Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2)

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Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2) Page 18

by Youngblood, Shannon

  Still, without saying a word, he picked up his knife and fork and dug into his steak, slicing off a piece and popping it into his mouth. At that point though, my stomach revolted, throwing me into a state of nausea unlike anything I had experienced thus far in my pregnancy.

  I excused myself as quickly as I could and hightailed it to the bathroom, where I am currently sitting on the closed toilet lid, willing my stomach to return to normal, and writing to all of you.

  His reaction wasn’t what I expected. I honestly thought he would be so horrified he might just leave me at the restaurant, but honestly, he had the same reaction that I had to the news. Shock, Terror, and then Joy. I can’t wait to get back out to him after the threat of vomiting everywhere has subsided.

  I’m already feeling a little bit better, but I think I might just give it a few more minutes. I want to be able to eat my steak and my potatoes.

  Love you all!

  Chapter 30


  The fear and the shock of finding out had nothing on the unbridled happiness that was coursing through my veins at the moment. I didn't think I had ever felt like this in my entire life, but right now, I knew I had fucked up. I didn’t say anything to Charlotte and she was probably in there right now, cursing me to high heaven or maybe she snuck out a window.

  No, no, Calm down, Alex, Get a grip. She wouldn’t have left, but she had been in the bathroom a long time. If she didn't come out in the next few moments, I was going to go in and find her, regardless of the gender of the bathroom. This was becoming a pattern. I needed to see her and quick. I needed to explain to her that I was excited, more than excited, I was over the moon, ecstatically beyond words happy. I just needed to tell her that I wasn’t going anywhere. Of all people, I knew better than most what it was like to not have parents, and I would never subject my kids to that kind of torture. Ever.

  I seemed to be tongue tied at the moment, though. Even without her sitting right in front of me, I couldn't seem to find my voice. When the waiter approached me a few moments before and asked if I wanted a refill, all I could do was nod my head in affirmation. What was I going to say to her? How would I assuage her fears? I knew she must think the worst of me right now, but I’m here for her. Her and our little bean.

  I knew at least a few minutes had passed since I last checked my watch, and the worry was starting to eat away at my chest. Removing my napkin from my lap and depositing it on the table, I made my way over to the restrooms, hoping to God everything was ok. My fears crumbled away as I watched her walk out of the bathroom, a smile plastered on her face.

  My legs carried me as fast they could, without actually running, until I was directly in front of her, pulling her into my arms. I still hadn’t said anything, but I hoped my actions would do the talking for me. I couldn’t lose her, not only was she my soul mate, she now carried my unborn child inside of her. She was stuck with me whether she liked it or not.

  “Charlotte,” I choked out.

  Placing a finger on my lips to silence me, she spoke for me. “Gummy Bear and I know that you’re happy, we knew you were just too shocked to say anything, and we both love you.” Reaching up on her tiptoes, she placed a chaste kiss on my lips, before taking my hand and leading me back to the table.

  When we sat down, she pushed her plate away from under her nose and reached for the basket of bread. After a few bites, her color returned to normal and she looked as if she was back to her normal healthy self. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I just wasn’t sure where to start.

  “You love me?” It slipped from my mouth before my brain could process the words. Since we had gotten back together, she had yet to say it to me, except for once while she was sleeping.

  Looking up from her bread, her eyes twinkled at me. “Of course I love you, Alex. I never stopped loving you, and believe me, I tried. But, once I found out I was carrying a little piece of you in me, I knew I would always love you, until my dying breath, even if I couldn’t be with you.”

  I couldn’t help but lean over and wipe away another stray tear that had escaped her emerald eyes. “I’m sorry, Alex, these damn pregnancy hormones have me crying all of the time.”

  “Don’t apologize, Charlotte. As long as your tears are happy ones, I don’t mind. I don’t ever want you to cry sad tears ever again.” I smiled at her.

  “I wish that could be the case, but we both know until this mess is straightened out, I’ll probably be crying a lot.”

  I nodded at her, understanding exactly what she was saying. All of a sudden, a burst of hot white heat flooded my system, filling me with a rage I hadn’t experienced in a long time. Sensing my anger, Charlotte reached across the table and took my hand.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?”

  How did I tell her that the overwhelming need to protect her was completely and utterly overshadowed by my need to protect my offspring? That just thinking about Robert Nelson getting anywhere near both Charlotte and the baby not only sent daggers through my heart, it turned me into a feral snarling beast inside. The feeling was primal and guttural and it sang to me on levels I didn’t even know had existed within me.

  I was shaking in my anger, trying to not lash out, when Charlotte let go of my hand and exited her side of the booth to come sit by me. She wrapped her arms around my rigid torso and laid her head on my shoulder. She was trying to comfort me, but I didn’t know if I was able to accept her comfort.

  In a soothing voice, she cooed, “I had the same reaction, Alex. I wanted to tear Robert limb from limb at even the thought of him anywhere near our baby, and you know me, I’m the least violent person in Southern California. But I know you’ll protect us, and I know you and Bracks will do everything in your power to keep both me and Gummy Bear safe. I trust you.”

  With that last sentence, my anger deflated, leaving me feeling tired and mentally drained. If this was how parenthood felt, I was done for. The ever changing emotions were giving me a massive migraine.

  Finally finding my voice, I looked over to her. “Does anyone know?” I asked.

  “The only person who knows is Rachel. I felt it wasn’t right to accept a job without telling her I was going to need some time off early next year, and before you get all angry again, I swore her to secrecy. I told her I would quit if she told you,” she said, amusement dripping from her smile.

  “How did it happen? I thought you said it wasn’t possible? I promise, I’m not complaining, I’m just confused,” I asked, rambling through each word, barely able to form a coherent thought, let alone a complete sentence.

  “I was told, after the loss of the last baby, that the likelihood of me ever getting pregnant again was slim, under a 1% chance. I don’t know if maybe that has changed and I’ve healed some, or if you just have some super swimmers, but I beat those odds,” she smiled at me, clearly excited.

  “I know it comes as a shock, and trust me, I couldn’t believe it myself, but I’m happy, Alex, and if for some reason you don’t want to be a part of our lives, I will understand, this is kind of sudden and--”

  I cut her off as soon as I could, using her same tactic of a finger to her lips. “I’m not going anywhere, Charlotte. You’re officially stuck with me. Hell, you were stuck with me before I even knew about the baby. I love you so much, Charlie, and I love this,” I said, reaching down to cradle her stomach in my hands. “This is our creation, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  This time, more than just one tear left her lashes, splashing down the front of her cheeks, a few even landing on my hand, which was still perched on her stomach. I couldn’t help myself from claiming her lips and tasting her salty tears. Even crying, she was beautiful. Pulling the privacy drapes on our booth, I shielded us with the closed curtains, signaling we wanted a modicum of privacy from prying eyes.

  I wasn’t going to embarrass her, but I needed to solidify in her mind that I wasn’t going anywhere. Taking her head in my hands, I nudged her with my tongue to open her lips and let me plun
der the inside of her mouth. She willingly complied, searching out my tongue with her own. As if we were rediscovering each other, we both got lost in the sensations, our hands content with cradling each other’s faces.

  When we got to the point right before public indecency, we both pulled away, regretfully, to compose ourselves. Somehow, my hands had found their way under her dress, teasing her lace panties, but this time, I left them on her body. Moisture had pooled between her legs and at the first feel, my cock had jumped to attention, ready for action.

  Pulling away was much harder than I anticipated. All I wanted was to show her how happy I was and how much I loved her, but going to jail for having sex in public was not the way I wanted to do that. Once we were both back to normal, I rearranged the curtains back into their spots and motioned for the waiter to deliver the bill. I needed to get her back to the hotel as soon as possible.

  Pulling out my wallet, I reached in and grabbed a few bills, tossing them on the check before taking Charlotte’s hand and nearly pulling her out the front door. The entire way she giggled, and the sound brought a smile to my face. She was happy, and I was happy, but the little nagging feeling in my chest wasn’t going to go away until our issues had been resolved, and although Robert Nelson should have been the first thing on my worry list, he wasn’t.

  What was Elizabeth Hightower going to say?

  Chapter 31


  Charlotte and I discussed the predicament on the drive back to the hotel. Clearly, she wasn’t worried, because she continued to tell me over and over again that her mom would be thrilled with news of a baby. I, on the other hand, was petrified, and never in my life had I been scared of another adult like I was currently. I could go through meetings with people in high positions of power and never bat an eyelid, but the thought of telling a grown woman that I had knocked up her baby girl scared me shitless.

  By the time we reached the hotel, I felt a small modicum of peace about the situation. As Charlotte had pointed out, there was nothing I could do to change the situation at this point and we would have to just roll with the punches. Besides, Lizzie Hightower didn’t even think she could be a grandparent, so this might be the angle we needed to proceed in order to win her over.

  By the time we reached our room, I was exhausted, but Charlotte had other ideas and I could see them in her eyes. They were clouded over with lust, and as much as sleep sounded wonderful, being with Charlotte would be pure heaven. I could never and would never get enough of her. It made little difference how tired I was. If she was willing, I would always be ready.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. With a big yawn, I took off my clothes, headed to the bed, and sat down. I knew if I laid down, I would be out in a second and I wanted to see what Charlotte had planned for this evening. Not usually one to give up control, tonight I thought maybe I would relinquish and let her have her way for once. It would be the last time for a while. I loved the feel of her underneath me, bending to my will and submitting to my every desire, but tonight it would be about what she wanted.

  A few moments later, my jaw hit the floor as Charlotte walked out, clad only in black lacy panties and her hair draped around her breasts. She had changed out of her low heels, instead opting for some very high, very sexy, black stilettos. When she had asked Bracks to grab her a few things and handed him a list, this had not been what I had suspected. She oozed sex from every pore, and glancing down at her stomach, I mentally slapped myself for being so dense as to not see the changes in her body already.

  Pulling me from my thoughts, Charlotte seductively walked over to me, her hips swaying to the beat of her own footsteps. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life, and I stared, unabashed, and extraordinarily turned on. My fatigue melted out the window, giving way to an insane amount of love and lust. I couldn’t look away, and frankly, I didn’t want to. I didn’t know what had come over her, and where the self-confidence came from, but I loved it. It made her, if possible, even sexier.

  “Charlotte,” I stammered, “God damn, I’m a lucky man.”

  With a smile on her face, she walked the last few steps into my waiting arms. “Yes you are, Mr. Porter.”

  Throwing the words of our first encounter jokingly back at her, I asked, “Aren’t you tooting your horn a little too much, Miss Hightower?”

  Surprising me again, she dropped down to her knees and reached for the elastic waist on my boxers. “No, Mr. Porter, I don’t think I’m tooting my own horn at all. Actually, I think you’re about to witness just how lucky you really are.”

  With no more words, she swallowed my hardened length into her warm and eager mouth. I couldn’t control the moan that slipped past my vocal cords and into the air. When I reached the back wall of her mouth, I made a move to pull out, not wanting to choke her, but Charlotte would have none of it. Instead, she grabbed the base of my cock and forced me inside further, nearly the entire length of my erection down her delectable throat.

  Even with all of the sex Charlotte and I had recently had, it wasn’t difficult for me to be on the brink of orgasm again, and now that I was awake, I wasn’t prepared for our fun to end just yet.

  “Charlie, you keep this up, I’m not going to last much longer, and I need to be inside of you,” I panted.

  Instead of her stopping, as I had not so subtly hinted, she picked up the pace, working her fist up and down my length, drawing another moan from my lips. It was clear she had no intentions of stopping, and who was I to complain? I would be ready to go for round two sooner rather than later, I always was with her.

  Leaning my head and body back, ready to collapse on the bed, I let go of the remaining control I had and let the pleasure take over my body. Within moments, I felt a familiar tingle, and with barely enough time, I let her know I was done for.

  Surprising me even further, instead of swallowing, as she had done in the past, this time, she pulled me out of her mouth at the last second and my spray coated her delicious breasts, dripping down between her cleavage.

  It wasn’t often I was rendered speechless, but between the mind blowing orgasm she had just delivered and the look in her eyes as I came all over her chest, I found myself unable to say anything for quite some time. I had never had a girl willingly do that, and although it sounded strange to say, it made me love her even more. There was a level of comfort in just that simple action.

  Still on her knees, lazily stroking my cock, she looked up at me, innocence playing on her features. “Well Mr. Porter? Care to tell me how lucky you are now?”

  Without a word from me, I grabbed her under the arms and plastered her to my chest, eliciting a squeal from her mouth.

  “Alex, stop, I need to get cleaned up,” she whined, trying to get out of my hold.

  “Fuck it,” I shouted, feeling my own stickiness covering my chest. Flipping her around so I could loom over her, I bent down to capture her lips. I needed a few minutes to get back into fighting shape, and making out was always the best time waster.

  After an hour, we both laid together, wrapped up, a tangle of limbs, satiated and content, my mind blissfully blank. Once Charlotte’s breathing returned to a steady in and out, she turned in my arms, staring up at me.

  She had a question in her eyes, and I knew that look well.


  I watched as a few emotions flitted across her face. She wanted to ask me something, but she was nervous, and a little scared. Truthfully, I already knew what she wanted to hear, and although I knew she deserved to know the full truth of my past, I just wasn’t able to do it.

  Grabbing her hand and putting it on my chest, I looked her in the eyes, “I promise, Charlotte. I will tell you. One day, I will tell you everything. I don’t want to burden you, especially now that I know you carry my child, but I promise you, I will tell you everything. Just please, give me some more time.”

  She wanted to argue, I could feel it radiating from her brai
n, but instead, she nodded at me, and began tapping her fingers over my heart. A small irritation filled my brain. I had been patient waiting to hear her story. I hadn’t pushed until it had been a necessity that I knew the details of her past, but on the other hand, I could empathize with her pain. She hadn’t wanted to divulge, as much as I still didn’t. I took a deep breath and let the sense of serenity fill my brain as I closed my eyes and drifted. Although I desperately needed a shower, it was going to have to wait.

  Unfortunately, my nap was short lived when my phone blasted Bracks’ ringtone. Scrambling off the bed to retrieve it from my pants pocket, I pressed answer and waited.

  “Boss, I have information on the mugging.”

  Slipping on my boxers, I headed into the conjoined living room. I knew I had to tell Charlotte what he said, good or bad, but hearing it for the first time away from her would give me the time to tell her the information as she needed to know, and as slowly as I needed to. I didn’t want her worried more than was necessary, and she’d be able to tell from my facial expressions if things were too bad. She was pregnant, and I was not willing to risk her health if the news was minor.

  “Ok, what did you find?”

  “As I told you before, he was wearing a mask at the attack, but, once I tapped into the cameras a few blocks in the direction he headed, he had removed the mask and slipped into a car. I was able to get a clear shot of his face at the next intersection. His name is Randal McDougal, or Randy as people refer to him. In and out of jail for petty robbery.”

  At that comment, my hope deflated a little. I thought for sure it had been more than just a mugging. Something inside told me this had been Robert and I wasn’t ready to give up that easily, but this news didn’t favor well for my theory.


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