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Isaura (Aberrant)

Page 18

by Silver, Ruth

  Joshua shot me a glance. Why didn't he want this when I suggested it?

  I glanced at Henry, asking Joshua's question. “What made you decide on this now? Was this information not brought to you when Joshua and Janessa returned from Torv?”

  Henry glanced down at his plate. He stalled for a moment not wanting to answer before finally glancing up at me and sighing. “Joshua made mention of it. I apologize for going against your judgment.” He eyed Joshua thoughtfully. “I had considered it, but was concerned we'd be spread too far thin here. I think it'd be best to send only a handful of men or women, who will watch over our newly built walls and secure the perimeter. If they must retreat we will stand ready and able, prepared to protect our home when the time comes.”

  Rane turned her attention from Henry towards me. “Do you think they'll come after us?”

  “I hope not,” I breathed, having another sip of wine. “It's best to be prepared though. Just in case. I'm sure everything will be fine, though.” I understood her concerns. She was pregnant, about to start a family and didn't want to consider that Spade could be attacked in a few months or years and her home destroyed. We would do everything in our power to prevent that from happening.


  “Are you sure this will work?” Of course she wasn't sure. Asking was a stupid question but I was terrified of what the results might otherwise be. Joshua sat in the corner of the room watching me. He hadn't wanted to leave me alone and I'd been happy for the company.

  “You are a unique case, Olivia.” The woman was taller than me, heavy-set with fire red hair. She was unique in her own right. Telling me I was unique was just icing on the cake. I smiled nervously as she prepared the first injection. “I had to tinker with the dosages just slightly since the vaccination you had wasn't generations ago. You've also been given Mindonsiphan I've been told?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “That's good. It means your body can heal rapidly. We've seen that with the other women when we've asked them to come in for observation.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, glancing at Joshua.

  “Not everyone who had been taken by Isaura received the infertility treatment. Some had but it was a guessing game as to whom until we did some tests. The women of course all volunteered to know and those who hadn't been given the treatment have been put on a waiting list. Once Henry approves the drug they'll all be allowed access to treatment.”

  Joshua frowned, a feeling of uncertainty passing over his features. “And it's safe?”

  “As far as we know,” she assured him. “Elsa should have gone over all this with you? Olivia is of course only the second trial we've done. Rane was hugely successful. We suspect it will work though. We've only mimicked the drug Isaura had concocted. In your case as I've explained earlier we had to adjust a few proteins to ensure the strength would be potent enough, but I don't see any issue at all.”

  I studied the woman's face as she cleaned the area of skin before pricking me with the needle and securing a bandage. “How do you know all this?” I asked.

  “Aside from being one of the test subjects Isaura had taken? I was part of her team of scientists before she thought me a perfect candidate.” The woman grimaced, her face filled with disgust. “I get it. I mean I understand why she did what she did but all she had to do was ask me. I probably would have agreed to it anyhow.”

  I glanced at Joshua. “Are we done?” he asked, standing up.

  “We are for today. Come back on Thursday for another dosage. We have to repeat this for the next few weeks and then we'll hope the results are a success.”

  “Thank you.” I shook her hand before walking out with Joshua in tow, closing the door behind us. Adelaide and Ainsley sat in the waiting room. I didn't have to ask to know why they were there, they were waiting to run a DNA test. I gave Adelaide a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

  Ainsley reached for Adelaide's hand. “I told you, the results don't matter,” she insisted.

  Was it a good idea to know for sure? Once the answer was provided, it was set in stone. It didn't mean Adelaide would be loved any less but she'd always wonder about her family. Maybe having concrete answers was a good thing?

  “I know.” Adelaide bounced in her seat. “Bye!” She waved as Joshua and I headed out of the small clinic.

  He pulled me outside with him, his hand in mine as I gazed up at the night sky. The moon was full and the stars sprinkled like fireflies twinkling in the distance. “I feel like it might be happening,” I whispered.

  “What? Us having kids?” he asked and I leaned in brushing my lips against his before pulling back.

  “Are you nervous?” I was terrified. Although it wouldn't happen overnight, the thought of becoming a mother was frightening. Joshua held my hand and led me from the city center towards our room.

  “I am, but we've had practice raising Adelaide and the doctor told us it would take time,” Joshua assured me as he led us into our bedroom. He shut the door behind us and slipped out of his shoes. “I know you want a child now that things have gotten complicated,” he teased, climbing onto the bed. “In the meantime, no one said we couldn't practice.”

  Laughing, I stalked over towards the bed, my hand reaching out pushing Joshua onto his back. “Practice? That's what you're calling it? You can do better than that,” I threatened covering his mouth with kisses. For the moment I didn't care what happened, whether we conceived a child in the coming months or years. All I wanted was to be home with Joshua and right now, I had that. He was all I ever needed. Since we were children we'd been best friends and now we were that and so much more.


  It was the celebration of a new nation. Spade had been free from the Republic of Cabal for two years. Everyone who had wanted a dosage of Mindonsiphan had been provided with one. An outlook post had been forged in Haven with men rotating shifts and transporting themselves through a portal in order to go home to Spade. We'd learned that the dosage Joshua and I had of Mindonsiphan made us stronger than most - but anyone treated with Mindonsiphan and proper training could come and go as they pleased.

  I'd been to Haven once, six months after my escape. The town was in the process of rebuilding, it would take years to fully reconstruct what had been torn down. The rubble was hauled away and stones were being laid in its place, and buildings began to take shape. I offered to help rebuild Haven, but Henry insisted I was needed in Spade. I didn't argue. With the infertility treatments lasting longer than Joshua and I had hoped, it was best to not overtax our usage of Mindonsiphan. Elsa suggested that overexertion may have caused the initial treatments not to work.

  In two years, seventy-five new babies had been born. Every mother had survived labor: It was truly a miracle. It was difficult to know if the children harbored the same abilities as their biological parents from Mindonsiphan, but every so often something strange would happen and a parent would insist their child was special. No one would tell them otherwise, the fact children were being born naturally again was special.

  In a few years’ time, the new generation of children would start school. If they were anything like Adelaide, everyone in Spade would know. I was excited by the changes we'd made and the differences we shared.

  Adelaide had moved in with Ainsley, the test results sealed tightly in an envelope. Neither had the courage to open and Ainsley thought it best to wait, fearful Adelaide might pull away if the results weren't what they'd both hoped.

  Today wasn't only a celebration of freedom from the Republic of Cabal but of hope. Humanity would live on. Albeit some women grew restless, missing their husbands and their old homes, so Hunter and Gavin decided to chance a mission to Torv to bring the men to Spade. It had been a long overdue promise, pushed aside in fear of war. Henry couldn't hold out much longer. The catch: it might be a one-way ticket for Hunter and Gavin if caught. Spade would have to deny everything to prevent war. It was risky. I wasn't thrilled that both my father and uncle planned to g
o. They were the last bit of biological family I had left. I hadn't heard from my mother and doubted I ever would. I wasn't welcome in Genesis and the only person I trusted to find her was Gavin. I didn't think she'd speak to him, I know I hadn't wanted to the first time I saw him in Torv.

  “You're leaving?” I wrapped my arms around Gavin's neck. I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

  “Just for a little while, kiddo. You know it's got to be done.” Gavin patted my back.

  For the first time, I wasn't jealous about his trip to Torv or that I was staying in Spade. Gavin and Hunter hopefully wouldn't be recognized. They hadn't gotten caught on previous missions to Torv. Pulling back, I stared down at the ground, a faint smile on my lips. “You better come home in one piece. I have some news you'll want to hear when you get back.” I didn't know if I'd ever see him again.

  “And what news is that?” Gavin asked, pushing a lock of blonde behind my ear.

  “You come home,” I insisted, “and I'll tell you then.” I wasn't going to do this, say goodbye. I gave Gavin and then Hunter one last hug. I wouldn't say the words. “Be safe,” I offered with a weak smile.

  “Take care of her.” Gavin glared at Joshua before offering a friendly hug.

  Joshua stood beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist as Gavin and Hunter climbed into the car. We stood outside the gates of Spade, just beyond the wall. Nothing but dirt and fields stretched on for miles.

  “You could have told him,” he whispered into my ear as I smiled sadly, waving goodbye.

  “I know.” I didn't want to jinx it.

  The engine of the car roared to life. Gavin and Hunter waved as they pulled away from Spade and headed south. The car sped away in the distance until I couldn't see it anymore.

  “You miss them,” Joshua whispered against my ear.

  “Of course I do.” Gavin hadn't always been there for me, but recently he showed he'd grown up, become a man. I appreciated what he'd done, helped me find Joshua and helped rescue me and the other women from Torv. I would always be grateful for his actions. He'd proven himself with time. He'd slowly grown to become a father to me.

  “He'll come home,” Joshua assured me as much as himself. He took my hand and led me back through the gates into Spade.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as we walked through the city center.

  “Tonight is a celebration of our independence,” Joshua reminded me. I didn't feel like celebrating. Two people I cared for had traveled into the unknown. They planned to smuggle people out of Torv. If the Republic of Cabal wasn't as terrible as Cabal had once been, they'd be allowed to leave willingly. None of us knew what to expect. Two years was a long time. Changes would have happened within the new government and with Isaura gone for good, no one in Spade knew what was going on down south. We'd kept our distance, as promised. “I think it should also a celebration for something else,” he reminded me.

  I felt the smile grow on my lips as my hand stretched over my abdomen. In a few months we were going to be parents. I hadn't always felt ready but now I looked forward for what was to come.


  Three months passed and with it, Gavin and Hunter returned with two of the women's husbands from Torv. I hadn't seen either of them yet and was excited to share the news with both my father and uncle.

  “You'll see them at dinner,” Joshua assured me. “In the meantime you should rest.” He was concerned if I was anxious it could cause me to miscarry. I pushed all thoughts aside as I rested a hand on my swollen abdomen.

  “I want to see them now.” I couldn't wait. I didn't have the patience for it. “Help me find them.” I slipped into a pair of shoes and headed out the door.

  “Pretty soon we're going to need to find another place to live.” I shot him a look. “I don't mean outside of Spade,” Joshua clarified. “There just isn't enough room for all of us in the bedroom.”

  Stepping outside, the sun was high up in the sky and forced me to squint as my eyes adjusted to the light. “I know. We'll talk about that later. I need to see Gavin and Hunter.” I wanted to know they were home and all right.

  Together we descended down towards the city square.

  “Olivia!” Henry called and I spun around, finding him poking his head out of his office. “Do you have a few minutes?”

  My eyes lit up the moment I saw Gavin and Hunter behind him. “You're home,” I breathed a sigh of relief. Walking in past Henry I wrapped my arms around Gavin, pulling him tight to me, as much as I could.

  “Wow, you're pregnant.” Gavin glanced from my stomach back up to my face. “Congratulations! When did this happen?” he asked, surprised.

  “Six months ago,” I confessed. “And it's twins.”

  Hunter laughed. “Really?”

  Joshua snaked his arm around my waist as he stood beside me. “We're excited,” he answered. “A little nervous, but I know Olive is going to be a great mother.”

  I blushed and quickly changed the subject. “So you made it home safely,” I beamed, glad they were both alive and well. “How did the trip to Torv go?”

  Hunter glanced at Gavin before answering, “We were able to bring back two men with us. The rest who wanted to be reunited with the families in Spade were provided a map. We suggested they make travel arrangements with one another. It's safer in large numbers.”

  “That wasn't all we did,” Gavin offered. “I was just telling Henry about the first draft of a treaty that would cease any and all fighting between our nations. Truth is–” he paused. “They need our help. After Isaura died, the women who were part of her experiments were released back into the population of Torv. Almost overnight fires erupted in buildings, and minor earthquakes occurred. The women treated with Mindonsiphan have no idea what they're capable of doing and no control over their abilities. They're volatile and the Republic of Cabal has rounded them up into camps. They don't know how else to protect the rest of its citizens.”

  “That's horrible.” I felt nauseated and rested a hand over my stomach. I never wanted my children to experience what we had in our lifetime.

  “It is,” Gavin agreed. “As part of the treaty, they're requesting we send a team to help train the women to control their abilities. If we do that, they've agreed to allow them to reenter the general population or they can come to Spade if they'd prefer a new life. In exchange for our help, they've agreed to send out patrols through the Gravelands to clean up the outlaw problem, since it is still technically their land, and reestablish order throughout the nation.”

  It would take time and resources but our world would be safe once again. Everything we'd fought for, we'd finally achieved - freedom and hope.


  As if one newborn wasn't enough to stress a new parent out, we'd found ourselves with twins, a boy and girl. It hadn't felt real until the day I brought two beautiful children into the world and finally took them home with us.

  With the excitement of two children, Joshua and I moved into a small cottage on the south side of Spade. The town was expanding and the walls built of stone were coming down. The treaty had been signed and a dozen women from Spade had journeyed to Torv to not only train them but also explain to them what they were going through. I couldn't imagine having experienced it completely on my own. It would have been frightening.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Joshua smiled as he carried our daughter, Hannah, in his arms. I sat outside on an old blanket with Connor nestled in my arms. It was a warm spring afternoon, with a slight breeze. Behind us the walls had come down and the expanse of grass and fields had become a playground for the children.

  Adelaide ran around, doing cartwheels while Ainsley watched her. I glanced from Hannah down to Connor. “You do?” I smiled unable to imagine anything that could top what we already had, our family.

  “Close your eyes,” he teased.

  “No way!” I laughed. “Just, out with it! I just gave birth to two children of yours. You don't get to keep secrets!” I shot him a gla
re as if that would do anything to convince him to give in.

  It worked. “Fine, fine.” He laughed as he waved over Gavin and someone else.

  From a distance I could see the familiar face and my heart leapt. How could it be her? Was it possible? “Olivia?” I heard her voice, it was honey to my ears and knew without a doubt it was exactly what I was seeing, the truth.

  “Mom?” My voice caught in my throat and my eyes welled. Could it be her? I never expected to see her again, let alone find her in Spade.

  My mother ran towards me with Gavin walking close behind. I didn't stand up, I couldn't move, transfixed and shocked. Why was she here? Was it for good? Gavin's voice cut through my thoughts. “I thought it'd be nice for your mom to meet her grandchildren. I hope it's okay I brought her to visit.”

  My eyes lit up, the smile refusing to vanish. “Yes, of course! Come sit down,” I gestured towards the empty space on the blanket beside me. I didn't budge, my arms cradled Connor. Leaning down, I placed a soft kiss to his forehead. Her eyes shined as she stared at the sleeping bundle in my arms. “Would you like to hold your grandson, Connor?”

  “Yes!” She practically ripped him from my arms, as gently as she could. “He's gorgeous,” she cooed staring down at his sleeping form. “How old is he?”

  “Only a few days,” I smiled, glancing at Gavin. “How did you…” The words were lost on me.

  Gavin bent down watching the interaction. “I knew she'd be pissed at me but the minute I told her she had two grandkids waiting to meet her, she'd give in.” The smile on his face was priceless. “Don't get me wrong,” he shot Samantha, my mother, a look. “She gave me hell there and the entire way to Spade but I think it's worth it.”

  “You deserved it,” my mother retorted, glancing up for only an instant before returning her full attention to Connor. “You have twins?” she asked, holding him tight but wanting to see Hannah as well.


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