lurched toward her, propping her chin up with his hand. Sophie’s eyes widened at his change of tact, her body tensing under his touch.

  “That was a mighty brave tone of voice for someone who already has the spanking of their life coming.”

  She gulped at his reproachful tone, her expression instantly contrite. “I’m s-sorry, Daddy,” she murmured. “I didn’t mean to be rude.”

  Jared’s hand fell to her left breast and he tugged at her nipple. Sophie yelped at the initial contact, pulling futilely against her cuffs as he helped himself to her exposed and vulnerable body.

  “You have great tits,” he mused as his hand shifted to the other nipple and pinched it. “You can make me very happy, little girl. I know you can, and I can make you happy, too—if you learn to behave yourself.”

  Sophie nodded, biting her lip anxiously.

  “How’s that head now?” he asked in a softer tone.

  “It still hurts, Daddy,” she admitted in a whisper.

  Jared pressed his lips into a hard line. It was time to get some food into his little girl. “Open,” he instructed sensually, reaching for the first strip of cheese toast.

  Sophie’s gaze watched the pursuit of his hand and her lips parted at its approach. Jared’s cock, which had so recently been placated, rose at the gesture. It wanted that mouth to open for it again soon. Sophie’s throat had been magnificent.

  He slipped the piece of toast into her mouth, watching as she bit half of the strip away and chewed on the food slowly.

  “Good?” he probed.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, her attention flitting to her lap as she swallowed the mouthful down.

  “Look at Daddy,” he goaded. “I want to see your pretty face when I feed you, Sophie.”

  She regarded him with imploring eyes, her face flaming with shame. Evidently, little Sophie hadn’t been fed by hand before and she wasn’t much enjoying it. That was a pity, because Jared was absolutely fucking loving the way the act demeaned her, and he intended to perpetuate it at every meal time.

  “Finish this piece up while I have mine.”

  This time her mouth parted before he reached it, taking the cheese toast from his fingers and chewing on it while he helped himself to his own plate. Jared relaxed back in his seat, relishing the view as he ate. It had been hours since Jared last had anything to eat and he
was starving, but it had been worth the wait. A part of him still couldn’t believe what a lucky bastard he was. Every meal was going to be like this from now on.

  Sophie was finally his.

  All those weeks of scheming had paid off, and now, with a little help from his friends, Jared had her.

  He gobbled down his toast, intermittently offering Sophie her small strips. She took them without complaint, but Jared couldn’t tell if it was hunger that drove her on, or the fear of upsetting him again. Either way, he was pleased she was compliant. When she’d taken her final piece of toast, he reached for the glass of water.

  “Time for a drink,” he commanded, bringing the glass to her lips.

  Sophie leaned forward as far as the cuffs would allow and accepted the drink. Jared felt like a proud father as she drank it down in one sitting.

  “Very good, little girl,” he purred, stroking the stray strands of her hair from her face. “You did well.”

  She glanced up at him. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Hopefully your headache will improve soon, but if not, a good night’s sleep should help.”

  Her attention shifted to the window before him and instinctively, Jared knew what she was thinking. It was nighttime already, and of course, she was right. It was nearly half past ten, but it wasn’t time for her to sleep again just yet.

  There was still the small matter of her punishment to come.

  “You told me once that you’d never been spanked before, Sophie.” Jared paused, watching her responses carefully. “Was that true?”

  She gasped at the sudden change in conversation, her fingers stretching against the cuffs. “Yes, it’s true,” she murmured. “I never have.”

  Jared grinned at her. “Well, all that’s about to change,” he promised her. “You’ve got a significant punishment coming to you, young lady.”

  Sophie’s body visibly tensed and Jared could see the conflict in her gaze. It was obvious that she wanted to be punished. He knew it had been an irrefutable desire she’d suppressed for too long, But Jared also had an idea how much the concept filled her with terror. She had told him as much during their flirty exchanges—Sophie loved the idea of submitting, but she had no idea if she could handle the reality. The beauty of this moment was that she no longer had a choice.

  “Wh-what will you do, Daddy?” she stammered.

  Jared took a sip of his tea, watching Sophie as he placed the mug back down. She was visibly fraught with anxiety about the things he proposed, and like the sick fuck he was, Jared was excited at her responses.

  “It’s up to me what I do, little girl,” he told her after a moment. “Rest assured, Daddy knows best.”

  Her eyes flitted back to her thighs and Jared was reminded just how vulnerable Sophie was. She’d never had the chance to anticipate any of the things he had masterminded today—she never saw it coming—and as a result, Sophie was desperately trying to keep up with the change of pace, not wanting to displease him. But Jared wasn’t a fool. He knew she’d flee if he gave her half a chance.

  Sophie lifted her chin. “You said you’d take me over your lap, Daddy?”

  Her eyes danced with emotion, but it was impossible to tell if was fear or exhilaration Jared saw there.

  “That’s right.”

  She sighed. “Will you hurt me?”

  He picked up his mug again, hiding his smile behind it as he considered her question. “I am going to spank you, little girl, and I’ll certainly be tanning your backside until you can’t sit down.”

  Sophie’s eyes closed for a brief moment before opening again, and this time there was definitely fear swimming in them.

  “I will hurt you, yes,” Jared continued. “But I will never cause you real harm. Daddy will take care of you—in every way possible.”

  She exhaled and once more closed her expressive eyes. Jared took a large swig of his drink, rearranging his growing erection while her gaze was shuttered.

  “I think we’ll go back to your room for the spanking,” he declared.

  Jared could have spanked her anywhere, of course. He could have untied her and turned her over his knee right there in the kitchen. It was clear to him that Sophie had neither the strength, nor the energy to stop him, but for some reason that wasn’t what he wanted to do. Jared yearned to get Sophie back into her room—that pink space he’d created for her. That room was going to become the center of her whole universe now, and that meant punishment as well as pleasure.

  Sophie’s gaze was back on him. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Draining the remainder of his tea, Jared stacked the plates and took the dirty crockery over to the kitchen sink. He’d deal with the washing up later. He had a naughty girl to manage first.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The weight of all her competing emotions was exhausting. Sophie was tired anyway. Maybe it was the time of the day, or perhaps the effects of whatever drug they’d given her, but her body was weary. Her mind, though, was alive with trepidation. This whole situation was so perilous. She didn’t know this man—not really—and now she was trapped in this house with him, at the mercy of whatever whim he chose to inflict upon her. Sophie’s breath hitched as she considered her predicament. She wanted to get away. She needed to get back to Billy and Lucy, yet even as those thoughts crashed through her head, the goading arousal between her legs plagued her. The cuffs and the ropes were doing something for her, however shameful it was to admit. And all this talk of spanking sent heat spiking to her core.

  She watched while Jared was busy at the sink, her gaze crawling over his body. Jared still wore the same shirt and denims he’d worn when he’d first arrived at her house, but in the friction of the last few hours, she’d rarely had the opportunity to look at him. Jared had been dressed when he’d fucked her, and he was still dressed when he’d fingered her in her bathroom. She’d never had the opportunity to see those muscular arms, or the rippling muscles of his chest, but Sophie could imagine them. She’d seen the ease with which Jared had carried her, and evidently, the man was strong. Sitting in her chair, she took in the breadth of his back and his perfect behind. Jared was tall and dark and everything she would have fantasized about, but none of that should matter. He was also the guy who’d snatched her from her house and crucially, he wasn’t Jason. She sighed as she thought about her husband again, guilt expanding in her chest. After all these years, Sophie couldn’t believe she’d been unfaithful to him, and even in the extreme circumstances that she’d slept with Jared, she was still ashamed of herself. Jared may have taken what he wanted in the end, but there was little point in denying the fact that Sophie had wanted him.

  It had probably been written all over her face, and it had sure as hell been clear from her soaking pussy.

  Jared turned, stalking back to the place she was forced to wait. He stopped just beyond her, seeming to tower over Sophie.

  “Time we got going.”

  Sophie nodded. There was no point in arguing, and anyway, even though she feared the pain, the concept of being spanked enthralled her. She’d dreamed about it for so long, and Jason would never even entertain the idea. “Yes, Daddy.”

  He smiled, the way he always did when she ceded to his will and the well of heat bubbled in her core. She shouldn’t want him. It was obvious she shouldn’t, so why was she so bloody horny in his presence?

  Jared crouched in front of her, beginning work on her right ankle cuff. “Are you going to be Daddy’s good girl, or am I going to have to bind you again?”

  He lifted his chin, the intensity of his gaze landing over her once more.

  “I’ll be good,” she squeaked.

  Jared smirked. “I hope so,” he murmured, “Because Daddy is going to be really disappointed if you let him down.”

  Sophie swallowed at the way he put that. There was something about the notion of pleasing and disappointing him that was pivotal, and although it made no sense, Sophie was fixated on the idea of gaining Jared’s app
roval. She didn’t want him to be angry. She wanted to be his good girl.

  “I won’t disappoint you,” she promised, holding the weight of his stare as he shifted to her other leg.

  It only took him a moment to release her left ankle from the cuff.

  “Good.” Jared knelt in front of her, nudging her knees aside as he leaned closer to Sophie’s body.

  He grabbed a fistful of her hair, the feeling of his fingers gripping at her scalp making her pant. “I want to trust you, baby, but I don’t yet.”

  Jared’s face loomed in her direction, and Sophie was forced to take in a breath to steady herself.

  “But if you’re a good girl, then I will be able to and one day we can dispense with all the ropes and cuffs.” He paused, arching an eyebrow at her. “Assuming you want to, of course.”

  Sophie had no clue how to answer that. All she could focus on was the hunger burning in Jared’s gaze. He was like a starving man at a banquet, and as his mouth pressed into hers, the thought occurred that she was about to be devoured. She groaned as her head hit the back of the chair. She was pinioned by the power of Jared’s kiss. Sophie couldn’t recall if she’d ever been kissed that way before. Maybe she had, once upon a time, but she’d certainly not been privy to passion like it for a while, and as he drew away, she could barely catch her breath.

  Jared’s attention moved to the cuffs at her wrists, making short work of the bondage before he rose to his feet again. “Up you get.”

  Sophie shivered at the instruction. It was strange being free of all the binds for a change, but as she stood before him without them, she felt more exposed and vulnerable than ever.

  “Are you ready?”

  Sophie dared to meet his gaze. Was she ready?

  “I’m scared, Daddy,” she replied in a tone so pitiful Sophie’s toes curled as she answered.

  For some reason, it seemed easier to call him that now. It was like she was role-playing, and in her mind, she’d chosen to assume this new identity as his little girl. Sophie didn’t know why, but she had a sense it would make the whole spanking easier to process. Jared blinked down at her, the potency of his glare seeming to root her to the spot.


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