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Back in Dreamland (7th Kind Series)

Page 5

by Cheryl Dragon

  “I think you’re a little distraught. Let’s go check on Moder, and we’ll get someone in to help him tomorrow.” Meg tried to lead Liz away.

  “Who? They’ll probably get someone to brainwash him into admitting they’re out for world domination and are just using me. Then Hastings can lock them up for good.” Liz stared at the looming ship. “I won’t let you use them. You’re not handing them over to the Keelons or making them bait for your games.”

  Hastings folded his arms. “Tomorrow, we’ll call in the expert who’s helped abductees and crashed aliens regain lost time and suppressed memories. He can talk to your boyfriends and see what they really remember. But if they haven’t told us everything, then you’re right—they’ll be in more trouble.”

  Meg stepped in the middle. “If you’re recovering memories, how will you know what they could remember before and what they couldn’t?”

  “The methods have proven accurate. We have a modified polygraph machine. It was used on the boys that crashed. We did a lot of tests on them. You don’t hear them complaining. It’s one last chance for your guys to ‘fess up because the regression will reveal all.” Hastings gestured to the trio.

  Liz frowned. “Why didn’t you do this before?”

  “They wouldn’t talk to us at all before. They demanded you. Now, they’ve had you so we’ll see how much more they have to share. But as for their own quarters, no. Not until I know they’re being honest with us, and I don’t need to worry about your safety.” Hastings looked her up and down. It was as if he knew what she’d been doing.

  “It’s a start. I’m not done.”

  “I never expect you to be done. I’ll decide when things are over, or if they get to stay with you. Now, go and get some sleep. You work for us, and I expect you at your station tomorrow working on whatever takes priority.” He nodded to Meg.

  “Go on, Liz. Get some sleep. We’ll get Moder help tomorrow, and we’ll watch everything to make sure he’s treated right. My guys will be the security team.” Meg glanced at Hastings.

  When Hastings didn’t argue with Meg, Liz nodded and stalked off into the night. She’d just made a great fool of herself. Everyone knew what she’d been doing with her men, and they probably thought she was their sex slave or addicted to the group sex thing. Really her heart was breaking for Moder, and she needed to do more than screw away his nightmares.

  Chapter Five

  They’d spent the entire morning in a room with a new doctor who made Jal nervous. The topic was repressed memories. Liz and Meg, as well as Meg’s three guys, were there, but Jal felt as if there was something they were all holding back.

  “So they believe we’re telling the truth?” Jal asked Liz as they both went for water.

  She nodded. “I think Hastings finally believes you’ve shared everything you remember. I told him about Moder’s nightmares. I wanted to get you private quarters and more freedom, but they wanted to try this.”

  “Moder never lost consciousness. I don’t want them messing around in his brain.” Jal couldn’t stop anything, but he didn’t have to like it.

  “It’s hypnosis and regression to the time of the crash. We won’t leave Moder alone or let anyone plant false memories. It might help Moder to know what he’s dreaming about—if it’s real or if its fear about what the Keelons might do. We both know how sensitive he is.” Liz rubbed Jal’s shoulders. “I love all of you, and I know you and Moder have a deeper connection, but if he saw something else, this could help everyone.”

  Jal rolled over the alternatives. “They waited this long? Those men don’t care about Moder. All they want is what he might have trapped in his mind. I won’t leave him.”

  “Silence, please. We’re going to try one just to prove it.” The old doctor pointed to a chair.

  Regon sat down, and Jal watched. Letting Regon try it out would give him some comfort. It was a test Jal didn’t want, but Regon was tougher. The doctor hooked him up to the machine.

  “Meg said that her guys dealt with this doctor a lot when they were taken in by the military. They seem fine.” Liz glanced at Meg and her trio.

  Jal envied those men. They were free citizens with rights and power. Despite being trained by the military from a young age, they were still a group so their true nature was still there.

  “Please step into the observation room if you need to continue conversations. We don’t want to confuse the subject. It’s best.” The doctor nodded.

  Everyone but Moder, Liz and Jal moved into the other room, but their conversation fell off. Moder moved to stand next to Jal, and they watched Regon as though he were undergoing surgery.

  * * * *

  An hour of questioning later, Regon was brought out of the meditative state. The doctor marked the machine and unhooked Regon.

  “Nothing. He hasn’t suppressed any memories.” The doctor nodded to Moder.

  Liz walked Regon to the other room where he could sit down. Jal stared at Moder with a singular focus. Their eyes locked then the doctor blocked Jal’s view. The reassuring words from the doctor seemed to put Moder in the right state. The doctor set up Moder on the machine, and things progressed.

  “Now, Moder, I’m just going to ask you a few questions. Are you loyal to your group of men including Regon and Jal?”

  “Yes,” Moder answered flatly.

  “Are you loyal to your home planet or Earth?”

  “Earth. We wanted to leave.”

  Jal wanted to go stand near Moder, but if it interrupted the flow and they had to restart, Jal would regret it. He stood still and listened intently.

  “So your trip was not authorized?” the doctor asked.

  “No. We took the ship.” Moder’s voice had more tension.

  “Okay, no one is going to punish you. It was over a year ago. We want to make sure we have all the information about that night. Can you walk me through it?”

  Moder sighed and shifted in the chair. Jal’s hands flexed, and his leg straightened. But finally, Moder’s response came.


  The doctor nodded. “Great. We can start when you got to Earth. Were any Keelons following you? Did you have any indication if they knew you’d stolen a ship?”

  “No, we got away clean. They were going to destroy that ship. It had defects and was older. But once we were near Earth, things went wrong. The ship couldn’t handle the gravity. We tried to compensate, but we were rocking.”

  “Did the Dreamland ships attack?” The doctor was so casual about the questions that Jal almost started to believe the guy wasn’t a Hastings lackey.

  “No, not at first. They were looking at us. But the rear of the ship sank. The power gave out, and we went down. They could’ve fired at us, but their weapons wouldn’t have taken out the entire shield system if things were working right.”

  “Were you and your men injured?”

  Moder sniffed, and Jal moved to take a look. Moder’s eyes were closed, but his head shook slightly. “I couldn’t see them all. Regon and Sed were under a console. Jal was knocked under a table and chairs. I thought they could all be dead.”

  “They didn’t move?”

  “No, I called to them and had to dig myself out from under the rubble. The smoke grew so bad; other men who’d escaped with us opened a hatch for fresh air. I saw the humans coming at us with blow torches. They took out the men closer then they scattered.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “I looked up and saw a ship. The Keelons had found us, and I thought we were dead. But the human fighter planes, these stealth things came out of nowhere and attacked. I guess we weren’t worth it. The Keelon ship disappeared.”

  “The humans saved you?”

  “I had no idea why. They’d set others on fire. I tried to get to Jal or Regon. To check on them, but my leg was pinned. I had internal injuries, too. I couldn’t run. The men with blow torches came back and I played dead.” Moder rubbed his forehead.

  “You were spared?”
r />   Moder shrugged. “We didn’t fight them. We didn’t rush them. They found Sed first. Someone said he was still alive, and I waited to hear what they did. I was a coward. I should’ve attacked, but I didn’t hear anything until they called for medical teams. Someone said to keep the injured ones for study.”

  “So you four were taken prisoners?” The doctor scribbled notes.

  “Yes. Maybe if I’d fought… I don’t know. We lived. We didn’t have to go back, at least.” Moder was restless.

  “You were awake, but that doesn’t make it your responsibility to control everything. Your injuries were very severe. The others had injuries, but they healed faster than you. You did the best you could.”

  Moder nodded.

  “Have your memories of that night been this easy before?” the doctor asked.

  “No. I couldn’t see after the fire then it was the humans over me. I thought I blacked out.”

  “That’s normal. Your biggest fear, being caught by the people you were fleeing, was real. It almost happened so that nightmare could haunt you. What if they come back again? What if they reclaim their citizens? It’s a concern for the military, as well. It was not your imagination, and it was real. But the US government does not turn over its prisoners. You’ve been honest, and I am going to brief Hastings with the evidence.”

  Moder took a deep breath.

  “Don’t worry. You’re not going to forget any of this. It might help you categorize your memories. I’m going to count you out, and you’ll be back to your regular state, feeling rested and in control.”

  Jal watched the change in Moder’s face. Their eyes connected, and Moder looked relieved. Jal was finally able to breathe.

  * * * *

  The men had returned to their space while Liz was working in Meg’s office. A long day of work had followed the experiment on Liz’s men, but the fact that no one had come to find her gave her hope that things weren’t worse.

  “You okay?” Meg asked.

  “Brain dead. We need to find an antidote to your weapon, but all I can think about is Moder.” Liz shut down her computer.

  “Go on; get some rest. I think we’ve done our best for today. I designed a great weapon, and we’ll need to keep working to find a fix. Night.” Meg walked out of the lab with a wave.

  Yawning, Liz headed for the pod in the lab. It was an insult, but she wasn’t sleeping anywhere else. Walking inside, she found the men napping.

  “Maybe being a prisoner isn’t so bad?” She snuggled between Moder and Regon. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Last night, when I went to Hastings and tried to get some changes, there was something going on.”

  “What?” Regon asked.

  “A Keelon ship was spotted over Juno, Alaska. No attack. Not sure why they were there, but I saw it. This activity isn’t made up.” Liz didn’t have authorization to share the information, but if she kept it from them, she’d regret it. They needed to know Hastings wasn’t playing games just to test them.

  The men exchanged uneasy glances then Moder shrugged. “There’s nothing we can do about it. But it’s good to know.”

  All four men found her body, and the tension and stress disappeared. Strong hands molded to her hips and cupped her breasts through the dull clothes. Liz had never thought of herself as wild or adventurous, until four men had nabbed her heart and her sex life had become a topic of shock and envy.

  Wiggling out of her skirt, Liz tugged the top over her head and stretched out in a bra and panties. She heard Regon’s breathing change, and he shifted to sit up. The group slowly woke up, and it felt like a fairytale. All of them were so sexy, and Moder’s mood was much more peaceful.

  “How are you?” she asked Moder.

  “Better. Hopefully, they trust us now. Maybe we can have what we all want.” His hand tugged the cup of her bra down, and he sucked her breast teasingly.

  Liz arched her back and smiled at Jal. The relief in his eyes made her feel safe. Jal kissed his way along Moder’s spine, and Liz knew the last thing on her mind tonight would be the antidote.

  “What were you and Meg working on so late tonight?” Sed asked.

  “Meg’s weapon. But I don’t want to talk about that now.” She reached for him.

  Regon sat back. “What about it? The tests went fine.”

  “I know, but there’s no antidote for it. What if you were hit? What if Meg’s men came into contact with it? We need to be able to stop the damage and reverse it. That’s the project. The powder she made is very good.” Liz leaned in and kissed Regon then Sed. “I’m not in the mood for work talk. I thought Regon was in charge of the recreation tonight?”

  “That’s what I said last night.” Moder kissed her shoulder.

  Regon stood and pulled Liz to her feet. He striped her naked and ditched his own clothes, as well. Sed grabbed protection and lube from the drawer, and the three men shed their clothes then sat on the bed watching Regon and Liz.

  She felt oddly exposed and on display.

  “What do you want?” Liz kissed Regon’s powerfully muscled chest and let her fingers gently teased his member.

  “Just stand there; face the guys.” Regon moved in behind her.

  Relaxing, Liz stood waiting to be bent over or lifted onto the bed. But Regon’s body pressed behind her and only his hands slid around her waist. He massaged her breasts and down over her stomach to her pussy. She opened her legs for more contact as her head dipped back on his shoulder.

  “No, look at them.” Regon nudged her.

  Liz played along and saw the three had their cocks in hand, getting hard for her. Regon’s cock pressed to her rear already. “What do you want, Regon?”

  “You’re wet,” he said.

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Of course, I am.”

  His hands went from teasing her pussy to dipping a finger into her core and working her clit with that wetness. This was no playful stimulation. He worked with furious fingers to get her off.

  Twisting, she tried to slow it down. “No, I want you guys.”

  “You love it. Let them watch you come. Turn them on. You want them to look at you.” Regon’s hushed voice made her juices flow even more.

  Liz watched Sed, Jal, and Moder rubbing their members as she leaned on Regon and fought to keep her legs from giving out. Regon must’ve felt her struggle because he lifted her feet onto the bed, weight tipped back and rested on Regon’s torso. One arm held her waist tight as if she were their prisoner while his other hand rapidly worked over her clit.

  “She’s fighting it,” Moder said.

  “Liz, you can come again and again for us. Let go.” Sed stroked her thighs.

  “Maybe she wants tongue?” Jal suggested.

  “I want cock inside me. I can’t.” Liz fought release, but when Regon pinched her clit, she froze and let it take hold. The tremors went deep in her, and the moan from her mouth was loud. Her cheeks burned, but the smiles on her men’s faces were worth it. They knew what she liked, and they gave it to her, even when she resisted a little.

  “You need to stop having shame about sex. It’s so natural.” Moder held out a hand.

  She tried to join them, but Regon bent her forward at the waist. When he pressed his cock to her pussy, she hummed in appreciative relief. On her knees on the bed, she could reach their cocks and get fucked by Regon. Licking Moder’s cock, she took her time and played with each guy. It was less intense than last night, but that’s what they needed now.

  Regon teased her, and Liz decided she needed to set the pace. Rocking back on his cock faster and faster, she felt him meet her speed. His cock felt so good filling her that she never wanted it to end.

  As he worked faster, she grew closer to another release, but he got there quicker. Feeling his release sent a shiver through her as she sucked the head of Jal’s cock.

  “My turn.” Jal slid from the bed but kissed her mouth possessively before taking Regon’s spot.

  “Hard and fast, please. Ma
ke me come.” Liz arched her back and stuck her rear in the air like a cat in heat.

  “See, you can’t come enough.” Jal squeezed her breasts and filled her so fast she gasped.

  She wagged her ass to add to the friction until finally he grabbed her hips and held her still as he thrust just as she requested. Pressing her face to Moder’s cock, Liz counted three strokes before her climax made her scream.

  As she came back to Earth, she felt him pull out. Liz reached back to stop him. “No, don’t stop. I want to feel you come. I want to hear it.”

  “Don’t worry; I’m not done with you.” He rubbed lube in her asshole, and she moaned. Sucking the head of Sed’s shaft, she braced for anal play and got it quickly. Jal teased her, putting just the head in then popping it out. The playful man massaged her ass cheeks and rocked her back to him.

  “Jal, please!” She was insatiable, but with so many amazing men, how could she get enough?

  Finally, he pressed his cock fully into her rear, and Liz groaned as he stayed there like he’d moved in. When she tried to rock on him, Jal went with her. A growl of annoyance escaped her throat. “Fuck me right!”

  Jal did just that, fast and deep. Every time, he hit spots that were so sensitive she couldn’t even moan. Her open mouth made no noise. Jal’s curses and quick thrusts turned Liz on more, especially when he collapsed and pressed his face to her shoulder. He kissed her cheek and grabbed her hands away from the other men.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Just play nice,” Regon said.

  Jal stood her up and nodded to the other guys. They put on condoms and stood. Moder moved in front of her, and she smiled. He looked so strong and content now. With any luck, his nightmares were over. Liz kissed him, and he held her fully, picking her up off the floor and lifting her onto his cock.


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