Flute And Fire
Page 10
Chapter 9
The silver bird glided through the velvet space as it made it’s way into the Earth’s atmosphere. The silence between Stone and Shell was unbroken, until they reached the valley where Keith’s bird crashed.
“It’s hard to believe we were here just seven hours ago“, said Stone as he secured the bird in the open valley.
After looking around at the tall grasses and trees with their various shades of green color, Shell finally spoke, “The Valley has a different look here on the ground compared to our more normal position in the sky. The Creator must truly dwell in every inch of this place.”
After a few more minutes of view the valley from inside the bird, Stone responded, “Well, we only have two hours of sunlight left before it becomes dark. I suggest we separate and search then meet back at the bird around sunset. Remember, as the sun hit’s the mountain tops, we have only 30 minutes of good light left, before we must return.”
“Stone?”, Shell spoke as she started to slip out of the bird. Meeting Stone at the nose of the bird, she continued, “Promise me something?”
Stone held his gaze upon her. Deep down something told him this may be the last time he was ever going to see her again. Shell was one of the best friends he had. He has already lost one good friend and now it appears that he may lose another. He already knew what she was about to say. He took her hands into his and said, “Yes, Shell. I will promise you anything.”
“Stone, I do love you so. In spirit we will always be as one. Now you must keep this promise. If I am not back by sunset, you must leave without me.”
Stone could not speak what was in his heart. Instead, he simply let tears roll down his face. He already knew she would not be back at sunset.
Shell was quick to wipe those tears from his cheeks. She then embraced Stone for a long time.
After the two stepped back from each other, Stone found the courage to speak, “Shell, I do not completely understand why you and I have had our paths turn in different directions, or where your path is to lead or what you see for the future, but I, just like you, have been spoken and touched by the Spirits and my Father. I must return to the ship for my journey is laid out there. I have this feeling your journey is here.”
“Stone, I must go while I still have the daylight.” Shell eyes were suddenly full of awe as she no longer looked at Stone but past his shoulders to the glory of the sun blazing above the mountains.
Stone quickly reached into his shirt and pulled out a string that hung around his neck. Taking it off over his head, he placed it around Shell‘s neck. Hanging from the string was an Eagle claw. “This was my Father’s, it will protect you from harm. Never forget about me .”
Shell lightly fingered the charm, then quickly pulled it off and placed it in Stone’s hand. “I am not the one who needs protection. Here the Creator will be walking with me. But you, you do have a heavy journey ahead of you. You must keep this.” She reached up and gave Stone a light peck on his brow. “I love you Stone. And I will always remember you.”
As she pulled away, Stone saw the confident smile on her face. Before he could say any more, Shell was walking briskly away towards the West where the sun was just an hour or so away from kissing the brow of the mountain tops.
Stone stood there for a long time watching her walk into the distance. When he could see her no more, he finally put the necklace back on over his head and stuffed it back into his shirt. He turned to walk around the bird when he saw the huge oak tree standing apart from the others at the edge of the valley.
Knowing that he did not have the need to search for Keith, he decided to search for his soul instead. In almost a child like gallop, he headed for the tree.
Once Stone reached the tree, he lightly placed his hands upon the bark. He could feel the energy, the spirit of the tree from within and realized what Shell had meant by, “The Great Spirit must dwell here”.
Stone sat beneath the Great Oak tree and gave thanks to the four Directions and Mother Earth and Father Sky. He began to chant the song that the Spirits placed in his heart earlier that day.
As he sat there singing, he took in the sights of the valley. The shadows of the mountains began to creep towards him and the Great Oak. Robins and Bluebirds flew from branch to branch, chattering over the new visitor beneath their tree. Off in the distance, a coyote was trotting through the open field with his coat shimmering in the golden orange light of the setting sun.
Stone soaked up the vast colors of the flowers that spotted the valley. He noticed the various flies and other bugs looming and crawling all about.
He had seen these things back in the Reservatory, but these things were now thriving in their own world without the help of his People nurturing them. Suddenly, Stone felt very small and insignificant. He felt human.
Across from him in the valley deep, was the coyote trotting off with a limp rabbit hanging from the dog’s mouth. It was then, that Stone realized how important he was, and all the creatures and plants about. Everything was related and belonged to Mother Earth, including himself. All of them were equal. All of them were links to the chain that made the Great Circle of Life.
Stone smiled to himself, as he thought of his own life. He was born into this world with great ease. He had a Father and Mother, who loved him dearly. His mother died when he just turned sixteen. It was his mother’s death that made him cross the threshold of childhood into manhood. It was also then that he decided to be a star fighter and turn his life over to Keo as a warrior.
It was not until his father was murdered, that Stone ever felt the likes of revenge. But as he sat under the Great Oak, he questioned himself as to rather the revenge feeling was really against the enemy or life itself, for now he was alone.
Reflecting back now to the when the Great Oak tree fell in the Reservatory, Stone felt himself spin back to reality. He stopped his chanting. A tear slowly made a path down his face, as he realized how his life was to complete itself. It is to happen for all the things that surrounds him now. What an honor to give this back to the Creator.
It did not matter if his revenge was against Life or the enemy. It was now going to be all vented towards the enemy. That is his purpose. That is his journey. That is what the Spirits have sent him here for. To kill the enemy.
As he rose to head back to his bird, he took one last look around the valley and the mountains beyond. Wiping the last of the wetness from his eyes, he wonder how could anyone destroy such grace and beauty. All those years ago, how could those people not see the treasures that lay beneath their feet.
Slowly, he walked back to the bird. Not once did he think about Shell or Keith. Deep down, he felt they were going to be fine, for the Creator was on their side. But Stone did have one question left. As he climbed into his bird, he set his mind to work on how they were going to destroy an enemy, that has so much more power than the Solar Star Base. How was he going to lead the warriors into the greatest battle of all time.