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Magic, New Mexico: Touch of Decadence (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Magic Mirror Book 1)

Page 6

by Sylvia McDaniel

  "Love you, Zinnia," Daisy said her heart swelling with emotion. If she didn't make it back, this would be the last time she heard her sister's voice.

  "Come back to us. Love you,"Zinnia said, and clicked the phone.

  Could she be in love with Orion and if so, was he her mate?

  Carrying the mirror into the living area, where Orion was watching TV, she looked at him. There was a quiet, gentleness that she admired in him. The way he stood up and handled things, demanding obedience, but yet he could be tender at the right moments as well.

  Watching him with the twins this afternoon she'd seen the concern on his handsome face when he told the boys to be careful. How many men would have explained it in such a way?

  Taking a deep breath, she knew the time was now are never.

  The way her grandmother explained the mirror was that when the man destined to be her mate looked in the mirror he would see his reflection. If it was the wrong man, the mirror was blank. When this happened, she would pass the mirror onto her sister, to assist her in finding her mate. No man's reflection had ever appeared in the mirror before.

  Orion glanced at her. "Are you ready to go?"

  "Not yet."

  Taking a deep breath, she walked towards him.

  "What's that?"

  "Just a mirror," she said, knowing it was so much more. "I need to check something."

  Biting her lip, she placed the mirror in front of him.

  "What?" he asked, staring at his reflection.

  "Oh my God," she said, her heart pounding in her chest as she dropped the mirror onto the floor.

  Orion Krazolz from the planet Tesceanus was her mate.


  Orion agreed to let her stop at the bakery on the way to his ship to pick up a few of her pastries to take with them on the trip. She would miss her bakery, but would put a spell on the building to protect it until she returned.

  She called Topper and asked her to meet her at the bakery. She had a few questions about her own coven.

  "Orion, please give me ten minutes alone with Topper. Then I'll be ready to board your ship."

  He frowned at her. "You're not going to back out or do any funny spells to get away are you?"

  "No, I promise. I'll go with you."

  "Okay, I'll wait outside," he said and ran his finger along her cheekbone. "I don't know if I'm using the right language, but I'm so happy you're going with me."

  Tears filled her eyes and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying. The alien was more caring than any Earthman she'd ever met. She had never been in love before, so she didn't know if her feelings were real or just wishful thinking. More than anything, she had to know what would happen if he didn't love her in return.

  Her grandmother had always explained the curse like someone magically appeared at the right time and swept you off your feet, but that hadn't happened. What if he couldn't love her because she was a witch? What if his family would never accept her?

  What if he wasn't falling for her like she was falling for him?

  The swinging doors to the kitchen area opened and Topper strolled in. "What was so all fired urgent?"

  Daisy stopped putting pastries in the box and turned toward the woman she admired. "You know the history of my coven. I know that I must mate by the time I'm twenty-five or never have children. What if I fall in love, but my mate doesn't love me back or can't love me?"

  Topper smiled. "Are you in love with that big alien that's been walking around town?"

  Daisy closed her eyes and then opened them staring at Topper. "I've never been in love before. I don't know what the emotion feels like, but he's the kindest man I've ever met and I admire his honor and his determination to save his family. And...God, Topper, I just want to rip his clothes off and join with him. Is this what love feels like?"

  Since earlier this evening she had been thinking about Orion and realized if he were her mate, she would be happy. She wanted to be his wife in every sense of the word. But did he love her in return?

  "I think you know the answer, but I can't help you or the Fates would flay this witch's hide."

  Sighing Daisy looked at her. "So if he can't return my love, will that satisfy the curse?"

  Topper shrugged. "You would be the first witch in your coven to find out."

  "Well, just great. I come from a family who has a genetic problem and no one seems to understand why or how this problem came about. If I could fix the genetic code I would."

  Laughing Topper hugged her. "You are a unique witch, Daisy. We're going to miss you."

  "I'll be back."

  There was too much here on Earth for her to walk away from. She had her sisters, her friends, her business and soon she hoped Orion.

  "I know, you will. I hope this journey you're about to embark upon is one that changes your life forever, in a good way."

  "Good or bad, I think my life is about to change."

  The door opened and Orion glanced in. "We should go. The moon is behind the clouds and will hide our departure."

  The ogre stuck his head in the door. "We got company. A black Tahoe with a government license plate just pulled into town. We're going into lockdown."

  "Oh no," Daisy said. "We gotta go."

  "Tahoe?" Orion asked.

  "The government is snooping around for you, alien," Daisy said, knowing she would never let them have him.

  "Let's go," he said, picking up her bags in one hand.

  "Bring her back, alien," Topper said, smiling at him. "Or I'll be casting a sleeping spell on you."

  He raised his hand, his middle finger flashing at Topper.

  "Alien, did you just shoot me the finger?" Topper asked stunned.

  "It's the international symbol for peace," he said.

  Daisy giggled and shook her head. "I'll tell him the truth on the way to the ship."

  "We will return," Orion said, taking Daisy by the arm. He led her out the back door of the bakery as Topper followed.

  Daisy felt as if everything was changing much too fast. She gazed at the bakery she loved, A Touch of Decadence and put a protection spell on the building. "Until I return."

  Daisy prayed she would die. During liftoff, the craft shot straight up into the air, then pivoted when it reached the right height in the atmosphere, and took off again, speeding through the stars.

  Her vertigo had kicked in at the first thrust of the engines and lasted until the craft had cleared the atmosphere. Now she lay in Orion's quarters, an air sickness bag close by, wishing to Merlin that she was a normal witch. One that could ride her broom without spewing at the first bump or burst of power. One without an expiration date. One whose stomach didn't pitch and sway like she was on a nautical ship.

  The door to Orion's chambers swished open and he strode through.

  "Are you alright?"

  "Do I look like I'm alright? Your robot keeps coming in here and giving me a fresh airsickness bag."

  "I contacted the healer and he said to give you this."

  "What is it?"

  She glanced at the pill and felt queasy at the idea of trying to swallow.

  "I don't know, but I trust the healer."

  She sniffed at the pill. "I'm not ready to take drugs."

  "He also said to massage your pressure points."

  Orion reached out and touched her breasts. She sat straight up in his bed, her breasts throbbing with the feel of his hands on her nipples. The sudden movement made her dizzy again.

  "What are you doing?" she whispered.

  "I'm massaging your pressure points," he said innocently.

  She started to laugh, though the feel of his hands on her body was quite exquisite. If she didn't fear throwing up at any moment, she would have given him more access, but now was not the right time.

  "Orion, I don't know about the women on your planet, but those are my breasts. My pressure points are in my wrists."

  "Oh," he said, smiling sheepishly. "They felt nice."

  She reache
d up and stroked the side of his face. "I like it when you touch me. But right now I'm afraid..."

  Not only did nausea, hold her in it's vice grip, but doubt was plaguing her as well. Could she save his sister?

  The ship's thrusters kicked on and the vehicle made a rapid turn. She grabbed the bag. He held her head while she gagged, her stomach empty from throwing up earlier.

  "Go away," she gasped, "Let me die in peace."

  "I'm staying right here beside you," he whispered.

  "Whose flying the ship?" she questioned, suddenly worried they were tumbling through space without anyone at the helm.

  "My crew," he said.

  With a sigh, she leaned back on the pillow, closing her eyes.

  "I look horrible, when I'm trying to throw up."

  "You are always beautiful," he said, his fingers brushing her hair away from her cheek. "Drink this water."

  Opening her eyes to glance at him, she wondered briefly if he was falling in love with her the way she was falling for him. Sitting up, she took several sips, rinsing out her mouth, thinking at least she tasted better as she sank back down on the bed.

  "Tell me about your planet," she said, thinking maybe if she concentrated on something besides the ship flying through space, she wouldn't be sick.

  "The sun lights up the planet each day and the moon shines in the sky each evening. We are the opposite of your planet. We sleep when the sun is out and we're active at night. We are not creatures of the dark, but rather it's the safest time of day to be outside. We wake up in the early evening and go to bed mid-morning just as the temperatures starts to climb."

  Daisy laid back, her eyes closed, and tried to concentrate on the sound of his voice. The timbre of his voice was soothing and made her want to curl around him in the big bed.

  "You told me your great aunt killed or banished all witches, why? What did they do to her?" she asked, thinking it would be a good thing to know before she landed in this new world.

  "There was a strong Warlock named Ocabeus who tried to overthrow my great aunt. She feared that all of the witches were against her, so she dealt with the problem by eliminating them. What she didn't count on was Ocabeus casting a plague killing her and everyone in her immediate family, which, fortunately, didn't include my mother. When she ascended to the throne, she worked very hard to bring about peace, but a warlock named Zitora laid claim to the kingdom. Upon his execution, our kingdom became prosperous. There were no more wars and no more killings. My mother, the Queen has asked the witches to return."

  Daisy lay in his arms, resting. It was a sad tale of evil, corruption and greed and so many people died. Now it appeared that once again someone was trying to usurp the power of the throne.

  "So much evil. Why can't we all live in harmony?"

  "I thought we were until Lyra came down ill. Now, I know it was just a period of peacefulness that will hopefully return."

  Daisy wondered what to expect when she arrived. She hoped they would accept that she was a good witch who had come to help. Sure, there were malicious people in the world, but wasn't that true of every race? Of every species?

  "Tell me about your sister? What is she like?"

  The ship shook and for a moment, Daisy thought she'd be sick again.

  Orion took her in his arms. "Let me hold you. That way I will brace you against any unexpected movement of the ship. We're in space now, so everything should be smooth from here on."

  He turned around on the bed to lean against the wall and pulled her into his arms. As his arms cradled her, she could feel the pounding of his chest and thought that must be his heart. Warmth engulfed her making her feel safe and protected. Relaxing, even the nausea receded.

  At the feel of his big body, supporting her, a sense of homecoming and peace enveloped her. In his arms, she felt like this was where she belonged and suddenly she was certain that yes, Orion of Tesceanus was her mate.

  "Lyra, is sweet and innocent of the dangers to our planet. As part of her training, she was attending classes on global planetization. She's learning everything she needed to know to rule Tesceanus. Someday my mother will step down as ruler and Lyra will take her place." His voice broke. "She must not die."

  Turning in his arms, Daisy reached up and wiped the moisture from his eyes. "We will do everything we can to save her."

  Her fingers trailed down his cheek and she leaned toward him. Their mouths met and melded together. Knowing her time could be limited with Orion, she poured her soul into her kiss. Her lips sought and plundered his. He rolled her onto the bed, his body covering hers as he aggressively returned her kiss.

  Nothing had ever prepared her for the feelings she could feel surging inside her as she clasped his muscled shoulders to her. She wanted to rip off her clothes and let him take her right here, but knew that would be insanity. Her mating date was only days away.

  A loud bang caused Orion to jump from the bed, leaving her gazing at him. Shock registered on his face.

  The telecommunicator on his belt buzzed. "Commander, you are needed on deck."

  "I'm on my way."

  "What's wrong?" she asked, anxiety spiraling through her, causing her heart to race.

  "I fear we are under attack. Stay here."

  He hastened from the room, leaving her behind.


  Orion ran to the command center. When he reached the deck, he could see his small crew of five, working desperately to outmaneuver an attacking ship.


  "They suddenly came up behind us, sir. They must have used a cloaking device. The ships systems did not warn us of another ship and nothing showed up on the tracker."

  Another blast of fire hit the ship, spinning it in the opposite direction.

  "We can't take much more of this," Orion warned. "How are the shields holding up?"

  "The shields are at sixty percent, sir."

  He jumped into his chair and took over the controls. "Let's see if we can drop down and maneuver up behind them."

  Knowing that the quick movement was certain to make Daisy even more ill, he sighed. He was sorry, but it was better that she was sick than for all to perish.

  The ship plunged and at full throttle they powered her as quickly behind the attacking ship.

  "Set the recorder to determine who would dare challenge a Tesceanus ship," Orion said, focusing on coming up behind the unsuspecting vessel.

  "No, that can't be right," an officer said. Slowly he turned and looked at Orion, his face full of shock. "It's one of our ships firing at us, sir."

  Orion felt his insides twist into a knot. Had the kingdom fallen or were they just after Daisy? He glanced at his crewmen. "That can't be. Check again."

  Another blast from the attacking ship's aft cannons rocked his craft, and he dove to avoid the next hit, wondering how Daisy was doing, worried he wasn't with her. Right now, he was fighting for their lives.

  "Sir, I double checked. It's a Tesceanus ship."

  "That would explain why we had no warning. Our defenses recognized the ship as one of our own.

  Who was commanding the Tesceanus ship and why were they attacking?

  Just to make certain it wasn't a mistake he pushed his communicator button. "Tesceanus ship you are firing on Her Majesty's Royal ship. If you continue, we will be forced to disable you."

  The only answer received was a big fireball blast came from the attacking ship. Maneuvering again to avoid certain death, he came up behind the spacecraft.

  "Sir, do I return fire?" his crewman asked.

  A fireball ignited from the other ship and Orion turned his vessel to the right, taking evasive action once again. "They're not going to stop, are they?"

  Orion picked up the communicator one last time. "This is your final warning. You are firing on your fellow officers. Another shot and we will return fire."

  In answer, the ship turned and zoomed towards them at a high rate of speed, firing at them.

  Enough was enough. Orion took the h
it and fired back, not once but twice. The second blast had enough firepower to send the ship flying out of control, where it plowed into an asteroid and exploded on impact.

  "Good job your highness," his crewman said.

  "Yes, but it was one of our own and that disturbs me greatly. I must contact Her Majesty, right away."

  Standing, he hurried off the deck and into his ready room. The door closed behind him and he called on the secure channel.

  His mother appeared in the small chamber. "Good evening, son. I trust that you are on your way?"

  "Yes, your majesty, but we had to destroy a Tesceanus ship to defend ourselves. What can you tell me about this?"

  He sent her the recording and her face became stern. "That ship was reported missing right after you left. We've been unable to pinpoint it's location."

  "So whoever stole the ship wasn't coming after me?" Orion assumed. "They were after Daisy."

  If they were targeting Orion, they would have followed him to Earth. By waiting until he was on his way back with a witch, he felt certain they were coming after Daisy. Unfortunately, there would be more attempts to stop them from reaching Tesceanus.

  His mother nodded. "I agree. This is why I want you to get here as quickly, but as secretly, as possible. I suspect that someone is planning another attack and their warriors are in place, ready for your arrival."

  Orion sighed. He understood what his mother was saying, and realized the danger they were in.

  "How is she doing?" his mother asked.

  "She has motion sickness and traveling makes it worse. When I left her she was better, but the attack may have made her ill again."

  "I would tell you to contact the healer, but I don't think that's a good idea. This mission should remain a secret."

  Like the blast that hit his ship, the realization of what he'd done slammed into Orion, anger gripping his insides. "Your Majesty, I did contact the healer, not more than an hour ago and asked him to prescribe something for Daisy's air sickness. Then we were attacked."

  "Oh dear," his mother said. "What if he's the cause of Lyra's illness, and I've trusted him all along? What if he is behind this latest strike?"


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