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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

Page 45

by Audrey Storm

  “R-Rob,” she breathed, hissing as he unwound an arm from around her back and squeezed her breast through the dress, his teeth nipping her chin desperately as he moved.

  Bridget had no idea what she was doing, but it wasn’t like she was trying to spend any time figuring it out, either. All she knew was that Robert wanted her – really wanted her – and it felt so fucking good to be wanted.

  “Bridget,” Rob pulled away, his hand moving from her chest to her hip. “The car’s stopped – we’re home.”

  Bridget thought about correcting him, about saying that no, he was home, but one look at the towering mansion gleaming against the night sky, and she decided that she could definitely pretend it was hers too, for a night.

  They ran up the stairs like excited teenagers, hushing each other as their laughter echoed down the halls. Bridget had never done this before, had never had her heart beating in her ears as she got a thrill just from smiling at a man that she was about to jump into bed with. For her, sex had always been complicated, or just downright awkward. It had never been the spontaneous act that Robert was turning it into.

  His bedroom hadn’t changed, not that she’d expected it to, and she couldn’t help but arch her back into the silk sheets as he laid her down on it.

  “You’re beautiful,” he professed, his lips kissing all the way up her legs until he had to push the dress up around her hips. His mutters of “gorgeous” and “perfect” were the only things that kept Bridget from pulling the fabric right back down and covering up. His voice was too desperate to be a hiss of lies, and she was just comfortable enough to believe him.

  His fingers brushed against her folds as he pulled her underwear aside, the air suddenly cold on her bare skin. It didn’t help that Robert spread her legs, dispelling any sense of cover.

  “R-Robert,” she muttered, putting a hand on the wrist that she could reach. “Don’t stare,” she said, biting her lip.

  Robert merely smirked and leaned forward, kissing her fiercely as he rendered her speechless.

  Flinging her arms over his neck, she pulled him closer, moaning into his mouth as she felt his warmth prod against her entrance. He only growled in response.

  She gasped as he fell inside of her, seating himself down to the hilt in a single thrust.

  “Ah!” Bridget yelped, jerking her head away to breathe through the sudden heat squeezing in her gut. Robert had hit something inside of her, and with the way that his dick was still pulsing against it, she could only think to form one word as it quickly drove her insane. “Move,” she breathed. “Move.”

  Robert was only too happy to comply, and he pulled out only to slam back in with a smile, his thrusts long and harsh. Bridget hadn’t known that men could move like that.

  “Robert, I—!” Bridget gasped next to his ear. Her body was tensing, the heat pooling in her stomach and only growing tighter with every delicious stab he aimed just perfectly against that thing inside of her. “Robert!”

  She came with a shout, her eyes squeezing closed as she dropped her head into his shoulder. Robert just kept pounding into her, his own movements hurried compared to her own sudden stillness while her body unwound. The only thing still clenched was her core, tight and squeezing against Robert’s hard cock.

  It only took a few more thrusts before Robert’s movements went from swift to stuttering, his teeth stinging her neck as he bit her and came, his nostrils flaring as he huffed.

  When he finally released her, he helped her fall back onto the bed, his hands warm as they maneuvered her against his chest. Tracing a finger over her shoulder, he huffed to himself.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” he asked softly. “I would’ve found you years ago, if I’d known.”

  Bridget heard his whispered ramblings, but was too far gone to answer.

  “You’re choosing a dick over your dream job.”

  Bridget had known that going into Cupid’s Call with her resignation in hand wasn’t going to be met with fond farewells, especially since Pamela seemed to think that it meant Bridget was robbing her of her dream article.

  “No,” Bridget swallowed. “I’m choosing a man who needs me more than the world needs another sleazy Cupid’s Call article.”

  “You can’t do this,” Pamela seethed, standing up. Her pantsuit was wrinkling like the lines creasing her forehead, and Bridget had to consciously force herself to stand her ground.

  “It’s not like I’m turning around and selling the article to another magazine—”

  “Oh? Aren’t you?” Pamela hissed.

  Bridget paused, glaring back at the woman. “The Arkell article doesn’t exist,” she said calmly. “I never wrote it, and I don’t plan to. Robert’s personal life—”

  “I wonder how Robert would feel if he knew about your little scheme,” Pamela interrupted her. She had a gleam in her eye as she spoke, as if she’d just found the upper hand that she was looking for. “About your little article. Think he’d still want to date you?”

  “Seeing as I already told him about it and we’re on for dinner at five?” Bridget raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see why not.”

  Pamela’s confident eyes snapped back to narrowed slits of cold fury. “You little—”

  “If you’ll excuse me,” Bridget said, standing as she felt her cellphone buzz in her pocket. “I’ve got a limo waiting on me downstairs.” Turning around with a flourish, Bridget raised a hand in farewell.

  “Hey, Robert,” she answered her cellphone as she pressed the button for the elevator. “Yep, headed down to you now.”





  Chapter 1

  Allison Burgess had a smile on her lips as she watched the final song in The Maniacs’ set. The band was amazing in a word but the person who really caught her attention in the band was the lead singer, Noah Zimmerman. She just could not seem to get her eyes off him. She was not sure whether it was the way she had managed to connect with him on a personal level throughout his tour. When he was off that stage, when he was talking to her, he was not just another member of the band. With her, he was not a Maniac but plain old Noah Zimmerman. The man who opened up to her about all his insecurities. She shook her head when she heard the familiar piercing noise when Noah dropped the microphone as he always did at the end of every performance.

  She was clapping as the band walked by her to the backstage.

  “How was that?” Noah asked when he got to where she was.

  “Honestly, I liked tonight’s rendition better than the set at Madison Square Garden.” He looked at her and smiled.

  “Yeah, stop gloating,” he said and she shrugged.

  “What do you mean gloating?” she asked as one of the production assistants came to get his earpiece and clip-on microphone.

  “You think I don’t know that you were the one who suggested an acoustic set going upbeat?” He asked and she smiled. “Starting off soft and finishing with a bang has always been your idea.”

  She nodded. He was right. She had been trying to get him to try softer versions of his music ever since she met him especially after hearing a cover version of his hit single Poison Romance from a couple of kids on YouTube. She thought that performing cover versions of some of his music would put him more in touch with a different kind of crowd and judging by the crowd that had turned up at his last concert in Nashville, a place his Noah’s entire PR team thought would be a bust. To think that Noah Zimmerman had actually managed to get a following with the country loving public of America was actually amazing. She looked away when she felt her cheeks flushing. It had been happening a lot lately.

  “I should get going…create a buzz about the last concert and everything,” Allison said and he shrugged.

  “Right now?” he asked.

  “Yeah, the iron is still hot. I should probably strike it right now.”

  He looked around and a smile played on his perfect lips. Everyone was busy…wit
h something, the perfect situation he needed to take her away from there. He suddenly took her hand in his and before she could say anything in protest.

  “What are you doing?” she finally managed to say when he walked her to his dressing room. He looked into her eyes as she leaned against the door before he put a hand on the door.

  “You know exactly what I’m doing,” Noah said in a whisper as he out his other hand on the other side of her head, literally trapping her. He took a step forward and pinned her against the door with his body making her gasp.

  “Noah …” she started before he brought his head down. His lips were so close to her chin that she could feel his warm breath on her skin.

  “What? What do you want?” he asked in a whisper.

  “I want to go,” she whispered, her eyes closed. “I need to go.”

  “No you don’t,” he said in a whisper. “You know exactly what you need and it is not leaving this place.”

  She took a long deep breath and opened her eyes. But even then, she could not bring herself to look into his eyes. Her eyes were fixed on the floor and he pressed his lips to her chin. She whimpered softly and felt a tingle down her spine.

  “Look at me, Allison,” he said in a commanding tone. The way he said it made her obey him almost a little too fast. She looked into his almost cold grey eyes and a smile played on his lips again. Her heart was racing and her hands were shaking almost too violently she was scared she was going to drop the iPad she had in her hand. She knew he wanted to kiss her and she would have wanted nothing less at that moment.

  “I need to go, Noah,” she said again, this time looking right into his eyes. What he didn’t know was that she was trying as hard as she could to maintain eye contact. He looked at her as she fumbled with her backstage pass hanging from her neck. She was not very sure if he had noticed but she always did that when she was nervous. But then again, he had only known her for a couple of months…so far.

  “Okay, Burgess,” he said as his eyes ran down her curvy body. “Go strike that iron then.”

  Her fingers tightened around the edges of her iPad as she turned around and began walking away from Noah. She could feel his eyes on her as she turned the corner and stepped out of the Nashville concert hall. Her heart was pounding almost as fast as she was walking…probably faster. The cool evening breeze on her bare arms was not helping the fact that she could feel a cold bead of sweat slowly running down her spine. She walked to the parking lot and smiled at a cab driver who had just dropped off a customer.

  “Homeland Suites, please,” Allison said when she climbed into the back of the cab. She noticed the driver smile at her on the rearview mirror as she strapped herself in. She leaned back and closed her eyes, sighing loudly.

  “What are you doing, Allison?” she wondered as the cab began driving out of the parking lot. She knew that the warm fuzzy feeling she had been having lately any time she was around him was not just about being in the company of a handsome rock star. And judging by how friendly the two had become while on tour, she knew she was in trouble. The last time she had felt this way was back in college when Andrew Lancer, the quarterback first talked to her. But what he felt for Noah was a whole lot more than what she once felt for Andrew. To make matters worse, the two had come dangerously close on a number of occasions lately. Two weeks earlier in Arizona, and then a week later at the Staples Center, four days before then in the Oracle Arena as he did his sound check and most recently, at Madison Square Garden. But the incident at Madison Square Garden was the one that really freaked her out.

  After The Maniacs were done with their set, Allison had gone ahead to post all the information needed to create the necessary buzz needed for their next performance. As a music journalist with Lyrically Sound magazine, she had so much more work to do as far as Noah Zimmerman was concerned. Being the best journalist in her genre had her in Phillip Keene’s sight. Phillip Keene was The Maniacs’ manager and after the band’s first successful album, a worldwide tour was imminent but not before they toured the Americas to find out just how a world tour would have worked out. Phillip’s plan was to have the best people in PR to get the world talking about The Maniacs and as far as Allison was concerned, she had done her part. It was not just people in the Americas talking about the world’s newest and most rocking band but her work had every country on the globe demanding for a tour date. Audiences as far as Johannesburg, Manila and Hong Kong had started a #BringTheManiacsOver following on every social media site…That had been her job description, to make the band the next big thing but she had done more than that. She had made them the biggest thing in the world of music but in the process, she had connected with Noah in a way she had never thought possible. She had always seen him on tabloid photos with the who’s who in the fashion and film industry. There was no way she could have ever thought that he could ever be interested in someone like her…a plump woman who had to count calories rather than a skinny model, or maybe actress.

  When she got to her hotel room, she tossed her purse on the bed and walked over to the full length mirror. She sighed as she looked at her reflection.

  “Plus size my foot…I’m just fat. Not big boned, not full figured…fat.” She held her dress top at the back tightening it so that her folds showed through the fabric.

  She exhaled loudly as she closed her eyes picturing Noah. He was every woman’s ideal man: tall, lean, muscular with shoulder length hair that Allison thought made him look a little like Avery Barkley from Nashville which was a little ironic considering where they were. She sighed and walked back to the bed. She grabbed her laptop and turned it on. Even though she was looking at the blank screen, she could not really bring herself to typing anything. She pulled up the photos from the concert and scrolled through wondering which pictures would inspire her work more. She was not sure how long she had been staring at her computer when she heard a knock on her door. She looked at the bottom right hand corner of her screen and frowned.

  “Whoever it is, I hope they brought me a couple of cans of Red Bull,” she thought as she walked to the door.

  “Noah,” she said in a gasp when she opened the door. “What are you…when…” she shook her head and then looked down the hall to see if his security detail was around.

  “So are you going to let me in or are you just going to stand there looking at me saying nothing?” he asked as she looked into his eyes. She took a long minute before she stepped aside so that he could walk in. She could tell that he had not gone back to his suite because he was in the same blue jeans and white graffiti T-shirt he had been in when he was performing earlier that night. She closed the door and looked at him as he walked over to the bed. Her mind was a maze of wild thoughts. She could not help but wonder why he was in her room instead of at the after party with the rest of the band.

  “What are you doing here, Noah?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “If I have to tell you why I am here then maybe you are a little more in denial than I initially thought,” he said as he walked up to where she was. She bit her lower lip as she felt him slip an arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. She was breathing hard and heavy as she smelt his musky scent all around her.

  “Noah,” she said in a whisper.

  “Arizona, California, New York.” He slipped a hand under her thick red hair and gently held her neck. “You know exactly what I am doing here.”

  “It can’t happen….it just can’t.” She looked at him as he gently pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I am not your type. I am not the kind of woman that you…” she never got a chance to finish what she was saying.

  “Would you just shut up for one second?” he asked before he brought his head down and claimed her lips in one long passionate kiss. His kiss was everything she had imagined: wild, deep and passionate. His tongue was on hers caressing and massaging, and his hand was pressed hard against her back holding her body against him. She was almost breathless by the time he finally pulled away.
“Did anyone ever tell you, you talk too much,” he said in a whisper.

  Allison looked up at him and her were slightly lips parted. She wanted to talk, say something…anything really. But she was dumbfounded.

  “You can’t just do that, Noah,” she finally said in a soft voice. He shrugged.

  “And why not?” he interlaced his fingers with hers and raised her hands above her head pinning them against the wooden door. “Did I maybe do something you didn’t want?”

  She didn’t answer. She actually couldn’t answer.

  “I want you, Allison,” he said in a soft voice. “And you want me. I can feel it in the way you kissed me back, and I can see it in the way you are looking at me.” He reached behind her and locked the door before he began pulling her towards the bed. She did not know what he had in mind but she didn’t have the willpower to just push him off or something of the sort. When they got to the bed, he stopped and looked at her, his hands on her waist. He gently pulled away from her and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said and she raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “What?” she asked in surprise.

  “Take your clothes off,” he said again without batting an eyelid. The tone in his voice made her realize that he meant business.

  “Noah, I don’t know how this usually works for you and the other women you are used to…” she started before he stood up and pulled down the zipper on the back of her dress top.

  “Just do it, Allison,” he said in a soft voice. “I don’t care about those other women. You are the one I want.”

  “But...” she started before he pressed a finger on her lips.

  “I have my own skeletons too…and I want to share my secrets with you, Alison,” he said in a low voice.


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