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There Will Be War Volume VII

Page 4

by Jerry Pournelle

  She paused and touched her full lips with her tongue while her fingers played with the fan. “Yes,” she said at last, then continued, “I want you to tell Sergeant Grant 0400 and to answer any questions he may have.”

  Lady Miriam looked up again, and though her voice remained mild, her eyes were hard as knife points. “Oh. And Leesh? This is business that the baron does not wish to be known. Speak to Sergeant Grant in private. And never speak to anyone else about it—even to the baron if he tries to trick you into an admission.”

  “Yes, my lady,” I said, bowing.

  I understood what the baron would do to a page who brought him that news—and how he would send a message back to his wife, to the king’s daughter whom he dared not impale in person.

  Sarah’s shrieked order carried me past the guard at the women’s apartment, while Lady Miriam’s signet was my pass into the courtyard after normal hours. The soldier there on guard was muzzy with drink. I might have been able to slip unnoticed by the hall alcove in which he sheltered.

  I skipped across the gravel-in-clay surface of the courtyard, afraid to pause to touch the tanks again when I knew Lady Miriam would be peering from her window. Perhaps on the way back… but no, she would be as intent on hearing on how the message was received as she was anxious to know that it had been delivered. I would ignore the tanks—

  “Freeze, buddy!” snarled someone from the turret of the tank I had just run past.

  I stumbled with shock and my will to obey. Catching my balance, I turned slowly—to the triple muzzles of the weapon mounted on the cupola, not a pistol as Lord Curran had pointed. The man who spoke wore a shielded helmet, but there would not have been enough light to recognize him anyway.

  “Please, my lord,” I said. “I have a message for Sergeant-Commander Grant?”

  “From who?” the mercenary demanded. I knew now that Lieutenant Kiley had been serious about protecting from intrusion the quarters allotted to his men.

  “My lord, I–” I said and found no way to proceed.

  “Yeah, Via,” the tank lord agreed in a relaxed tone. “None a’ my affair.” He touched the side of his helmet and spoke softly.

  The gatehouse door opened with a spill of light and the tall, broad-shouldered silhouette of Sergeant Grant. Like the mercenary on guard in the tank, he wore a communications helmet.

  Grant slipped his face-shield down, and for a moment my own exposed skin tingled—or my mind thought it perceived a tingle—as the tank lord’s equipment scanned me.

  “C’mon, then,” he grunted, gesturing me toward the recessed angle of the building and the gate leaves. “We’ll step around the corner and talk.”

  There was a trill of feminine laughter from the upper story of the gatehouse: a servant named Maria, whose hoots of joy were unmistakable. Lieutenant Kiley leaned his head and torso from the window above us and shouted to Grant, his voice and his anger recognizable even though the words themselves were not.

  The sergeant paused, clenching his left fist and reaching for me with his right because I happened to be closest to him. I poised to run—survive this first, then worry about what Lady Miriam would say—but the tank lord caught himself, raised his shield, and called to his superior in a tone on the safe side of insolent, “All right, all right. I’ll stay right here where Cermak can see me from the tank.”

  Apparently Grant had remembered Lady Miriam also, for he spoke in our language so that I—and the principal for whom I acted—would understand the situation.

  Lieutenant Kiley banged his shutters closed.

  Grant stared for a moment at Cermak until the guard understood and dropped back into the interior of his vehicle. We could still be observed through the marvelous vision blocks, but we had the minimal privacy needed for me to deliver my message.

  “Lady Miriam,” I said softly, “says 0400.”

  I waited for the tank lord to ask me for directions. His breath and sweat exuded sour echoes of the strong estate ale.

  “Won’t go,” the tank lord replied unexpectedly. “I’ll be clear at 03 to 04.” He paused before adding, “You tell her, kid, she better not be playin’ games. Nobody plays prick-tease with this boy and likes what they get for it.”

  “Yes, my lord,” I said, skipping backward because I had the feeling that this man would grab me and shake me to emphasize his point.

  I would not deliver his threat. My best hope for safety at the end of this affair required that Lady Miriam believe that I was ignorant of what was going on.

  That was a slim hope anyway.

  “Well, go on, then,” the tank lord said.

  He strode back within the gatehouse, catlike in his grace and lethality, while I ran to tell my mistress of the revised time.

  An hour’s pleasure seemed a little thing against the risk of two lives—and my own.

  My “room” was what had been the back staircase before it was blocked to convert the second floor of the west wing into the women’s apartment. The dank cylinder was furnished only with the original stone stair treads and whatever my mistress and her maids had chosen to store there over the years. I normally slept on a chair in the common room, creeping back to my designated space before dawn.

  Tonight I slept beneath one of the large chairs in a corner; not hidden, exactly, but not visible without a search.

  The two women were quiet enough to have slipped past someone who was not poised to hear them as I was, and the tiny flashlight the leader carried threw a beam so tight that it could scarcely have helped them see their way. But the perfume they wore—imported, expensive, and overpowering—was more startling than a shout.

  They paused at the door. The latch rattled like a tocsin though the hinges did not squeal.

  The soldier on guard, warned and perhaps awakened by the latch, stopped them before they could leave the apartment. The glowlamp in the sconce beside the door emphasized the ruddy anger on his face.

  Sarah’s voice, low but cutting, said, “Keep silent, my man, or it will be the worse for you.” She thrust a gleam of gold toward the guard, not payment but a richly chased signet ring, and went on, “Lady Miriam knows and approves. Keep still and you’ll have no cause to regret this night. Otherwise…”

  The guard’s face was not blank, but emotions chased themselves across it too quickly for his mood to be read. Suddenly he reached out and harshly squeezed the chief maid’s breast. Sarah gasped, and the man snarled, “What’ve they got that I don’t got, tell me, huh? You’re all whores, that’s all you are!”

  The second woman was almost hidden from the soldier by the chief maid and the panel of the half-opened door. I could see a shimmer of light as her hand rose, though I could not tell whether it was from a blade or a gun barrel.

  The guard flung his hand down from Sarah and turned away. “Go on, then,” he grumbled. “What do I care? Go on, sluts.”

  The weapon disappeared, unused and unseen, into the folds of an ample skirt, and the two women left the suite with only the whisper of felt slippers. They were heavily veiled and wore garments coarser than any I had seen on the chief maid before—but Lady Miriam was as recognizable in the grace of her walk as Sarah was for her voice.

  The women left the door ajar to keep the latch from rattling again, and the guard did not at first pull it to. I listened for further moments against the chance that another maid would come from her room or that the lady would rush back, driven by fear or conscience—though I hadn’t seen either state control her in the past.

  I was poised to squeeze between the window-bars again, barefoot for secrecy and a better grip, when I heard the hum of static as the guard switched his belt radio live. There was silence as he keyed it, then his low voice saying, “They’ve left, sir. They’re on their way toward the banquet hall.”

  There was another pause and a radio voice too thin for me to hear more than the fact of it. The guard said, “Yes, Chamberlain,” and clicked off the radio.

  He latched the door.

I was out through the bars in one movement and well up the antenna brace before any of the maids could have entered the common room to investigate the noise.

  I knew where the women were going, but not whether the chamberlain would stop them on the way past the banquet hall or the baron’s personal suite at the head of the east wing. The fastest, safest way for me to cross the roof of the banquet hall was twenty feet up the side, where the builders’ forms had left a flat, thirty-centimeter path in the otherwise sloping concrete.

  Instead, I decided to pick my way along the trash-filled stone gutter just above the windows of the corridor on the courtyard side. I could say that my life—my chance of life—depended on knowing what was going on… and it did depend on that. But crawling through the starlit darkness, spying on my betters, was also the only way I had of asserting myself. The need to assert myself had become unexpectedly pressing since Lord Curran had showed me the tank, and since I had experienced what a man could be.

  There was movement across the courtyard as I reached the vertical extension of the load-bearing wall that separated the west wing from the banquet hall. I ducked beneath the stone coping, but the activity had nothing to do with me. The gatehouse door had opened and, as I peered through dark-adapted eyes, the mercenary on guard in a tank exchanged with the man who had just stepped out of the building.

  The tank lords talked briefly. Then the gatehouse door shut behind the guard who had been relieved while his replacement climbed into the turret of the vehicle parked near the west wing—Sergeant Grant’s tank. I clambered over the wall extension and stepped carefully along the gutter, regretting now that I had not worn shoes for protection. I heard nothing from the corridor below, although the casements were pivoted outward to catch any breeze that would relieve the summer stillness.

  Gravel crunched in the courtyard as the tank lord on guard slid from his vehicle and began to stride toward the end of the east wing.

  He was across the courtyard from me—faceless behind the shield of his commo helmet and at best only a shadow against the stone of the wall behind him. But the man was Sergeant Grant beyond question, abandoning his post for the most personal of reasons.

  I continued, reaching the east wing as the tank lord disappeared among the stone finials of the outside staircase at the wing’s far end. The guest suites had their own entrance, more formally ornamented than the doorways serving the estate’s own needs. The portal was guarded only when the suites were in use—and then most often by a mixed force of the baron’s soldiers and those of the guests.

  That was not a formality. The guest who would entrust his life solely to the baron’s goodwill was a fool.

  A corridor much like that flanking the banquet hall ran along the courtyard side of the guest suites. It was closed by a cross-wall and door, separating the guests from the baron’s private apartment, but the door was locked and not guarded.

  Lady Miriam kept a copy of the door’s microchip key under the plush lining of her jewel box. I had found it but left it there, needless to me so long as I could slip through window grates.

  The individual guest suites were locked also, but as I lowered myself from the gutter to a window ledge I heard a door snick closed. The sound was minuscule, but it had a crispness that echoed in the lightless hall.

  Skirts rustled softly against the stone, and Sarah gave a gentle, troubled sigh as she settled herself to await her mistress.

  I waited on the ledge, wondering if I should climb back to the roof—or even return to my own room. The chamberlain had not blocked the assignation, and there was no sign of an alarm. The soldiers, barracked on the ground floor of this wing, would have been clearly audible had they been aroused.

  Then I did hear something—or feel it. There had been motion, the ghost of motion, on the other side of the door closing the corridor. Someone had entered or left the baron’s apartment, and I had heard them through the open windows.

  It could have been one of the baron’s current favorites—girls from the estate, the younger and more vulnerable, the better. They generally used the little door and staircase on the outer perimeter of the palace—where a guard was stationed against the possibility that an ax-wielding relative would follow the lucky child.

  I lifted myself back to the roof with particular care, so that I would not disturb the chief maid waiting in the hallway. Then I followed the gutter back to the portion of roof over the baron’s apartments.

  I knew the wait would be less than an hour, the length of Sergeant Grant’s guard duty, but it did not occur to me that the interval would be as brief as it actually was. I had scarcely settled myself again to wait when I thought I heard a door unlatch in the guest suites. That could have been imagination; or Sarah, deciding to wait in a room instead of the corridor; but moments later the helmeted tank lord paused on the outside staircase.

  By taking the risk of leaning over the roof coping, I could see Lord Grant and a woman embracing on the landing before the big mercenary strode back across the courtyard toward the tank where he was supposed to be on guard. Desire had not waited on its accomplishment, and mutual fear had prevented the sort of dalliance after the event that the women dwelt on so lovingly in the privacy of their apartment… while Leesh, the lady’s page and no man, listened of necessity. The women’s slippers made no sound in the corridor, but their dresses brushed one another to the door, which clicked and sighed as it let them out of the guest apartments and into the portion of the east wing reserved to the baron.

  I expected shouts, then; screams, even gunfire as the baron and Wolfitz confronted Lady Miriam. There was no sound except for skirts continuing to whisper their way up the hall, returning to the women’s apartment. I stood up to follow, disappointed despite the fact that bloody chaos in the palace would endanger everyone—me, the usual scapegoat for frustrations, most of all.

  The baron said in a tight voice at the window directly beneath me, “Give me the goggles, Wolfitz,” and surprise almost made me fall.

  The strap of a pair of night-vision goggles rustled over the baron’s grizzled head. Their frames clucked against the stone sash as my master bent forward with the unfamiliar headgear.

  For a moment, I was too frightened to breathe. If he leaned out and turned his head, he would see me poised like a terrified gargoyle above him. Any move I made—even flattening myself behind the wall coping—risked a sound and disaster.

  “You’re right,” said the baron in a voice that would have been normal if it had had any emotion behind it. There was another sound of something hard against the sash, a metallic clink this time.

  “No, my lord!” said the chamberlain in a voice more forceful than I dreamed any underling would use to the baron. Wolfitz must have been seizing the nettle firmly, certain that hesitation or uncertainty meant the end of more than his plans. “If you shoot him now, the others will blast everything around them to glowing slag.”

  “Wolfitz!” said the baron, breathing hard. They had been struggling. The flare-mouthed mob gun from the baron’s nightstand—scarcely a threat to Sergeant Grant across the courtyard—extended from the window opening, but the chamberlain’s bony hand was on the baron’s wrist. “If you tell me I must let those arrogant out-worlders pleasure my wife in my palace, I will kill you.”

  He sounded like an architect discussing a possible staircase curve.

  “There’s a better way, my lord,” said the chamberlain. His voice was breathy also, but I thought exertion was less to account for that than was the risk he took. “We’ll be ready the next time the—out-worlder gives us the opportunity. We’ll take him in, in the crime; but quietly so that the others aren’t aroused.”

  “Idiot!” snarled the baron, himself again in all his arrogant certainty. Their hands and the gun disappeared from the window ledge. The tableau was the vestige of an event that the men needed each other too much to remember. “No matter what we do with the body, the others will blame us. Blame me.”

  His voice took a dange
rous coloration as he added, “Is that what you had in mind, Chamberlain?”

  Wolfitz said calmly, “The remainder of the platoon here will be captured—or killed, it doesn’t matter—by the mercenaries of the Lightning Division, who will also protect us from reaction by King Adrian and Colonel Hammer.”

  “But–” said the baron, the word a placeholder for a thought that did not form in his mind after all.

  “The King of Ganz won’t hesitate an instant if you offer him your fealty,” the chamberlain continued, letting the words display their own strength instead of speaking loudly in a fashion his master might take as badgering.

  The baron still held the mob gun, and his temper was doubtful at the best of times.

  “The mercenaries of the Lightning Division,” continued Wolfitz with his quiet voice and persuasive ideas, “will accept any risk in order to capture four tanks undamaged. The value of that equipment is beyond any profit the Lightning Division dreamed of earning when they were hired by Ganz.”

  “But–” the baron repeated in an awestruck voice. “The truce?”

  “A matter for the kings to dispute,” said the chamberlain off-handedly. “But Adrian will find little support among his remaining barons if you were forced into your change of allegiance. When the troops he billeted on you raped and murdered Lady Miriam, that is.”

  “How quickly can you make the arrangements?” asked the baron. I had difficulty in following the words: not because they were soft, but because he growled them like a beast.

  “The delay,” Wolfitz replied judiciously, and I could imagine him lacing his long fingers together and staring at them, “will be for the next opportunity your—Lady Miriam and her lover give us. I shouldn’t imagine that will be longer than tomorrow night.”

  The baron’s teeth grated like nutshells being ground against stone.

  “We’ll have to use couriers, of course,” Wolfitz added. “The likelihood of the Slammers intercepting any other form of communication is too high. But all Ganz and its mercenaries have to do is ready a force to dash here and defend the palace before Hammer can react. Since these tanks are the forward picket, and they’ll be unmanned while Sergeant Grant is—otherwise occupied—the Lightning Division will have almost an hour before an alarm can be given. Ample time, I’m sure.”


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