Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2)

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Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2) Page 17

by Youngblood, Shannon

  After a few moments, she looked back up at me and whispered, “Go on.”

  “We also believe the attack on your mother wasn’t random, but was purposely done. The attacker grabbed her purse as an afterthought. I’m so sorry, Charlotte.”

  Grabbing her tight, I pulled her into my chest as the tears started. I knew she was going to take it hard, which is why I never wanted to tell her. But, I wasn’t about to lose her because I didn’t speak up. I pulled her onto my lap and rocked her back and forth as she let out all the hurt and the rage she must have been feeling. I knew she was blaming herself for both her parents’ accidents. She felt responsible because her past was now haunting her present. I wanted to protect her, but how could I protect her from her own mind?

  After a few minutes, the sobbing racking her body ceased, and Charlotte looked up at me. “Thank you for telling me, Alex,” she muttered.

  “We’re going to get to the bottom of this, Charlotte. Please don’t blame yourself. What’s happening isn’t your fault, and you didn’t ask for this. You weren’t to blame for what happened all those years ago, and you aren’t to blame for what is happening now. I will keep you safe, and I’ll do whatever needs to be done to keep your mother safe.”

  Tipping her chin up to look me in the eyes, I made my intentions clear as I slowly made my way to her lips. Her eyes left mine for just a moment as she looked at my own mouth, recognizing what was happening, before she searched out my eyes again. “Thank you, Alex,” she said, right before my mouth found hers in a soft, gentle caress. It was unhurried and compassionate all at the same time, and even though we weren’t attacking each other, as was our normal way of proceeding, it was completely sensual, my cock twitching below.

  Pulling away gently, I placed my forehead to hers and planted a small kiss to the tip of her nose. “Come to dinner with me tonight?” I asked. “Let’s have a normal night out and not think about all of this,” I said, with a wave of my hands around the hospital.

  “Ok,” she acquiesced quickly, kissing my nose in the same gesture.

  When she smiled at me, I couldn’t help the grin that overtook my own face, only faltering when Charlotte shifted in my lap, her ass grinding against my now fully hard erection. My smile came back full force when she giggled and whispered ‘sorry’, before jumping off my lap to tell her mom of the dinner plans.

  Crossing my legs to cover my apparent arousal, I waited for her to emerge, so I could take her away from this sterile hell and place her into my dirty heaven.

  Chapter 28


  It was only around four pm when Charlotte and I made it back to the hotel. The sexual charge in the car was too much to deny and, by the time we entered the suite, neither of us could keep our hands off of each other. I felt a little guilty that we didn’t even make it to the bedroom before I was inside her, but she didn’t seem to mind. Pushing her against the wall, my lips locked with hers. She unbuckled my belt, released my raging hard on and, in one swift move, she had impaled herself on top of me before I could suggest a softer location than the side of the wall.

  Taking her lead, I started a punishing rhythm with her legs wrapped around me, driving into her with a need I couldn’t quite name, but didn’t care one way or the other. I couldn’t get enough of her and I told her so, over and over again, as I slammed inside of her. When she finally screamed out her release, I let go of my own, spurting my seed deep inside her while my legs threatened to give out below me.

  While still buried inside her, I walked Charlotte into the bathroom and placed her on the chaise lounge, her head falling back onto the cushions, exhausted, while I started the warm water of the whirlpool tub. Adding in a little lavender scented bubble bath, I waited until the tub was full enough before slowly peeling Charlotte out of the remaining clothes we had been in too much of a rush to discard, and placed her into the tub. The moan that escaped her lips once she was fully immersed in the hot liquid was enough to make my cock squirm again, but I ignored it, wanting Charlotte to get a little rest before I took her out to dinner.

  “Want to join me?” she asked in a languid whisper.

  Without another word, I slipped off my undershirt and my socks. I motioned for Charlotte to scoot forward, climbed in behind her, and pulled her into my chest. We both let out a satisfied breath as our skin collided, bubbles spilling out the sides, as we pressed together, our bodies leaving no room for anything, including bath water.

  Once the bath water had cooled to the point of discomfort and we had cleaned ourselves up from our previous lovemaking, I wrapped her in a large fluffy black towel and carried her to our bed, her head lying against my shoulder. After she was sufficiently dry, I placed her on the bed and tucked the covers around her, her gentle breathing indicating she had already entered the dream world. I couldn’t blame her. The stress of finding out what happened to her mom, the plane ride, and the discovery that none of the accidents in her life were really accidents, would be enough to exhaust anyone, and the added sex on top of that would crush even the most physically and emotionally fit of people.

  My mixed emotions with the entire thing stopped me from napping, even though I should have as well. I know I should have felt bad that I was the cause of some of her fatigue, but I felt as if, every time she and I were together, the strings holding our relationship in place fused together a little more, becoming stronger and more resilient. So, instead of sleeping, I laid next to her, with my arms cradling my head, and thought about a future with Charlotte. Little red headed boys and girls running around a large yard. Her protruding with another child. Somehow, with this thought in my head, I was able to fall into a deep sleep, sans nightmares.


  A little past seven, I woke up on my own and stretched out, being careful not to jostle the still sleeping love of my life. I crept to the bathroom and took another shower to wash the feel of the hospital from my skin and hair. When the shower door opened unexpectedly, I turned to find a naked Charlotte walking into the shower and directly into my arms.

  “Thank you for the nap, Alex. I needed it,” she yawned out.

  “I was going to let you sleep a little longer. Our reservations aren’t until 8:30pm.”

  “That’s ok. I feel much more rested,” she said, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Where are we going?”

  “Just a steakhouse I found in the area with excellent reviews,” I told her, happy to see the smile appear on her face at the mention of a steakhouse.

  “You remembered?” she asked in awe.

  “Anything concerning you, I remember. I believe your exact words were “I love steak,” I said, mimicking her.

  “And I believe your exact words were to try the Prime Rib, as it was as delectable as me. Still believe that to be true, Mr. Porter?” she seductively asked, taking a small step back and releasing her hold on me.

  “Why, Miss Hightower, I do believe you are mocking me, but just to be sure, how about I take another taste?”

  Before she could reject me, I got down on my knees and propped her right leg up onto the seat. The sight of her was enough to have me coming right then and there, but I held it together. Her folds were glistening, in part from the shower, but also from arousal, and I could see her standing leg visibly trembling at my gaze.

  I moved my face to her entrance, greedy for another taste of Charlotte’s juices. Parting her, I dipped my tongue in and gathered a little liquid before trailing it back to her pulsating clit. When I made contact, I grabbed her hips to keep her from falling before I ravished her tiny bundle of nerves. The moans that escaped her were hedonistic to not only my cock, but also to my ego. She was so pliable and willing that I couldn’t stop myself. Slipping one finger into her, I pushed through until I found her g-spot, curving my finger slightly to get the best angle. When I felt her draw close to climax, I stopped what I was doing and sat her down on the bench. At least this way, when she exploded, I didn’t have to worry about her falling over and knocking herself
out. One visit to the hospital was enough for me.

  When my face was buried between her creamy thighs again, I picked back up where I left off, adding a second finger. It took no time at all for Charlotte to grab my hair and grind into my face, clearly close to her impending detonation.

  Looking up, I noticed her closed eyes. “Charlie, you know I need to see those big beautiful eyes. Open them for me.”

  Immediately she complied with my request, her green eyes burrowing into my own. With my other hand, I grabbed onto my own pulsating cock with as much strength as I could, and begin pumping myself to my own shattering. “Come with me, Charlotte,” I gritted out.

  Her inside muscles clenched on my fingers as I heard her scream out in an eruptive release, my own cock squirting out my come to wash down the shower drain. The entire scene, our eyes never left each other’s, and it didn’t escape my notice the single tear that fell from her eye.

  “Whoa...” Charlotte said when our climaxes receded and our breathing returned to normal.

  “Yeah...” I agreed.

  Standing her up, we both took our time exploring each other’s bodies with washcloths and soap, cleaning away our loving and getting ready for our dinner date. It wasn’t long before both of us were dressed and ready to depart the hotel. I contemplated ordering in so we could stay in bed all night, but I knew she needed more of a distraction than just sex. I looked at her as we waited for Bracks to drive around with the car. She had left her hair down and it swirled around her head in a mass of red wavy curls. She had opted to wear a simple black summer dress with large white flowers adorning the bottom, and a short pair of heels.

  I decided on a pair of black slacks and black button up dress shirt, our outfits coordinating perfectly. I never thought, in my life, I would have desired to match my attire with a member of the opposite sex, but I found myself loving the dexterous look.

  The ride to the restaurant was comfortably quiet as Charlotte took in the surroundings of Philadelphia. The hospital was only a few miles from the New Jersey/Pennsylvania border and it was a faster location than New York City. I also wasn’t sure if Charlotte would ever want to go back to NYC.

  When we arrived at the restaurant, I guided Charlotte in to the hostess stand, my hand at the small of her back. Tipping the hostess, I asked for a secluded booth and she led me to the back of the restaurant. Each booth was adorned with sheer white curtains that could be closed for privacy, but I opted to keep ours open for now. It gave me great pleasure seeing Charlotte’s excited eyes observe the surroundings. I didn’t think I’d ever get over her innocence and enthusiasm to absorb new things.

  When the waiter came over and handed me the wine list, I motioned for Charlotte to choose, but she shook her head, preferring to order a sparkling water instead. We both conversed about our time apart, wanting to get it out into the open and no longer keep anything from each other. We both had a long way to go, but we were going to make it work. No matter the cost.

  “How do you enjoy working for Rachel?” I asked, taking a sip of the scotch I had ordered.

  Her face grew excited and animated. I still wanted her to work for me, but she seemed to love her new position and I wasn’t about to take that away from her.

  “I love it. She’s so much more than I had anticipated. After our first encounter, I couldn’t imagine why she would seek me out for employment. You must have given her a hell of a review,” she smirked. “I fit in there so well, and I love everyone who works there. It’s still hard dealing with Sarah, but Rachel has told me a bit about her, and now I just kind of pity her.”

  I nodded my head in acknowledgment. Sarah had had a rough childhood. Her parents couldn’t control her as a teen and, as a result, she ended up hanging out with a bad group of people who got her addicted to crystal meth, overdosing, and almost losing her life on two different occasions. She never came out of it the same, and for whatever reason, after her last OD, she became obsessed with me. I tried keeping her at bay, as did Rachel, but we both figured out it was easier to just let her do what she needed to do, as long as she didn’t start in on the drugs again.

  Lately, it seemed as if she had backed off a bit, and I was grateful for it. My guess was she knew that Charlotte and I were in rocky waters and she was just biding her time, but that was one bridge I would cross if, and when, I came to it.

  “I need to come clean to you, Charlotte,” I said, taking a deep breath. “As I am sure you have surmised, I have been watching you. I hacked into the cameras at your office to watch your reaction to my gifts. I swore that, if you reacted badly to them, I would leave you alone, but I couldn’t leave it up to Rachel to tell me the truth, so I had to watch. I know it was a breach of your trust, and I lied to you again, but I needed to tell you at least this.”

  In one breath, I told her that I was a stalker and a liar, and I feared for the reaction sure to come. But surprising me again, she grabbed my hand, “I know, Alex. Thank you for telling me. That was really brave of you. Also, I have to tell you, I loved every single gift, and I kept all of them, including the empty carry out cups, and all of the roses. They brightened my day on days I didn’t think I could make it anymore. So, thank you.”

  I squeezed her hand, not trusting myself with a stable verbal response to her admission. I had lived for the smiles I had seen on my computer screen every time she had come into work and approached her gift laden desk. Now, hearing how much she loved them pushed me over the edge. I was happy. Profoundly and blissfully happy. If we could get this mess with Robert behind us (if it really was him), I was going to ask this girl to marry me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the waiter approach with our steaks, and the smell wafted in our direction. It was heavenly and my mouth watered at the aroma. Removing my hands from Charlotte’s, I pulled away, giving room for the waiter to place our plates in front of us, but when I looked up, I immediately noticed that her skin color had drained slightly, her face nearing a ghostly pale.

  “Charlotte, are you alright?” I asked, worried.

  “Yes, I’m ok, just give me a moment,” she said through deep breaths.

  She was ok, and I was being paranoid. On a laugh, I blurted, “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were pregnant!” I immediately noticed my faux pas and remembered our conversation right before our first sexual encounter. She said she was infertile and unable to have kids. God, I was such a fool.

  Before I could fully apologize, I looked up and into her green irises. Her eyes telling me what her open mouth didn’t. She was pregnant.

  My brain was spinning out of control. As soon as one thought flew in, another flew out. I knew I was staring with my mouth agape, but I couldn’t form a single word. I was going to be a father? How long had she known? How far along was she? I thought she couldn’t have children. All viable questions, and all I was unable to vocalize.

  Oh my God. I was going to be a father. In a split second, the surprise fell away, letting in pure joy as a warm bubble of love enveloped me. Charlotte and I were going to be parents. If you had told me six months ago that I would be sitting in Philadelphia with the love of my life learning of an impending life, I would have laughed in your face, but now, I couldn’t see it any other way. I didn’t want it any other way.

  Picking up my knife and fork, I popped a piece of steak into my waiting mouth. I needed to find the right words, and sitting there with my mouth ajar wasn’t helping anything. Before I could finally speak, Charlotte looked over at me and excused herself to the restroom, leaving her untouched steak on the table. Slapping the palm of my hand to my forehead, I whispered, “I fucked up again, didn’t I?”

  Chapter 29

  Daydreamer Musings

  August 18, 2015


  I’ve been keeping a secret from you all, and I’m sorry about it. But I couldn’t risk posting it here and someone finding out before I was ready to spill the beans. *DEEP BREATH* I’m pregnant. About ten weeks or so. I was tol
d long ago by my doctor that my chance of conceiving was less than 1%, but I somehow managed to break those odds.

  Anyways, let me back up a little, now that you have the jaw dropping news. I am currently sitting at a fancy steak restaurant, sick to my stomach from the smell of my mouthwatering steak. I’m a little pissy at my little gummy bear for that bit of information. Mommy loves her steak.

  I told Alex the news, well actually, I didn’t, he made a guess, even though he was just kidding, and I couldn’t respond. I didn’t confirm it or deny it, but he knew it was true. I was scared shitless. What if he doesn’t want kids? Is our relationship over before it even has a chance to grow and nurture? I’m not at all upset about the pregnancy, and whether he decides to leave me or stay will have no bearing on if I keep this little baby or not.

  This baby has closed up a lot of the gaping holes in my body and my heart. Between this little gummy bear and Alex, I have never felt so whole in my life. There’s still danger in my life and it terrifies me, but I can and I will conquer it, feet first.

  But, I’m sure you guys are wondering how Alex took the news, and to tell you the truth, I’m not exactly sure. When he realized his joke had backfired and that I truly was carrying his child, an array of emotions passed across his features, easily identifiable.

  First was shock, an understandable emotion. I could see the wheels turning in his head and the steam pouring out of his ears. It’s like every single thing that was in his brain flew out, leaving his mouth open, and had the situation not been as serious, I would have laughed at him.

  The next was fear, and again, completely understandable. I could tell his brain was starting to form coherent sentences and he wanted to ask me about a million questions, but again he remained silent. I was starting to get worried at this point, because he hadn’t said a word. He just sat and stared at me.

  All of a sudden though, he flipped. A smile graced his features and I don’t even think he realized it. It looked like this aura had descended on him, making him glow. I knew at that moment that it didn’t matter what he said, he was going to be ok with this, and I and our child were going to be looked after and loved.


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