Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2)

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Just A Woman (The Porter Trilogy Book 2) Page 19

by Youngblood, Shannon

  “He got out just a few weeks ago from San Bernardino,” Bracks finished. I could hear the smile behind his words.

  This bit of info, inflated the hope bubble within me again as I smiled myself.

  “You get where I’m going with this boss?”

  “I follow. Cell mates?” I asked

  “You got it, Randal and Robert were cell mates through Randal’s entire stay.”

  “Good work. See if you can track him.”

  “Already on it, Mr. Porter.”

  “Thanks, Bracks.”

  A smile crept onto my face. Knowing now that Robert was behind this was oddly comforting. I was 100% certain now that the brakes on Dimitri Hightower’s car being tampered with was also the work of Robert Nelson. Now, how was I going to break the news to Charlotte?

  “You ok, Alex?” came a small voice behind me.

  It was now or never. She expected trust and honesty, and I was going to prove to her I could do that.

  “Why don’t we go sit down?” I motioned back towards the bed.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, I could feel the defiance pulsating from her. Eager to get this conversation underway and get back to our loving, I decided just to tell her and let the chips fall where they would.

  “The man who attacked your mother, his name was Randal, and he was cellmates with Robert,” I said, waiting patiently for it to sink in.

  I expected tears, even numbness, but anger was not at all what I anticipated. I watched as Charlotte flew around the room, mumbling under her breath, periodically grabbing her hair. If she hadn’t been angry and the situation had been different, I may have laughed. She was still naked, her hair in all sorts of directions and, against the light, I could still see my dried come on her chest. It was incredibly hot, and although I had just orgasmed twice in the last hour, I could feel myself stirring again, ready for another round.

  It took me a moment to realize that Charlotte was talking to me, and when I raised my head to meet her eyes, red hot daggers pierced me in the heart. Mingled in her perfect emerald gaze was a mixture of pure rage and utter terror. The merriment I had been feeling watching her run around the hotel room left me quickly and I felt pretty shitty.

  “Alex, are you listening to me? He’ll never stop. He’ll never stop coming after me. I’ve got to run, or kill him. I don’t have any other choice,” her voice broke, realizing that neither would be an option.

  Walking up to her, I caught her as she crumpled into my arms, sobs racking her body. Stroking her back and her hair, I consoled her the best I could as she continued mumbling about him never stopping.

  I couldn’t disagree with her. If something didn’t change soon, someone was going to actually get hurt, worse than a mugging, and I’d be damned if it was Charlotte or our unborn baby. I’d just gotten her back and nothing was going to pull us apart again. It was time to take matters into my own hands. First thing was first though, I needed to come up with a plan and talk to Bracks. Although, technically, he was just my employee, I valued his perspective and his opinion as a friend.

  But for right now, I needed to calm down the weeping woman in my arms, and I knew just how to do that. Picking her up, I headed for the bathroom. A nice hot bath was in store for both my woman and myself.


  The next morning, I found a much calmer Charlotte, a determined look in her eyes. She was oddly silent as we ate our hotel room service and it was starting to unnerve me.

  “Are you ready to take your mom home, Charlotte?” I asked, trying to initiate some small talk.

  Without looking up, she gave me a slight nod, and continued eating her scrambled eggs.

  After I had asked multiple questions and received the same treatment, my anger rose to the surface. I wanted to push it back down, because she really didn’t need anything else on her plate, but I was tired of being ignored. We were going to figure this out together, and I refused to let her push me out.

  “CHARLOTTE!” I belted out.

  My yelling got her attention, the surprised look evident in her eyes as she looked up at me.

  “I’m sorry, Charlotte, I didn’t mean to yell, but I’ve asked you a dozen questions and you’ve only responded with a head nod. What’s going through that head of yours? I know I have no right to ask, but please share it with me.”

  “You do have a right to ask, Alex, we’re in this together,” she said on a sigh. “I can’t get this sick feeling out of my head. My mom was attacked because of me! My dad is dead because of me! I can’t live like this.”

  Startling me, she pushed back from the table and stood with her plate in her hands, and before I could get to her, she’d thrown the entire plate at the wall, shattering it and spitting eggs and bits of bacon and fruit around the room. Although our room was sound proof, I didn’t want someone thinking the worst. Walking over to her, I lightly gripped the tops of her arms and made her look at me.

  “Charlotte, your mom gets out of the hospital in less than hour. I know you’re upset, and I know this isn’t fair to you, but let’s get through today first and then we can figure out our next move. Don’t let Robert win. You didn’t pay the attacker, and you didn’t cut your fathers brakes. All of this was done by a crazy man who needs to be locked away. Let’s get your mom, tell her our news, and then get her home safe and sound. Ok?”

  I leaned down and kissed away the few tears that slid down her cheeks.

  “Ok, Alex. Let’s go get my mom.”

  When we got to the hospital, Lizzie Hightower was already dressed and sitting in a wheelchair reading a magazine. Her bruises had turned darker, making her look worse than she’d been upon admission. I felt Charlotte flinch when we walked in and immediately squeezed her hand in comfort.

  “There you two are,” Lizzie bellowed, “I was beginning to think you forgot about me! I understand you kids need your, ahem, time together, but don’t leave a poor old lady waiting.” She laughed at us.

  I saw Charlotte turn a brilliant shade of red before walking over to her mom and kissing her on the cheek. “I’m sorry, mom,” she muttered.

  As usual, Elizabeth missed nothing, “Charlotte, honey what’s wrong? Is this about my mugging? I’m ok, I promise. It looks worse than it really is.”

  “I know mom. Let’s get you home,” Charlotte responded, wiping away another stray tear.

  The helplessness that coursed through me was crippling. There was nothing I could do to help Charlotte with the demons inside of her, and there wasn’t much more than comfort I could offer her when she told her mom everything. All I could do was be there for her, and I feared I wouldn’t be enough.

  When we made it back to her mother’s house and walked her to the couch, Charlotte went into a cleaning and tidying frenzy. I didn’t know if she was doing it because of the guilt raging inside of her or if she was putting off telling her mother all of our news, but either way, she didn’t sit down for almost an hour.

  When her mom finally had had enough of the crazy and made her sit down, the agitation was apparent in Charlotte’s stature.

  “Now, I know this isn’t just about the mugging, Charlie, and don’t bother lying to me. What’s going on?” Lizzie demanded, folding her arms over her chest. She knew her daughter even better than I did.

  “Mom, it’s a long story, and I don’t plan on leaving anything out. Are you sure you’re up for this? Maybe you’d like a nap first?”

  I expected Charlotte’s mom to get angry, maybe say a few choice words, but instead, her mom did the “mom” thing. I’d never really seen it before, seeing as I was orphaned, but I could definitely understand why moms got their way once done.

  With her arms folded over her chest, she narrowed her eyes and glared at Charlotte, her lips pursed in obvious irritation, a single eyebrow raised. It was a terrifying look for me, let alone a possible ten year old. A brief thought ran through my mind. Our kid wasn’t going to get away with anything with Charlotte if her look ended up being half as fierce as

  Realizing her mom wasn’t planning on backing down, Charlotte took a deep breath, grabbed my hand, and began speaking. She started with the New York trip, detailing her kidnapping and the ransom, but leaving out the details of my involvement. When she finished with that, she looked over at me and gave me a small smile. She was protecting me from her mother’s wrath. Next, she told her the suspicions surrounding Dimitri’s Hightower’s death and finally, the mugging. When she was done, she took a deep breath before continuing.

  “Amidst all of that mom, I have one more thing I need to tell you. Do you remember how the doctor told me I had a less than 1% chance of having a child? Well, surprise, I beat the odds. You’re going to be a grandma.” She smiled a sad little smile, hoping the humor of her admission would override the shock.

  Looking at Charlotte’s face, I felt an immense sadness. On most normal circumstances, when you tell your mother you’re going to have a baby with your significant other, it’s supposed to be a joyous occasion. Listening to Charlotte tell her in an almost defeated voice broke my heart. When she said “surprise” it wasn’t a happy surprise, it was more of an almost sarcastic surprise. I knew in my heart that Charlotte was happy about the baby. I would imagine anyone who suffered from any form of infertility would be ecstatic to find out that they had defied the odds, but in the midst of everything else going on, and not knowing how her mom would take the news, Charlotte just needed to get it out, no matter what the backlash.

  We sat for a few moments, all of us digesting the news, Lizzie especially, before a large grin formed on her face.

  “My baby is going to have a baby of her own?” Lizzie whispered, tears already forming in her eyes. “I’m going to be a Grandma?”

  Looking up in surprise at the joy that poured from her mother’s features, Charlotte lost control all over again and began crying herself. Releasing my hand, Charlotte stood up and made her way to her mother, wrapping her arms around her in a gentle hug, so as not to disturb her injuries.

  “I’m so sorry momma, your attack was my fault, I’m so sorry, and now daddy’s dead, I’m so sorry,” she hysterically mumbled over and over again while her mom held her to her chest, as mothers do.

  The tears were enough to break me. I wasn’t accustomed to so many emotions around me, and I was slightly uncomfortable, but the delirious fury within me stirred as I sat here witnessing two beautiful women crying over the actions of one pathetic jackass. It was time to take action. When we returned to Southern California, I would fix this, not only for Charlotte, but for the miracle that we had created. The world would be much better without scum like that walking the streets. I was done fucking around. It was time to take action to protect my family.

  Chapter 32

  Daydreamer Musings

  August 19, 2015


  I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that, every time I go into my blog app, there are more and more people following along with my life. The shock will never wear off. You guys are simply amazing, and I promise, when I have more of an opportunity, I will respond to all of your questions and inquiries. Things have just been a bit on the crazy side. Let me explain.

  Last time I checked in, I told you about my pregnancy and the fact the I had just told Alex. I, apparently, had been in the bathroom updating you all longer than I thought because, as soon as I came out of the bathroom, I ran right into Alex. He had been worried about how long I had been gone. (Isn’t that sweet?)

  We went back to the table and talked a bit. I told him I loved him and he, literally, not joking, was surprised. Yes, it might have been the first time I told him since we got back together, but did he think, after everything, I wouldn’t love him anymore? Maybe it’s just a man thing? I don’t know, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to tell him.

  The hard part of the last twenty four hours was talking to my mom. She now has the link to this blog, so I’m sure she will go back through and read some of them, and Mom, if you are reading this, please don’t be too harsh on Alex, he knows he messed up and we’re moving on.

  Telling her about everything that had happened since my New York trip was mentally draining. No one should ever have to tell their parents that they were kidnapped, and ransomed. And then I had to tell her the death of my father and her mugging wasn’t a coincidence, and all my fault. It broke her heart.

  But the news of the baby, I think, helped a little. My mom never thought she was going to be a grandma, since I was told I couldn’t have children, so learning I was pregnant was kind of a shock to her. Hell, it was a shock to all of us. But she seems happy. I know she’s worried about my safety with everything going on, and after chatting with my mom, I know that Alex is also just as worried, actually, he looked pissed.

  I hated having to leave my mom by herself. Terrible thoughts have been running through my head ever since we got on the plane. The man responsible for all of this damage obviously knows what state my mom lives in, and I’m guessing if he doesn’t already know where she lives, he will know soon. But, she guaranteed me that she had a wonderful neighbor next door who is a body builder. She promised she would call him if anything happened and the guy agreed. He was super nice and I’m pretty sure I saw him wink at her when we asked him to protect her.

  Hopefully, this will all be over soon. I can’t live like this anymore. I need to be free to live my life and have my baby live in peace. I need to let go of all of this guilt I’m carrying. I know that I didn’t personally tamper with my dad’s brakes, and I know I didn’t pay anyone to attack my mom, but I feel like this is all my fault. If I had never gotten involved with him, if I had never gone to that party, if I had never pressed charges, would things have been different? I can’t help but feel this is truly all of my fault.

  I think maybe Karma is getting back at me. Giving me a man who loves me and whom I love, giving me this little blessing, and then ripping everything else away from me. First my dad, and then, almost, my mom. God, what would have happened if my mom had died? No, I can’t think like that. My mom is alive and doing better.

  I’ve got to move off of this subject, as I’m sure my doctor is having a field day with these thoughts. I’ve got to keep my eye on the prize. Alex and the baby. That’s where my focus needs to be.

  Oh, and I do want to tell you guys something cute that happened. Right before we got on the plane to go home, Alex stopped me. He was so worried and had no idea whether I was allowed on the plane. He pulled out his phone and made a bunch of calls until he got the name of the best OBGYN in Los Angeles. He set up an appointment and asked a plethora of times whether or not I was ok to fly. After he was convinced that this early in my pregnancy, it was perfectly fine to fly, he ushered me up to the plane and deposited me on the couch, which is where I’m sitting now.

  Our appointment this week is going to be interesting, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. He has already started writing a list of questions to ask once we get there. I told him I would answer anything he wanted to know, or we could google it if I wasn’t sure, but he’s already on a tangent, and when Alex wants to know something, he’ll do everything in his power to make sure it gets done. It’s a little irritating to say the least, but you have to pick and choose your battles, and Alex’s piece of mind is not a battle I plan on initiating.

  Anyway followers, I will, as always, keep you posted on what’s going on. When we land, Alex wants to go back to his place and relax, and I can’t say that I blame him. The last few days have been intense, and long, and I’m exhausted. My own bed sounds heavenly. Then, we are going to figure out how to solve our problems, and get on with our lives!

  Chapter 33


  I’ve never been a huge fan of flying, although having my own jet helps out a lot. The fact that I am placing my life in the hands of someone who went to school for a few years to operate a giant metal bird freaks me out. This trip was immensely worse for me. It’s true that I had Charlotte on t
he plane on the way here, but now, knowing that she is pregnant, it’s going to send me into an early grave.

  At first, I’ll be honest, I didn’t even think it would be ok that Charlotte flew, and I was angry at her for risking our child’s life on the first flight out to New Jersey. But, after consulting with a respected and trusted OB doctor in Los Angeles, and her affirming that it was ok for Charlotte to fly, my anger receded. Now, I had an entire list of questions that I would never have thought to ask.

  What was Charlotte not allowed to eat? What are the restrictions on working? Didn’t I read somewhere it was best she stay in bed with her feet popped up? I was lost and drowning in doubt for my abilities to be a good father, the least I could do was make sure that Charlotte had the best care possible and she stuck with whatever decisions the doctor deemed fit with her health.

  Taking a calming breath, I pushed the thoughts of fatherhood from my mind, and delved into the heart of our problem. Robert Nelson. I needed to find a way to get him back behind bars and out of our life, once and for all. I wasn’t a fan of murder but, at the same time, I was going to do whatever it took to make sure he never bothered us again.

  Prior to getting on the plane, I called Bracks and spoke with him. We both agreed our first stop was to contact Robert’s father, Steve Nelson. Although Steve had gotten his son out of prison on good behavior, we both also knew that, with elections coming up soon, Steve would want nothing to taint his re-election. We also knew, compliments of Charlotte, that Steve had financially cut Robert off. Our hope was that he still had some influence on Robert and would be able to rein him in, and if not, well then, we’d take him down legally.

  Unfortunately, the likelihood that Steve had some pull in the law enforcement was pretty strong, and although we wanted things to be done in a legal fashion, we both knew it could come down to something much less savory. Both Bracks and I were willing to go as far as it took to make sure Charlotte and the baby were safe.


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