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Flute And Fire

Page 2

by Jill Wilder

  Chapter 2

  Stone guided his fighter bird back through the black skies of space to the Solar Star Base. He kept going over in his mind the chain of events. First, all three fighters where approaching the testing grounds on the planet Earth, his fighter being one of them, Shell flying the second and Keith in the third fighter. His detector screen did not indicate any other crafts in the area, however, Stone could see the small gray fighter from the corner of his eye. Before he could react, a shot was fired from this craft and struck one of the wings of Keith’s fighter.

  He remembered screaming, “NO!”, as Keith’s fighter hit the side of the hill and busted into flames. Stone tried to recount every detail he could for a full report would be expected on his return to the Solar Star Base.

  His eyes began to swell with tears as he thought of his best friend’s sudden death. As his sorrow grew so did his furry. He wanted revenge, and not only for Keith’s death but also for his own Father, who was struck down by the same opposition a few years back. His Father was on a diplomatic mission to reach the enemy and express the need to join forces in order to regain everyone’s rightful place on the Earth. But before negotiations began, Stone’s Father was murdered in cold blood while aboard the enemy’s Ship.

  The story of the beginning of the Solar Star Base is drilled into every child’s head. A story so horrible - but never to be forgotten and the reason the People will continue to survive until they all can walk the Earth one more time.

  Just a little over 200 years ago, the People were given signs by the Great Spirit to take cover - heed all warnings and know the end is near. It was several wise leaders who took the initiative to plan an escape into the outer reaches of the black skies. As the Nuclear Holocaust began, this small band of tribal people were successful in their escape. All living things, humans, animal and creatures alike, were all either burned, melted slowly or painfully died from the radiation, except for those plants and animals and creatures that the little tribe could manage on their ship of salvation. With all the knowledge from their ancestors and all the book knowledge given to these People, they had all that was need to survive to the present day.

  But what of tomorrow? And what of the enemy who too escaped the Holocaust but yearn for sole possession of the Earth. The People did not believe in possessions or ownership. They always had the belief that all things are shared for the betterment of the People. It was a blow to the People to find the enemy still had the ignorant notion that Mother Earth was only for them and something they could possess.

  Stone’s Father was an excellent fighter, and many times had the opportunity to display his skills as the Solar Star Base defended itself from numerous attacks by the opposition. The Solar Star Base was never the first to attack, instead, they prided themselves as peacemakers and concentrated on rebuilding the Earth so to return to Her beauty, and hope one day all could live in peace on Mother Earth.

  Even though this peaceful philosophy was taught to all students on the Solar Star Base, revenge hung heavily on Stone’s mind. Revenge for his Father and now for his closest Friend, Keith. The deaths were beginning to be more than Stone’s heart could bear.

  He wiped the salty tears from his face as he approached the landing bay of the Base. As he docked his “silver bird”, he felt how heavy his heart weighed. As others took over securing his ship, Stone quietly climbed down from the fighter and thought to himself, “These people have no idea what just happened. They will soon realize that only two fighters have returned. How can I tell the Captain about the fate of his only son!”

  Shell landed just after Stone departed from his fighter. Stone waited for her to de-board her own silver bird. He knew Shell well enough to know she may need consoling, or maybe he could get some from her. But instead, Shell quickly hopped out of her bird without even acknowledging Stone’s presence. No tears stained her lovely face. No sorrow showed in her graceful walk. Instead, she quickly walked away to give her report to the Captain. Stone quickly followed her, puzzled by her reaction.

  As Stone rounded a narrow corridor, on his way to the council chambers, he felt cold chills run down his spine. Softly a sound began to emerge in his head. A sweet melody was gliding out of a wind pipe, a flute and filling his head. Sounding so real, Stone found himself shaking his head to rid himself of it. It did not go away. It began to take control of Stone. Finding himself helpless, he then leaned up against the wall and allowed the melody to take him over.

  After a minute or two, Stone heard a faint voice repeating between the notes, “Only two Souls shall inhabit the Earth, one carrying the gift of the flute, the other carrying the great Birth. Here again, will begin the Sweet Earth.” Softly, Stone whispered the words as the melody began to fade.

  As he regained control, he picked himself up off the wall and again headed down the hall to the council chambers. As he entered the chamber, Stone could not help but take special interest in the mural painted on the back wall. Even though it had been there for years, today it looked very different. The mural was simple; a big sun setting behind two mountains.

  The room was void of any tables or chairs. The council is conducted in a circle on the floor. A few pillows and bears skins were thrown for comfort. Only after Stone took his place upon the floor, did Shell lift her downcast eyes and looked at Stone.

  In the council chambers, everyone was expected to show honor for the Captain by remaining silent until his arrival. This suited Shell just fine for the moment. She did not wish to share her thoughts. Locked inside her for four nights was a dream. Dreams to the People were often considered tools for visioning the future or aiding in decision making or healing. To Shell it was four nights of nightmares of watching Keith’s fighter explode.

  Shell kept going over this recurring dream in her mind. She found herself tossing in her sleep and waking up soaking wet from the sweat, and her heart pounding from the feeling of fear. As hard as she tried she could not rid herself of the thought that Keith could possibly die.

  For several years, Shell was blessed, and sometimes cursed, with the gift of visioning the future. She vowed to keep this special ability a secret from everyone, even her most trusted friend, Stone and lover, Keith. The only person who knew of her ability was Keo. Keo seemed to know almost everything.

  As she continued to stare at Stone, across from the council circle, she fell into a trance. She was familiar with this feeling, for this was how the visions would begin. Stone finally turned his gaze from the mural, and found Shell’s eyes fixed on him. He wondered if she was actually in shock. “This is not her normal reaction to things,” he silently thought to himself. He kept his eyes locked with Shell’s until the Captain walked into the room.

  Chapter 3


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