Barefoot & Pregnant: A New Adult Romance

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Barefoot & Pregnant: A New Adult Romance Page 2

by S Cinders

  Colt scooped Katie up with both arms, “I knew you couldn’t stay mad at me!”

  “Let go of me, you oaf!” Katie giggled trying to wriggle out of his arms.

  “Never! Not until you say I am not a gigantic ass-wipe,” Colt teased tightening his grip. He loved the feel of her small soft body against his larger one. Something smelled amazing, he buried his nose in her hair.

  “Are you smelling me?” Katie asked in confusion.

  It was then that Colt realized how close they really were. Katie’s long streaky bond hair was wrapped in his hand. Her firm breasts were pressed against his chest. And her blue eyes were looking at him in confusion. She was so damn beautiful, and her lips were closer than he could ever remember them being.

  Katie’s heart was racing. She knew that Colt was hot, he had the whole tan surfer look down without even trying. His blond hair was always perfectly disheveled. And his green eyes which always held amusement, were dark and focused. Katie felt a familiar stirring in her stomach. Her eyes glanced over his chiseled jaw that hadn’t been shaved that morning. Colt was tall, at least two inches above six feet. His body was built from constant sports and weight training. There had been more than one occasion when Katie had to stop herself from drooling. And when Colt had walked around without a shirt on it was like Christmas or her birthday.

  But the way he was looking at her today, this was new. Was he going to kiss her? Katie knew that she was breathing rapidly, but she couldn’t help herself.

  Colt’s eyes were still glued to her mouth, all thought and reason had gone out the window.

  “Where are you idiots?” Liam called out as he slammed the front door, “You better have a good excuse!”

  Immediately they sprang apart, Colt dropping his hold on her. He had barely sat down on her bed and grabbed a pillow when Liam appeared.

  Looking at the both Liam knew that something was up, “What happened?”

  There was no way Colt was going to explain his hard on for Liam.

  Katie frowned, “This ass-wipe decided it would be funny to try on maternity bras.”

  Liam’s lips twitched, “On himself?”

  “He got us kicked out of the store! The only maternity store in town! What the hell, Colt?” Katie focused on her anger, not wanting to touch what had just happened.

  “I looked damn good, and you know it.” Colt grinned, the amusement back in his green eyes.

  Liam turned to Katie, “So, did you not get any clothes? Because there are several bags downstairs with new things that I am assuming are yours. Unless, Colt here is making an announcement, but I am going to warn you both. I can only take one person pregnant in the house at a time.”

  Katie huffed, placing her hands on her hips, “No, Colt went back and apologized. The woman finally let him buy the stuff I had set aside. But I am still very unhappy.”

  Liam turned to Colt, “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Colt smiled, “Did you know that they have bras were the cups just unsnap? It is genius!”

  “They do?” Liam asked.

  “Ugh! You are both ass-wipes, they are nursing bras—to feed a baby.” Katie rolled her eyes, “It’s like talking to a three-year-old. And the comments he made about the tummy panels on the jeans were not helpful either.”

  Colt’s eyes lit and he jumped from the bed, “Dude, you have to see these. You could eat a butt load of food and it wouldn’t matter they just keep stretching. I am seriously considering coming out with maternity wear for men. Women shouldn’t be the only ones with these perks.”

  Katie looked at them in astonishment, “Some perk, squeezing a basketball out of my hoo-ha!”

  The guys stepped back, grimacing.

  “There is no need to use dirty words,” Colt said loftily.

  “Hoo-ha, you are lucky I didn’t call it a vagina. But now, all bets are off. Not more special words for Colt.”

  Colt covered his ears, “You know I hate that word! It’s so gross for such a fabulous place.”

  “Vagina!” Katie yelled back at him.

  “I’m out,” Colt bolted past Liam. Stopping in the hallway he turned to Liam, “Mom wants you both for dinner, but Katie can’t come if she is going to talk like that.”

  “You freaking love vaginas—man up ass-wipe!” Katie called out from her bedroom.

  Liam shrugged, “You do have a track record that leans in that direction, she has a point.”

  Colt rolled his eyes, “At least she isn’t locked in her room anymore.”

  Liam went to walk Colt out, “Hey, you didn’t happen to get any of those magic bras, did you?”

  Colt’s face lit, “Three!”


  “Hey, Mrs. A, thanks for having us over!” Liam hugged Colt’s mom before going to smell the spaghetti on the stove.

  “If you stick your fingers in there, Liam, I will cut them off.” Mrs. Andrews smiled at her son’s best friend as she waved the large knife that she had been using to cut vegetables.

  “Mom,” Colt came in and kissed her cheek, “Stop threatening to dismember people. It’s not nice.”

  Mrs. Andrew’s rolled her eyes, “I don’t threaten strangers, just the ones I love.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. A!” Liam laughed shoving off the counter, “It smells amazing. Can we help with anything?”

  Colt smacked the back of Liam’s head, “What the hell, man? Now she is going to make us work.”

  Mrs. Andrews snapped her dish towel catching Colt’s hind end.

  Liam was laughing his butt off, “Mrs. A, I love you.”

  “Stop perving on my mom!” Colt grumbled.

  Mrs. Andrews was used to their banter, shaking her head with amusement she asked, “Boys, I need you to set the table. And Colt, watch your mouth. You are not too old to be washed out with soap.”

  Colt made a face, “You should have heard the language coming out of Katie-cat.”

  Katie rounded the corner after just returning from the bathroom. “Whatever he is saying is a lie, Mrs. A. It smells awesome, did you make spaghetti?”

  Katie walked over to the rich red marinara that was simmering on the stove top. Taking a deep breath, she sighed happily, “I love you, Mrs. A.”

  Liam busted up laughing again, “Colt doesn’t like it when we perve on his mom. Besides I saw her first!”

  Colt flushed, “That’s not what I said. I don’t like it when you perve on my mom, ass-wipe!”

  Katie went up to Mrs. A and gave her a hug, “Maybe we could sell them somewhere. Surely someone wants two eighteen-year-old boys, only slightly used.”

  Mrs. A laughed and hugged her back, “How are you feeling sweetheart?”

  “Fat,” was Katie’s automatic reply.

  Mrs. A smiled at her, “Katie you are not fat, you are quite tiny for being sixteen weeks along. I meant, are you still throwing up?”

  Katie shook her head, “I haven’t in the last two weeks, although there are times at school when I feel like I am fighting it. Some kids have major hygiene problems. I think I am feeling the baby move more.”

  Liam laughed, “Or she has wicked gas.”

  Katie scowled, “I can’t help that! And you were not going to tell anyone, you swore!”

  Colt doubled over with laughter.

  Mrs. A snapped her dishtowel at him again.

  “Ma, freaking hell! That hurts!” Colt rubbed his backside shooting his mother an offended look.

  Katie was transfixed for a moment on the place that he was rubbing. Suddenly her fingers twitched, and Katie wanted to touch his perfectly shaped ass.


  Katie cleared her head, “What?”

  Liam looked at his sister strangely, “You were zoning out. Mrs. A asked you when your next appointment was.”

  Katie felt the blush spread from her neck up, “Sorry Mrs. A, sometimes I feel like I am losing my marbles. I have an appointment in two weeks.”

  Colt’s eyes lit up, “Is it the ultrasound?�

  Katie nodded, “They said that they should be able to tell us the gender of the baby.”

  Mrs. A looked concerned, “Do you want me to come with you? Is there anything that I can do?”

  Katie shook her head, “Liam and Colt are coming, but thank you, Mrs. A. You really are the best. Do you want me to set the table?”

  Mrs. A smiled at Katie, “You are such a dear. I asked these two.”

  The boys hopped up and started grabbing things.

  “We were working on it,” Colt said with a smirk.

  Katie felt heat in her stomach again. She couldn’t help but stare as he reached into the cabinets getting the dishes. There wasn’t a bad angle on the guy. He was hot there was no denying it.

  Colt turned around and caught Katie starring. With a sexy grin, he winked at her before going back to setting the table.

  Katie felt hot, was it too warm in the kitchen?

  Excusing herself, she went into the living room for a moment. Fanning her face, Katie took some deep breaths. Whatever was the matter with her? Why was she so focused on Colt? This was Colt. The same one who cut her hair when he smuggled scissors home from kindergarten. To be fair, he had also cut his and Liam’s.

  “What are you doing, Kat?” Liam poked his head in, “Dinner is ready if you are okay.”

  Katie smiled at her brother, “Yeah, I just got a little overheated. But I am starving, let’s eat.”

  Dinner was filled with laughter and a truckload of pasta. When everyone had eaten their fill, Mrs. A set the boys on the dishes. She insisted that being pregnant was job enough for Katie. The girls went out of the back deck to enjoy the cool breeze.

  “How is school going?” Mrs. A asked gently. She knew of the troubles that Katie had been having.

  “About the same,” Katie sighed, “I went from being on the dance team, someone that everyone wanted to be friends with. To being a social pariah, it is almost like I am invisible. Liam and Colt eat lunch with me but being seniors. They are not in any of my classes. I just don’t know what I would do without them.”

  Mrs. A was sympathetic, “I am sorry, sweetheart, but people suck sometimes. Most of the time, but there are good ones out there too.”

  Katie laughed, “People do suck. But you are right.”

  “Just don’t close yourself off, okay? Have you thought any more about adoption?”

  Katie fidgeted, “I looked through the pamphlets.”

  Mrs. A looked out at the yard and trees beyond, “It’s funny, I can still picture you three running around here begging for popsicles like it was yesterday. And here you are almost full-grown, about to be a mother yourself.”

  Katie braved a look at Mrs. A, “Do you think it is wrong to try and raise my baby?”

  Mrs. A looked at Katie, “There is no right or wrong answer from me. Katie, you are an amazing girl. You have been through complete hell. First, losing your parents and then with this pregnancy. If you are asking if I think you would be a fit mother, then I will answer you honestly. You will not be perfect. You will make mistakes. You will second guess yourself, and wonder if you are the worst parent alive. And it will be damn hard, harder than anything that you have been through yet.”

  Katie’s eyes filled with tears, “Then I should give my baby up?”

  “No, sweetheart, that’s not what I am saying. I am telling you that I was not a perfect mother. Katie, I have made thousands of mistakes literally and continue to do so. You don’t know how many times I have cried until my head ached, or prayed that my son would thrive with the worst mother alive. I am saying that if you chose to keep this baby, you would feel these same feelings and more. I am saying that even though it will be the hardest thing you may ever do, it is worth it. I wouldn’t go back and change a thing. I love being a mother, and I think you will be an incredible mother. You just need to decide if that is what is right for you, at this point in your life. But no matter what you choose, I know that you have two young men in there that will support you one hundred percent. Not every young mother has that.”

  Katie wiped at her eyes, “I worry that I am ruining their lives. They shouldn’t have to take care of me.”

  Mrs. A smiled, “I have seen so much growth out of both Liam and Colt. Don’t worry about them, Katie. If they didn’t want to be there, they wouldn’t. They love you, and so do I.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. A,” Katie looked up quickly, “The baby is kicking again!”

  Mrs. A went over to where Katie was sitting. Katie took her hand and put it on her abdomen.

  Mrs. A’s eyes widened and then she laughed, “My goodness, I feel it.”

  Katie beamed, “That’s my baby.”

  Her eyes went to the house. Colt was staring at her from the doorway. His usual teasing attitude was replaced by a serious expression. And his eyes were glued to her stomach where his mother had felt the baby move.

  Would he want to feel the baby move?


  Katie tossed her backpack over her left shoulder and looked up at Bright Ridge High School where she had spent much of the past three years. The large two story building seemed imposing, leaving a feeling of dread in her stomach.

  “Katie, are you coming?” Liam asked as he and Colt made their way to the front doors.

  Katie sighed, “Is there another alternative?”

  Colt’s smirk as his green eyes flashed to hers, had her heart miss a beat, “We are skipping again? Hell yes!”

  “Hell, no—Katie is not missing again. Not everyone is a genius, Colt.” Liam looked back to Katie, “Come on, I will walk you to your class.”

  Katie appreciated what her brother was offering, but that would only bring more attention to her. “I am good, but thanks anyhow Liam, I think it’s best if I go on my own. I will see you guys at lunch?”

  Liam nodded and started to walk away. But Colt’s questioning eyes held hers for a moment longer. He was in low slung jeans and a fitted gray T-shirt. Katie willed her eyes to stay on his face because she knew that should they fall to his muscular chest or cut arms she would be checking him out shamelessly. That would only further compound the little problem she was having lately.

  Katie smiled and waved, hoping to send him on his way. She wasn’t sure what the problem was. Obviously, she was lonely, and it had been a long time since she had gotten laid. Katie glanced down at her curved belly, sixteen weeks—give or take a few. But was that why she felt like jumping Colt? Was it just pregnancy hormones? She shamelessly watched the muscles in his back as he walked away from her. Between that and his firm backside in those sinful jeans, Katie was feeling all sorts of hot and bothered.

  “Damn, girl, I don’t know how you live with those two without spontaneously combusting!”

  Startled, Katie looked at her in surprise. Heat flamed in her cheeks at being caught ogling Colt. There getting out of a shiny new Volvo was Brianna Carlson, the school’s new girl this year.

  “Oh, Hey Brianna,” Katie tucked her hair behind her ear. She had a few classes with Brianna, but they had never spoken before. Brianna seemed to keep to herself, much like Katie did. Of course, Brianna didn’t fall from grace, nor was she shunned by the popular crowd as Katie was.

  “So, I heard you were knocked up,” Brianna pulled her Chanel sunglasses off and eyed Katie’s belly.

  Katie wasn’t sure quite how to respond to that, “Umm yes?”

  Brianna laughed, “I’ve heard all kinds of things about you.”

  Katie huffed and turned to leave. She didn’t need this.

  But Brianna fell into step beside her, “Your brother and his friend are hot.”

  Katie looked at Brianna askance, “I am sorry, but why are you talking with me?”

  Brianna looked surprised, “I’ve noticed that you keep to yourself. I have also noticed that no matter what shit people are talking, you keep your head up. I can respect that. I am sorry if I came on too strong. I don’t have much of a filter. And I tend to blurt out whatever I am thinking. B
ut the way I see it, you could use a friend.”

  Katie frowned, “Because my brother and his friend are hot?”

  Brianna laughed, “Nah, I wanted to get to know you better. But I am not going to lie. I have no issues appreciating what’s in front of my face. And those two are fine pieces of ass.”

  Katie didn’t understand it. Brianna was a pretty girl, long dark brown hair, smooth mocha skin, and gorgeous brown eyes. She also apparently came from money, most of the popular crowd only cared about what you looked like and how much your parents had in the bank.

  “Why, do you feel sorry for me?” Katie didn’t mean to be rude, but she wasn’t interested in being someone’s practical joke nor charity case.

  “Because your parents are dead, or because you have a bun in the oven?” Brianna popped her gum as they entered the school.

  Katie choked on a laugh, “You don’t pull any punches, do you?”

  Brianna shrugged, “I told you, no filter. But I don’t feel sorry for you. If you aren’t interested, it’s cool. It was nice talking to you, Katie.”

  Katie watched Brianna tossed her hair over her shoulder and started to walk away. Somehow, even though it was most likely a terrible decision, Katie wanted to believe her. “Brianna,” she called out, but the girl didn’t stop. Sighing, Katie knew that it was now or never, so she raced after Brianna. Catching her arm, Katie huffed, “I called your name. You shouldn’t make a pregnant girl run.”

  Brianna’s lips twitched, “Exercise in pregnancy is encouraged all the way until delivery. You can move your ass as well as the rest of us.”

  Katie felt a smile breaking through. It was nice to be treated like a normal person. “You try running with a baby strapped to you.”

  Brianna laughed, “How far along are you?”

  This was the first time anyone had asked her, “Sixteen weeks.”

  Brianna nodded, “My mom is an OBGYN, so pregnancy and baby stuff doesn’t bother me.”

  The bell rang, signaling that class was starting.

  “We better get to English. Did you finish the reading assignment?”


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